SIR RAMIC HOBBS: (c) 1989 Gil Williamson, Amazon Systems. ; 24/11/89 MAX_LIVES 0 ROOM 2 Smelly Cave w 3 (precipitous ledge) e 4 (bear lair (west) #1) u 3 d 4 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 2 ROOM_DESCR 2 You are in an extremely smelly cave. The floor slopes steeply from West down to East. There is a faint glow from below, whence the smell appears to be emanating, and a rather brighter light from above. The floor is slippery. END_ROOM_DESCR 2 HELP 2 Perhaps you should consider leaving this hell-hole. END_HELP_DESCR 2 ROOM 3 Precipitous Ledge e 2 (smelly cave #1) n 7 (vantage point) d 8 (the rocks) key 204 special 8 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 3 ROOM_DESCR 3 You are standing on a precipitous ledge above what is called 'an aching void'. You're not quite sure whether the void aches more than your head. A long way below, to the West, you can see a castle on the shore of the Sunless Sea, which stretches off to the South. Round to your left, far below, at the foot of the Midden, the River Alf steams (yes, steams) into the sea. Behind you, to the East, is a cave. A path sneaks North, through some bushes. END_ROOM_DESCR 3 HELP 3 This is an opportunity to get your bearings, as long as you don't step too close to the edge. END_HELP_DESCR 3 ROOM 4 Bear Lair (West) e 5 (bear lair east) u 2 (smelly cave) w 2 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 4 ROOM_DESCR 4 This is where the smell was coming from, all right. There are piles of it on the floor. The inhabitant of this cave doesn't do it in the woods. The cave where you woke up is to the West. The main part of the Bear Lair is East of here. END_ROOM_DESCR 4 HELP 4 None of us are enjoying this very much. There must be something sensible to do. END_HELP_DESCR 4 ROOM 5 Bear Lair (East) w 4 (bear lair west) s 9 (stepped cave) d 9 e 21 (golden pond (w)) LIGHT 1 Points 1 END_ROOM 5 ROOM_DESCR 5 To the West, the cave continues upwards. A flight of ill-carved stone steps leads downwards to the South. To the East, a golden light and the sound of running water emanate from a cave-mouth. END_ROOM_DESCR 5 HELP 5 If there's a bear in here with you, you're in trouble. BIG and IRREVERSIBLE trouble. If there's no bear, make a hasty exit. END_HELP_DESCR 5 ROOM 6 Top of ladder LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 6 ROOM_DESCR 6 Well, here we are at the top of the ladder. Unfortunately, we can't reach anywhere useful from here. END_ROOM_DESCR 6 HELP 6 Why not inflate the ladder where it'll do some good, numbskull? END_HELP_DESCR 6 ROOM 7 Vantage Point u 12 (Tunnel entrance) s 3 (Precipitous Ledge) key 204 special 8 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 7 ROOM_DESCR 7 From this high and windy vantage point, you can see miles to the North and West. To the North, the Khan's pleasure dome is occasionally visible through squalls of rain, beyond forests ancient as the hills (it says here). Far below and to one side, you can see a ledge with a grove of bamboo. To the West, Baron Doar's castle guards the only road to the pleasure dome. What a pity you're going to have to walk all that distance, Sir Ramic.. .. if you ever get down from this rock, that is. A narrow path goes South, through some bushes. There are some steps leading upwards. END_ROOM_DESCR 7 HELP 7 Relax. The fresh air here will do you good. END_HELP_DESCR 7 ROOM 8 On the Rocks GAME_END LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 8 ROOM_DESCR 8 In your rather hung-over state, you have stepped the wrong way and are now hurtling towards some very jagged rocks. Take a moment or two to contemplate your worthless little life. . . . . ...Too late. You just arrived... **** You are Dead **** END_ROOM_DESCR 8 SPECIAL 8 All this fiddling about with the fence has dislodged it, and it is now plunging over the abyss. END_SPECIAL 8 ROOM 9 Stepped Cave n 5 (bear lair (e)) u 5 e 13 (corridor) s 14 (539 steps) d 14 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 9 ROOM_DESCR 9 You are standing at a strange angle, because these steps are uneven. This is a picturesque stairway. It comes down from the North, and continues South, curving round to the left in the middle distance. A corridor leads East from here. It appears clear and smooth, but it curves and dips. END_ROOM_DESCR 9 HELP 9 I'd go downstairs and have a look, if I were you. END_HELP 9 ROOM 10 Torture Chamber n 50 ; empty hall s 46 ; silk store w 48 ; paint store e 51 ; kennel LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 10 ROOM_DESCR 10 This is the torture chamber. It's a featureless room, though the acoustics are pretty good. There are featureless exits in all four major directions. END_ROOM_DESCR 10 HELP 10 It's easy, now it's quiet. END_HELP 10 ROOM 11 In the Beach GAME_END LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 11 ROOM_DESCR 11 You have arrived at the beach. Unfortunately, you were travelling at 160 feet per second at the time, and you are embedded up to the waist in sand... since you arrived head first, this is making life difficult to sustain. . **** You are Dead **** END_ROOM_DESCR 11 ROOM 12 Tunnel Entrance d 7 (vantage) w 8 (rocks) e 15 (tunnel) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 12 ROOM_DESCR 12 You are at the entrance to what has once been a mine. Rails lead East into the tunnel. The only other way is back down to the vantage point. END_ROOM_DESCR 12 SPECIAL 12 The locomotive jerks into immediate motion, and you fall down in the cab. A liberal dousing from the cascade of water as you pass through it revives you in time to see the end of the tunnel approaching with alarming rapidity. What Now? JUMP! A wise plan. The locomotive stops abruptly, depositing you on the ground, and recedes back up the tunnel. END_SPECIAL 12 HELP 12 For God's sake, cut out the snivelling, Sir Ramic. END_HELP_DESCR 12 ROOM 13 Corridor w 9 (stepped cave) e 23 (golden pond (n)) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 13 ROOM_DESCR 13 You are in a long, twisting, largely East-West corridor. To the East, you can hear running water. To the West, you can just see a flight of steps crossing the end of the corridor. END_ROOM_DESCR 13 HELP 13 Sometimes it helps just to wait a while. Sometimes it doesn't. END_HELP_DESCR 13 ROOM 14 The 539 Steps w 9 (stepped cave) u 9 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 14 ROOM_DESCR 14 You are at the foot of the 539 steps. The steps stretch up to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR 14 HELP 14 You're on your own, Hobbsy. Try to pull yourself together. END_HELP_DESCR 14 ROOM 15 Tunnel w 12 (tunnel entrance) e 17 (cascade) key 204 (fence) special 16 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 15 ROOM_DESCR 15 You are in the tunnel. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. With your luck, it's an oncoming train! Just East of you here, there is a gap in the tunnel floor, though the rails continue across the gap. Water cascades from the ceiling into this gap, and disappears with a loud roar. The gap is too wide to jump across, and the rails look slippery. END_ROOM_DESCR 15 HELP 15 What you need here is something to bridge that gap. END_HELP_DESCR 15 ROOM 16 Workshop e 18 (train) enter 18 w 17 (cascade) points 1 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 16 ROOM_DESCR 16 You are in a well-lit workshop. I know this is going to seem a little anachronistic to you, Sir Ramic, but there is an ancient Chinese steam locomotive parked at the East end of the workshop. To the West, out in the tunnel, you can hear water cascading into the gap in the tunnel floor. END_ROOM_DESCR 16 SPECIAL 16 The fence falls neatly into the gap, spanning the rails. Big Deal. What Now? EAST OH NO! Don't do it! Good God, man. You're in no condition to walk across that gap. Well... you made it, but I wouldn't advise going back, as the fence has fallen down into the torrent. END_SPECIAL 16 HELP 16 How's your Ancient Chinese, Sir Ramic? END_HELP_DESCR 16 ROOM 17 Cascade GAME_END LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 17 ROOM_DESCR 17 You were WARNED, Sir Ramic. As predicted, you miss your footing. Not at all surprising, really. The cascade plunges 40 feet onto a stone slab. You cascade with it. As well as getting extremely wet... **** You are Dead **** END_ROOM_DESCR 17 ROOM 18 Locomotive w 16 (Workshop) KEY 210 SPECIAL 12 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 18 ROOM_DESCR 18 You are in the cab of an Ancient Chinese Steam Locomotive. END_ROOM_DESCR 18 HELP 18 What do you mean, 'HELP'? I can't drive one of these. END_HELP 18 ROOM 19 Library e 46 ; silk store w 47 ; bridge (e) s 49 ; hall of remembrance LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 19 ROOM_DESCR 19 You are in the library. There are many volumes in here, but I fear that only books with pictures in them will be of any use to you. The roof of this cavern is hidden in darkness, but there's an arch to the West, there's a room to the East, and there's a glow from a hall to the South. END_ROOM_DESCR 19 HELP 19 A is for arteriosclerosis, B is for basket-case, ... While entertaining, the contents of this room can be as dangerous to your health as a short-sighted rabid squirrel. END_HELP 19 ROOM 20 Bridge (W) n 55 ; Grand Central (W) w 56 ; dining e 47 ;bridge (E) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 