10 C1=7:CLS:REM Tiny BASIC Adventure 5k - By: Paul Panks (dunric@yahoo.com) 20 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT "Tiny BASIC Adventure 5k":C1=15:PRINT "By: Paul Panks":PRINT 70 DIM M(26,6),WD$(10),VB$(20),NO$(30),P(30):A=101:B=999:C=999:D=3:E=1022:F=22:G=1023:H=100:I=1021:J=1026:K=999 80 L=10:M=21:N=26:O=4:P=12:Q=11:R=1:S=14:T=17:U=24:V=19:W=25:X=0:Y=0:Z=50:C1=0:N1=0:S1=0:V1=0:T1=0 90 Y1=0:Z1=0:VB$(1)="go":VB$(2)="get":VB$(3)="take":VB$(4)="drop":VB$(5)="wield":VB$(6)="unwield" 95 VB$(7)="wear":VB$(8)="remove":VB$(9)="use":VB$(10)="examine":VB$(11)="climb":VB$(12)="buy" 96 VB$(13)="sell":VB$(14)="light":VB$(15)="read":VB$(16)="kill":NO$(1)="north":NO$(2)="south":NO$(3)="east" 97 NO$(7)="lantern":NO$(8)="oil":NO$(9)="sword":NO$(10)="rope":NO$(11)="helmet":NO$(12)="shield" 98 NO$(13)="ring":NO$(14)="cloak":NO$(15)="armor":NO$(16)="book":NO$(17)="scroll":NO$(18)="orb" 99 NO$(19)="clerk":NO$(20)="villager":NO$(21)="paladin":NO$(22)="ghost":NO$(23)="hobbit":NO$(4)="west" 100 NO$(24)="goblin":NO$(25)="werewolf":NO$(26)="knight":NO$(27)="dragon":LT=0:NO$(5)="up":NO$(6)="down" 101 FOR Y=1 TO 27:P(Y)=0:NEXT:P(7)=12:P(8)=6:P(9)=76:P(10)=24:P(11)=280:P(12)=168 102 P(13)=144:P(14)=328:P(15)=406:P(16)=500:P(17)=758:P(18)=1000 300 C1=7 301 IF A<>R AND A<>101 THEN IF R>8 THEN C1=4:PRINT "It is too dark to see!":C1=15: 305 IF R=1 THEN PRINT "You are standing inside a tavern.":PRINT"The village is south." 310 IF R=2 THEN PRINT "You are facing an upstairs hallway.":PRINT"A room lies to the east of here." 320 IF R=3 THEN PRINT "You are inside a small room. There is a bed here.":PRINT"The hallway is west." 330 IF R=4 THEN PRINT "You are standing near a stone artisan well.":PRINT"The water looks mossy green.":PRINT"A shop is visible to the west." 340 IF R=5 THEN PRINT "You are standing inside the backroom of the church.":PRINT"There are a few barrels visible here." 350 IF R=6 THEN PRINT "You are standing near the back of a large church.":PRINT"The altar is directly north." 360 IF R=7 THEN PRINT "You are facing a stone altar within the church.":PRINT"A storage room lies to the east of here." 370 IF R=8 THEN PRINT "You are near the outskirts of town. The village buildings can be seen up ahead":PRINT"to the north. A sign is here." 380 IF R=9 THEN PRINT "The path you are on has been obstructed by fallen trees.":PRINT"The only exit is back west." 390 IF R=10 THEN PRINT "You are standing inside a small cottage near the forest.":PRINT"It looks mostly bare save for a small fireplace." 400 IF R=11 THEN PRINT "You are walking down a narrow path within the forest.":PRINT"Trees are visible in all directions here." 410 IF R=12 THEN PRINT "You are walking down a narrow path. A large tree is growing beside":PRINT"the road nearby." 420 IF R=13 THEN PRINT "You are standing on a branch atop the forest.":PRINT"A small thatched roof hut is east of here." 430 IF R=14 THEN PRINT "You are standing inside a small thatched roof hut.":PRINT"There is a table here as well as a bookshelf." 440 IF R=15 THEN PRINT "You have reached a small pond near the forest.":PRINT"The water looks fairly green and mossy." 450 IF R=16 THEN PRINT "You are walking down a well-lit path within a large forest.":PRINT"The path widens to the south." 460 IF R=17 THEN PRINT "You stand before a large, hulking castle at the end of the forest.":PRINT"The drawbridge is down." 470 IF R=18 THEN PRINT "The path ends here near a large boulder.":PRINT"It looks impassable however." 480 IF R=19 THEN PRINT "You are walking within the Main Hall of the castle.":PRINT"Several corridors branch off here." 490 IF R=20 THEN PRINT "You are walking down the main hallway of this castle.":PRINT"A parlor room is directly west of here." 495 IF R=21 THEN PRINT "You are facing the main throne room. A large throne is here, encrusted with":PRINT"gold and jewels." 500 IF R=22 THEN PRINT "You are within the main parlor room of the castle.":PRINT"A piano is here, next to an open doorway." 505 IF R=23 THEN PRINT "You are through a large doorway near the parlor.":PRINT"It appears to head into darkness below." 506 IF R=24 THEN PRINT "You are within the dungeon below the castle.":PRINT"Your lantern illuminates several rows of cells." 507 IF R=25 THEN PRINT "You are facing a lone cell, occupied by a frail old man.":PRINT"He looks up at you with sorrowful eyes." 508 IF R=26 THEN PRINT "You are standing inside a small shop. People come here to sell their wares":PRINT"and to purchase needed goods. Commands include 'buy ', 'sell '":PRINT"and 'list'." 510 Y=INT(RND(1)*64)+1:IF Y=12 THEN C1=14:PRINT "The sun shines and you feel better...":H=H+10 515 IF Y=6 THEN C1=11:PRINT "A warm wind blows from the southwest." 520 IF Y=2 THEN C1=11:PRINT "A gentle rain pelts the ground." 525 IF Y=4 THEN C1=11:PRINT "You hear thunder in the distance." 527 IF Y=8 THEN C1=11:PRINT "You notice clouds gathering over the horizon." 528 IF Y=9 THEN C1=11:PRINT "You see lightning flash across the sky." 529 IF Y=10 THEN C1=11:PRINT "There is a torrentual downpour." 530 IF Y=11 THEN C1=11:PRINT "The moon hangs overhead, casting shadows." 531 M(1,1)=2:M(1,2)=4:M(2,2)=1:M(2,3)=3:M(3,4)=2:M(4,1)=1:M(4,2)=8:M(4,3)=6 539 M(5,4)=7:M(6,1)=7:M(7,2)=6:M(8,1)=4:M(8,2)=11:M(6,4)=4:M(8,3)=9:M(8,4)=10 547 M(9,4)=8:M(10,3)=8:M(11,1)=8:M(11,2)=16:M(11,3)=12:M(12,3)=15:M(12,4)=11:M(13,3)=14 555 M(13,6)=12:M(14,4)=13:M(15,4)=12:M(16,1)=11:M(16,2)=17:M(16,3)=18:M(17,1)=16:M(17,4)=19 563 M(18,4)=16:M(19,1)=20:M(19,3)=17:M(20,1)=21:M(20,2)=19:M(20,4)=22:M(21,2)=20:M(22,3)=20 571 M(22,6)=23:M(23,1)=24:M(23,5)=23:M(24,2)=23:M(24,3)=25:M(25,4)=24:M(4,4)=26:M(26,3)=4 600 C1=15:PRINT "Obvious exits: ";:C1=6:PRINT"<"; 602 C1=14 603 IF M(R,1)>0 THEN PRINT" north "; 604 IF M(R,2)>0 THEN PRINT" south "; 605 IF M(R,3)>0 THEN PRINT" east "; 606 IF M(R,4)>0 THEN PRINT" west "; 607 IF M(R,5)>0 THEN PRINT" up "; 608 IF M(R,6)>0 THEN PRINT" down "; 609 C1=6:PRINT ">" 610 C1=4:IF A=R THEN PRINT "lantern" 611 IF B=R THEN PRINT "oil" 612 IF C=R THEN PRINT "sword" 613 IF D=R THEN PRINT "rope" 614 IF E=R THEN PRINT "helmet" 615 IF F=R THEN PRINT "shield" 616 IF G=R THEN PRINT "ring" 617 IF I=R THEN PRINT "cloak" 618 IF J=R THEN PRINT "armor" 619 IF K=R THEN PRINT "book" 620 IF L=R THEN PRINT "scroll" 621 IF M=R THEN PRINT "orb" 622 IF N=R THEN PRINT "clerk" 623 IF O=R THEN PRINT "villager" 624 IF P=R THEN PRINT "paladin" 625 IF Q=R THEN PRINT "ghost" 626 IF S=R THEN PRINT "hobbit" 627 IF T=R THEN PRINT "goblin" 628 IF U=R THEN PRINT "werewolf" 629 IF V=R THEN PRINT "knight" 630 IF W=R THEN PRINT "dragon" 700 Y=0:S1=0:V1=0:N1=0:A$="":V$="":N$="":XL$="":FOR Y=1 TO 5:WD$(Y)="":NEXT:C1=6:PRINT ">";:C1=10:INPUT "";A$ 701 C1=15:IF A$="inventory" OR a$="inv" OR a$="inve" OR a$="inven" OR a$="invent" OR a$="i" THEN GOTO 760 702 IF A$="score" OR A$="sc" THEN GOTO 765 703 IF A$="quit" OR A$="exit" OR A$="bye" OR A$="good bye" OR A$="goodbye" THEN C1=7:PRINT"< Thanks for playing! >":STOP:GOTO 10 704 IF A$="list" THEN GOTO 9700 705 IF A$="n" OR A$="north" THEN V1=1:N1=1:GOTO 810 706 IF A$="s" OR A$="south" THEN V1=1:N1=2:GOTO 810 707 IF A$="e" OR A$="east" THEN V1=1:N1=3:GOTO 810 708 IF