This directory contains patched source of xglk-0.4.11 ( I've added rudimentary sound handlers to enable xglk to play AIFF sounds and MOD files. The design is very loosely coupled -- each audio channel opened spawns a child process to handle the sound effect. Unix pipes connect back to the parent glk application which issues commands ("play', "repeat", "volume", etc) -- hence providing asynchronous control flow. Source for the two helper programs are included. Compile them thus: gcc -o glksndplay glksndplay.c -lesd gcc -o glkmodplay glkmodplay.c -lmikmod and place the executables in a directory listed in your $PATH. You will need to have installed the development files for libmikmod and esd. Using the Enlightened Sound Daemon (esd) Both helper programs are esd aware so multiple channels can be supported with the added bonus of xglk applications being able to work well with the GNOME desktop. Make sure esd is running before starting your glk application. Depending on your distro, you may have to install the esound RPM. Audio Problems with ESD? I've been alerted to serious shortcomings of esd. It sucks at converting sampling rates -- 16kHz audio sent to a 44.1kHz esd introduces a helluvalotta noise. Thus, the reason for doing resampling prior to sending to esd. The AIFF handler uses linear interpolation to adjust frequencies (esd is crap at adjusting frequencies) and then applies a low pass filter to get rid of high freq noise introduced by the interpolation. The filter needs a little more work. You can go back to the sox based handler glksoxplay.c should this be a problem. Also, on some machines esd makes rather embarrassing noises when changing from idle state (no sounds playing) to active (sounds playing). I've found that the only way to prevent this is to keep esd active continuously. Create a file filled with zeroes: awk 'BEGIN{ for(i=0;i<1024;i++) printf("%c",0); }' >zerofile then feed this to esd in an infinite loop: esdloop zerofile This keeps esd busy playing silence. Any sounds sent by xglk will meet an already warmed up esd so no awful transition noises should be heard. Using the "analog realtime synthesizer" (aRts) Esd leaves much to be desired so why not use aRts instead? The Analog RealTime Synthesizer sound system is part of the KDE desktop environment and is responsible for handling audio media streams. If you'd rather use xglk applications with KDE, recompile the sound handlers to use aRts. Change the line in glkmodplay.c and glksndplay.c where USE_ARTS is defined to read: #define USE_ARTS 1 then recompile: gcc -o glksndplay glksndplay.c -larts gcc -o glkmodplay glkmodplay.c -lmikmod You'll need to have the libarts development package installed. You may need to add -I/usr/include/kde on some distros (e.g. Debian) for glksndplay to compile properly. The libmikmod library must support the "pipe" output driver. This may be lacking in some older versions. Make sure the "artsd" sound daemon is running in the background when the xglk application executes. Recent changes: * Sound Notification added (2001-10-27) Another pipe returns status messages from the handler back to xglk thus informing the parent when to send sound notifications * Replaced sox's AIFF converted with my own implementation. Plays AIFF files while ignoring MARK and INST chunks; Plus some buggy files can be played. Also integrated code of esdcat into the glksndplay source (no more pipes) (2001-11-04) * aRts support added (2001-11-17) Bugs: * SONG support has not yet been implemented. TODO: * SONG support * replace ESD mixer perhaps? ESD doesn't handle sound at a variety of sample rates very well Adrian Chung ( (17th November 2001)