20 ROOM_DESCR 20 This is the Western end of a bridge over the River Alf. The Grand Central Cavern opens up to the North. There's a door to the West, set into the icy wall. END_ROOM_DESCR 20 HELP 20 I keep asking myself why I trudge round with a wimp like you.. END_HELP 20 ROOM 21 Golden Pond (w) w 5 (bear lair (E)) e 22 (watery grave) ne 22 se 22 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD SWIM SPECIAL 22 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 21 ROOM_DESCR 21 You are standing on the Western shore of a beautiful subterranean lake. A vaguely familiar cascade of water pours from the domed ceiling into the centre of the pond. There is a whirlpool in the centre of the pond, where the falling water throws up splashes of gold. There is no path round the edge of the pond. Behind you, to the West, is the bear lair. END_ROOM_DESCR 21 HELP 21 Hello, sailor.. END_HELP 21 ROOM 22 Watery Grave GAME_END LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 22 ROOM_DESCR 22 Swimming, is it? Well, I'm afraid you are in for a disappointment, Sir Ramic. Though you swim quite well for a knight in full armour, the whirlpool is too much for you, and you are sucked down. I see you are holding your breath. Did you wonder why the water glows with a golden light? Did you wonder why the river STEAMS into the sea? Below the whirlpool, the fires of the Midden still burn. The water is scaldingly hot, and, I'm afraid to say... **** You are dead **** END_ROOM_DESCR 22 ROOM 23 Golden Pond (n) n 13 (corridor) enter 24 (boat (n)) se 22 (watery grave) sw 22 s 22 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 23 ROOM_DESCR 23 You are standing on the Northern shore of a beautiful subterranean lake. A cascade of water pours from the ceiling into the centre of the pond. There is a whirlpool in the centre of the pond, where the falling water throws up splashes of gold. There is no path round the edge of the pond. Behind you, to the North, is a corridor. END_ROOM_DESCR 23 HELP 23 Hmm... beats the hell out of me. END_HELP 23 ROOM 24 Pond (n)- in boat exit 23 (golden pond(n)) e 27 (whirlpool) se 27 ne 27 d 27 s 27 w 25 nw 25 sw 25 key 219 special 26 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 24 ROOM_DESCR 24 You are drifting in the boat next to the North shore of Golden Pond. To the South, you can see a menacing whirlpool. On the Eastern and Western shores of Golden Pond are cave entrances. Because of the whirlpool, the boat tends to drift in a circle round the pond. This isn't helping your head, I know. You could probably disembark if necessary. END_ROOM_DESCR 24 SPECIAL 24 Using the bat, you have now paddled round to the North again. END_SPECIAL 24 HELP 24 What you need is something to USE as a paddle. END_HELP_DESCR 24 ROOM 25 Pond (w)- in boat exit 22 (watery grave) e 27 (whirlpool) ne 27 n 27 d 27 s 24 (pond (n)) se 24 key 219 special 26 (pond (e)) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 25 ROOM_DESCR 25 All your ineffectual splashing around has brought you close to the West shore of the Pond. Close, but not VERY close. Beyond the central whirlpool, you can just see a cave entrance in the East. The Northern entrance, where you embarked, is receding as you drift around the pond. END_ROOM_DESCR 25 HELP 25 What you need is something to USE as a paddle. END_HELP_DESCR 25 ROOM 26 Pond (e)- in boat exit 28 (G.P. (e)) w 27 (whirlpool) sw 27 s 27 d 27 nw 24 (pond (n)) n 24 key 219 special 24 (pond(e)) POINTS 1 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 26 ROOM_DESCR 26 You are in the boat, close to the Eastern shore of Golden Pond. END_ROOM_DESCR 26 SPECIAL 26 What a good idea! I KNEW that bat was going to come in useful! Using it as a paddle is perfect. END_SPECIAL 26 ROOM 27 In the whirlpool exit 22 (watery grave) n 29 (down the whirlpool) s 29 e 29 w 29 key 219 special 24 (pond (n)) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 27 ROOM_DESCR 27 Well, it had to happen. Your ineffectual attempts at paddling by hand have drawn the rowing boat into the whirlpool. You are now gyrating at speed, and being gradually sucked into the centre. DO something! END_ROOM_DESCR 27 ROOM 28 Golden Pond (e) e 30 (Elevator top level) w 22 (watery grave) enter 26 (in boat g.p.(e)) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 28 ROOM_DESCR 28 You are on the Eastern shore of Golden Pond. Behind you, to the East, is a strange little room. The boat is nearby, lodged against some rocks. Having no alternative, the whirlpool whirls. There is no way round the perimeter of the Pond. END_ROOM_DESCR 28 HELP 28 Well.. you seem to be making some progress. END_HELP 28 ROOM 29 Down the whirlpool GAME_END LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 29 ROOM_DESCR 29 The small circle you and your craft are describing tightens, the boat up-ends, and you are sucked into the whirlpool. It is a matter of some surprise that you stay in the boat while it is whisked through a very hot area, then down dark passages, and finally into the sea. You drift around for several days, until everyone concludes.. rightly... **** You are Dead **** END_ROOM_DESCR 29 ROOM 30 Small Cell w 28 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 30 ROOM_DESCR 30 You are in a small cell with a corridor opening to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR 30 HELP 30 Try a glass of blackcurrant juice and salt. It always works when I feel the effects of strong spirits... (sepulchral chuckle). END_HELP 30 ROOM 31 Waiting Room w 14 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 31 ROOM_DESCR 31 This is the waiting room of a veterinary surgeon. Behind you, to the West, are the 539 steps. END_ROOM_DESCR 31 HELP 31 Is that owl here? You may need his advice. END_HELP 31 ROOM 32 Draughty Corridor w 34 ;elevator e 33 ;ledge LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 32 ROOM_DESCR 32 This is a cold corridor with light and a stiff breeze coming from the East. There is a small cell to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR 32 HELP 32 How about an aspirin? END_HELP 32 ROOM 33 Draughty Ledge w 32 ;draughty corridor d 35 ;lower ledge LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 33 ROOM_DESCR 33 You are on a ledge on the largely unexplored East face of the Midden. From here, you have an uninterrupted view of the Sunless Sea to the South, and the craggy Royal Vanadium Mountains to the North. Eight hundred feet below is a narrow strip of beach. Halfway down, and to one side you can just see a ledge rather similar to this one. Why not jump? It'd be simpler for us all. END_ROOM_DESCR 33 HELP 33 Take a few deep breaths. Then have a think. Then do something obvious as usual. END_HELP 33 ROOM 34 Small Cell e 32 LIGHT 1 Points 1 END_ROOM 34 ROOM_DESCR 34 You are in a small cell with a corridor opening to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR 34 HELP 34 Don't, for God's sake, drop anything. You'll never see it again. END_HELP 34 ROOM 35 Lower Ledge w 37 ;ladder corridor u 36 ;rope's end d 11 ; the beach LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 35 ROOM_DESCR 35 You are on another ledge on the largely unexplored East face of the Midden. From here, you have a similar view of the Sunless Sea and the Royal Vanadium Mountains. Over four hundred feet below is a narrow strip of beach. Behind you, to the West, is a corridor. END_ROOM_DESCR 35 HELP 35 There you go, whining again. I bet you wish the rope was more conveniently placed. END_HELP 35 ROOM 36 Rope's End d 11 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 36 ROOM_DESCR 36 Well, here we are, suspended in space over a long drop to the beach. In a moment or two, your puny hands are going to lose their grip. END_ROOM_DESCR 36 HELP 36 Hmm.. you ARE in rather a predicament, aren't you? Just give me a moment or so to think about this. Just hang on. END_HELP 36 ROOM 37 Ladder Corridor e 35 ;lower ledge u 39 ;top of ladder LIGHT 1 Points 1 END_ROOM 37 ROOM_DESCR 37 You are in a corridor. To the East is a ledge on the East face of the Midden. To the West, there is a blank wall. END_ROOM_DESCR 37 HELP 37 "Truth is never pure and seldom simple." "Experience is the name men give to their mistakes." Now tell me the truth about your experience, Sir Ramic. END_HELP 37 ROOM 38 On the Beach w 40 ; under the waterfall n 42 ; canyon LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 38 ROOM_DESCR 38 You are on the beach below the unscalable East face of the Midden. To the East and South is the unswimmable Sunless Sea. To the West the undrinkable River Alf cascades from the cliff. To the North, a jumble of rocks leads steeply upwards into a canyon. END_ROOM_DESCR 38 HELP 38 It's Hobson's choice, really, isn't it? END_HELP 38 ROOM 39 Top of Ladder d 37 ;ladder corridor LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 39 ROOM_DESCR 39 You are at the top of the pneumatic ladder. It's a little bouncy up here. END_ROOM_DESCR 39 HELP 39 There's just 2 digits in the combination. Push the trapdoor every time you've tried two numbers. END_HELP 39 ROOM 40 Under the waterfall s 38 ;on the beach n 41 ;guardroom enter 41 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 40 ROOM_DESCR 40 You are under the warm waterfall. It is, needless to say, very damp here. Water is cascading into your suit, and leaking out of the joints. To the North is a cleft in the rock. To the South is the beach. END_ROOM_DESCR 40 HELP 40 How about... "Eodem cogimur, unde negant redire quemquam.."