Feedback form for Volant, "Stowaway", by C.Henshaw (2007). Please forward this to 1. How well does the setting serve the theme (semi-serious sci-fi adventure)? 2. Is the plot interesting? 3. Are the characters believable and natural within the setting and plot? 4. The beginning section of the game was written with the aim to allow a sort of 'extra-game' factor - where you could just wander around and explore without any real action to do with the plot. a. Was this a positive or negative addition? b. Did you explore using all the available characters, and was it worth the time? 5. Was the dialogue useful and of the right amount? 6. Implementation: a. Was the implementation satisfactory on the whole? b. Were there any bugs or problems? c. How was the spelling/grammar? d. Was the 'look' of the game satisfactory? 7. Was the game too easy? Too hard? 8. Did you use the help options? Were they useful enough? 9. Did you finish the game? How long, approximately, did it take? 10. Would you like to see another 'episode' one day? 11. Any other comments/suggestions...