_Stranded_, (c) Copyright 2001 Jim Bayers 1. What is _Stranded_? 2. Does it have a website? 3. Is there a walk through? 4. Can I email someone? 5. What is interactive fiction? 6. What age level? 7. What does it teach? 8. Can I get the source? 1. What is _Stranded_? - _Stranded_ is an interactive fiction game geared toward education. 2. Does it have a website? http://www.geocities.com/bayers/stranded.html 3. Is there a walk through? - Yes, at the website. 4. Can I email someone? - bayers@honors.arizona.edu 5. What is interactive fiction? - Interactive fiction, or IF, is a story where you tell the charcter what to do through commands. Here is a short example--the player's commands are capitalized: >OPEN THE DOOR. The door opens. >WALK SOUTH. You are in an oval room with blue walls. In the center of the room is a table. There is a note on the table. >TAKE NOTE. Taken. >READ NOTE. "Admit one to the _Chiller Diller_ movie festival." Most interactive fiction involves gathering up items and then using the items to solve puzzles. _Stranded_ is no exception. The difference between most classic games and _Stranded_ is that _Stranded_ is geared toward education. 6. What age level? Ten to fifteen I guess. The student will have to type in commands and spell well enough so that the dumb interpreter can understand what they type. One puzzle involves solving a mathematical word problem. 7. What does it teach? - Typing. You have to type to use the program. It teaches spelling, if you can't spell, the game can't understand what you say. Basic economics--you are stranded in a town and must earn enough money to get back home. To earn money, you'll have to find jobs, meanwhile there are all kinds of temptations that will separate you from your money. With a few of the puzzles, you'll have to spend money to earn money. 8. Can I get the source? Yes, at the website. - Jim