? It's not going to help, but it's pretty profound. END_HELP 40 ROOM 41 Guardroom n 46 ; silkstore s 40 ; under the waterfall LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 41 ROOM_DESCR 41 This is some sort of guardroom cut into the living rock. There is an arch to the North, while to the South, you can hear the roar of the waterfall through a cleft. END_ROOM_DESCR 41 HELP 41 If the guard's here, you're going to have to give him something. END_HELP 41 ROOM 42 The canyon s 38 ;on the beach nw 43 ;clifftop LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 42 ROOM_DESCR 42 You are in a rocky canyon between the Midden and the Royal Vanadium Mountains. To the South, a long way down some uncomfortable rocks, is the beach. The only other way out of here is to the North West. END_ROOM_DESCR 42 HELP 42 'What goes up, must come down' (from the Natural Philosophy examination paper of I. Newton aged 12, 1654) END_HELP 42 ROOM 43 The clifftop w 44 ;riverbank d 44 se 42 ;canyon s 45 ;gallery LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 43 ROOM_DESCR 43 You are on a clifftop at the highest point of a rocky canyon. From here, you have an unrivalled view of the River Alf (five miles meandering with a mazy motion from the Mountains to the Midden). Much further to the North, beyond miles of wood and dale, you can discern the stately pleasure dome which is your eventual destination. To the West, a long way down a tricky cliff path, is the bank of the river Alf. The canyon doesn't exactly beckon to the South East. There is a dark cave in the wall of the Midden to the South. END_ROOM_DESCR 43 HELP 43 'O for the wings of a dove..' HINT HINT. END_HELP 43 ROOM 44 Riverbank e 43 ;clifftop u 43 ; " LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 44 ROOM_DESCR 44 You are on the bank of the river Alf. The icy water issues from a distant chasm in the Royal Vanadiums in a mighty fountain, but here it is merely swift and wide and deep. Across the river, a road beckons weary travellers. Behind you, to the East, a cliff path meanders up a rocky precipice. END_ROOM_DESCR 44 HELP 44 END_HELP 44 ROOM 45 Gallery n 43 ;clifftop LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 45 ROOM_DESCR 45 You are on a gallery above the measureless caverns. From here you can see down into many caverns of ice, water, stone, and steel. Some are large, some small, many contain dimly perceived items. The cave immediately below here is in utter darkness. You can see daylight to the North. END_ROOM_DESCR 45 HELP 45 It's impossible to get down from here without a ladder. It might be possible to get up here from down below if a ladder were installed in a suitable cave. Helpful enough? END_HELP 45 ROOM 46 Silk Store s 41 ; guardroom n 10 ; torture chamber w 19 ; library LIGHT 1 Points 1 END_ROOM 46 ROOM_DESCR 46 You are in a room with many shelves full of bolts of fine silk, probably used to make banners, drapes, and slinky gear. To the South is the guardroom, to the West, a library. An arch to the North looms forbiddingly. END_ROOM_DESCR 46 HELP 46 Is there no end to your caterwauling? END_HELP 46 ROOM 47 Bridge (e) w 20 ; bridge (w) e 19 ; library LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 47 ROOM_DESCR 47 You are standing at the East end of a bridge across the Underground River Alf. The bridge stretches west, across the hot cataract. To the East is the library. Over the parapet to the North you can see the Grand Central Cavern. Over the South parapet, you can see a pleasant area, suitable for fishing. The roof of the Measureless Caverns is hidden in darkness above. END_ROOM_DESCR 47 HELP 47 I want an alligator sandwich. And make it SNAPPY! Tee, hee. That wasn't a hint. It was a joke. OK. Suit yourself. END_HELP 47 ROOM 48 Paint Store e 10 ; torture w 53 ; grand central (e) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 48 ROOM_DESCR 48 There is a refreshing smell of Turkentime and Boiled Linseed whatnot in here. The torture chamber is to the East, while an arch to the West seems to open into a vast space. END_ROOM_DESCR 48 HELP 48 There may be something handy in here, but on the other hand... Who knows these days, eh? END_HELP 48 ROOM 49 Hall of Remembrance n 19 ; library LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 49 ROOM_DESCR 49 This solemn place is called the Hall of Remembrance. I'm damned if I can recall why. To the North is the library. END_ROOM_DESCR 49 HELP 49 I don't want to seem unhelpful, but that's exactly what I'm gonna be. END_HELP 49 ROOM 50 Room 50 s 10 ; torture LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 50 ROOM_DESCR 50 This is Room 50 END_ROOM_DESCR 50 HELP 50 You are in room 50. It looks as though the Great Game Creator in the sky ran out of inspiration here. Well, that's not quite true. There was to be an elaborate trap in here, but he took pity on us all. END_HELP 50 ROOM 51 Kennel. w 10 ; torture s 54 ; dark room LIGHT 1 Points 1 END_ROOM 51 ROOM_DESCR 51 This is a huge kennel. At one time, it has obviously housed hundreds of dogs. It is malodourous in a doggy sort of way. There is a dark opening to the South. The torture chamber is West from here. END_ROOM_DESCR 51 HELP 51 I suggest you make friends with the inhabitant of this room, if you haven't already done so. END_HELP 51 ROOM 52 Fishing Pier e 49 ; Hall of ? LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 52 ROOM_DESCR 52 This pleasant spot is ideal for fishing. The river is conveniently placed to one side, and it's impossible to fall in. The Hall of .. you know .. is to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR 52 HELP 52 If you haven't already tried fishing, USE a net. It's a cinch the way I've set it up. Even for you. END_HELP 52 ROOM 53 Grand Central Cavern (East) e 48 ;paint store LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 53 ROOM_DESCR 53 You are in the Eastern half of the Grand Central Cavern. Between you and the Western half of the cavern is the uncrossable River Alf. You can see some jumbled boxes on the far side of the river. To the South, a bridge crosses the cavern, but you can't reach it from here. It starts in some other cave. The paint store is back to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR 53 HELP 53 This is an unpromising place. Don't waste your time.. or, rather, don't waste my time in here. END_HELP 53 ROOM 54 Dark Room n 51 ; kennel LIGHT 260 Points 1 END_ROOM 54 ROOM_DESCR 54 This is a featureless little room, with an arch to the North from which the exudation known as Dogbreath issues. High above, you can dimly see a gallery. END_ROOM_DESCR 54 HELP 54 Sir Ramic, you obviously have the brains of an addle-pated cretin. Not all of them, though. Only the ones he could spare. END_HELP 54 ROOM 55 Grand Central Cavern (w) s 20 ; bridge (w) w 58 ; workshop LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 55 ROOM_DESCR 55 This is the Grand Central Cavern again. The (sacred) River Alf flows down the centre of the cavern, separating it into this, the Western half, and the other, Eastern half. There is a bridge over the Alf to the South, and a doorway to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR 55 HELP 55 Let me explain it again. This is the Western half of the Grand Central Cavern. There is a river running down the centre of the Cavern, separating this half of the cavern from the other, the Eastern, half of the Cavern. The river, thus, runs North and South. Bored?.... You will be if you ask again. END_HELP 55 ROOM 56 Dining Room e 20 ; bridge (w) n 57 ; kitchen LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 56 ROOM_DESCR 56 This is the dining room. Precious little dining has been done in here lately. The room is utterly unsuited to its avowed purpose. Much like yourself, really, Sir Ramic. It's damned cold in here. There's a door to the North, and another to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR 56 HELP 56 In here you NEED no help. Why are you badgering me in this fashion? END_HELP 56 ROOM 57 Kitchen n 58 ; workshop s 56 ; kitchen LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 57 ROOM_DESCR 57 This is the kitchen of the Measureless caverns. The layers of smoke-blackened grease on the floors, walls and ceiling attest to the years of catering undertaken here. There are doors to the North and South. END_ROOM_DESCR 57 HELP 57 Don't eat anything you find in here, unless a particularly plump cockroach catches your eye (but BO tells me to make sure it's alive before you consume it). END_HELP 57 ROOM 58 Workshop e 55 ; Grand Central (w) s 57 ; kitchen LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 58 ROOM_DESCR 58 This is a fully equipped workshop. There are so many tools here that it's impossible to describe them. You should be able to construct anything in here, provided you have the parts you need. There are doors to the South and East. END_ROOM_DESCR 58 HELP 58 Sorry. I'm no good at DIY. I was disemhanded at the same time as I was disembodied. END_HELP 58 ROOM 59 Top of ladder below gallery LIGHT 1 Points 1 END_ROOM 59 ROOM_DESCR 59 Well, here we are at the top of the ladder. There is a gallery just above you here. END_ROOM_DESCR 59 HELP 59 You finally did something right. Enjoy. END_HELP_DESCR 59 