Adventures written with G.A.C William Quinn 2003 (1992-1993) Solutions are available. LA Adventure Parts 1 and 2 Back to the Present Parts 1 to 6 Squeak Parts 1 and 2 Nightmare 1 and 2 Undercover Lifeform ------------------------------------------------- I believe there to be a different version of LA Adventure somewhere - in *this* version the beginning commands are `get can, open can, grab pulse`. The pulse problem was removed (maybe, I can`t remember) because of the vague command required. Unfortunately I don`t have that other copy to hand. Also note that you may experience a corrupt font in part two of Squeak. It`s still playable. Dorothy Millard has full walkthroughs of these adventures - which I can only say `Thank you!` for :o) It would have taken me some time to rescript those solutions, the old copies are long gone..! Update: Lifeform and Undercover have returned to my hands thanks to Dorothy again! I don`t know how many miracles she has up her sleeve, but I`ve seen plenty :o) The Graphic Adventure Creator is (C) Sean Ellis - C64 version by `The Kid`.