Before I start explaining what this is and why I did it, let me go into a brief history. This is my third or fourth time trying to learn TADS in about eight years. Happily it is going well this time around. The reason I mention this is that I am a beginner, I want you to be aware of that. I am not a programmer, nor a TADS expert, so if you find a glaring error in how I'm doing this, I give you permission to rant at me about it, but only if you also include some pertinent and considerate explanation of why it might be better to do it a different way. In this way, I can learn and make it better. I personally think it's a pretty good attempt for a first try, and it follows C standards as it is based on Stephen Grenade's version of actor.t. This is big to me only because I know less about C than I do about TADS. *G* Anyway, on to the explanations... I have modified actor.t to add the ability to use random actor comments about items, actors, rooms, etc. It is still a little buggy, but it may prove useful. Why did I do this? It all stems from Stephen's comment about being able to ask a character about something repeatedly, for as long as you don't get tired of hitting 'g'. It struck a chord and I thought "Hey, if you ask somebody about something more than once, they'll probably tell you something different." And if you ask enough times they get annoyed. This is an attempt to allow that kind of interaction. I haven't seen anything like this on the IF archive which was another good reason for somebody to attempt it. So here it is for you to digest, and discuss hopefully, and above all use it! I'll get off my podium and get on to the real details here. Random comments are implemented using TADS built in functions for random in conjunction with an added [list] in the items it is used with. Normal usage of actor comments is the default. As it stands you have to undertake adding the routine for the random comments to the objects, or by using an overall modify for item, or thing. This is the first version of this coding. It is available for use and modification as you see fit. I would like to hear about it if you do use it. I would like a copy of any modifications that you might make. I would also like a mention in your credits if you use it in a game. There is a version tag in this copy of actor.t if you use Jeff Laing's version module. Any comments or suggestions are welcome and appreciated. I can be reached by e-mail at *** Future plans: 1) clean up code to fix looping in items 2) updating to use TADS functions 'car' and 'cdr' which should allow us to remove the maxtold flag.