ROOM 60 Rocky Shore u 64 ;bamboo grove w 65 ;more shore Points 1 END_ROOM 60 ROOM_DESCR 60 You are among some incredibly sharp rocks, next to the Sunless Sea. The waves are crashing up here, and water is running off everything. Far above, up the cliffs, is a bamboo grove. The rocks stretch monotonously off to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR 60 HELP 60 All the rocks round here look very similar. You'll lose the doormat unless you're careful. END_HELP 60 ROOM 61 Mountain Top LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 61 ROOM_DESCR 61 This is the top of a mountain whose height I estimate at some 22000 feet. It is probably V1, the highest of the Royal Vanadium Mountains and it is cold. The ground is covered in ice. The wind is powerful, and contains particles of hail. You are having even more difficulty than usual in breathing. The view from here itself would be breathtaking, were it not for the cloud which streams past in the wind. END_ROOM_DESCR 61 HELP 61 Somewhere around here, I saw something you'd need. END_HELP 61 ROOM 62 High Level Gorilla's place. LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 62 ROOM_DESCR 62 This is a most luxurious place, perfumed delicately and carpeted with soft silk rugs and cushions. The huge windows show majestic views in all directions. END_ROOM_DESCR 62 HELP 62 What can I say...? END_HELP 62 ROOM 63 Broom Cupboard LIGHT 271 Points 1 END_ROOM 63 ROOM_DESCR 63 This seems to be a broom cupboard, though there are no brooms in residence right now. END_ROOM_DESCR 63 ROOM 64 Bamboo Grove d 65 n 8 ;the rocks - short route. e 8 ; " " w 65 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 64 ROOM_DESCR 64 This is a pleasant spot, if a little windy. The grove is on a ledge part way up the Northern cliffs of the Midden. The only way back to the beach is by a winding path to the West. All other directions are suicide. END_ROOM_DESCR 64 HELP 64 You are going to need some of this bamboo. END_HELP 64 ROOM 65 Rocky Shore e 60 ;original w 66 ;more of same LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 65 ROOM_DESCR 65 You are among some incredibly sharp rocks, next to the Sunless Sea. The waves are crashing up here, and you are getting thoroughly wet to no purpose. Sharp rocks stretch off to East and West. END_ROOM_DESCR 65 HELP 65 You're lost now. I bet you've lost your bearings (if you ever had any!) When did you last see that doormat? END_HELP 65 ROOM 66 Rocky Shore e 65 ;original w 65 ;more of same LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 66 ROOM_DESCR 66 You are among some incredibly sharp rocks, next to the Sunless Sea. The waves are crashing up here, and you are getting thoroughly wet to no purpose. Sharp rocks stretch off to East and West. They look familiar to me. END_ROOM_DESCR 66 HELP 66 That's right. Wander round and round in circles. END_HELP 66 ROOM 67 On the Road ne 68 ; forest n 68 ; forest w 69 ; castle LIGHT 1 Points 1 END_ROOM 67 ROOM_DESCR 67 This road comes out of the woods and mountains to the North East, and disappears to the West. A side road goes North. The River Alf is East of here. The great mass of the Midden obscures most of the sky to the South. END_ROOM_DESCR 67 HELP 67 I should dismantle the glider if I were you. END_HELP 67 ROOM 68 Forest Road e 67 w 67 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 68 ROOM_DESCR 68 The road runs through some magnificent wooded countryside, by foaming cataracts and dark, heaving torrents and through cool glades. However, the route curves round in a way that indicates it to be a loop, and you can go either East or West. END_ROOM_DESCR 68 HELP 68 This is fun, and it's nearly as useful as staying where we were! END_HELP 68 ROOM 69 At the Castle e 67 ;on the road LIGHT 1 END_ROOM 69 ROOM_DESCR 69 You are beside the moat of Baron Doar's castle. This moat is no walkover. It's a tributary of the Alf. Across the moat tower the grey, forbidding ramparts of stone, pierced by arrow-slits. Something's going on in there, as you can hear screams, see smoke rising and smell burning flesh. The road to the pleasure dome lies on the other side of this fort. The road you came along stretches to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR 69 HELP 69 The only way to make any progress is to enter the castle. END_HELP 69 ROOM 70 The Wedding GAME_WIN POINTS 50 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 70 As you stride manfully across the drawbridge, Baron Doar rushes out, red in the face, and roaring: "So you got here at last, you old reprobate! Have a drink and join the wedding! Drink my health and that of my new wife, the Princess Anne de Pey." He hands over a deep mug. "Oh, and, by the way, if you happen to have Sir Fritz's ferret about your person, he's offered 100 gold pieces as a reward!" You drain the mug of mead, and enter the Great Hall. Harvey mingles with the hounds scavenging under the groaning tables. There are hundreds of people here, including the Khan, who presses 50 gold pieces into your hand. You are surprised to see Sir Fritz Tenshun, the Abdominal Snowman and the High Level Gorilla sharing a huge ham with Sir Fritz's pet python. Earl Iburd tells you the Khan sent a flight of Royal Eagles to bring them. Duke Enjohn Peel is telling jokes to Lord Savers, while Baron Dance and Lady Bewair tango with abandon. Squire Practice, Squire Stalls, Squire Master and Squire Boyes have formed an impromptu Barber Shop Quartet. The great Game Creator (miserly swine) awards you 1 gold piece for each hurdle surmounted. (Weeell, he's got expenses..) and mead and food are available aplenty. I wonder where you'll wake up tomorrow .............. END_ROOM_DESCR 70 NOUN 201 SWORD ORNATE There is an ornate sword here. Location 2 Size 10 Weight 10 END_NOUN 201 NOUN_DESCR 201 The sword looks valuable, but I wouldn't try hitting a bear with it, if I were you. Take my advice. A person in your condition should NEVER take on a bear under ANY circumstances. Oh, and by the way, the sword is blunt. END_NOUN_DESCR 201 NOUN 202 PEG SQUARE There is a square peg here. Location 18 Turnable Size 4 END_NOUN 202 NOUN_DESCR 202 The peg is made of wood, it is square in cross section, and has a handle at one end. I'm sure you'll find some use for it. END_NOUN_DESCR 202 TURN_DESCR 202 Turn, turn, turn... END_TURN_DESCR 202 NOUN 203 HOLE ROUND There is a round hole in the wall at shoulder height. Location 4 Open Unmovable Size 5 END_NOUN 203 NOUN_DESCR 203 There is some mechanism inside the hole. END_NOUN_DESCR 203 NOUN 204 FENCE WOODEN There's a wooden fence in front of you. Location 3 Size 10 Weight 90 Pushable END_NOUN 204 NOUN_DESCR 204 The fence is fairly sturdy - sturdier than you - but not securely fastened in place. END_NOUN_DESCR 204 NOUN 205 PEG ROUND There is a round peg here. Location 2 Turnable Size 4 END_NOUN 205 NOUN_DESCR 205 The peg is made of wood, it is circular in cross section, and has a handle at one end. I'm sure you'll find some use for it. END_NOUN_DESCR 205 TURN_DESCR 205 Turn, turn, turn... END_TURN_DESCR 205 NOUN 206 OVERALLS BLUE There's a set of blue denim overalls hanging here, Unmovable Location 16 Size 5 Weight 5 Closable Open END_NOUN 206 NOUN_DESCR 206 These overalls are short and broad, and of an Oriental cast. They are so securely fastened to a hook on the wall that there seems no way to get them off. END_NOUN_DESCR 206 NOUN 207 POCKET PATCH and a patch pocket Location 206 Unmovable Closable Closed END_NOUN 207 NOUN_DESCR 207 Well it MIGHT contain something. Is it open? END_NOUN_DESCR 207 NOUN 208 WIRE STIFF There's a length of wire here. Location 207 Readable Noun_synonyms tag END_NOUN 208 NOUN_DESCR 208 This wire is stiff, and bent into a curious shape. It has a tag on it. Something is written on the tag. END_NOUN_DESCR 208 TEXT 208 It's in Chinese, but it looks a bit like ==, or == depending which way up you hold it. END_TEXT 208 NOUN 209 CHALK WHITE There's a piece of chalk Location 207 Playable END_NOUN 209 NOUN_DESCR 209 With your hangover, I doubt whether you could sign your own name - you forgot your own name earlier, remember - but I suppose you can try USING the chalk. END_NOUN_DESCR 209 PLAY_DESCR 209 Yes, I see. You are scribbling on a nearby rock. END_PLAY_DESCR 209 NOUN 210 LEVER DRAGON There's a lever in the shape of a dragon, Location 18 Unmovable Pullable END_NOUN 210 NOUN_DESCR 210 The lever is beautifully carved, and its shape evidently reveals its purpose to any Ancient Chinese Steam Locomotive driver. But not to you, Sir Ramic. END_NOUN_DESCR 210 NOUN 211 STICK IVORY a stick with a horse's head handle, Location 18 Unmovable Pushable Pullable END_NOUN 211 NOUN_DESCR 211 The stick is made of ivory. It has two horses' heads on it, pointing in opposite directions. END_NOUN_DESCR 211 NOUN 212 KNOB GOLDEN and a golden knob. Location 18 Turnable Unmovable END_NOUN 212 NOUN_DESCR 212 It has an exquisite etching of a water buffalo tethered to a tree. END_NOUN_DESCR 212 NOUN 213 WRITING CHINESE There's also a plaque containing written instructions. Location 18 Unmovable Readable Noun_Synonyms PLAQUE END_NOUN 213 NOUN_DESCR 213 The plaque is brass, and the instructions are etched on it. END_NOUN_DESCR 213 TEXT 213 I'd rather hoped you wouldn't ask. I can't read Chinese, and neither can you. END_TEXT 213 NOUN 214 AGREEMENT SIGNED There's a signed agreement here. Location 