A$="w" OR A$="west" THEN V1=1:N1=4:GOTO 810 709 IF A$="u" OR A$="up" THEN V1=1:N1=5:GOTO 810 710 IF A$="d" OR A$="down" THEN V1=1:N1=6:GOTO 810 711 IF A$="help" OR A$="hint" THEN GOTO 9800 712 IF A$="save" OR A$="save game" THEN GOTO 9900 713 S1=1:Z1=0:IF A$="look" OR A$="l" OR A$="lk" THEN GOTO 300 714 XL$=A$:FOR Y=1 TO LEN(XL$) 715 IF MID$(XL$,Y,1)=" " THEN A$=MID$(XL$,S1,Y-S1):S1=Y+1:Z1=Z1+1:WD$(Z1)=A$ 720 NEXT Y:Z1=Z1+1:A$=MID$(XL$,S1,Y-S1): WD$(Z1)=A$:IF Z1>5 THEN C1=15:PRINT"Eh? I don't follow you.":GOTO 700 725 V$=WD$(1):N$=WD$(2):IF WD$(3)="and" OR WD$(3)="then" THEN C1=15:PRINT"No 'and' with 'then' allowed.":GOTO 700 730 BG=0:IF WD$(3)="in" OR WD$(3)="from" OR WD$(3)="to" THEN V$=WD$(1):N$=WD$(2):BG=1 735 Y=0:V1=0:FOR Y=1 TO 16:IF V$=VB$(Y) THEN V1=Y 740 NEXT Y:IF V1=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT "What?":GOTO 700 745 Y=0:N1=0:FOR Y=1 TO 27:IF N$=NO$(Y) THEN N1=Y 750 NEXT Y:IF N1=0 THEN IF V1=10 OR V1=11 OR V1=14 THEN GOTO 755 751 REM *** Debug ***: C1=10:FOR Y=1 TO 2:PRINT WD$(Y):NEXT:PRINT V$;" ";N$:PRINT V1,N1:C1=15: 752 IF N1=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't do that.":GOTO 700 755 GOTO 10000 756 C1=4:PRINT "What?":GOTO 700 759 REM inventory 760 GOTO 6000 764 REM score 765 C1=11:PRINT "You have ";H;" hit points and ";Z;" gold coins.":PRINT "You also have ";X;" experience points.":GOTO 700 809 REM go 810 IF A<>R AND A<>101 AND LT=0 THEN IF R>8 AND M(R,N1)>0 THEN C1=4:PRINT "It is too dark to move in that direction!":GOTO 700 811 IF M(R,N1)=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't go that way.":GOTO 700 812 IF Q=R AND N1=3 THEN C1=4:PRINT"The ghost stops you!":C1=15:PRINT"It moans,'Who ARE you??!!'":GOTO 700 813 IF T=R AND N1=4 THEN C1=4:PRINT"The goblin steps in front!":C1=15:PRINT"He barks,'No one is getting MY treasure, human!'":GOTO 700 814 IF U=R AND N1=3 THEN C1=4:PRINT"The werewolf growls with fiery eyes!":C1=15:PRINT"He hisses,'I'll tear you to ribbons, mortal!'":GOTO 700 815 C1=4:IF V=R AND N1=1 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The knight bows as you pass..." 816 IF W=R AND N1=4 THEN PRINT"The dragon makes a frantic cry!":C1=4:PRINT"The dragon grabs you!":C1=15:PRINT"It bellows,'Care for a DANCE?!'":C1=11:PRINT"The dragon slams you against the floor!":GOTO 9990 817 IF R=8 AND N1=2 THEN IF LT=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You lack a light source. But pressing forward anyway..." 818 R=M(R,N1):GOTO 300 819 REM get 820 GOTO 7000 829 REM take 830 GOTO 7000 839 REM drop 840 GOTO 7100 849 REM wield 850 GOTO 7200 859 REM unwield 860 GOTO 7300 869 REM wear 870 GOTO 7400 879 REM remove 880 GOTO 7500 889 REM use 890 GOTO 7600 899 REM examine 900 GOTO 8000 909 REM climb 910 GOTO 8200 919 REM buy 920 GOTO 8300 929 REM sell 930 GOTO 8400 939 REM light 940 GOTO 8500 949 REM read 950 GOTO 8000 959 REM kill 960 GOTO 9000 4999 END 5999 REM inventory 6000 S1=0:C1=15:IF A=101 THEN PRINT " lantern":S1=1 6001 IF B=101 THEN PRINT " oil":S1=1 6002 IF C=101 THEN PRINT " sword":S1=1 6003 IF D=101 THEN PRINT " rope":S1=1 6004 IF E=101 THEN PRINT " helmet":S1=1 6005 IF F=101 THEN PRINT " shield":S1=1 6006 IF G=101 THEN PRINT " ring":S1=1 6007 IF I=101 THEN PRINT " cloak":S1=1 6008 IF J=101 THEN PRINT " armor":S1=1 6009 IF K=101 THEN PRINT " book":S1=1 6010 IF L=101 THEN PRINT " scroll":S1=1 6011 IF M=101 THEN PRINT " orb":S1=1 6020 C1=11:IF C=105 THEN PRINT " sword ";:C1=12:PRINT "(wielded)":S1=1 6024 C1=10:IF E=205 THEN PRINT " helmet ";:C1=13:PRINT "(worn)":S1=1 6025 C1=10:IF F=205 THEN PRINT " shield ";:C1=13:PRINT "(worn)":S1=1 6026 C1=10:IF G=205 THEN PRINT " ring ";:C1=13:PRINT "(worn)":S1=1 6027 C1=10:IF I=205 THEN PRINT " cloak ";:C1=13:PRINT "(worn)":S1=1 6028 C1=10:IF J=205 THEN PRINT " armor ";:C1=13:PRINT "(worn)":S1=1 6029 IF S1=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT "Alas, you are empty handed." 6030 S1=0:GOTO 700 6999 REM get/take 7000 S1=0:IF A=R AND N1=7 THEN A=101:S1=1 7001 IF B=R AND N1=8 THEN B=101:S1=1 7002 IF C=R AND N1=9 THEN C=101:S1=1 7003 IF D=R AND N1=10 THEN D=101:S1=1 7004 IF E=R AND N1=11 THEN E=101:S1=1 7005 IF F=R AND N1=12 THEN F=101:S1=1 7006 IF G=R AND N1=13 THEN G=101:S1=1 7007 IF I=R AND N1=14 THEN I=101:S1=1 7008 IF J=R AND N1=15 THEN J=101:S1=1 7009 IF K=R AND N1=16 THEN K=101:S1=1 7010 IF L=R AND N1=17 THEN L=101:S1=1 7011 IF M=R AND N1=18 THEN M=101:S1=1 7012 IF S1=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT "You can't do that.":GOTO 700 7013 S1=0:C1=15:PRINT "Taken.":GOTO 700 7099 REM drop 7100 S1=0:IF A=101 AND N1=7 THEN A=R:S1=1 7101 IF B=101 AND N1=8 THEN B=R:S1=1 7102 IF C=101 AND N1=9 THEN C=R:S1=1 7103 IF D=101 AND N1=10 THEN D=R:S1=1 7104 IF E=101 AND N1=11 THEN E=R:S1=1 7105 IF F=101 AND N1=12 THEN F=R:S1=1 7106 IF G=101 AND N1=13 THEN G=R:S1=1 7107 IF I=101 AND N1=14 THEN I=R:S1=1 7108 IF J=101 AND N1=15 THEN J=R:S1=1 7109 IF K=101 AND N1=16 THEN K=R:S1=1 7110 IF L=101 AND N1=17 THEN L=R:S1=1 7111 IF M=101 AND N1=18 THEN M=R:S1=1 7112 IF S1=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT "You don't have it.":GOTO 700 7113 S1=0:C1=15:PRINT "Dropped.":GOTO 700 7199 REM wield 7200 S1=0:IF C=101 AND N1=9 THEN C=105:S1=1 7201 IF S1=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT "You can't wield that.":GOTO 700 7202 S1=0:C1=15:PRINT "Wielded.":GOTO 700 7299 REM unwield 7300 S1=0:IF C=105 AND N1=9 THEN C=101:S1=1 7301 IF S1=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT "You can't wield that.":GOTO 700 7302 S1=0:C1=15:PRINT "Unwielded.":GOTO 700 7399 REM wear 7400 S1=0:IF E=101 AND N1=11 THEN E=205:S1=1 7401 IF F=101 AND N1=12 THEN F=205:S1=1 7402 IF G=101 AND N1=13 THEN G=205:S1=1 7403 IF I=101 AND N1=14 THEN I=205:S1=1 7404 IF J=101 AND N1=15 THEN J=205:S1=1 7405 IF S1=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT "You can't wear that.":GOTO 700 7406 S1=0:C1=15:PRINT "Worn.":GOTO 700 7499 REM remove 7500 S1=0:IF E=205 AND N1=11 THEN E=101:S1=1 7501 IF F=205 AND N1=12 THEN F=101:S1=1 7502 IF G=205 AND N1=13 THEN G=101:S1=1 7503 IF I=205 AND N1=14 THEN I=101:S1=1 7504 IF J=205 AND N1=15 THEN J=101:S1=1 7505 IF S1=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT "You can't wear that.":GOTO 700 7506 S1=0:C1=15:PRINT "Removed.":GOTO 700 7599 REM use 7600 REM 7601 IF A=R OR A=101 THEN IF N1=7 AND LT=0 THEN LT=1:C1=15:PRINT"The lantern flickers on.":GOTO 700 7602 IF A=R OR A=101 THEN IF N1=7 AND LT=1 THEN C1=4:PRINT"The lantern is already aglow.":GOTO 700 7603 IF B=R OR B=101 THEN IF N1=8 AND A<>101 AND A<>R THEN C1=4:PRINT"Useless without the lantern.":GOTO 700 7604 IF D=R OR D=101 THEN IF N1=9 THEN IF R=12 THEN C1=11:PRINT"You use the rope and climb up...":R=13:C1=15:GOTO 300 7605 IF D=R OR D=101 THEN IF N1=9 THEN IF R=13 THEN C1=11:PRINT"You use the rope and climb down...":R=12:C1=15:GOTO 300 7606 IF G=R OR G=101 THEN IF N1=13 THEN IF R=15 THEN C1=15:PRINT"You use the ring, but the pond remains dull and lifeless. Too bad.":GOTO 700 7607 IF G=R OR G=101 THEN IF N1=13 THEN C1=4:PRINT"The ring has no effect here.":GOTO 700 7608 IF L=R OR L=101 THEN IF N1=17 THEN IF U=R THEN U=18:C1=15:PRINT"You read from the scroll...":PRINT"The