Notes for Zork ".png" maps The boxes on the maps represent locations. Each location has a name. In some cases, multiple locations have the same name. In those cases, there is a secondary name in parentheses to differentiate them, but those secondary names are not shown in-game. Some locations have objects. Those are listed in italics. If an object name starts with an asterisk, it is a treasure. If the object is in parentheses, it is not visible right away when going to the location. If the object is in less than and greater than symbols, it is usually an object that works like a door. The starting location is "West of House", which is on the Above Ground map and has a green background. Some locations have a yellow background. Those locations are either on multiple maps or at multiple locations on the same map. There will be a note in parentheses saying where they are. The locations have lines between them, indicating which locations have direct routes to other locations. If a line has an arrow, the route is only one way. The lines have letters on them to indicate the direction to go to get from one location to another. These are E (east), W (west), N (north), S (south), NE (northeast), NW (northwest), SE (southeast), SW (southwest), U (up), D (down), I (in), O (out), Z (wait), or SP (special, which means something special has to be done to go in that direction). For lines that represent routes that are not one way, the direction letters are separated by "/". Usually the side of the slash closest to the location is the direction to use to leave that location, but sometimes that is not the case for consistency purposes. Because the program creating this map put the location boxes over the direction letters, some are not completely visible. For example, "P/S" is actually "SP/SP". Some locations have tiny lines coming out of the boxes. Those tiny lines represent directions that loop back to the same location. Those are just there for completeness and are not needed to be used when in-game.