2 Readable WEIGHT 0 END_NOUN 214 NOUN_DESCR 214 It's an agreement you rashly signed whilst under the influence of mead at the Khan's Pleasure Dome Night. It's worth a read, actually. END_NOUN_DESCR 214 TEXT 214 I, Wizard Prang, read you this agreement. The bits in capital letters are my comments: "An agreement made in the Kingdom, or perhaps the Khandom, of Trasch Khan, worthy successor to Cuddly Khan, builder of the Dome, on Octember the 32nd. "Being of sound mind I, Sir Ramic Hobbs agree to retrieve Princess Anne de Pea from the evil grasp of the High Level Gorilla , now resident at the top of The Midden. "Signed, Sir Ramic Hobbs" ... that's it. You woke up in a cave about half-way up the Midden, with your mead supply expired. Bad news. You were meant to bring a ransom, but you left it behind, so back to the Dome with you! Sorry! END_TEXT 214 NOUN 215 HOLE SQUARE There is a square hole in the wall at shoulder height. Location 30 Open Unmovable Readable Size 5 END_NOUN 215 NOUN_DESCR 215 There is some writing near the hole. END_NOUN_DESCR 215 TEXT 215 It says: "Elevator Emergency Actuator Orifice No 1. Introduce Actuator of Circular Cross Section to this Orifice, and Rotate." Gottit? END_TEXT 215 NOUN 216 LADDER INFLATABLE There is a pneumatic ladder here, stretching up into the darkness. Location 37 Size 100 END_NOUN 216 NOUN_DESCR 216 This is a very interesting ladder, actually. It was made nearly 115 years ago by the Softworks Corporation. As you will readily perceive, it is the only way to transport a four hundred foot ladder through a restricted space. Oh, by the way, it is currently inflated. END_NOUN_DESCR 216 NOUN 217 VESSEL DRIFTING Some kind of vessel is drifting far out of reach on the pond. Location 21 Unmovable END_NOUN 217 NOUN_DESCR 217 The boat is drifting in circles. You can't get it from here. END_NOUN_DESCR 217 NOUN 218 BOAT ROWING A rowing boat has drifted up against some rocks nearby. Location 23 Pushable Unmovable END_NOUN 218 NOUN_DESCR 218 If you expect to complete this adventure, Sir Ramic, you're going to have to EMBARK as appropriate, and DISEMBARK from boats. There is no point in whining about your stomach, or sea legs. The rowing boat looks perfectly safe. END_NOUN_DESCR 218 PUSH_DESCR 218 The boat drifts out into the pond, describes a slow circle, and returns to the nearby rocks. THAT was a waste of time. END_PUSH_DESCR 218 NOUN 219 BAT STRANGE-LOOKING There is a strange-looking bat here. Location 15 Playable Weight 10 END_NOUN 219 NOUN_DESCR 219 The bat is about thirty inches in length, consisting of a round handle of about ten inches, and twenty inches of flat blade. It is, in fact, a CRICKET BAT, and an Englishman like you, Sir Ramic, will find many ways to USE it. END_NOUN_DESCR 219 NOUN 220 CATFLAP TINY There is a tiny catflap in the West wall of the elevator. Location 34 Unmovable Closable Closed Lockable Locked Key 208 ;stiff wire NOUN_SYNONYMS FLAP END_NOUN 220 NOUN_DESCR 220 This is a stout metal flap, with a little lock. If only you were as smart as a cat... even an inebriated one. END_NOUN_DESCR 220 NOUN 221 GATE IRON There is an iron gate here. It leads to another room to the East. Location 14 Unmovable Lockable Locked Key 230 Closable Closed END_NOUN 221 NOUN_DESCR 221 Through the gateway, you can see a room. END_NOUN_DESCR 221 NOUN 222 DOORMAT BROWN There is a doormat here. Location 31 Playable Readable Weight 110 Noun_synonyms MAT END_NOUN 222 NOUN_DESCR 222 The doormat is made of that nasty stuff doormats are made of. There are faded words on it. Because you are such a wimp, it is far too heavy for you to lift. END_NOUN_DESCR 222 TEXT 222 'USE ME' END_TEXT 222 PLAY_DESCR 222 You are now on the mat. Thank you for wiping your feet. END_PLAY_DESCR 222 NOUN 223 FLUTE CURIOUS There is a curious flute here. Location 2 Playable Readable END_NOUN 223 NOUN_DESCR 223 It looks clean (as a whistle, Ho, Ho). Can you play? There's something written on it. END_NOUN_DESCR 223 TEXT 223 In tiny writing, too small for your bloodshot eye to read, it says: "With the compliments of the Arabian Knights' Company." END_TEXT 223 NOUN 224 BASKET WICKER There is a wicker basket here. Location 31 Size 3 Weight 50 Closable Closed END_NOUN 224 NOUN_DESCR 224 The basket is about a foot in diameter, and closes with a lid. END_NOUN_DESCR 224 NOUN 225 TROUSERS PAIR OF There is a pair of trousers here. Location 224 Size 2 END_NOUN 225 NOUN_DESCR 225 This is a pair of ancient, baggy, grey flannel trousers of the type favoured by bearded loons and computer programmers. END_NOUN_DESCR 225 NOUN 226 RACK MAGAZINE There's a magazine rack on the floor. Location 31 Open Unmovable END_NOUN 226 NOUN_DESCR 226 They must have seen guys like you before. The rack is securely fixed to the waiting room floor. END_NOUN_DESCR 226 NOUN 227 MAGAZINE DOG-EARED There's a dog-eared magazine here. Location 226 Readable END_NOUN 227 NOUN_DESCR 227 Hard Luck, Sir Ramic. It isn't a girlie mag. It's a copy of Practical Hangliding. END_NOUN_DESCR 227 TEXT 227 The magazine contains details of how to build a hanglider from a length of silk, 3 bamboo canes and a ball of string. It requires the victim to perform the work in a fully-equipped workshop and, luckily for you, there are lots of pictures. END_TEXT 227 NOUN 228 NOTICE YELLOWED There is a faded yellow notice on the wall. Location 31 Readable Unmovable END_NOUN 228 NOUN_DESCR 228 The notice is glued in place. It is hard to read, particularly if you are near illiterate (present company excepted, I'm sure). END_NOUN_DESCR 228 TEXT 228 Having trouble with our reading glasses are we? The notice says: "NO DOGS, CATS, MONKEYS, CASSAWARIES, PARROTS OR LICE. SNAKES, OWLS AND LOBSTERS ON 29th OCTEMBER ONLY. DO NOT DARKEN OUR DOORMAT AGAIN." END_TEXT 228 NOUN 229 CATFLAP LITTLE There is a catflap in the East wall. Location 31 Unmovable Closable Closed Lockable Locked NOUN_SYNONYMS FLAP END_NOUN 229 NOUN_DESCR 229 This is the other side of the catflap in the elevator. There's no way you could open it from this side, even if you were in full possession of your limited faculties. END_NOUN_DESCR 229 NOUN 230 KEY RUSTY There is a rusty key here. Location 220 Weight 50 Readable END_NOUN 230 NOUN_DESCR 230 The key is heavy and very rusty. It looks like the sort of key you might use to unlock an iron gate. There's something engraved on it. END_NOUN_DESCR 230 TEXT 230 It says 'If found, just drop in any mailbox HILTON CELLS The Midden, NW27.' END_TEXT 230 NOUN 231 HOLE RECTANGULAR There is a rectangular hole in the wall at shoulder height. Location 34 Open Unmovable Readable Size 5 END_NOUN 231 NOUN_DESCR 231 There is some writing under the hole. END_NOUN_DESCR 231 TEXT 231 It says: "Elevator Emergency Actuator Orifice No 2. Introduce Actuator of Circular Cross Section to this Orifice, and Rotate." YOU figure it out! END_TEXT 231 NOUN 232 RING IRON There is an iron ring fixed to the rock. Location 33 Unmovable END_NOUN 232 NOUN_DESCR 232 The iron ring is obviously intended for tying a rope to. END_NOUN_DESCR 232 NOUN 233 GRATING IRON You are standing on an iron grating. Location 30 Unmovable NOUN_SYNONYMS ELEVATOR GRATING END_NOUN 233 NOUN_DESCR 233 The shaft below the grating is dark. You can't see the bottom. END_NOUN_DESCR 233 NOUN 234 ROPE STRONG There is a strong rope tied to the iron ring. Location 33 Pullable Unmovable END_NOUN 234 NOUN_DESCR 234 It looks strong enough for you to slide down. It's unlikely that a person in your condition could climb it, though. It loops across the cliff face to the lower ledge. END_NOUN_DESCR 234 PULL_DESCR 234 The rope is firmly fixed at its other end. END_PULL_DESCR 234 NOUN 235 RING METAL There is a metal ring fixed to the rock. Location 35 Unmovable END_NOUN 235 NOUN_DESCR 235 Good God! What can one say? It's a metal ring, OK? END_NOUN_DESCR 235 NOUN 236 ROPE STRONG There is a rope tied to the metal ring. Location 35 Pullable Unmovable END_NOUN 236 NOUN_DESCR 236 The rope stretches up the rock towards the draughty ledge. END_NOUN_DESCR 236 PULL_DESCR 236 The rope is firmly fixed at its other end. END_PULL_DESCR 236 NOUN 237 ROPE STRONG There is a rope dangling from the iron ring. Location 0 Pullable Unmovable END_NOUN 237 NOUN_DESCR 237 The rope hangs straight down the cliff. END_NOUN_DESCR 237 PULL_DESCR 237 The rope appears to have snagged on something. You can't pull it up. END_PULL_DESCR 237 NOUN 238 ROPE STRONG There is a rope hanging from the metal ring. Location 0 Pullable Unmovable END_NOUN 238 NOUN_DESCR 238 The rope hangs down the cliff. It nearly reaches the beach. END_NOUN_DESCR 238 PULL_DESCR 238 The rope is too heavy to drag up here. END_PULL_DESCR 238 NOUN 239 TOGGLE QUICK-RELEASE There is a quick release toggle on the ladder. Location 39 Pullable Readable Unmovable END_NOUN 239 NOUN_DESCR 239 The toggle is yellow in colour. There is writing on it. END_NOUN_DESCR 238 TEXT 239 It says (or, rather, reads): "Pull to deflate." A bit obvious, really. END_TEXT 239 NOUN 240 TRAPDOOR STEEL Above you is a steel trapdoor. Closed Locked Location 39 Unmovable NOUN_SYNONYMS trap END_NOUN 240 NOUN_DESCR 240 It is firmly closed. END_NOUN_DESCR 240 NOUN 241 LOCK COMBINATION There's a combination lock Position on the trapdoor Location 39 Readable Closed Locked Unmovable END_NOUN 241 NOUN_DESCR 241 It looks like: " 7 8 9 Press a digit, then 4 5 6 press another digit 1 