werewolf gets scared and runs away!":GOTO 700 7609 IF M=R OR M=101 THEN IF N1=18 THEN IF W=R THEN W=15:C1=15:PRINT"You raise the orb up high...":C1=11:PRINT"There is a hallow, piercing sound!":C1=15:PRINT"The dragon screams and flys off!":GOTO 700 7610 C1=4:PRINT"The ";NO$(N1);" has no effect here.":GOTO 700 7999 REM examine 8000 S1=0:C1=7:IF A=R OR A=101 OR A=105 OR A=205 THEN IF N1=7 THEN PRINT"lantern: This is a brass lantern.":S1=1 8001 IF B=R OR B=101 OR B=105 OR B=205 THEN IF N1=8 THEN PRINT"oil: A flask of oil.":S1=1 8002 IF C=R OR C=101 OR C=105 OR C=205 THEN IF N1=9 THEN PRINT"sword: It's a strong metal sword.":S1=1 8003 IF D=R OR D=101 OR D=105 OR D=205 THEN IF N1=10 THEN PRINT"rope: A coil of rope about 10' long. ";:S1=1:IF R=12 OR R=13 THEN PRINT"(hanging down).":S1=1 8004 IF E=R OR E=101 OR E=105 OR E=205 THEN IF N1=11 THEN PRINT"helmet: A brass helmet.":S1=1 8005 IF F=R OR F=101 OR F=105 OR F=205 THEN IF N1=12 THEN PRINT"shield: An iron shield. It has an eagle on the front.":S1=1 8006 IF G=R OR G=101 OR G=105 OR G=205 THEN IF N1=13 THEN PRINT"ring: A simple iron ring.":S1=1 8007 IF I=R OR I=101 OR I=105 OR I=205 THEN IF N1=14 THEN PRINT"cloak: A fine elven cloak.":S1=1 8008 IF J=R OR J=101 OR J=105 OR J=205 THEN IF N1=15 THEN PRINT"armor: Full chainlinked metal armor.":S1=1 8009 IF K=R OR K=101 OR K=105 OR K=205 THEN IF N1=16 THEN PRINT"book: This is an ancient book!":S1=1 8010 IF L=R OR L=101 OR L=105 OR L=205 THEN IF N1=17 THEN PRINT"scroll: The scroll reads: 'The dragon fears the Orb.'":S1=1 8011 IF M=R OR M=101 OR M=105 OR M=205 THEN IF N1=18 THEN PRINT"orb: A mystical Orb of Light. It glows softly!":S1=1 8012 IF N=R OR N=101 OR N=105 OR N=205 THEN IF N1=19 THEN PRINT"clerk: A stout clerk. He looks well fed.":S1=1 8013 IF O=R OR O=101 OR O=105 OR O=205 THEN IF N1=20 THEN PRINT"villager: A common villager.":S1=1 8014 IF P=R OR P=101 OR P=105 OR P=205 THEN IF N1=21 THEN PRINT"paladin: A strong paladin with flowing hair.":S1=1 8015 IF Q=R OR Q=101 OR Q=105 OR Q=205 THEN IF N1=22 THEN PRINT"ghost: A harrowing specter. It appears translucent.":S1=1 8016 IF S=R OR S=101 OR S=105 OR S=205 THEN IF N1=23 THEN PRINT"hobbit: This curious creature looks odd indeed!":S1=1 8017 IF T=R OR T=101 OR T=105 OR T=205 THEN IF N1=24 THEN PRINT"goblin: A hideous goblin. It snarls at you!":S1=1 8018 IF U=R OR U=101 OR U=105 OR U=205 THEN IF N1=25 THEN PRINT"werewolf: An evil werewolf, with reddish eyes.":S1=1 8019 IF V=R OR V=101 OR V=105 OR V=205 THEN IF N1=26 THEN PRINT"knight: A strong knight. He keep watch nearby.":S1=1 8020 IF W=R OR W=101 OR W=105 OR W=205 THEN IF N1=27 THEN PRINT"dragon: A winged creature with tough scales and powerful claws!":S1=1 8021 A$=XL$:C1=7:IF R=1 THEN IF A$="examine tavern" THEN PRINT"This tavern looks ages old. It has an upstairs hallway.":S1=1 8022 IF R=1 THEN IF A$="examine village" THEN PRINT"This village has several buildings. It was built around 1260 A.D.":S1=1 8023 IF R=2 THEN IF A$="examine hallway" THEN PRINT"The hallway looks fairly narrow. It leads into a small room to the east.":S1=1 8024 IF R=2 THEN IF A$="examine room" THEN PRINT"The room is too far away to examine closely.":S1=1 8025 IF R=3 THEN IF A$="examine room" THEN PRINT"The room is mostly bare save for a small bed.":S1=1 8026 IF R=3 THEN IF A$="examine bed" THEN PRINT"The bed looks very comfortable!":S1=1 8027 IF R=3 THEN IF A$="examine hallway" THEN PRINT"The hallway leads downstairs to the west.":S1=1 8028 IF R=4 THEN IF A$="examine water" THEN PRINT"The water appears green and lifeless. It is murky looking.":S1=1 8029 IF R=4 THEN IF A$="examine well" THEN PRINT"This is an ancient artisan well. It descends some 100 feet below and":PRINT"is covered in moss.":S1=1 8030 IF R=4 THEN IF A$="examine moss" THEN PRINT"The moss is growing on either wall. It appears green and lifeless.":S1=1 8031 IF R=4 THEN IF A$="examine wall" OR A$="examine walls" THEN PRINT"The walls consist of moss-covered stone.":S1=1 8032 IF R=4 THEN IF A$="examine stone" OR A$="examine stones" THEN PRINT"Each stone is expertly carved. They are covered in moss.":S1=1 8033 IF R=5 THEN IF A$="examine backroom" THEN PRINT"The backroom of the church is nearly empty. You do notice some barrels nearby.":S1=1 8034 IF R=5 THEN IF A$="examine church" THEN PRINT"You'll need to leave the backroom in order to see the church":PRINT"more closely.":S1=1 8035 Y=INT(RND(1)*15)+1:IF R=5 THEN IF A$="examine barrels" THEN PRINT"The barrels are aged and appear rusted through.":S1=1 8036 IF R=5 THEN IF A$="examine barrels" THEN IF Y=5 THEN PRINT"You notice some coins on one of the barrels, and so":PRINT"you pick them up.":Z=Z+25:S1=1 8037 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine back" THEN PRINT"The back of the church is near the doorway. There is an apse above it.":S1=1 8038 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine doorway" THEN PRINT"The nave in the apse rises above you. It is an arched doorway, carved in marble":PRINT"and stone.":S1=1 8039 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine nave" THEN PRINT"The nave extends upward near the apex of the doorway.":S1=1 8040 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine apex" THEN PRINT"The apex points to the heavens above (not visible here).":S1=1 8041 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine apse" THEN PRINT"The apse is essentially a large doorway, near the back end":PRINT"of the church.":S1=1 8042 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine end" THEN PRINT"The end of the church is blocked by a large doorway.":S1=1 8043 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine heavens" OR A$="examine heaven" THEN PRINT"The heavens are clouded by the ceiling above you.":S1=1 8044 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine ceiling" THEN PRINT"The ceiling rises several hundred feet above. It appears rounded.":S1=1 8045 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine church" THEN PRINT"The church has several rows of pews, most of which are bare. An altar stands":PRINT"at the front of the church. Stained glass windows":PRINT"rise above.":S1=1 8046 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine rows" OR A$="examine pews" OR A$="examine pew" OR A$="examine row" THEN PRINT"The pews are made from oak and are polished to a fine shine.":S1=1 8047 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine oak" THEN PRINT"The oak on the pews appears rustic and aged. It shines brightly in the sunlight":PRINT"cascading down from the windows above.":S1=1 8048 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine windows" OR A$="examine window" THEN PRINT"These stained glass windows give a sense of soaring height. Each window":PRINT"is expertly crafted with various colors and hues.":S1=1 8049 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine windows" or a$="examine window" THEN PRINT"Each window depicts a story from the bible.":S1=1 8050 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine bible" THEN PRINT"The bible is latched to the altar in front.":S1=1 8051 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine