27/7/2003 -- bugfix release 0.2.1 : Corrected a bug in next_property() which caused it to behave incorrectly when given a null argument. 12/4/2003 -- release 0.2.0 : Changed the main window printing functions to use my custom font instead of the 6x8 system font when the fixed font bit is set. Removed the now useless width & height command line options. 4/4/2003 : Added detection of some particular games in order to create workarounds in particular situations. Added some such workarounds. 17/3/2003 : some bugfixes ; now doing clipping on the upper window (the specifications say setting the cursor outside the window is illegal, which would mean games normally never do it, but Nord and Bert actually does it and seems to expect clipping, so...) Also implemented « stream3 » (writing text into a buffer in Z-memory instead of directly on the screen). The « score » portion of the statusbar now appears at the right place in Nord and Bert. 2/3/2003 : now storing the actual number of gamefiles, so as not to crash the calculator if access is attempted beyond the last one. Added handling of the reverse video feature in upper window. 1/3/2003 : added my custom fixed-width 4x6 font (smallfixedfont.h) to use in the upper window, because the games expect a screen width of at least 40 characters (so 6x8 is too big) and also expect a fixed font. Implemented most of the upper-window-related opcodes. 22/2/2003 : added a check which reduces the resident memory size to 15 blocks if it is above, so that allocation will have a chance not to fail (it is not possible to allocate 16 blocks = 64k). Modified the functions in property.c to handle the different V4 format ; modified interp.c to handle the V4 opcodes and implemented some of them (plus_opcodes.c). Removed the unnecessary HLocks (replaced by HeapDeref). 16/2/2003 : reworked file.c for several purposes : being able to accept an actual filename, including the directory specification and the trailing digit, as argument. Such a file should be either one of the files of a game or a savegame (we look for the ZSVG extension to decide which applies). Modified the savegame format to use the ZSVG extension instead of SVG and to contain the game name so that it can be foud given only the savegame name on the command line, and so that we can warn the user if it tries to load a save from another game ; added the ability to specify a filename with a directory specification when saving or loading. Changed the two gamefiles scheme for an array of 4 gamefiles, for future version 4 support. All this is nearly untested for now and probably buggy. 15/2/2003 : reworked object.c to only access the object structures through functions instead of directly ; these functions all have different V4 and V5 versions, and init.c takes care of setting the pointers correctly according to the actual version number. Found the text corruption bug in infidel to be in the decode() function in print.c : this function still relied on the block size being 512 but it is now 4096. 11/2/2003 : as suggested by JimRandomH, changed the gamefiles naming scheme from "gamena" & "gamena_2" to "gamenam1" & "gamenam2". Translated the some french messages into english. The french versions are still used if FRENCH=TRUE. 8/2/2003 : removed the `search game name in a list' feature ; it was very useful for testing when getting the game name on the command line wasn't implemented, but now it only took up space in the program. Replaced by a single default game name (JEU_PAR_DEFAUT). Simplified the frame pointer-related code. For some reason it was set to point just BELOW the stack pointer at the start of a subroutine (instead of on it) but I don't see the point (it just lead to have a useless offset when dealing with the local variables), and since the simplification was done in ITF I do it too. Replaced the #ifdef USE_TI89 conditionals by tests of the TI89 macro, so that simultaneous compilation for several calculator models is now safe (I still don't recommand it tough, since it makes the executable bigger than necessary). Also modified the switch statement in va_a_la_ligne() so that both right and down arrow will scroll a line down on any calculator. 7/2/2003 : first version released. Let's call it 0.1.0.