2 3 then push trapdoor." Any questions? Notice that there's no 0. That'll save you a little time. Someone has scribbled something on the lock. END_NOUN_DESCR 241 TEXT 241 The scribble reads: "Hey, Chink, if you can't remember the combination, don't try picking the lock, just write it down somewhere!" Does that help, Sir Ramic? END_TEXT 241 NOUN 242 HELMET STEEL Steel helmet Location 1000 Open Closable Wearable WEIGHT 0 Unmovable NOUN_SYNONYMS visor SELF ME HOBBS HEAD END_NOUN 242 NOUN_DESCR 242 You are wearing a battered steel helmet with a ragged plume on top, and a visor that opens and closes. There's not much of you visible. END_NOUN_DESCR 242 NOUN 243 ARMOUR SUIT OF suit of armour Location 1000 Closed Locked Closable Lockable Wearable WEIGHT 0 Unmovable NOUN_SYNONYMS suit END_NOUN 243 NOUN_DESCR 243 You are completely encased in a rather rusty suit of armour handed down from your uncle, who perished in it. You can still smell him. END_NOUN_DESCR 243 NOUN 244 HOLE DANGEROUS-LOOKING There's a dangerous-looking hole in the floor. Location 0 Unmovable END_NOUN 244 NOUN_DESCR 244 It's the hole you left when you ripped out the trapdoor, Schwarznegger. END_NOUN_DESCR 244 NOUN 245 HOLE DANGEROUS-LOOKING There's a hole in the roof. Location 0 Unmovable END_NOUN 245 NOUN_DESCR 245 It's the hole you left when you ripped out the trapdoor, Schwarznegger. END_NOUN_DESCR 245 NOUN 246 TRAPDOOR BROKEN There's a broken trapdoor lying on the floor. Unmovable END_NOUN 246 NOUN_DESCR 246 I think the less said about your wanton destruction of property, the better. END_NOUN_DESCR 246 NOUN 247 LADDER INFLATABLE There is a collapsed inflatable ladder here. Open Location 0 Weight 50 Readable NOUN_SYNONYMS CASING END_NOUN 247 NOUN_DESCR 247 Though heavy, the ladder can now be carried. It is a one-man load, but it looks a match for two or three of you. There's something printed on the casing of the quick-inflate mechanism. END_NOUN_DESCR 247 TEXT 247 The text is: "To inflate, open slot, insert cartridge and close. Stand well back when closing slot." END_TEXT 247 NOUN 248 SLOT CARTRIDGE There's a cartridge slot Location 247 Closable Closed Readable Size 2 Unmovable END_NOUN 248 NOUN_DESCR 248 Good God, man, do I have to describe EVERYTHING to you? It's a slot you can open and close. There's something printed on it. END_NOUN_DESCR 248 TEXT 248 The text is: "To inflate, open slot, insert inflation cartridge and close. Stand well back when closing slot." END_TEXT 248 NOUN 249 CARTRIDGE USED There's a used inflation cartridge here. Location 248 END_NOUN 249 NOUN_DESCR 249 It's a green cylinder about as large as a tin of beans... no, wait a minute, you won't know what a tin of beans is like. It's about the size of a half pint mug of mead. That's better, eh? END_NOUN_DESCR 249 NOUN 250 ROPE COIL OF There's a coil of rope here. Location 0 END_NOUN 250 NOUN_DESCR 250 What can I tell you? It's a rope. You've been sliding down it all day. END_NOUN_DESCR 250 NOUN 251 SILK BOLT OF There's a very fine bolt of silk within easy reach. Location 46 END_NOUN 251 NOUN_DESCR 251 It is a strong, white lightweight material, made from the spittle of certain insects in their larval stage. God, this reads like Science Fiction. END_NOUN_DESCR 251 NOUN 252 BOOKS PICTURE There are a few picture books here. Location 19 Weight 50 Readable Plural NOUN_SYNONYMS BOOK TEXT VOLUMES END_NOUN 252 NOUN_DESCR 252 These books contain some VERY evocative pictures. I'm not sure you ought to be looking at them at all! You'll go deaf! ..... a man of your age could have a cardiac arrest! They are also heavy! I hate to think what the text says. END_NOUN_DESCR 252 TEXT 252 Good Lord! What do they mean by 'beaver' in this context? I don't believe I want to become acquainted with 'Mandy'. Can she REALLY be a nurse? What on earth does she plan to do with that thermometer!? WOW!!! END_TEXT 252 NOUN 253 BLASTER GHETTO HELP!!! There is a ghetto blaster playing LOUDLY. Location 10 Unmovable END_NOUN 253 NOUN_DESCR 253 It sounds like Max Bygraves singing 'I saw a mouse.. Where? There on the stair. Where on the stair? Right there!' to the music of Victor Sylvester. (US readers should imagine Mel Torme singing Mountain Greenery to the music of Lawrence Welk, but much less hip, and with more tortured enthusiasm.) It is truly unbearable. END_NOUN_DESCR 253 NOUN 254 BLASTER GHETTO There is a silent ghetto blaster here. Location 0 Unmovable END_NOUN 254 NOUN_DESCR 254 Seen one, seen 'em all. END_NOUN_DESCR 254 NOUN 255 BOOKS ORDINARY There are thousands of ordinary books in here. Location 19 Unmovable Plural Readable NOUN_SYNONYMS BOOK TEXT VOLUMES END_NOUN 255 NOUN_DESCR 255 There are all sorts of books here. Most are of no interest to you. All but a few are too heavy even to carry. END_NOUN_DESCR 255 TEXT 255 No way, Sir Ramic. I'll read the odd line or two, but I'm not going to waste my time with you. END_TEXT 255 NOUN 256 DOOR SHUT There is a closed door here, on the West wall. Locked Closed Location 49 Pushable Pullable Playable Turnable Unmovable END_NOUN 256 NOUN_DESCR 256 The door is firmly closed. There is no keyhole, no spyhole, no handle, no mailbox, no keypad, no nuffink. END_NOUN_DESCR 256 PUSH_DESCR 256 The door won't move, however hard you push. END_PUSH_DESCR 256 PULL_DESCR 256 There's nothing to grip. END_PULL_DESCR 256 PLAY_DESCR 256 Try what you will, you've missed the obvious. END_PLAY_DESCR 256 TURN_DESCR 256 Ho, Hum.. You may have to put the boot in. END_TURN_DESCR 256 NOUN 257 NET FISHING There is a fishing net here. Location 52 Readable END_NOUN 257 NOUN_DESCR 257 The fishing net has instructions written on the handle. END_NOUN_DESCR 257 TEXT 257 "To catch fish, simply USE me!" END_TEXT 257 NOUN 258 CRATES WOODEN There are a few wooden crates here. Location 55 Plural Unmovable Readable NOUN_SYNONYMS crate details stencils END_NOUN 258 NOUN_DESCR 258 The crates are stoutly constructed of wood, with some details stencilled on them. END_NOUN_DESCR 258 TEXT 258 'CARTRIDGES, INFLATION, LADDERS FOR THE USE OF - Part No 23723016'. END_TEXT 258 NOUN 259 CARTRIDGE FULL There's a full inflation cartridge here. Location 0 NOUN_SYNONYMS cartridges rules END_NOUN 259 NOUN_DESCR 259 It's just like an empty cartridge, with which you should be fairly familiar by now, but feels heavier. END_NOUN_DESCR 259 NOUN 260 FLAME ETERNAL The eternal flame flickers brightly on its torch. Location 49 ; hall of whatsit NOUN_SYNONYMS torch END_NOUN 260 NOUN_DESCR 260 The eternal flame burns, without visible means of support, at the wide end of a cone-shaped torch of familiar pattern. END_NOUN_DESCR 260 NOUN 261 COCKROACHES LOATHSOME There are loathsome cockroaches all over the floor. Location 57 Plural Eatable Pushable Unmovable END_NOUN 261 NOUN_DESCR 261 They are horrid, they scuttle, they breed, they defy you cheekily, they stamp their feet, quarrel, spoil things and generally carry on like English football supporters. END_NOUN_DESCR 261 PUSH_DESCR 261 Yecchh! They won't stand still. END_PUSH_DESCR 261 NOUN 262 EGGS STUFFED There are several tasty-looking stuffed eggs here. Location 57 Plural Edible Poisonous Readable NOUN_SYNONYM EGG END_NOUN 262 NOUN_DESCR 262 The eggs are hard-boiled and stuffed with prawns and mayonnaise. Each has something written on it. END_NOUN_DESCR 262 TEXT 262 Guaranteed non-poisonous and salmonella-free. END_TEXT 262 NOUN 263 PATE BELGIAN There is a lovely pot of Belgian pate here. Location 57 Edible Readable END_NOUN 263 NOUN_DESCR 263 The pate is decorated with orange rind and black olives. It has something printed on it. END_NOUN_DESCR 263 TEXT 263 Do not consume after ... (the date is unreadable) END_TEXT 263 NOUN 264 FERRET IRISH TROUSER There is a ferret here. Location 224 Points 100 Pushable Pullable Turnable Playable END_NOUN 264 NOUN_DESCR 264 A label around the animal's neck proclaims it to be an Irish Trouser Ferret. Its behaviour is entirely typical of its breed. It stands absolutely rigid, regarding the world with a pink glassy stare, its bottle-brush tail projecting stiffly behind it. END_NOUN_DESCR 264 PUSH_DESCR 264 It is very hard to the touch. END_PUSH_DESCR 264 PULL_DESCR 264 What ARE you trying to do? END_PULL_DESCR 264 TURN_DESCR 264 You'll make it dizzy. END_TURN_DESCR 264 PLAY_DESCR 264 Kinky... END_PLAY_DESCR 264 NOUN 265 CABINET WOODEN There is a wooden cabinet in here. Location 56 Unmovable END_NOUN 265 NOUN_DESCR 265 The cabinet is a mind-numbingly ordinary affair in brown wood. END_NOUN_DESCR 265 NOUN 266 DRAWER WIDE There is a wide drawer in the cabinet. Closed Closable Size 2 Location 56 Unmovable END_NOUN 266 NOUN_DESCR 266 Don't ask. A drawer is a drawer, OK? END_NOUN_DESCR 266 NOUN 267 COATHANGER WIRE There is a wire coathanger here. Location 266 NOUN_SYNONYMS hanger END_NOUN 267 NOUN_DESCR 267 It is a common wire coathanger of the type employed in a multitude of tasks. Ask BO for a fuller description, if you dare. END_NOUN_DESCR 267 NOUN 268 LADDER BROKEN There is a totally destroyed ex-pneumatic ladder here. Location 0 Size 100 END_NOUN 268 NOUN_DESCR 268 Well, you've done it again. You were warned to stand well back, and holding it while inflating it doesn't qualify. There are no recognisable parts left in the mangled ruin of the ladder. I am authorised to inform you that you cannot complete your quest. END_NOUN_DESCR 268 NOUN 269 TORCH EXTINGUISHED There is a rather sad-looking unlit torch here. Location 0 NOUN_SYNONYMS flame END_NOUN 269 NOUN_DESCR 269 The eternal flame has vanished without trace. It seems not to be as eternal as one might hope. The empty torch cannot be re-lit. 