altar" THEN PRINT"This is a stone altar. Atop it rests a bible.":S1=1 8052 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine stone" THEN PRINT"The stone is carved from an unknown source.":S1=1 8053 IF R=6 OR R=7 THEN IF A$="examine room" THEN PRINT"The room is fairly plain, with not much adorning it.":S1=1 8054 IF R=8 THEN IF A$="examine outskirts" THEN PRINT"The outskirts of town are directly north.":S1=1 8055 IF R=8 THEN IF A$="examine town" THEN PRINT"The town is fairly small, with a few buildings towards the north.":S1=1 8056 IF R=8 THEN IF A$="examine village" THEN PRINT"The village is fairly small, with a few buildings towards the north.":S1=1 8057 IF R=8 THEN IF A$="examine buildings" THEN PRINT"These are non-descript buildings with chimneys and windows.":S1=1 8058 IF R=8 THEN IF A$="examine sign" OR A$="read sign" THEN C1=11:PRINT"The sign reads: 'Welcome to Eldor.'":C1=15:S1=1 8059 IF R=9 THEN IF A$="examine path" THEN PRINT"You are on a path approaching the village. It heads north past several buildings.":S1=1 8060 IF R=9 THEN IF A$="examine trees" THEN PRINT"The trees rise hundreds of feet into the air. None of them appear climbable, however.":S1=1 8061 IF R=9 THEN IF A$="examine forest" THEN PRINT"The surrounding forest appears quite peaceful. Trees parallel your path in all":PRINT"directions here.":S1=1 8062 IF R=10 THEN IF A$="examine cottage" THEN PRINT"This cottage looks fairly plain, with a fireplace and kitchen built":PRINT"into the framework of the cottage.":S1=1 8063 IF R=10 THEN IF A$="examine forest" THEN PRINT"The forest cannot be seen from inside the cottage. You'll have to exit":PRINT"the cottage to see it more closely.":S1=1 8064 IF R=10 THEN IF A$="examine fireplace" THEN PRINT"This fireplace is built into the framework of the cottage. The fireplace is not":PRINT"lit at the moment. A mantle rests above it.":S1=1 8065 IF R=10 THEN IF A$="examine cord" THEN PRINT"The cord appears to be tattered and broken. It cannot be pulled.":S1=1 8066 IF R=10 THEN IF A$="examine kitchen" THEN PRINT"The entire kitchen occupies a very small space to the north. There is a small wooden":PRINT"table near the center of the kitchen.":S1=1 8067 IF R=10 THEN IF A$="examine table" THEN PRINT"The table is almost bare, with only a few items resting atop it.":S1=1 8068 IF R=11 THEN IF A$="examine path" THEN PRINT"The path you are traveling on branches off here, heading deeper into":PRINT"the surrounding forest ahead.":S1=1 8069 IF R=11 THEN IF A$="examine trees" THEN PRINT"These appear to be birch and oak trees. Some of them appear to be climbable.":S1=1 8070 IF R=11 THEN IF A$="examine forest" THEN PRINT"The surrounding forest is covered with birch and oak trees of all kinds.":PRINT"To the south, a path heads deeper into the forest.":S1=1 8071 IF R=12 THEN IF A$="examine path" THEN PRINT"The path heads west here past a larger road.":S1=1 8072 IF R=12 THEN IF A$="examine tree" THEN PRINT"This is a tree with low-lying branches. It appears climbable.":S1=1 8073 IF R=12 THEN IF A$="examine road" THEN PRINT"The road extends in all directions here. The main path leads west, heading deeper":PRINT"into the forest.":S1=1 8074 IF R=13 THEN IF A$="examine branch" THEN PRINT"The branch is fairly sturdy despite your extra weight. It leads to a small hut":PRINT"built into the tree itself.":S1=1 8075 IF R=13 THEN IF A$="examine forest" THEN PRINT"Looking down: You can see a castle far to the southwest, and the forest":PRINT"to the east. There is a village nearby as well.":S1=1 8076 IF R=13 THEN IF A$="examine roof" THEN PRINT"The roof is made from birch thatch (tangled but strong).":S1=1 8077 IF R=13 THEN IF A$="examine hut" THEN PRINT"The hut is made from elements of the surrounding forest (including":PRINT"birch thatch and oak).":S1=1 8078 IF R=13 THEN IF A$="examine thatched" THEN PRINT"The thatch is made from the same tree in front of you. It appears sturdy and robust.":S1=1 8079 IF R=13 THEN IF A$="examine thatch" THEN PRINT"The thatch is made from the same tree in front of you. It appears sturdy and robust.":S1=1 8080 IF R=14 THEN IF A$="examine hut" THEN PRINT"This hut has a small wooden table and an oak bookshelf. You also notice a small":PRINT"window overlooking the surrounding forest below.":S1=1 8081 IF R=14 THEN IF A$="examine table" THEN PRINT"You notice some writing scratched into the surface of the table.":S1=1 8082 IF R=14 THEN IF A$="examine bookshelf" THEN PRINT"The bookshelf appears to contain a few useful items, including":PRINT"several books.":S1=1 8083 IF R=14 THEN IF A$="examine thatched" THEN PRINT"The thatch is made from the same tree in front of you. It appears sturdy and robust.":S1=1 8084 IF R=14 THEN IF A$="examine roof" THEN PRINT"The roof is made from birch thatch. It appears sturdy and quite strong.":S1=1 8085 IF R=14 THEN IF A$="examine thatch" THEN PRINT"The thatch is made from the same tree in front of you. It appears sturdy and robust.":S1=1 8086 IF R=15 THEN IF A$="examine pond" THEN PRINT"The pond appears green and lifeless. It seems devoid of any life.":S1=1 8087 IF R=15 THEN IF A$="examine forest" THEN PRINT"You notice several different trees growing in the surrounding forest ahead.":S1=1 8088 IF R=15 THEN IF A$="examine water" THEN PRINT"The water appears dull and lifeless. It is green and looks devoid of life.":S1=1 8089 IF R=16 THEN IF A$="examine path" THEN PRINT"The path breaks off here, heading east.":S1=1 8090 IF R=16 THEN IF A$="examine forest" THEN PRINT"The forest thins out somewhat to the south (near a large castle).":S1=1 8091 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="examine castle" THEN PRINT"This large castle rises hundreds of feet above. It has towering ramparts":PRINT"and massive flags, swirling in the cloudy breeze above.":S1=1 8092 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="examine forest" THEN PRINT"At the edge of the forest, directly in front of you, lies a large":PRINT"stone castle. It has massive flags and towering ramparts.":S1=1 8093 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="examine drawbridge" THEN PRINT"The drawbridge is currently down. Could someone be expecting you?":S1=1 8094 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="examine vines" THEN PRINT"Each vine grows steadfast to the rampart walls. They do not appear":PRINT"safe to climb, however.":S1=1 8095 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="examine vine" THEN PRINT"Each vine grows steadfast to the rampart walls. They do not appear":PRINT"safe to climb, however.":S1=1 8096 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="examine ramparts" THEN PRINT"Growing on either rampart are large, twisting vines.":S1=1 8097 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="examine rampart" THEN PRINT"Growing on either rampart are large, twisting vines.":S1=1 8098 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="examine flag" THEN PRINT"The flags are far above you, flapping effortless in the breeze ahead.":S1=1 8099 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="examine flags" THEN PRINT"The flags are far above you, flapping effortless