!---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Routines for the built-in HINT system! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- replace DoHelp { local hintnum, loop=true DoClearScreen : print "" !Clear screen and blank line. !print "Trading Punches "; : StringPrint(versionbuf) : print "" print "HINTS for "; player.misc #2; " ("; player.misc #3; ")" print "" !Offer a blank line "You have selected to receive HINTS for the current chapter. In order to make sure this is an intentional effort, each hint requires that you press the next letter of the alphabet in sequence: [A] for the first hint, [B] for the second, then [C], and so forth. Pressing any OTHER key than the one for the next hint will return you to the game (the [ESC] key is an easy choice). You can return to this section at any time by typing HINTS, and you will be able to continue with the next clue in sequence." print "" !A blank line !Print any hints that we've already viewed. for (hintnum=1; hintnum= 65) and (key <= 90) { goodkey=true : key-=64 } if (key >= 97) and (key <= 122) { goodkey=true : key-=96 } if (goodkey) { if (key = NextHint) { return true } } return false !Not the next key in sequence, so exit. }