'Eheu, faggotes' to paraphrase the poet. END_NOUN_DESCR 269 NOUN 270 DOOR WHITE There is a featureless door on the South wall. Location 31 Closable Locked Closed Unmovable Pushable Pullable Turnable Playable Readable END_NOUN 270 NOUN_DESCR 270 The door is dirty white, and there's something written on it. END_NOUN_DESCR 270 TEXT 270 There is a placard on the door, saying 'Please Keep Closed'. The words 'PUSH' and 'PULL' have both been scrawled on the door at one time, but both have been crossed out and something else scrawled in their place. The writing is faded and scuffed, so I can't read it. END_TEXT 270 PUSH_DESCR 270 The door won't move, however hard you shove. END_PUSH_DESCR 270 PULL_DESCR 270 There's nothing to get a grip on. END_PULL_DESCR 270 PLAY_DESCR 270 I think you may have to think about it. END_PLAY_DESCR 270 TURN_DESCR 270 Ho, Hum.. Not even close. END_TURN_DESCR 270 NOUN 271 LIGHT DIM There is a cobweb-encrusted light on the ceiling. Location 0 Unmovable END_NOUN 271 NOUN_DESCR 271 It appears to be actuated by opening the door. Why is it that broom cupboard lights are always cobweb-encrusted? END_NOUN_DESCR 271 NOUN 272 PAINT CAN OF There's a can of paint here. Location 21 Playable Readable NOUN_SYNONYMS can END_NOUN 272 NOUN_DESCR 272 In your state, I wouldn't trust you to paint anything. There is a label on the can, and a handy applicator attached to the lid. END_NOUN_DESCR 272 PLAY_DESCR 272 Yes, I see. You are daubing a nearby rock. END_PLAY_DESCR 272 TEXT 272 "STONE PAINT. Use only on stone. To operate, just USE PAINT. The paint knows what to do." How clever! END_TEXT 272 NOUN 273 mark nearby chalk There is a rapidly fading chalk mark on a rock near the mat. Unmovable END_NOUN 273 NOUN_DESCR 273 It's being eroded by the waves. END_NOUN_DESCR 273 NOUN 274 mark scribbly chalk There is a rapidly fading scribbly chalk mark on a rock. Unmovable END_NOUN 274 NOUN_DESCR 274 It's being eroded by the waves. END_NOUN_DESCR 274 NOUN 275 mark nearby paint There is a slowly fading paint stain on a rock near the mat. Unmovable END_NOUN 275 NOUN_DESCR 275 It's being eroded by the waves. END_NOUN_DESCR 275 NOUN 276 mark untidy paint There is a slowly fading untidy paint mark on a rock. Unmovable END_NOUN 276 NOUN_DESCR 276 It's being eroded by the waves. END_NOUN_DESCR 276 NOUN 277 - - You can't find the mat. You should have remembered where you left it. Unmovable END_NOUN 277 NOUN_DESCR 277 nil END_NOUN_DESCR 277 NOUN 278 BAMBOO GROWING There is a lot of tall bamboo growing here. Location 64 Unmovable END_NOUN 278 NOUN_DESCR 278 It's just here to enhance the atmosphere, it's not essential to the quest. There's little enough of this redundancy about. END_NOUN_DESCR 278 NOUN 279 BAMBOO CUT There is cut bamboo lying here. Location 64 END_NOUN 279 NOUN_DESCR 279 It has been cut and trimmed neatly for construction purposes. END_NOUN_DESCR 279 NOUN 280 STRING BALL OF There is a ball of string here. Location 0 END_NOUN 280 NOUN_DESCR 280 There is nothing unusual about the ball of string. END_NOUN_DESCR 280 NOUN 281 GLIDER HANG There is a rather ramshackle hang glider here. Location 0 Weight 50 NOUN_SYNONYMS hanglider hangglider END_NOUN 281 NOUN_DESCR 281 According to the article, all you have to do is: - take it to a great height; - fly it. END_NOUN_DESCR 281 NOUN 282 DRAWBRIDGE RAISED The drawbridge has been raised. Location 69 Pushable Pullable Playable Turnable Unmovable NOUN_SYNONYMS latch END_NOUN 282 NOUN_DESCR 282 The raised drawbridge hinges at and blocks the castle gate. There is a latch holding it shut on the other side of the moat. END_NOUN_DESCR 282 PUSH_DESCR 282 You can't reach it from here. END_PUSH_DESCR 282 PULL_DESCR 282 Yes. You need to pull that latch, but how? It's too far. END_PULL_DESCR 282 PLAY_DESCR 282 Time-wasting again. END_PLAY_DESCR 282 TURN_DESCR 282 It doesn't turn. END_TURN_DESCR 282 NOUN 283 DRAWBRIDGE LOWERED The drawbridge has been lowered, and now stretches to the North. Location 0 Unmovable END_NOUN 283 NOUN_DESCR 283 The drawbridge now forms a bridge across the moat to the castle gate. END_NOUN_DESCR 283 NOUN 284 SIGN WARNING There is a sign bearing a cunningly-worded suggestion. Location 69 Readable Unmovable END_NOUN 284 NOUN_DESCR 284 I take it you want me to read the sign. END_NOUN_DESCR 284 TEXT 284 The sign reads: "DEAR VISITOR, WHY DON'T YOU JUST GET LOST. THIS IS NOT A QUESTION. Signed Baron Doar PS DON'T COME BACK." END_TEXT 284 NOUN 285 FISH HUGE There's a huge fish here. Location 0 Weight 90 Eatable END_NOUN 285 NOUN_DESCR 285 The fish is a young shark-eating minnow. It must be a young one, because it is only fourteen feet in length. It's very heavy. END_NOUN_DESCR 285 NOUN 286 NOTE SUICIDE There's a note here. Location 62 Readable END_NOUN 286 NOUN_DESCR 286 This is a crumpled, tear-stained piece of paper with writing on it. END_NOUN_DESCR 286 TEXT 286 It reads: "I hav desided to end it al. The Prxxxx Prixxx Anne has run of with that pig Barn Dore. Hir exuse was I eats banananas in bed. So ive swolload a hole bottle of Cynyde. Youl nivir se me agin." Hmm.. a scholar, like yourself, Sir Ramic. END_TEXT 286 NOUN 287 BOTTLE EMPTY There's an empty bottle here. Location 62 Readable END_NOUN 287 NOUN_DESCR 287 It's a brown medicine bottle with writing on it. END_NOUN_DESCR 287 TEXT 287 It reads: "Vitamin C Concentrate" Hmm.. a fatal draught indeed! Still, he'll never have scurvy again. END_TEXT 287 NOUN 289 BOAT ROWING A rowing boat has drifted up against some rocks nearby. Location 28 Pushable Unmovable END_NOUN 289 NOUN_DESCR 289 If you expect to complete this adventure, Sir Ramic, you're going to have to EMBARK as appropriate, and DISEMBARK from boats. There is no point in whining about your stomach, or sea legs. The rowing boat looks perfectly safe. END_NOUN_DESCR 289 PUSH_DESCR 289 The boat drifts out into the pond, describes a slow circle, and returns to the nearby rocks. THAT was a waste of time. END_PUSH_DESCR 289 NOUN 290 QUEST CURRENT .... Location 0 WEIGHT 0 NOUN_SYNONYMS ADVENTURE GAME OBJECTIVE MISSION RANSOM END_NOUN 290 NOUN 291 MANUAL GRUBBY There's a grubby manual here. Location 2 Readable WEIGHT 0 END_NOUN 291 NOUN_DESCR 291 This is the manual for this quest. Read it for guidance. END_NOUN_DESCR 291 TEXT 291 ------------------------------------- How To Play Sir Ramic Hobbs Adventure ------------------------------------- ABOUT THE ADVENTURE: This adventure is not intended to frustrate and annoy you. The author well remembers spending days lost in the caverns of Zork and only occasionally solves an adventure without cheating! With Sir Ramic, you should be entertained by the descriptions, the responses to HELP and by one or two of the characters you will meet. I have tried not to be 'unfair' in my demands on the player. COMMANDS AND VOCABULARY: The Sir Ramic Hobbs Adventure understands a wide variety of commands. However, it has only a limited vocabulary, totalling approximately four hundred words, so it can get confused. If you give it a word that it doesn't understand, it will tell you what word it doesn't know. Try entering your command again using a different word in place of the one the game objected to. Your commands should generally be in the format: <(multiple) noun phrase(s)> Some (hypothetical) examples of valid commands: NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST (N S E W) SOUTHWEST NORTHWEST etc (SW NW SE NE) UP DOWN (U D) ENTER EXIT HELP (H) PUT ROCK IN BOWL or PLACE A RED ROCK IN THE SMALL BOWL DROP THE KEY AND THE BOTTLE READ THE POETRY BOOK INVENTORY Will display a list of the items you are carrying, and those items you are wearing. LOOK Will give you a full (verbose) description of your current location and the objects in it. SWIM EXAMINE THE GOLD RING (EX RING) EAT THE CELERY, THE TUNA, THE APPLE AND THE ONION THROW THE BATTLE AXE AND THE LARGE ROCK AT THE WEREWOLF ATTACK HIM ("HIM" will refer to last noun mentioned, e.g., the guard) GET THE BOOK (also: TAKE THE BOOK) READ IT ("IT" will refer to last noun mentioned, e.g., the book) GET ALL (will get everything movable at the current location) GET THE KEYS, BOTTLE, FOOD AND THE CLOAK PUSH RED BUTTON UNLOCK THE FILING CABINET WITH THE STEEL KEY USE THE SAW LIGHT THE TORCH WITH THE WOODEN MATCHES EXTINGUISH THE FIRE (or PUT OUT THE FIRE) DRINK THE WHITE WINE PULL THE BELL CORD TURN THE DOORKNOB PLAY WITH THE DOG ASK JODIE ABOUT THE CRIME Compound commands can be created by connecting single commands (like those above) with "AND", "THEN" or the punctuation symbols "," or ";" to connect two or more separate commands. However, "end-of-sentence" punctuation symbols like ".", "!" and "?" should not be used. Below are a few examples of valid compound commands: TURN THE DOORKNOB THEN ENTER THE CAVE CLIMB DOWN THE LADDER THEN SOUTH, WEST AND NORTHWEST GET THE CLOAK AND THEN EXAMINE IT; READ THE LABEL DROP THE FOOD AND THE BOTTLE THEN UNLOCK THE DOOR AND THEN LEAVE GET THE TORCH, LIGHT IT WITH THE WOODEN MATCHES THEN EXAMINE IT If the game understands all of the words in your command, but still seems confused by the command -- then try to say the same thing using fewer words