Welcome to the TADS 3 Library Sample Game! Living Room It's a nice, big room. A potted plant is the only attempt at decoration. Passages lead north, east, and west. To the south, the front door of the house leads outside. An old television, a huge, boxy, massive-looking thing, sits on the floor. You see a PO Box, a small red ball, a red book, an iron key, a clear jar, a green jar (which contains two copper coins), a blue test booklet, a brass key, a brown box, a tricycle, a rusty key, a green ball, an 8-ball, a large red ball, eight coins (five gold and three silver), and a phone book here. Bill and Bob are standing here. >bill, s. close door. n Bill opens the front door. Bill leaves through the front door. Someone closes the front door from the other side. Someone opens the front door from the other side. Bill enters through the front door. >bill, follow me "Okay, I will follow you." >w Platform Room This room is obviously highly contrived. Filling one end of the room is a platform, almost like a theater stage, raised a couple of feet above the floor. At opposite ends of the platform are two smaller platforms, one red and one blue; atop each smaller platform is a chair of the same color as its platform. In the center of the main platform is a raised dais, upon which are a wooden stool and a leather armchair. The only exit is east. On the main platform is a large white box, about waist high and quite roomy. You can hear a high-pitched beeping noise. Bill enters from the east. >sit in box (first standing on the main platform) You can't do that because the white box is closed. Bill stands on the main platform. >open box Opening the white box reveals a beeper. A small trap door is set into the floor of the box. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >sit in box Okay, you're now sitting in the white box. Bill stands in the white box. >bill, sit Bill sits in the white box. >close box Closed. It is now pitch black. >stand There's not enough room to stand up in the box while it's closed. You can hear a high-pitched beeping noise. >bill, stand You see no bill here. >l In the dark (sitting) It's pitch black. You can hear a high-pitched beeping noise. >e It's too dark; you can't see where you're going. >open box Opened. Platform Room (sitting in the white box) This room is obviously highly contrived. Filling one end of the room is a platform, almost like a theater stage, raised a couple of feet above the floor. At opposite ends of the platform are two smaller platforms, one red and one blue; atop each smaller platform is a chair of the same color as its platform. In the center of the main platform is a raised dais, upon which are a wooden stool and a leather armchair. The only exit is east. On the main platform is a white box (which contains a beeper). A small trap door is set into the floor of the box. Bill is sitting in the white box. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >bill, follow me "Okay, I will follow you." >sit on red chair (first getting out of the white box, then standing on the red platform) Okay, you're now sitting on the red chair. Bill gets out of the white box. Bill stands on the red platform. >sit on blue chair (first standing up, getting off of the red platform, then standing on the blue platform) Okay, you're now sitting on the blue chair. Bill gets off of the red platform. Bill stands on the blue platform. >sit on stool (first standing up, getting off of the blue platform, then standing on the dais) Okay, you're now sitting on the stool. Bill gets off of the blue platform. Bill stands on the dais. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >sit on armchair (first standing up) Okay, you're now sitting in the armchair. >e (first standing up, getting off of the dais, then getting off of the main platform) Living Room It's a nice, big room. A potted plant is the only attempt at decoration. Passages lead north, east, and west. To the south, the front door of the house leads outside. An old television, a huge, boxy, massive-looking thing, sits on the floor. You see a PO Box, a small red ball, a red book, an iron key, a clear jar, a green jar (which contains two copper coins), a blue test booklet, a brass key, a brown box, a tricycle, a rusty key, a green ball, an 8-ball, a large red ball, eight coins (five gold and three silver), and a phone book here. Bob is standing here. Bill enters from the west. >bob, follow bill "Okay, I will follow Bill." >n Dining Room This medium-sized room[1] has a dining table and a couple of chairs, one upholstered in dark fabric and other in light fabric. A door (closed) leads north. A trophy is visible in a small alcove set into the top of one wall. A bouquet of flowers is arranged in a vase in the center of the table. On the table are a red candle, a white candle, a stretchy bag, a cookie tin, and an inflatable rubber raft. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance. Bill enters from the south. (A number in [square brackets] like the one above refers to a footnote, which you can read by typing FOOTNOTE followed by the number: FOOTNOTE 1, for example. Footnotes usually contain added background information that might be interesting but isn't essential to the story. If you'd prefer not to see footnotes at all, you can control their appearance by typing FOOTNOTES.) >z Time passes... Bob enters from the south. >footnote 2 The story has never referred to any such footnote. >footnote 1 This is just a sample note for the dining room. >x dining table It's a large[2] oval table. On the table are a red candle, a white candle, a stretchy bag, a cookie tin, and an inflatable rubber raft. A bouquet of flowers is arranged in a vase in the center of the table. >footnote 2 Okay, it's not all that large. Medium-sized sounds so weak, though. >x trophy It's shaped like a big cup, and looks to be made of silver. >x alcove It's a small, arched alcove, set high up on the wall, near the ceiling. A trophy is visible in a small alcove set into the top of one wall. >smell The flowers have a pleasant fragrance. >smell flowers The flowers have a strong, well, flowery fragrance. >smell vase The flowers have a pleasant fragrance. >listen You hear nothing out of the ordinary. >look in alcove A trophy is visible in a small alcove set into the top of one wall. >get the trophy You can't reach the trophy from here; the alcove is too high up. You might be able to reach the alcove if you were standing on something. >stand on table Okay, you're now standing on the table. Bill stands on the table. >get the trophy Taken. Bob stands on the table. >get off table Okay, you're no longer on the table. Bill gets off of the table. >n (first opening the door) Back Yard This small yard has a well-kept lawn. The edges of the yard are defined by thick, tall hedges. An old garden shed occupies the northwest corner of the yard. A door into the house is to the south. In the center of the yard, floating in mid-air, is a red sphere. Bill enters through the back door of the house. >x sphere The red sphere floats unnervingly in mid-air, with no apparent mechanical means of suspension. It does not hover like a balloon, but seems absolutely still, as though firmly attached to an invisible pole. Bob enters through the back door of the house. >get it The sphere is strangely fixed in place; it resists your attempts to move it. It does seem to be able to rotate freely on its vertical axis, though, so you could probably turn it if you wanted to. >open it That is not something you can open. >eat it The red sphere does not appear to be edible. >put it in the duffel (first trying to take the red sphere) The sphere is strangely fixed in place; it resists your attempts to move it. It does seem to be able to rotate freely on its vertical axis, though, so you could probably turn it if you wanted to. >turn it Although the sphere is immovably fixed in space, it rotates so freely that it feels weightless. You give it the lightest touch, and it starts spinning wildly, so fast that it becomes a featureless, glowing blur. After a few moments, it abruptly comes to a stop, and you see that its color has changed to blue. >push it The sphere is strangely fixed in place; it resists your attempts to move it. It does seem to be able to rotate freely on its vertical axis, though, so you could probably turn it if you wanted to. >x door Which door do you mean, the door of the shed, or the back door of the house? >both back door of the house: It leads south, into the house. It's open. door of the shed: It leads into the shed. It's closed. >close door Closed. >open door Which door do you mean, the door of the shed, or the back door of the house? >back door Opened. >nw (first opening the door of the shed) Shed There's barely room to stand up or turn around in this tiny storage space. The north wall has a few deep shelves, but otherwise the structure is featureless. A door leads out to the southeast. On the shelf are a flashlight, a box of rat poison, and a book of matches. Bill enters through the door. >eat rat poison It's not very tasty, but it sure is deadly. *** YOU HAVE DIED *** Would you like to RESTORE a saved position, RESTART the story, UNDO the last move, see the CREDITS, or QUIT? >undo Taking back one turn: "eat rat poison". Shed There's barely room to stand up or turn around in this tiny storage space. The north wall has a few deep shelves, but otherwise the structure is featureless. A door leads out to the southeast. On the shelf are a flashlight, a box of rat poison, and a book of matches. Bill is standing here. >look in box It's full of white powder. Bob enters through the door. >x book of matches It's closed. >x matches It's closed. >get flashlight Taken. >get matches Taken. >x it It's closed. >open it Opening the book of matches reveals five matches. >x matches It's open, and contains five matches. >get two matches match: (first opening the duffel bag, then putting the keyring in it to make room) Taken. match: (first putting the trophy in the duffel bag to make room) Taken. >i You are carrying a duffel bag (which contains a keyring and a trophy), a flashlight, a book of matches (which