in the breeze ahead.":S1=1 8100 IF R=18 THEN IF A$="examine path" THEN PRINT"The path you are traveling on stops here at a large boulder.":S1=1 8101 IF R=18 THEN IF A$="examine boulder" THEN PRINT"This is an immovable, impassable boulder. Someone (nature?)":PRINT"has placed it here, stoping all movement east.":S1=1 8102 IF R=19 OR R=20 THEN IF A$="examine Main Hall" OR A$="examine main hall" THEN PRINT"The main hallway of this castle is very impressive indeed. A pair of gryphons":PRINT"guard the throne room to the north.":S1=1 8103 IF R=19 OR R=20 THEN IF A$="examine Main" OR A$="examine main hallway" THEN PRINT"The main hallway of this castle is very impressive indeed. A pair of gryphons":PRINT"guard the throne room to the north.":S1=1 8104 IF R=19 OR R=20 THEN IF A$="examine Hall" THEN PRINT"The main hallway of this castle is very impressive indeed. A pair of gryphons":PRINT"guard the throne room to the north.":S1=1 8105 IF R=19 OR R=20 THEN IF A$="examine main" THEN PRINT"The main hallway of this castle is very impressive indeed. A pair of gryphons":PRINT"guard the throne room to the north.":S1=1 8106 IF R=19 OR R=20 THEN IF A$="examine hall" THEN PRINT"The main hallway of this castle is very impressive indeed. A pair of gryphons":PRINT"guard the throne room to the north.":S1=1 8107 IF R=19 OR R=20 THEN IF A$="examine castle" OR A$="examine interior" THEN PRINT"The interior of the castle is large and massive. A pair of gryphons guard":PRINT"the entrance to the throne room.":S1=1 8108 IF R=19 OR R=20 THEN IF A$="examine corridors" THEN PRINT"There are rooms on either side of the hallway ahead.":S1=1 8109 IF R=19 OR R=20 THEN IF A$="examine corridor" THEN PRINT"There are rooms on either side of the hallway ahead.":S1=1 8110 IF R=19 OR R=20 THEN IF A$="examine room" THEN PRINT"The interior of the castle is large and massive. A pair of gryphons guard":PRINT"the entrance to the throne room.":S1=1 8111 IF R=19 OR R=20 THEN IF A$="examine rooms" THEN PRINT"There are rooms on either side of the hallway ahead.":S1=1 8112 IF R=20 THEN IF A$="examine hallway" THEN PRINT"The main hallway of this castle is very impressive indeed. A pair of gryphons":PRINT"guard the throne room to the north.":S1=1 8113 IF R=20 THEN IF A$="examine castle" OR A$="examine interior" THEN PRINT"The interior of the castle is large and massive. A pair of gryphons guard":PRINT"the entrance to the throne room.":S1=1 8114 IF R=20 THEN IF A$="examine parlor" THEN PRINT"The parlor room opens up towards the west.":S1=1 8115 IF R=20 THEN IF A$="examine room" THEN PRINT"The parlor room opens up towards the west.":S1=1 8116 IF R=20 THEN IF A$="examine hall" THEN PRINT"The main hallway of this castle is very impressive indeed. A pair of gryphons":PRINT"guard the throne room to the north.":S1=1 8117 IF R=20 THEN IF A$="examine rooms" THEN PRINT"Most of these rooms are closed off. The parlor room to the west, however, is open.":S1=1 8118 IF R=21 THEN IF A$="examine throne room" THEN PRINT"This throne is quite beautiful. You notice silk curtains hanging down from":PRINT"the ceiling above. A sense of magic pervades through the room.":S1=1 8119 IF R=21 THEN IF A$="examine throne" THEN PRINT"The throne is very beautiful. It is encrusted by gold and jewels, befitting":PRINT"a true king!":S1=1 8120 IF R=21 THEN IF A$="examine room" THEN PRINT"This throne is quite beautiful. You notice silk curtains hanging down from":PRINT"the ceiling above.":S1=1 8121 IF R=21 THEN IF A$="examine gold" THEN PRINT"The gold glitters ominously in the fading light. It appears quite precious! A sense of magic pervades throughout the throne room.":S1=1 8122 IF R=21 THEN IF A$="examine jewels" THEN PRINT"The jewels are gorgeous! They glitter oddly in the fading light of the":PRINT"throne room. You feel a sense of magic here.":S1=1 8123 IF R=21 THEN IF A$="examine silk" THEN PRINT"The silk is fine and well crafted. It appears to be from the orient.":S1=1 8124 IF R=21 THEN IF A$="examine curtain" THEN PRINT"The curtains are made from finely woven silk. They are a faint purple.":S1=1 8125 IF R=21 THEN IF A$="examine curtains" THEN PRINT"The curtains are made from finely woven silk. They are a faint purple.":S1=1 8126 IF R=21 THEN IF A$="examine purple" THEN PRINT"The purple is slightly faint, unlike the deep purple of the ancient Romans.":S1=1 8127 IF R=22 THEN IF A$="examine parlor" THEN PRINT"The parlor is quite large and expansive. A paino rests in the center of the room.":S1=1 8128 IF R=22 THEN IF A$="examine room" THEN PRINT"In the center of the parlor lies a grand piano.":S1=1 8129 IF R=22 THEN IF A$="examine castle" THEN PRINT"The interior of the castle is quite magnificent indeed. To the east":PRINT"of the parlor stands the main hallway.":S1=1 8130 IF R=22 THEN IF A$="examine piano" OR A$="examine grand piano" THEN PRINT"The piano looks old but serviceable.":S1=1 8131 IF R=22 THEN IF A$="examine doorway" THEN PRINT"The doorway heads into an unknown room ahead.":S1=1 8132 IF R=22 THEN IF A$="examine door" THEN PRINT"The door itself is wide open, awaiting your entry...":S1=1 8133 IF R=23 THEN IF A$="examine doors" THEN PRINT"There are no double doors nearby, only a single doorway.":S1=1 8134 IF R=23 THEN IF A$="examine doorway" OR A$="examine door" THEN PRINT"The doorway heads into darkness below. It is not closed at the moment.":S1=1 8135 IF R=23 THEN IF A$="examine parlor" THEN PRINT"The parlor is not visible from your immediate vantage point. You'll have to move":PRINT"closer to see it up close.":S1=1 8136 IF R=23 THEN IF A$="examine darkness" OR A$="examine evil" OR A$="examine void" THEN PRINT"It is a swirling darkness, filled with an empty, void like evil...":S1=1 8137 IF R=24 THEN IF A$="examine dungeon" THEN PRINT"The dungeon looks dark and fairly depressing. There are several":PRINT"cells nearby, some of them occupied.":S1=1 8138 IF R=24 THEN IF A$="examine castle" THEN PRINT"The castle is not visible from the dungeon itself. It is far too dark to":PRINT"see closely.":S1=1 8139 IF R=24 THEN IF A$="examine cell" OR A$="examine gate" THEN PRINT"Each cell is blocked by a gate, forged in iron. You won't be able to open":PRINT"them without a key, for they appear locked.":S1=1 8140 IF R=24 THEN IF A$="examine cells" OR A$="examine gates" THEN PRINT"Each cell is blocked by a gate, forged in iron. You won't be able to open":PRINT"them without a key, for they appear locked.":S1=1 8141 IF R=24 THEN IF A$="examine wall" THEN PRINT"The walls are too dark to examine closely, although they appear to be":PRINT"rather solid looking.":S1=1 8142 IF R=24 THEN IF A$="examine walls" THEN PRINT"The walls are too dark to examine closely, although they appear to be":PRINT"rather solid looking.":S1=1 8143 IF R=25 THEN IF A$="examine cell" THEN PRINT"Within this single, lone cell sits a frail, old man. He appears to be eating":PRINT"from a wooden bowl.":S1=1 8144 IF R=25 THEN IF A$="examine cells" THEN PRINT"Each cell is blocked by a gate, forged in iron. You won't be able to open":PRINT"them without a key, for they appear locked.":S1=1 8145 IF R=25 THEN IF A$="examine old man" THEN PRINT"The old man