MIRROR OF KHORONZ Problems arising, hints and answers. Here is a list of questions most likely to be asked about Mirror of Khoronz, together with a set of hints and answers. The hints and answers are arranged in a jumbled order to make it harder to see the solution to other questions accidentally. If you do not want to risk spoiling the rest of the adventure, ask a friend to look up the hint or answer to your question for you. Brigands keep stealing my treasure. Hint 11 Answer 52 I don't seem to be able to light the lantern. Hint 75 Answer 19 I can't escape from Warlock's Warren. Hint 76 Answer 35 None of the weapons I've found so far will kill the dragon. Hint 64 Answer 20 I think climbing a certain tree would be useful, but I don't know how. Hint 1 Answer 40 There's supposed to be a Black Knight, who can be followed, but I haven't met a knight at all. Hint 34 Answer 88 I can't find my way across the swamp. Hint 74, 70 Answer 84 I've managed to cross the sea, but I can't get back. Hint 53 Answer 73 I need some sulphur, but can't find it anywhere. Hint 49 Answer 72 The spinning room confuses me completely. Hint 62 Answer 39 I'm sure the stone cross is an important place, but haven't been able to make anything happen there. Hint 23 Answer 48 My key won't fit the grille! Hint 82 Answer 9 How do I deal with the wyvern? Hint 28 Answer 61 I seem to need gold, but nothing I've found is made of gold! Hint 47 Answer 47 I can't unlock the oak door in the mine. Hint 38, 60 Answer 86 I gave tile fragments to the Wizard, but he still wouldn't help me! Hint 66 Answer 83 I always get killed by crossbows when I reach the circular room. Hint 77 Answer 12 The basilisk always gets me. Hint 89 Answer 33 I've read something about a crucible, but can't find one. Hint 10 Answer 37 I never get far on the lake before the monster eats me. Hint 59 Answer 24 Matches only give me a few seconds of light. Hint 25 Answer 85 I've thoroughly explored the castle, but think I must be missing something. Hint 50 Answer 29 How is it possible to free the manticore without getting killed? Hint 43 Answer 65 I have a raft, but can't sail it. Answer 42 I tried to smash through the rock-fall with the wagon, but it only made things worse! Hint 32 How can I kill the lake monster? Hint 69 Answer 51 I can't find Warlock's Warren. Hint 13, 36 Answer 91 I gave gold to the king and he still had me executed! Hint 54 Answer 78 What do I do to become a wizard? Hint 41 How can I enter the thieves' hideout and survive? Answer 4 My compass was wrecked as I crossed the bridge. Answer 8 I can't get past the dragon. Hint 30 Answer 64 I can't get the mercury. Hint 68 Answer 31 My key won't fit the casket Answer 18 Does the basilisk have a use? Hint 71, 87 Answer 33 Having used the gold to pay my guide, I've none to give the king! Hint 5 Answer 54 I've put things in the crucible, but nothing happens. Hint 27, 55, 67, 92 Does the grey traveller help me at all? Answer 6 What commands can a wizard use? Hint 45 I end up in a pit, having a rock dropped on me! Hint 2 Answer 79 I keep being told that my hands are full. Hint 44 Answer 14 The chessboard appears to give useful information, but I can't decipher it. Hint 16 Answer 80 How do I open the door at the top of the spiral stair? Hint 57 Answer 81 Some nasty beasties hunt me down in the forest. Hint 3 I've found a boat, but can't sail it to the ship. Answer 63 I keep getting lost in the forest. Is there a way out? Answer 93 I've lit the furnace, but nothing seems to have happened. Hint 27 Answer 92 I filled the bottle with mercury, but can't get it to the surface. Answer 94 How will I know the Philosopher's Stone when (if!) I find it? Hint 7 My candle blows out in some places, and matches are no use there either. Hint 56 Answer 22 As soon as I set foot on the ship the crew murder me! Hint 46 Answer 17 I tried to kill another player, but got killed myself! What determines the outcome? Hint 90 How do I climb back up the well? Is that another use for the grapnel? Answer 15 What must I tell the men on the ship to get them to take me somewhere? Hint 21