;START source file 13/11/87 /CTL ;Control Section _ ;Null word character is an underline ; - - - - - - - - - /VOC ;Vocabulary ; Movements ie verbs and nouns < 14 N 2 noun NORTH 2 noun S 3 noun SOUTH 3 noun E 4 noun EAST 4 noun W 5 noun WEST 5 noun NE 6 noun NW 7 noun SE 8 noun SW 9 noun U 10 noun UP 10 noun ASCEN 10 verb D 11 noun DOWN 11 noun DESCE 11 verb ; Nouns <20 means can be used as verbs ; <50 means a proper noun ie not an 'IT' I 14 noun INVEN 14 noun ALL 20 noun LOT 20 noun EVERY 20 noun TORCH 50 noun ; Verbs GET 20 verb TAKE 20 verb DROP 21 verb PUT 21 verb REMOVE 22 verb WEAR 23 verb R 24 verb REDESC 24 verb QUIT 25 verb STOP 25 verb SAVE 26 verb LOAD 27 verb RAMSAVE 28 verb RAMLOAD 29 verb LOOK 30 verb EXAMINE 30 verb SAY 31 verb ASK 31 verb TALK 31 verb SPEAK 31 verb ; Adjectives SMALL 2 adjective BIG 3 adjective LARGE 3 adjective OLD 4 adjective NEW 5 adjective HARD 6 adjective SOFT 7 adjective SHORT 8 adjective LONG 9 adjective ; Adverbs QUICKLY 2 adverb SLOWLY 3 adverb QUIETLY 4 adverb LOUDLY 5 adverb CAREFUL 6 adverb SOFTLY 6 adverb GENTLY 6 adverb ; Prepositions TO 2 preposition FROM 3 preposition IN 4 preposition OUT 5 preposition THROUGH 6 preposition OVER 7 preposition UNDER 8 preposition BY 9 preposition ON 10 preposition OFF 11 preposition AT 12 preposition EXCEPT 13 preposition ; Pronouns IT 2 pronoun THEM 2 pronoun ; Conjunctions AND 2 conjunction THEN 2 conjunction ; - - - - - - - - - /STX ;System Message Texts /0 It's too dark to see anything. /1 I can also see: /2 What now? /3 What next? /4 What should I do now? /5 What should I do next? /6 I was not able to understand any of that. Please try again. /7 I can't go in that direction. /8 I can't do that. /9 I have with me: /10 (worn) /11 nothing at all. /12 Are you sure? /13 Would you like another go? /14 Goodbye... /15 OK. /16 Press any key to continue. /17 You have taken /18 turn /19 s /20 . /21 You have scored /22 % /23 I'm not wearing one of those. /24 I can't. I'm wearing the _. /25 I already have the _. /26 There isn't one of those here. /27 I can't carry any more things. /28 I don't have one of those. /29 I'm already wearing the _. /30 ;One upper case character only Y /31 ;One upper case character only N /32 More... /33 > /34 ;Spare /35 Time passes... /36 I now have the _. /37 I'm now wearing the _. /38 I've removed the _. /39 I've dropped the _. /40 I can't wear the _. /41 I can't remove the _. /42 I can't remove the _. My hands are full. /43 The _ weighs too much for me. /44 The _ is in the /45 The _ isn't in the /46 , /47 and /48 . /49 I don't have the _. /50 I'm not wearing the _. /51 . /52 There isn't one of those in the /53 nothing. /54 File not found. /55 File corrupt. /56 I/O Error! File not Saved! /57 Directory full. /58 Disk full. /59 File name error. /60 Type in name of file. ; - - - - - - - - - /MTX ;Message Texts /0 The raft is bare! ; - - - - - - - - - /OTX ;Object Texts /0 A pocket torch. (lit) ; - - - - - - - - - /LTX ;Location Texts /0 I am on a small raft floating in open sea. The bright yellow sun is starting to burn my skin and ominous dark fins circle slowly in the clear blue water. ; - - - - - - - - - /CON ;Connections /0 ; - - - - - - - - - /OBJ ;Object Definitions ;obj starts weight cont- wear/ noun adjective ;num at ainer remove /0 CARRIED 1 _ _ TORCH _ ; - - - - - - - - - /PRO 0 ;ie Response Table I _ INVEN GET I INVEN GET ALL DOALL HERE GET _ AUTOG DONE DROP ALL DOALL CARRIED DROP _ AUTOD DONE REMOVE ALL DOALL WORN REMOVE _ AUTOR DONE WEAR ALL DOALL CARRIED WEAR _ AUTOW DONE R _ DESC QUIT _ QUIT TURNS END SAVE _ SAVE LOAD _ LOAD RAMSAVE _ RAMSAVE DESC RAMLOAD _ RAMLOAD 255 ;Reload all flags DESC LOOK _ DESC ; - - - - - - - - - /PRO 1 ;Used after a location has been described _ _ NEWLINE ZERO 0 ;If it is light... ABSENT 0 ;and the light source is absent... LISTOBJ ;List the objects _ _ PRESENT 0 ;If the light source is present... LISTOBJ ;List the objects ; - - - - - - - - - /PRO 2 :PAW's turn at the game