is quite frail indeed. He appears to be eating from a wooden bowl.":S1=1 8146 IF R=25 THEN IF A$="examine man" THEN PRINT"The old man is quite frail indeed. He appears to be eating from a wooden bowl.":S1=1 8147 IF R=25 THEN IF A$="examine old" THEN PRINT"The old man is quite frail indeed. He appears to be eating from a wooden bowl.":S1=1 8148 IF R=25 THEN IF A$="examine bowl" OR A$="examine wooden bowl" THEN PRINT"The bowl the old man is eating from appears to contain":PRINT"a simple mixture of soup and noodles.":S1=1 8149 IF R=25 THEN IF A$="examine eyes" THEN PRINT"He looks up at you briefly, long enough to notice that his eyes":PRINT"are lifeless and sad.":S1=1 8150 IF R=25 THEN IF A$="examine dungeon" THEN PRINT"The dungeon is a spooky, dark and depressing place filled with misery and evil...":S1=1 8151 IF R=25 THEN IF A$="examine castle" THEN PRINT"The castle is not visible from your vantage point. You'll have to make upward":PRINT"somehow to see it closely.":S1=1 8152 IF R=25 THEN IF A$="examine wall" THEN PRINT"There is so little light that the walls appear no longer visible.":S1=1 8153 IF R=25 THEN IF A$="examine walls" THEN PRINT"There is so little light the walls appear no longer visible.":S1=1 8154 IF R=8 THEN IF A$="examine chimney" OR A$="examine chimneys" THEN PRINT"Smoke billows from the chimneys into the sky above.":S1=1 8155 IF R=8 THEN IF A$="examine sky" OR A$="examine smoke" THEN PRINT"The sky is a pale blue, mixed with smoke from nearby chimneys.":S1=1 8156 IF R=8 THEN IF A$="examine window" OR A$="examine windows" THEN PRINT"Some of these windows appear to be broken. Damn vandals!":S1=1 8157 IF R=9 THEN IF A$="examine air" OR A$="examine sky" THEN PRINT"The sky is a pale blue, obscured somewhat by the trees above.":S1=1 8158 IF R=10 THEN IF A$="examine framework" THEN PRINT"The framework of the cottage is made from stout brick and mortar.":S1=1 8159 IF R=10 THEN IF A$="examine brick" OR A$="examine mortar" THEN PRINT"Each brick is finely crafted into the framework of the cottage":PRINT"supporting it well.":S1=1 8160 IF R=10 THEN IF A$="examine mantle" THEN PRINT"Atop the mantle rests a single picture. It appears to be of the owner.":S1=1 8161 IF R=10 THEN IF A$="examine picture" THEN PRINT"The picture shows a man of around 45 years of age, slightly bald, with a":PRINT"graying beard.":S1=1 8162 IF R=10 THEN IF A$="examine man" OR A$="examine beard" THEN PRINT"The man appears to be around 45 years of age. He looks fairly plain.":S1=1 8163 IF R=12 THEN IF A$="examine branches" OR A$="examine branch" THEN PRINT"The branch is low-lying and close enough to climb.":S1=1 8164 IF R=13 THEN IF A$="examine birch" OR A$="examine oak" THEN PRINT"Both the birch and the oak appear to be from the same tree":PRINT"in front of you.":S1=1 8165 IF R=14 THEN IF A$="examine window" OR A$="examine forest" THEN PRINT"Looking down: You can see a castle far to the southwest, and the forest":PRINT"to the east. There is a village nearby as well.":S1=1 8166 IF R=14 THEN IF A$="examine surface" OR A$="examine writing" THEN PRINT"The writing is crudely written. It reads: ";:C1=11:PRINT"'Use the scroll to vanquish the werewolf.'":C1=7:S1=1 8167 IF R=14 THEN IF A$="examine books" OR A$="read books" THEN PRINT"These books appear to be ancient indeed. Some of them are so dusty you can barely":PRINT"make out the words!":S1=1 8168 IF R=14 THEN IF A$="examine wood" OR A$="examine birch" OR A$="examine thatch" THEN PRINT"It is well crafted and looks quite sturdy indeed.":S1=1 8169 IF R=16 THEN IF A$="examine castle" THEN PRINT"The castle is too far away to examine closely. Move closer, please.":S1=1 8170 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="examine clouds" OR A$="examine cloud" OR A$="examine sky" OR A$="examine air" OR A$="examine breeze" THEN PRINT"The sky appears a pale blue, surrounded by misty clouds above.":S1=1 8171 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="examine wall" OR A$="examine walls" THEN PRINT"The walls of either rampart are covered in twisting vines.":S1=1 8172 IF R=19 OR R=20 THEN IF A$="examine gryphon" OR A$="examine gryphons" THEN PRINT"The gryphons are carved from a massive stone. They appear to be":PRINT"watching you closely!":S1=1 8173 IF R=21 THEN IF A$="examine ceiling" THEN PRINT"The ceiling is covered with overhanging curtains.":S1=1 8174 IF R=22 THEN IF A$="examine hallway" THEN PRINT"The hallway is not clearly visible from your vantage point. Please, move east.":S1=1 8175 IF R=4 THEN IF A$="examine shop" THEN PRINT"The shop appears fairly small. It stands to the west of here.":S1=1 8176 IF R=26 THEN IF A$="examine shop" THEN PRINT"The shop is fairly small, but it does have a front counter and a":PRINT"few rows of shelves.":S1=1 8177 IF R=26 THEN IF A$="examine shelves" OR A$="examine shelves" OR A$="examine row" OR A$="examine rows" THEN PRINT"These shelves are fairly dirty. Some of them contain useful items, such as armor.":S1=1 8178 IF R=26 THEN IF A$="examine counter" OR A$="examine front counter" THEN PRINT"The counter is fairly long and made out of wood. A clerk is usually":PRINT"standing behind the counter here. Above it rests a small sign.":S1=1 8179 IF R=26 THEN IF A$="examine wood" OR A$="examine oak" THEN PRINT"The counter is made from a fine oak.":S1=1 8180 IF R=26 THEN IF A$="examine sign" OR A$="read sign" THEN PRINT"The sign reads: ";:C1=11:PRINT"'Welcome to the shop. Type 'list' to see what I currently":PRINT"have in stock. - Marv, the shopkeeper.'":S1=1 8196 IF S1=1 AND A$="examine rope" THEN PRINT 8197 IF S1=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't examine that.":GOTO 700 8198 GOTO 700 8199 REM climb 8200 IF R=12 THEN IF A$="climb tree" OR A$="climb branch" OR A$="climb branches" THEN IF D=101 OR D=R THEN R=13:C1=11:PRINT"You use the rope and climb up...":C1=15:GOTO 300 8201 IF R=13 THEN IF A$="climb tree" OR A$="climb branch" OR A$="climb branches" THEN IF D=101 OR D=R THEN R=12:C1=11:PRINT"You use the rope and climb down...":C1=15:GOTO 300 8202 IF R=12 OR R=13 THEN IF A$="climb tree" OR A$="climb branch" OR A$="climb branches" THEN IF D<>101 AND D<>R THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't climb that (without a rope).":GOTO 700 8203 IF R=17 THEN IF A$="climb vines" OR A$="climb vine" OR A$="climb castle" OR A$="climb rampart" OR A$="climb ramparts" OR A$="climb wall" OR A$="climb walls" THEN C1=4:PRINT"You don't see a way up.":GOTO 700 8204 C1=4:PRINT "You can't climb that.":GOTO 700 8299 REM buy 8300 IF R<>26 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You are not in the village shop.":GOTO 700 8301 FOR Y=1 TO 27:P(Y)=0:NEXT:P(7)=12:P(8)=6:P(9)=76:P(10)=24:P(11)=280:P(12)=168 8302 P(13)=144:P(14)=328:P(15)=406:P(16)=500:P(17)=758:P(18)=1000 8303 IF N<>R THEN C1=4:PRINT"The clerk isn't here.":GOTO 700 8304 IF Z999 AND N1=7 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8306 IF B<>999 AND N1=8 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8307 IF C<>999 AND N1=9 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8308 IF D<>999 AND N1=10 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8309 IF