Mon Jun 16 10:32:24 EDT 1980 Export Wander Tape To compile Wander, scan through wanddef.h for path names, (a search for "sys/games" should catch them), and adapt for your particular directory structure. Also modify the routines "myruid()" and "myeuid()" in wandglb.c to return the "real" and "effective" user ids of the current user. (These are compared to determine "ownership" of the world being wandered; if they are equal then ownership is assumed and debugging verbs become active; see "" for debugging verbs.) If your system has the "tell()" system call, (and therefore the "ftell()" routine in the standard I/O library works), rename "Fwander.o" to be "wander.o". If you don't have the "ftell()" routine working then rename "NFwander.o" to be "wander.o". Then: cc -c -O wandglb.c cc -n wander.o wandglb.o -lS mv a.out wander The "*.nr" files include "mac" for their macros, so commands of the form "nroff >misc.doc" will create the documentation. I want to keep track of the distribution and usage of Wander, so: The material on this tape is not to be distributed without explicit, written permission from Peter Langston. Let me know if I've overlooked anything, if something doesn't work, or if further explanation would be helpful. Peter Langston 127 W. 26th St. 11th fl. New York, NY 10001 (c) P. Langston, NYC NY All rights reserved.