***** README.TXT ***** for ZENSPEAK_ALPHA.ZIP February, 1999 ****** First of all, check that you have received all the files listed in FILES.LST (but the .SND files are not needed if your Z-code interpreter does not support sound.) ****** Now, on with the show. This is a V5 Z-code program, compiled by Inform and using the standard library; but although it's structured as a game, it does not pretend to be anything more than a silly little demo, featuring: 1. a primitive Eliza-style response system 2. annoying background "music" using sampled sound effects 3. rudimentary text-to-speech (producing a horrible robot-like voice) (1.) In the discussions among IF-ers, the interest in Eliza-style parsers for simulating "intelligent" conversation seems to follow a more or less periodic pattern. Indeed, I started to work on the Eliza code more than a year ago, but since I haven't much spare time for IF, the project rapidly fell into oblivion. And I was just unearthing the corpse, stimulated by some messages on r.a.i-f, when I read on the same group that another guy had just uploaded his own Inform Eliza to GMD! Well, at least Ricardo Dague's implementation seems to be based on a previous "original" version different from the one I have used. In my opinion, anyway, neither one is much more than a funny gadget, and a substantial programming effort is needed to simulate a "real" conversation in a decent way. Judge by yourselves. (2. and 3.) These two features require (obviously!) a sound-capable interpreter. My code checks your interpreter at startup and, after a (possibly harsh) comment on it and a rather frightening message, asks whether you want to go on. If you are much afraid for your computer, simply answer NO and put my code in the waste basket. If you are slightly afraid, but wish nevertheless to play, answer YES and give SOUND OFF as your first command. In this way, my code shouldn't attempt any unusual tasks; you may anyway leave (or set) the SOUND ON at your risk :( I've been able to test my code only on some PC-based interpreters, namely DOS Frotz (v2.32), WinFrotz (R52b) and JZIP (v2.01g). Of these, only DOS Frotz works satisfactorily; WinFrotz is unable to speak (because it's lacking the end-of-sound interrupt feature), while JZIP does not support sound samples at all - it just beeps... Well, none of the above interpreters gave me any serious problem (apart from not sounding as expected in the case of WinFrotz and JZIP), so your PC should be relatively safe with them. I would really be glad to hear about other interpreters and/or systems. I think Zip2000 for the Acorn should work, although the sound files probably need to be renamed and moved to the right place. If you've been able to hear music and speech, please DON'T tell me that they sound pathetically primitive, when compared to state-of-the art multimedia - I KNOW IT BY MYSELF! In fact, my goal was only that of finding out what could/could'nt be done within the limits of the existing V1-8 Z-machines. ****** Copyright. Yes, I've put a copyright notice in the game heading, but my intent is that you can basically do anything you like with my code, as long as you respect basic rules of courtesy (i.e., crediting the source). In fact, I'm sort of a copyright breaker myself, having literally stolen some code and character names from Graham Nelsons's MUSEUM OF INFORM. I think he won't care too much for this - after all, his MUSEUM was meant to be an "educational" example, much like mine... :) The fact that this package does not include the source code is not due to any secrecy claims, it's just that I'm rather ashamed to publish a source written according to my usual habits (read: scarce or even misleading comments.) I'll make it available as soon as I manage to fit it to current decency standards, which may take months or even years (but it can take much less if anyone shows a bit of interest in it :) ****** DISCLAIMER: Please notice that this is an alpha release, surely not bug-free. Moreover, this code makes use of Z-machine features (sound effects and timed input) that, although explicitly mentioned in Graham Nelson's ZSpec 1.0, are not commonly used, and may therefore be a tough job for your interpreter. While I've made all possible efforts to produce reasonably safe code, I take NO RESPONSIBILTY WHATSOEVER for any weird things that may occur to you or your computing system as a consequence of running this code. You've been warned! ****** Please forgive any language oddities you may have noticed (I'm not a native English speaker...) Send comments, bug reports and suggestions to: cumani@is.ien.it Aldo Cumani, February 1999