E<>999 AND N1=11 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8310 IF F<>999 AND N1=12 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8311 IF G<>999 AND N1=13 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8312 IF I<>999 AND N1=14 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8313 IF J<>999 AND N1=15 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8314 IF K<>999 AND N1=16 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8315 IF L<>999 AND N1=17 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8316 IF M<>999 AND N1=18 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't carry that.'":GOTO 700 8317 IF A=999 AND N1=7 THEN A=101 8318 IF B=999 AND N1=8 THEN B=101 8319 IF C=999 AND N1=9 THEN C=101 8320 IF D=999 AND N1=10 THEN D=101 8321 IF E=999 AND N1=11 THEN E=101 8322 IF F=999 AND N1=12 THEN F=101 8323 IF G=999 AND N1=13 THEN G=101 8324 IF I=999 AND N1=14 THEN I=101 8325 IF J=999 AND N1=15 THEN J=101 8326 IF K=999 AND N1=16 THEN K=101 8327 IF L=999 AND N1=17 THEN L=101 8328 IF M=999 AND N1=18 THEN M=101 8329 IF N1>18 OR N1<7 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't do that.":GOTO 700 8330 Z=Z-P(N1):C1=11:PRINT"The clerk hands you the ";NO$(N1);".":C1=10:PRINT"You hand the clerk ";P(N1);" gold coins.":C1=11:PRINT"He says,'Thank you.'":GOTO 700 8399 REM sell 8400 IF R<>26 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You are not in the village shop.":GOTO 700 8401 FOR Y=1 TO 27:P(Y)=0:NEXT:P(7)=12:P(8)=6:P(9)=76:P(10)=24:P(11)=280:P(12)=168 8402 P(13)=144:P(14)=328:P(15)=406:P(16)=500:P(17)=758:P(18)=1000 8403 IF N<>R THEN C1=4:PRINT"The clerk isn't here.":GOTO 700 8405 IF A<>101 AND N1=7 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8406 IF B<>101 AND N1=8 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8407 IF C<>101 AND N1=9 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8408 IF D<>101 AND N1=10 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8409 IF E<>101 AND N1=11 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8410 IF F<>101 AND N1=12 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8411 IF G<>101 AND N1=13 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8412 IF I<>101 AND N1=14 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8413 IF J<>101 AND N1=15 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8414 IF K<>101 AND N1=16 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8415 IF L<>101 AND N1=17 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8416 IF M<>101 AND N1=18 THEN C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'I don't see you carrying that.'":GOTO 700 8417 IF A=101 AND N1=7 THEN A=999 8418 IF B=101 AND N1=8 THEN B=999 8419 IF C=101 AND N1=9 THEN C=999 8420 IF D=101 AND N1=10 THEN D=999 8421 IF E=101 AND N1=11 THEN E=999 8422 IF F=101 AND N1=12 THEN F=999 8423 IF G=101 AND N1=13 THEN G=999 8424 IF I=101 AND N1=14 THEN I=999 8425 IF J=101 AND N1=15 THEN J=999 8426 IF K=101 AND N1=16 THEN K=999 8427 IF L=101 AND N1=17 THEN L=999 8428 IF M=101 AND N1=18 THEN M=999 8429 IF N1>18 OR N1<7 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't do that.":GOTO 700 8430 Z=Z+(P(N1)/2):C1=11:PRINT"The clerk hands you";(P(N1)/2);"gold coins.":C1=10:PRINT"You hand the clerk the ";NO$(N1);".":C1=11:PRINT"He says,'Thank you.'":GOTO 700 8499 REM light 8500 REM 8501 IF A=R OR A=101 THEN IF N1=7 AND LT=0 THEN LT=1:C1=15:PRINT"The lantern flickers on.":GOTO 700 8502 IF A=R OR A=101 THEN IF N1=7 AND LT=1 THEN C1=4:PRINT"The lantern is already aglow.":GOTO 700 8503 C1=4:PRINT"You can't light that.":GOTO 700 8999 REM attack 9000 IF A=R AND N1=7 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9002 IF B=R AND N1=8 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9003 IF C=R AND N1=9 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9004 IF D=R AND N1=10 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9005 IF E=R AND N1=11 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9006 IF F=R AND N1=12 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9007 IF G=R AND N1=13 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9008 IF I=R AND N1=14 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9009 IF J=R AND N1=15 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9010 IF K=R AND N1=16 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9011 IF L=R AND N1=17 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9012 IF M=R AND N1=18 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You can't kill that.":GOTO 700 9013 IF A<>R AND N1=7 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9014 IF B<>R AND N1=8 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9015 IF C<>R AND N1=9 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9016 IF D<>R AND N1=10 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9017 IF E<>R AND N1=11 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9018 IF F<>R AND N1=12 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9019 IF G<>R AND N1=13 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9020 IF I<>R AND N1=14 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9021 IF J<>R AND N1=15 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9022 IF K<>R AND N1=16 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9023 IF L<>R AND N1=17 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9024 IF M<>R AND N1=18 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9025 IF N<>R AND N1=19 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9026 IF O<>R AND N1=20 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9027 IF P<>R AND N1=21 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9028 IF Q<>R AND N1=22 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9029 IF S<>R AND N1=23 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9030 IF T<>R AND N1=24 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9031 IF U<>R AND N1=25 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9032 IF V<>R AND N1=26 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9033 IF W<>R AND N1=27 THEN C1=4:PRINT"That isn't here.":GOTO 700 9034 Y=INT(RND(1)*1000)+1:MH=Y 9035 REM main combat loop 9036 Y=INT(RND(1)*35)+1 9037 IF C=105 THEN C1=11:PRINT"You are wielding the sword.":DM=2+Y 9038 IF C<>105 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You are fighting bare handed.":DM=2 9039 C1=6:PRINT">" 9040 C1=15:PRINT"You attack:":Y=INT(RND(1)*40)+1 9041 IF Y<5 THEN C1=7:PRINT"Alas, you missed the ";NO$(N1);"..." 