and a simpler sentence. When in doubt, simplify your commands as much as possible. This also saves typing effort. SPECIAL COMMANDS: The game uses a number of special commands for various "housekeeping" chores. These are all pretty standard for most adventure games, specifically: HELP Is nearly always worth typing. SCORE Will summarize your progress, so far. INVENTORY Will display a list of the items you are carrying, and those items you are wearing. BRIEF Will cause location descriptions to be brief. VERBOSE Will cause location descriptions to be verbose. LOOK Will give you a full (verbose) description of your current location. LIST EXITS Will list the obvious (visible) exits from your current location. There may be other ways to exit the location -- but they may not be obvious. SAVE Will save the current game status on disk. RESTORE Will restore a previously saved game from disk. SCRIPT Causes output to go to both the screen and a printer (using the LP1 port). UNSCRIPT Causes output to go to the screen (only). QUIT Quits the current game session. Always exit using QUIT -- so the game can erase some temporary data files and save disk space! FUNCTION AND CURSOR KEYS: The function keys have been predefined to stand for several of the most frequently used commands. Similarly, the cursor keys have been predefined to correspond to the appropriate compass directions, i.e., the up arrow is NORTH, the PgDn key is SOUTHEAST, the "-" key is UP, the "+" key is DOWN, the Ins key is ENTER, the Del key is EXIT, and so forth. Hitting the '?' key will display a diagram of the definitions for all of the function and cursor keys if you need a reminder. SOLUTION AVAILABLE: Sir Ramic Hobbs is a relatively easy adventure -- so you should be able to solve it yourself (after a lot of trial and error). However, if you get totally frustrated and/or really stuck and want to give up, a complete solution is available from the author for no charge. END_TEXT 291 NOUN 292 EAGLES PASSING Infrequent eagles glide past. Location 43 Plural Pushable Pullable Turnable Playable Unmovable NOUN_SYNONYMS eagle END_NOUN 292 NOUN_DESCR 292 Forget the eagles. Wipe them from your mind. For ever. Now. The eagles will not help you. They are all number 11 eagles, and they don't stop at the Pleasure Dome. END_NOUN_DESCR 292 PUSH_DESCR 292 Will you for God's sake leave these eagles alone! END_PUSH_DESCR 292 PULL_DESCR 292 Will you for God's sake leave these eagles alone! END_PULL_DESCR 292 TURN_DESCR 292 Will you for God's sake leave these eagles alone! END_TURN_DESCR 292 PLAY_DESCR 292 Will you for God's sake leave these eagles alone! END_PLAY_DESCR 292 NOUN 299 THING RUDDY .... Location 1 Plural Pushable Pullable Playable Turnable Readable Unmovable WEIGHT 0 IS_LIGHT ON NOUN_SYNONYMS ROCK RAIL GAP RAILS ROCK WALLS LOCO LOCOMOTIVE ICE SNOW END_NOUN 299 NOUN_DESCR 299 You see nothing special. END_NOUN_DESCR 299 PUSH_DESCR 299 There's no point in pursuing that line of activity. END_PUSH_DESCR 299 PULL_DESCR 299 You're wasting time. END_PULL_DESCR 299 PLAY_DESCR 299 Get your mind on the quest. END_PLAY_DESCR 299 TURN_DESCR 299 What a boring thing to try! END_TURN_DESCR 299 TEXT 299 Some things are just plain illegible. END_TEXT 299 CREATURE 301 BEAR MOTHER What you're up against now is a mother bear. Location 0 Threshold 1 Time_Thresh 5 Hostile END_CREATURE 301 CREATURE_DESCR 301 She thinks you have something to do with her son's disappearance, which, indeed, is true. Mother bears are even less susceptible to reasoned argument than are their sons. END_CREATURE_DESCR 301 CREATURE 302 BEAR FEROCIOUS You are standing too close to that bear. Location 5 Threshold 1 Time_Thresh 5 Hostile Thing END_CREATURE 302 CREATURE_DESCR 302 The bear is now as mad as anything. I think he's probably the product of a broken home. END_CREATURE_DESCR 302 CREATURE 303 OWL BLOODCURDLING There is a rather untidy owl here. Location 2 Groupmember Man Creature_Synonyms BO END_CREATURE 303 CREATURE_DESCR 303 The owl is extremely dirty and threadbare. Bloodcurdling Owl is his name, but we'd better call him BO for short. BO : Eminences, my disgusting name is Bloodcurdling Owl. Because this is needlessly long, honoured beings may call me BO for short .... Yes, I've just told him all that. Sir Ramic is not deaf, merely hungover, as serves him damned well right. BO : I beg your Graces' pardons. If Sir Ramic is so foolish as to require my advice, let him say: ASK BO ABOUT whatever. Now allow me to remove my unpleasant presence to a discreet distance. END_CREATURE_DESCR 303 CREATURE 304 GORILLA HIGH LEVEL The High Level Gorilla is lying full length across the cushions. Location 62 MAN Friendly CREATURE_SYNONYMS HLG END_CREATURE 304 CREATURE_DESCR 304 He looks like Mike Tyson in a brown fur coat. His eyes are closed, and he snores slightly. END_CREATURE_DESCR 304 CREATURE 305 SNAKE VENOMOUS A huge snake is here. Hostile Time_Thresh 6 Thing END_CREATURE 305 CREATURE_DESCR 305 The snake is attractively marked in black and yellow, not that you are very interested in its colour scheme. END_CREATURE_DESCR 305 CREATURE 306 FRITZ SIR Sir Fritz Tenshun is here. Location 31 ;waiting room MAN Friendly Creature_Synonyms TENSHUN END_CREATURE 306 CREATURE_DESCR 306 Sir Fritz may appear to be asleep, but he is not. He is tall, thin, and moves silently when he moves at all. END_CREATURE_DESCR 306 CREATURE 307 GUARD REAR There is a guard standing here with his hands behind his back. Location 41 ;guardroom MAN Hostile END_CREATURE 307 CREATURE_DESCR 307 The position of the guard's hands indicate that he is probably a rear guard. He is totally unarmed, by which I mean that he has no weapons, not that he is 'armless.. (Hur, hur) END_CREATURE_DESCR 307 CREATURE 308 DOG BIG Harvey is here. Location 51 ; kennel MAN Friendly Creature_synonyms harvey harv dog END_CREATURE 308 CREATURE_DESCR 308 Harvey is almost too big to be described as a dog. He is one of a rare breed, the West Highland Dane Boxer. His shoulder is at about the same level as your ear. He could probably bite off your entire head in one snap, and spit out the helmet. He looks at you eagerly, and drools. END_CREATURE_DESCR 308 CREATURE 309 BONE RUBBER There is a rubber bone lying near your feet. Location 51 END_CREATURE 309 CREATURE_DESCR 309 The huge tooth marks in the hard rubber bone testify to Harvey's powerful jaws. The bone is obviously the dog's favourite toy. END_CREATURE_DESCR 309 CREATURE 310 STOREMAN LITTLE There is a storeman standing here, leaning on one of the crates. Location 55 ;Grand Central (w) MAN Friendly END_CREATURE 310 CREATURE_DESCR 310 The storeman seems friendly enough, but not very helpful. END_CREATURE_DESCR 310 CREATURE 311 SNOWMAN ABDOMINAL There is an abdominal snowman here. Location 61 ;V2 Hostile Man Time_Thresh 4 END_CREATURE 311 CREATURE_DESCR 311 The abdominal snowman looks like Mike Tyson in a white fur coat. He has a defensive air about him that I think bodes ill for any person who threatens to steal his afternoon snack. END_CREATURE_DESCR 311 CREATURE 312 SHERPA TRUSSED There is a trussed-up sherpa lying on the snow. Location 61 ; mountain top MAN Friendly END_CREATURE 312 CREATURE_DESCR 312 The sherpa's position somewhat resembles that of a Christmas turkey. He is firmly immobilised with string, in a form suitable for an afternoon snack. END_CREATURE_DESCR 312 CREATURE 313 CAT TABBY There is a large tabby cat guarding this end of the bridge. Location 20 ; bridge (w) Hostile Time_Thresh 3 END_CREATURE 313 CREATURE_DESCR 313 The cat is about five feet tall at the shoulder. It is evidently hungry, as it nibbles cautiously at the plume of your helmet. END_CREATURE_DESCR 313 CREATURE 314 ANNE PRINCESS ============ Location 0 Points 1 Creature_Synonyms PRINCESS END_CREATURE 314 CREATURE 399 WIZARD INSUBSTANTIAL ============ Location 2 Groupmember MAN Creature_Synonyms PRANG END_CREATURE 399 CREATURE_DESCR 399 Wizard Prang is present, but not visible. END_CREATURE_DESCR 399 VERB PUSH PRESS LAUNCH READ TRANSLATE PLAY USE BLOW MOVE SHAKE ENTER EMBARK EXAMINE SEARCH EXIT DISEMBARK TURN SWITCH TWIST ROTATE GET LIFT DOWN DOWNSTAIRS DOWNWARDS UP UPSTAIRS UPWARDS PULL TUG DRAG dummy_verb1 SWIM dummy_verb2 GO CLIMB STAND SIT MOUNT dummy_verb3 JUMP dummy_verb4 DEBUG dummy_verb5 FIND dummy_verb6 PADDLE ROW dummy_verb7 UNTIE FREE UNDO RELEASE dummy_verb8 CUT CHOP SLICE HACK dummy_verb9 GIVE OFFER FEED dummy_verb10 KICK dummy_verb11 INSERT dummy_verb12 TIE KNOT dummy_verb13 PAT PET STROKE TICKLE dummy_verb14 SLIDE dummy_verb15 MARK WRITE dummy_verb16 PAINT dummy_verb17 MAKE BUILD CONSTRUCT dummy_verb18 BREAK DISASSEMBLE DISMANTLE dummy_verb19 FLY GLIDE dummy_verb20 FISH dummy_verb21 SMELL SNIFF dummy_verb22 SWING dummy_verb23 BURN dummy_verb24 FOLLOW END_VERB INTRODUCTION .........Hello! Are you awake? Thank goodness for that. I thought you were a goner this time. Just in case you've forgotten, you are Sir Ramic Hobbs, Knight Errant. It really WAS an error to come out on this Quest. I am your guide. My name is Prang, Wizard Prang. I'll try to keep you up-to-date with what's going on by means of disembodied voice, a technique I learned from the Flying Sorceror, Ufo Snafu. I once had a body, just like yours... well, not JUST like yours.. until I offended Sir Kewler Stairs, who disembodied me with one blow of his handy mace. Still, I make myself useful. END_INTRO