!*** NEW VERBS -------------------------------------------------------------- verb "skip", "skim" * DoVague * held DoSkip * held direction DoSkip * held "to"/"toward"/"at"/"on"/"onto"/"into"/"over"/"across" xobject DoSkip verb "clear", "cls" * DoClearScreen !Not a replacement to "look" -- just another implemenation of it. verb "inspect" * object DoLook !Add the ability to view the chapter pic/information again. verb "view" * DoViewPicture * object DoLook !Add the ability to fill something with something else verb "fill", "dip", "dunk" * DoVague * container "from"/"using"/"with"/"in"/"into" xobject DoFill * container DoFill !Add the ability to extract something from something verb "extract" * DoVague !Add the "mode" command, for giving directives to the wristwatch verb "mode" * "normal" DoModeNormal * "intox" DoModeIntox * "compass" DoModeCompass * "translate" DoModeTranslate * "xyzzy" DoXyzzy * string DoModeParsing !And then give single-word alternates for each mode verb "normal" * DoModeNormal verb "intox" * DoModeIntox verb "compass" * DoModeCompass verb "translate" * DoModeTranslate !Used primarily to point the watch at something. verb "point", "aim" * DoVague * held DoPoint * held "at"/"toward"/"to" xobject DoPoint * "at"/"toward"/"to" object DoPointFinger * "finger" "at"/"toward"/"to" object DoPointFinger !Because we can have a "folded/unfolded" note, allow this. verb "unfold", "unroll" * DoVague * object DoUnfold !Because we can have a "folded/unfolded" note, allow this. verb "fold" * DoVague * object DoFold !Give the ability to "Say" something. verb "say" * DoVague * "hello"/"hi"/"howdy" "to" object DoHello * "hello"/"hi"/"howdy" DoHello * string "to" living DoTellString * anything "to" living DoTellReverse * string DoTellString * anything DoTellReverse !Basically, there is a place where somebody offers us something. We could of !course just "take" or "get" it, but the player *might* try this... so.... verb "accept" * DoVague * notheld "from" parent DoGet * notheld DoGet !Added verb to "poke" or "prod" or "stab" something. verb "poke", "prod", "stab" * DoVague * "at" object "with"/"using" held DoPoke * object "with"/"using" held DoPoke * object DoPoke !Added verb to use in prying portal doors open. verb "pry" * DoVague * openable DoPry * "open" openable DoPry * openable "open" DoPry * openable "open" "with"/"using" held DoPry * openable "with"/"using" held DoPry * "open" openable "with"/"using" held DoPry !Added verb to wedge things into portal doors. verb "wedge" * DoVague * held "in"/"into" openable DoPryReverse xverb "playsong" * string DoPlaySong xverb "walkthrough", "walkthru", "walk-thru" * DoWalkthru xverb "xyzzy" * DoXyzzy xverb "plugh" * DoPlugh xverb "about" * DoAbout !*** REPLACEMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------- !Replaces "throw" from the "verbstub.g" file to be a little more robust. !Note -- why doesn't north/south/east/west work??? It doesn't seem to... verb "throw", "hurl", "toss", "pitch", "chuck", "chunk", "lob", "fling" * DoVague * held "n"/"s"/"e"/"w"/"north"/"south"/"east"/"west" DoThrowAt * held DoThrowAt * held "at"/"to"/"toward"/"into"/"in" xobject DoThrowAt !Replaces "jump" from the "verbstub.g" file !Added "vault" synonym, and object-based variations. verb "jump", "leap", "hop", "vault" * DoJump * "into"/"in" object DoJumpInto * object DoJumpOver * "over"/"across" object DoJumpOver !Replaces "climb" from the "verbstub.g" file !Added "over" and "across" as a words verb "climb" * DoClimb * "in"/"into"/"inside" object DoEnter * "in"/"inside" DoEnter * "on"/"onto" object DoEnter * "off"/"offof"/"outof" object DoExit * "down"/"out"/"outside" DoClimbOut * "up"/"down" object DoClimb * "over"/"across" object DoClimb * object DoClimb !Replaces "swim" from the "verbstub.g" file verb "swim", "dive" * DoSwim * "in"/"into"/"across"/"through"/"on" DoSwim * "in"/"into"/"across"/"through"/"on" object DoSwim * object DoSwim !Replaces "drop" in order to add "discard" synonym !Add "special drop" to allow drops of things that are "on" other things. verb "drop", "discard" * DoVague * multiheld "on" "ground"/"floor" DoPutonGround * multiheld "outside" xobject DoPutonGround * multiheld "in"/"into"/"inside" container DoPutIn * multiheld "on" platform DoPutIn * multiheld DoDrop !Replaces "empty/unload" to add the "pour" and "dump" synonyms !Adds DoEmptyInto "in/into" object for pouring (containers only). !Adds "pour out object" and "pour object out" directives. verb "empty", "unload", "pour", "dump" * DoVague * container "on"/"onto" "ground"/"floor" DoEmptyGround * platform "on"/"onto" "ground"/"floor" DoEmptyGround * container "out" DoEmptyGround * "out" container DoEmptyGround * container "in"/"into" container DoEmpty * container "on"/"onto" object DoEmpty * container DoEmpty * platform DoEmpty !Replaces "give" to add the "serve" synonym verb "give", "hand", "offer", "pass", "serve" * DoVague * "me" object DoGive * object "to" object DoGive * object DoGive !Replaces "read" so that we can make some distinction. verb "read", "peruse" * DoVague * readable DoRead !Replaces "yell" so we can add additional objects, etc. verb "yell", "shout", "scream", "bellow", "cry", "call", "holler" * DoYell * "about" anything "at"/"to"/"toward" living DoYellReverse * anything "at"/"to"/"toward" living DoYellReverse * "about"/"for"/"out" anything DoYellReverse * "at"/"to"/"toward" living "about" anything DoYell * "at"/"to"/"toward" living DoYell * string "at"/"to"/"toward" living DoYellString * string DoYellString * anything DoYellReverse !Replaces "tell" so we can do "tell about x" and infer the speaking obj. !Also added the way to say "hello" instead of only as a verb of its own verb "tell" * DoVague * "me" "about" anything DoAskQuestion * living "about" string DoTellString * living "about" anything DoTell * living string DoTellString * living DoTell * "about" string DoTellString * "about" anything DoTellReverse * object "hello"/"hi"/"howdy" DoHello * string "to" living DoTellString !Replaces "explain" so we can do "explain about x" and infer speaking obj. verb "explain" * "to" "me" "about" anything DoAskQuestion * "about" anything "to" "me" DoAskQuestion * "to" living "about" anything DoTell * "to" living DoTell * "to" living string DoTellString * "about" string "to" living DoTellString * "about" anything "to" living DoTellReverse * "about" string DoTellString * "about" anything DoTell !Adds to "ask" (question/consult are not changed) in order to allow !for "ask NPC for OBJECT" as a substitute for "get OBJECT from NPC." verb "ask" * living "for" xobject DoGetReverse !Replaces "open" so we can peform aliased "pry" operations with it. verb "open" * DoVague * openable DoOpen * openable "with"/"using" held DoPry !Partial replacement for "DoSwitchOn"'s version of "TURN" to add more. verb "turn", "rotate", "spin" * DoVague * object DoTurn !Adds "hint" to "help" xverb "help", "hint", "hints", "tip", "tips", "clue" * DoHelp