9042 IF Y>4 AND Y<10 THEN C1=15:PRINT"You hit ";NO$(N1);".":DT=DM:MH=MH-DT 9043 IF Y>9 AND Y<15 THEN C1=7:PRINT"You hit ";NO$(N1);" very hard!":DT=DM+5:MH=MH-DT 9044 IF Y>14 AND Y<20 THEN C1=10:PRINT"AMAZING BLOW! The ";NO$(N1);" is smashed":PRINT"into atoms!!":DT=DM+25:MH=MH-DT 9045 IF Y=20 THEN IF G=205 THEN C1=14:PRINT"Your RING pulsates! A flash of orange fire strikes":PRINT"at ";NO$(N1);"!!":DT=Y+DM+Y:MH=MH-DT 9046 IF Y=21 THEN IF I=205 THEN C1=7:PRINT"Your CLOAK blinds ";NO$(N1);" in momentary darkness!!":GOTO 9100 9047 IF Y>21 AND Y<50 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You strike at ";NO$(N1);", hitting only air..." 9048 C1=6:PRINT:PRINT">" 9049 Y=INT(RND(1)*30)+1 9050 C1=15:PRINT "The ";NO$(N1);" attacks:" 9051 IF Y<3 THEN PRINT"They missed you." 9052 IF Y>2 AND Y<12 THEN C1=15:PRINT"The ";NO$(N1);" hit you.":H=H-N1 9053 IF Y>11 AND Y<20 THEN C1=7:PRINT"The ";NO$(N1);" hit you very hard!":H=H-N1:H=H-N1 9054 IF Y>19 AND Y<25 THEN C1=13:PRINT"COSMIC BLOW! The ";NO$(N1);" shattered you":PRINT"into small atoms!!":H=H-DM:H=H-N1:H=H-N1 9055 IF Y=25 THEN IF N1=22 THEN C1=12:PRINT"The ghost splits into pieces!!":C1=15:PRINT">>>>>";:C1=7:PRINT">>>>>";:C1=8:PRINT">>>>>";:C1=14:PRINT"Whhhoooosssshhhhhh!!!":H=H-250 9056 IF Y=25 THEN IF N1=22 THEN C1=13:PRINT"You are DESTROYED by spiritual energy forces!!!":C1=7:PRINT "(in other words - FLATTENED INTO NOTHINGNESS!)":H=H-250 9057 IF Y=25 THEN IF N1=24 THEN C1=12:PRINT"The goblin charges you!":C1=13:PRINT"You are slashed HARD!!":H=H-75:H=H-Y 9058 IF Y=25 THEN IF N1=25 THEN C1=12:PRINT"The werewolf lunges at you!":C1=13:PRINT"It BITES into your neck, slicing it open!!":H=H-500 9059 IF Y=25 THEN IF N1=27 THEN C1=12:PRINT"The dragon breathes fire on you!!":C1=4:PRINT">>>>>";:C1=6:PRINT">>>>>";:C1=14:PRINT">>>>>";:C1=15:PRINT"F-I-R-E-B-A-L-L!!!":H=H-750 9060 IF Y>25 AND Y<50 THEN C1=15:PRINT"The ";NO$(N1);" strikes at you, but hits only air..." 9061 IF E=205 THEN H=H+2 9062 IF F=205 THEN H=H+4 9063 IF G=205 THEN H=H+3 9064 IF I=205 THEN H=H+3 9065 IF J=205 THEN H=H+8 9100 PRINT:C1=14:input "Press any key...";a$ 9102 C1=15 9103 IF MH<1 THEN C1=4:PRINT"The ";NO$(N1);" has died.":C1=15:PRINT"You killed it dead.":GOTO 9200 9104 IF H<1 THEN C1=7:PRINT"Alas, you have died...":GOTO 9500 9105 GOTO 9036 9200 C1=11:PRINT:PRINT"You gain";Y;"experience points and";DM:PRINT"gold coins." 9201 C1=7:IF DM>20 THEN H=H+150:PRINT"You gained a level!":C1=15: 9202 H=H+100:T1=N1+1000 9203 IF N1=19 AND N=R THEN N=998 9204 IF N1=20 AND O=R THEN O=998 9205 IF N1=21 AND P=R THEN P=998 9206 IF N1=22 AND Q=R THEN Q=998 9207 IF N1=23 AND S=R THEN S=998 9208 IF N1=24 AND T=R THEN T=998 9209 IF N1=25 AND U=R THEN U=998 9210 IF N1=26 AND V=R THEN V=998 9211 IF N1=27 AND W=R THEN W=998 9212 IF N1=27 THEN GOTO 9600:REM player wins 9213 IF T1=A THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9214 IF T1=B THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9215 IF T1=C THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9216 IF T1=D THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9217 IF T1=E THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9218 IF T1=F THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9219 IF T1=G THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9220 IF T1=I THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9221 IF T1=J THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9222 IF T1=K THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9223 IF T1=L THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9224 IF T1=M THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9225 IF T1=N THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9226 IF T1=O THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9227 IF T1=P THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9228 IF T1=Q THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9229 IF T1=S THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9230 IF T1=T THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9231 IF T1=U THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9232 IF T1=V THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9233 IF T1=W THEN T1=R:C1=7:PRINT"You found ";NO$(T1);" on it!":C1=15: 9234 GOTO 700 9499 REM player loses battle 9500 C1=7:PRINT:PRINT"< THE END >":STOP 9501 GOTO 10 9599 REM player defeats the dragon 9600 C1=10:PRINT:PRINT"*** Congratulations!!! ***":PRINT 9601 C1=15:PRINT"You have vanquished the evil dragon!":PRINT 9602 C1=11:PRINT"You stand over the crumpled body of the menacing" 9603 PRINT"dragon, your sword bathed in blood. It is a lonely" 9604 PRINT"sight to behold a once great dragon reduced to so" 9605 PRINT"little. In a way, you feel sorry for it, if only" 9606 PRINT"for a moment. Besides, with the sun now over" 9607 PRINT"the horizon, the taverns will be opening once" 9608 PRINT"again. Why waste spilled dragon on the greatness" 9609 PRINT"that is free beer?...":PRINT:C1=7:PRINT"< THE END >":GOTO 700 9699 REM list command 9700 IF R<>26 THEN C1=4:PRINT"You are not in the village shop!":GOTO 700 9701 IF N<>R THEN C1=4:PRINT"The clerk isn't here.":GOTO 700 9702 C1=11:PRINT"The clerk says,'Here is what we have in stock...':" 9703 S1=0:IF A=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(7);": ";NO$(7):S1=1 9704 IF B=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(8);": ";NO$(8):S1=1 9705 IF C=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(9);": ";NO$(9):S1=1 9706 IF D=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(10);": ";NO$(10):S1=1 9707 IF E=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(11);": ";NO$(11):S1=1 9708 IF F=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(12);": ";NO$(12):S1=1 9709 IF G=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(13);": ";NO$(13):S1=1 9710 IF I=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(14);": ";NO$(14):S1=1 9711 IF J=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(15);": ";NO$(15):S1=1 9712 IF K=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(16);": ";NO$(16):S1=1 9713 IF L=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(17);": ";NO$(17):S1=1 9714 IF M=999 THEN C1=15:PRINT P(18);": ";NO$(18):S1=1 9715 IF S1=0 THEN C1=4:PRINT"The clerk scratches his head.":C1=11:PRINT"He says,'Alas, we have nothing in stock...'" 9716 GOTO 700 9799 REM help/hint command 9800 C1=15:PRINT"This game is a text adventure. You play by entering in one or two":PRINT"word commands. For example:":PRINT 9801 C1=7:PRINT"examine sword":PRINT:C1=15:PRINT "will examine the sword (if in the room or in your inventory).":PRINT 9802 C1=15:PRINT"Command examples include:":PRINT 9803 C1=7 9804 PRINT"go north (or south, east, west, up or down)" 9805 PRINT"get sword (or take sword)" 9806 PRINT"wield sword" 9807 PRINT"unwield sword" 9808 PRINT"wear armor" 9809 PRINT"remove armor" 9810 PRINT"light lantern" 9811 PRINT"use rope" 9812 PRINT"examine tree" 9813 PRINT"read scroll" 9814 PRINT"kill goblin" 9815 PRINT"drop sword" 9816 PRINT"climb tree" 9817 PRINT"buy cloak" 9818 PRINT"sell cloak" 9819 PRINT"inventory" 9820 PRINT"look" 9822 PRINT"quit" 9823 PRINT:C1=11:PRINT"If you have any questions, please email me at: dunric@yahoo.com":GOTO 700 9989 REM special passing 9990 C1=15:PRINT"You turn ghostly white and whither...dead away!!":PRINT:GOTO 9500 10000 if V1=1 then goto 810 10001 if V1=2 then goto 820 10002 if V1=3 then goto 830 10003 if V1=4 then goto 840 10004 if V1=5 then goto 850 10005 if V1=6 then goto 860 10006 if V1=7 then goto 870 10007 if V1=8 then goto 880 10008 if V1=9 then goto 890 10009 if V1=10 then goto 900 10010 if V1=11 then goto 910 10011 if V1=12 then goto 920 10012 if V1=13 then goto 930 10013 if V1=14 then goto 940 10014 if V1=15 then goto 950 10015 if V1=16 then goto 960 10016 goto 756