# TADS 3 makefile # # Warning: this file was mechanically generated. You may edit this file # manually, but your changes might be modified or discarded when # you load this file into a TADS development tool. The TADS tools # generally retain the comment at the start of the file and the # comment marked "##sources" below, but other comments might be # discarded, the formatting might be changed, and some option # settings might be modified. # Standard TADS comments above # This project was generated using Anthony Irwin's Yeoman Generator # generator-tads you can get the latest version from # https://github.com/anthonyirwin82/generator-tads # The -we option is not in the standard template file and was added # so that you can do t3make && frob example2 # this will treat Warnings as Errors and will only run the # frob interpreter if there are no compile Warnings and no Errors. -I /usr/local/share/frobtads/tads3/include/ -I /usr/local/share/frobtads/tads3/lib/ -I /usr/local/share/frobtads/tads3/lib/adv3Lite -I /usr/local/share/frobtads/tads3/lib/adv3Lite/english -we -D LANGUAGE=en_us -D MESSAGESTYLE=neu -Fy obj -Fo obj -v -d -o example2.t3 ##sources -lib system -lib adv3/adv3 -lib ../../cartographer -source ../../renderers/text-renderer -source ../../renderers/scalable-text-renderer -source ../../renderers/html-renderer -source ../../renderers/svg-renderer -source example2 -res GameInfo.txt