contains three matches), and two matches. >x matches match: The match is an ordinary match. match: The match is an ordinary match. book of matches: It's open, and contains three matches. >get match (first putting the flashlight in the duffel bag to make room) Taken. >light match You strike the match, igniting a small flame. >i You are carrying a duffel bag (which contains a keyring, a trophy, and a flashlight), a book of matches (which contains two matches), and three matches (one lit). >extinguish match You put out the match, which disappears into a cloud of ash. >i You are carrying a duffel bag (which contains a keyring, a trophy, and a flashlight), a book of matches (which contains two matches), and two matches. >undo Taking back one turn: "i". Shed There's barely room to stand up or turn around in this tiny storage space. The north wall has a few deep shelves, but otherwise the structure is featureless. A door leads out to the southeast. On the shelf is a box of rat poison. Bob and Bill are standing here. >undo Taking back one turn: "extinguish match". Shed There's barely room to stand up or turn around in this tiny storage space. The north wall has a few deep shelves, but otherwise the structure is featureless. A door leads out to the southeast. On the shelf is a box of rat poison. Bob and Bill are standing here. >drop match Which match do you mean, an unlit match, or the lit match? >unlit Which match do you mean, one of your matches, or a match in your book of matches? >one of my matches Dropped. The match finishes burning, and disappears into a cloud of ash. >i You are carrying a duffel bag (which contains a keyring, a trophy, and a flashlight), a book of matches (which contains two matches), and a match. >l Shed There's barely room to stand up or turn around in this tiny storage space. The north wall has a few deep shelves, but otherwise the structure is featureless. A door leads out to the southeast. You see a match here. On the shelf is a box of rat poison. Bob and Bill are standing here. >get match Taken. >x door It leads out of the shed. It's open. >out Back Yard This small yard has a well-kept lawn. The edges of the yard are defined by thick, tall hedges. An old garden shed occupies the northwest corner of the yard. A door into the house is to the south. In the center of the yard, floating in mid-air, is a blue sphere. Bill enters through the door of the shed. >close door (the door of the shed) Closed. Someone opens the door of the shed from the other side. Bob enters through the door of the shed. >s Dining Room This medium-sized room has a dining table and a couple of chairs, one upholstered in dark fabric and other in light fabric. A door (open) leads north. A small alcove is set near the top of one wall, up near the ceiling. A bouquet of flowers is arranged in a vase in the center of the table. On the table are a red candle, a white candle, a stretchy bag, a cookie tin, and an inflatable rubber raft. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance. Bill enters through the door. >get raft (first putting the book of matches in the duffel bag to make room) Taken. Bob enters through the door. >put it in the tin Done. >inflate it You cannot do that because it would make the inflatable rubber raft too large for the cookie tin. >put it in the stretchy bag (first taking the inflatable rubber raft) Done. >put stretchy bag in tin (first taking the stretchy bag) Done. >inflate raft You cannot do that because it would make the stretchy bag too large for the cookie tin. >get bag Taken. >inflate raft You cannot do that because the stretchy bag would become too large for you to hold. >drop bag Which bag do you mean, the stretchy bag, or the duffel bag? >stretchy Dropped. >inflate raft It takes all your strength, but you manage to blow up the raft. You might feel light-headed for a bit. >get bag The stretchy bag is too large for you to hold. >put bag in tin (the duffel bag) Done. >undo Taking back one turn: "put bag in tin". Dining Room This medium-sized room has a dining table and a couple of chairs, one upholstered in dark fabric and other in light fabric. A door (open) leads north. A small alcove is set near the top of one wall, up near the ceiling. A bouquet of flowers is arranged in a vase in the center of the table. You see a stretchy bag (which contains an inflatable rubber raft) here. On the table are a red candle, a white candle, and a cookie tin. Bob and Bill are standing here. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance. >put stretchy bag in tin (first trying to take the stretchy bag) The stretchy bag is too large for you to hold. >deflate raft You let the air out of the raft, which flattens into a bunched-up pile of yellow rubber. >put stretchy bag in tin (first taking the stretchy bag) Done. >get tin Taken. >i You are carrying a duffel bag (which contains a keyring, a trophy, a flashlight, and a book of matches (which contains two matches)), two matches, and a cookie tin (which contains a stretchy bag (which contains an inflatable rubber raft)). >l Dining Room This medium-sized room has a dining table and a couple of chairs, one upholstered in dark fabric and other in light fabric. A door (open) leads north. A small alcove is set near the top of one wall, up near the ceiling. A bouquet of flowers is arranged in a vase in the center of the table. On the table are a red candle and a white candle. Bob and Bill are standing here. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance. >light white candle (with the match) (first lighting the match) You light the white candle. >x white candle The candle has barely been used. It's lit. The match finishes burning, and disappears into a cloud of ash. >i You are carrying a duffel bag (which contains a keyring, a trophy, a flashlight, and a book of matches (which contains two matches)), a match, and a cookie tin (which contains a stretchy bag (which contains an inflatable rubber raft)). >s Living Room It's a nice, big room. A potted plant is the only attempt at decoration. Passages lead north, east, and west. To the south, the front door of the house leads outside. An old television, a huge, boxy, massive-looking thing, sits on the floor. You see a PO Box, a small red ball, a red book, an iron key, a clear jar, a green jar (which contains two copper coins), a blue test booklet, a brass key, a brown box, a tricycle, a rusty key, a green ball, an 8-ball, a large red ball, eight coins (five gold and three silver), and a phone book here. Bill enters from the north. >push tv north Dining Room This medium-sized room has a dining table and a couple of chairs, one upholstered in dark fabric and other in light fabric. A door (open) leads north. A small alcove is set near the top of one wall, up near the ceiling. A bouquet of flowers is arranged in a vase in the center of the table. On the table are a red candle and a white candle (providing light). Bob is standing here. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance. You push the television into the area. Bob leaves to the south. Bill enters from the south. >bob, sit on light chair You see no bob here. >z Time passes... Bob enters from the south. >bob, sit on lighter chair Bob sits on the lighter chair. >bill, sit on chair Bill sits on the darker chair. >push tv north The television's casters are too small to allow the TV to go beyond this point. >push tv south Living Room It's a nice, big room. A potted plant is the only attempt at decoration. Passages lead north, east, and west. To the south, the front door of the house leads outside. You see a PO Box, a small red ball, a red book, an iron key, a clear jar, a green jar (which contains two copper coins), a blue test booklet, a brass key, a brown box, a tricycle, a rusty key, a green ball, an 8-ball, a large red ball, eight coins (five gold and three silver), and a phone book here. You push the television into the area. >push tv south The television's casters are too small to allow the TV to go beyond this point. >w Platform Room This room is obviously highly contrived. Filling one end of the room is a platform, almost like a theater stage, raised a couple of feet above the floor. At opposite ends of the platform are two smaller platforms, one red and one blue; atop each smaller platform is a chair of the same color as its platform. In the center of the main platform is a raised dais, upon which are a wooden stool and a leather armchair. The only exit is east. On the main platform is a large white box, about waist high and quite roomy. A small trap door is set into the floor of the box. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >sit in box (first standing on the main platform) Okay, you're now sitting in the white box. >close box Closed. It is now pitch black. You can hear a high-pitched beeping noise. >listen You can hear a high-pitched beeping noise. >get pager Taken. >x it It's too dark to do that. >light flashlight You see no flashlight here. >i You are carrying a duffel bag, a match, a cookie tin, and a beeper. You can hear a high-pitched beeping noise. >look in duffel It's too dark to do that. >open box Opened. Platform Room (sitting in the white box) This room is obviously highly contrived. Filling one end of the room is a platform, almost like a theater stage, raised a couple of feet above the floor. At opposite ends of the platform are two smaller platforms, one red and one blue; atop each smaller platform is a chair of the same color as its platform. In the center of the main platform is a raised dais, upon which are a wooden stool and a leather armchair. The only exit is east. On the main platform is a white box. A small trap door is set into the floor of the box. >get flashl Taken. >i You are carrying a duffel bag (which contains a keyring, a trophy, and a book of matches (which contains two matches)), a match, a cookie tin (which contains a stretchy bag (which contains an inflatable rubber raft)), a beeper, and a flashlight. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >close box Closed. It is now pitch black. >i You are carrying a duffel bag, a match, a cookie tin, a beeper, and a flashlight. You can hear a high-pitched beeping noise. >light flashlight Okay, the flashlight is now on. White box (sitting) You are sitting in the white box. A small trap door is set into the floor of the box. >e You can't go that way. Obvious exits lead down and out. >open box Opened. >e (first standing up, getting out of the white box, then getting off of the main platform) Living Room It's a nice, big room. A potted plant is the only attempt at decoration. Passages lead north, east, and west. To the south, the front door of the house leads outside. An old television, a huge, boxy, massive-looking thing, sits on the floor. You see a PO Box, a small red ball, a red book, an iron key, a clear jar, a green jar (which contains two copper coins), a blue test booklet, a brass key, a brown box, a tricycle, a rusty key, a green ball, an 8-ball, a large red ball, eight coins (five gold and three silver), and a phone book here. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >put copper coin in jar (first opening the green jar, putting the match in the duffel bag to make room, then taking the copper coin) Done. >x jra The word "jra" is not necessary in this story. (If this was an accidental misspelling, you can correct it by typing OOPS followed by the corrected word now. Any time the story points out an unknown word, you can correct a misspelling using OOPS as your next command.) >x jar Which jar do you mean, the green jar, or the clear jar? >both clear jar: It's made of clear glass. It's open, and contains a copper coin. green jar: It's made of transparent green glass. It's open, and contains a copper coin. >e Den This small room is dominated by a desk, a massive steel edifice painted a drab gray, something that would be more at home in a government office during the cold war. Behind the desk, built in to the north wall, is a bookcase. A passage leads west. A big, old-fashioned manual typewriter is sitting on the desk. Someone has jabbed a dagger into the top of the desk, leaving the dagger sticking up almost vertically. On the desk are a watch, a pen cup, a jar of Bob's Brand Premium Fish Cleaner, and a bottle (which contains a model ship). The pen cup contains four pens. The phone is ringing. >w Living Room It's a nice, big room. A potted plant is the only attempt at decoration. Passages lead north, east, and west. To the south, the front door of the house leads outside. An old television, a huge, boxy, massive-looking thing, sits on the floor. You see a PO Box, a small red ball, a red book, an iron key, a clear jar (which contains a copper coin), a green jar (which contains a copper coin), a blue test booklet, a brass key, a brown box, a tricycle, a rusty key, a green ball, an 8-ball, a large red ball, eight coins (five gold and three silver), and a phone book here. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >n Dining Room This medium-sized room has a dining table and a couple of chairs, one upholstered in dark fabric and other in light fabric. A door (open) leads north. A small alcove is set near the top of one wall, up near the ceiling. A bouquet of flowers is arranged in a vase in the center of the table. On the table are a red candle and a white candle (providing light). Bill is sitting on the darker chair. Bob is sitting on the lighter chair. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance. The white candle burns down too far to stay lit, and goes out. >bob, s, e. Bob stands up. Bob leaves to the south. >bill, s, e Bill stands up. Bill leaves to the south. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >s Living Room It's a nice, big room. A potted plant is the only attempt at decoration. Passages lead north, east, and west. To the south, the front door of the house leads outside. An old television, a huge, boxy, massive-looking thing, sits on the floor. You see a PO Box, a small red ball, a red book, an iron key, a clear jar (which contains a copper coin), a green jar (which contains a copper coin), a blue test booklet, a brass key, a brown box, a tricycle, a rusty key, a green ball, an 8-ball, a large red ball, eight coins (five gold and three silver), and a phone book here. >e Den This small room is dominated by a desk, a massive steel edifice painted a drab gray, something that would be more at home in a government office during the cold war. Behind the desk, built in to the north wall, is a bookcase. A passage leads west. A big, old-fashioned manual typewriter is sitting on the desk. Someone has jabbed a dagger into the top of the desk, leaving the dagger sticking up almost vertically. On the desk are a watch, a pen cup, a jar of Bob's Brand Premium Fish Cleaner, and a bottle (which contains a model ship). The pen cup contains four pens. Bill and Bob are standing here. The phone is still ringing. >bob, get bob's fish cleaner Bob takes the jar of Bob's Brand Premium Fish Cleaner. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >x bob's fish cleaner It presumably once held fish cleaner (whatever that is), but it's just an empty jar now. The phone is still ringing. >x bill's fish cleaner Bill does not appear to have any such thing. >bob, drop fish cleaner. bill, get fish cleaner. Bob puts down the jar of Bob's Brand Premium Fish Cleaner. Bill takes the jar of Bob's Brand Premium Fish Cleaner. >x bill's fish cleaner It presumably once held fish cleaner (whatever that is), but it's just an empty jar now. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >x bob's fish cleaner It presumably once held fish cleaner (whatever that is), but it's just an empty jar now. The phone is still ringing. >x bill's bob's fish cleaner It presumably once held fish cleaner (whatever that is), but it's just an empty jar now. >x bob's bill's fish cleaner You see no bob's bill here. >n You can't go that way. The only obvious exit leads west, back to the living room. >x bookcase It's a floor-to-ceiling bookcase built in to the north wall, behind the desk, filled with hundreds of dusty tomes. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >open it That is not something you can open. >x passage You see no passage here. >x lever You see no lever here. >x panel You see no panel here. >push button A previously hidden panel in the side of the desk opens, revealing a small compartment containing a lever. >x panel It's a small compartment, just large enough to contain the lever it enclosed. >x passage You see no passage here. >pull lever The lever is surprisingly heavy, but you manage to pull it all the way out. At the end of its travel, something under the floor clicks, and the bookcase behind the desk slides sideways far enough to open a passage to the north. As soon as you release the lever, it springs back to its original position. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >x passage It leads north. The phone is still ringing. >x bookcase It's a floor-to-ceiling bookcase built in to the north wall, behind the desk, filled with hundreds of dusty tomes. The bookcase is evidently a secret door, because it has moved sideways to expose a passage to the north. >n Top of Stairs This is the top of a narrow spiral staircase that leads down a dark shaft walled in rough brown bricks. A passage leads south. >s Den This small room is dominated by a desk, a massive steel edifice painted a drab gray, something that would be more at home in a government office during the cold war. Behind the desk, built in to the north wall, is a bookcase. A passage leads west. A big, old-fashioned manual typewriter is sitting on the desk. Someone has jabbed a dagger into the top of the desk, leaving the dagger sticking up almost vertically. The bookcase has moved aside to reveal a passage to the north. On the desk are a watch, a pen cup, and a bottle (which contains a model ship). The pen cup contains four pens. Bill and Bob are standing here. The phone is still ringing. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >close psasage The word "psasage" is not necessary in this story. >close passage That is not something you can close. >open it That is not something you can open. The phone is still ringing. >n Top of Stairs This is the top of a narrow spiral staircase that leads down a dark shaft walled in rough brown bricks. A passage leads south. >d Bottom of Stairs This is the bottom of a narrow spiral staircase. Apart from the stairs, the only exit is the door to the south. You see a washing machine here. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >turn off flashl Okay, the flashlight is now off. It is now pitch black. >u Top of Stairs This is the top of a narrow spiral staircase that leads down a dark shaft walled in rough brown bricks. A passage leads south. > I beg your pardon? >d In the dark It's pitch black. >s It's too dark; you can't see where you're going. You can hear a high-pitched beeping noise. >light flashl Okay, the flashlight is now on. Bottom of Stairs This is the bottom of a narrow spiral staircase. Apart from the stairs, the only exit is the door to the south. You see a washing machine here. >s (first trying to open the iron door) The iron door seems to be locked. >u Top of Stairs This is the top of a narrow spiral staircase that leads down a dark shaft walled in rough brown bricks. A passage leads south. >s Den This small room is dominated by a desk, a massive steel edifice painted a drab gray, something that would be more at home in a government office during the cold war. Behind the desk, built in to the north wall, is a bookcase. A passage leads west. A big, old-fashioned manual typewriter is sitting on the desk. Someone has jabbed a dagger into the top of the desk, leaving the dagger sticking up almost vertically. The bookcase has moved aside to reveal a passage to the north. On the desk are a watch, a pen cup, and a bottle (which contains a model ship). The pen cup contains four pens. Bill and Bob are standing here. The phone is still ringing. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >w Living Room It's a nice, big room. A potted plant is the only attempt at decoration. Passages lead north, east, and west. To the south, the front door of the house leads outside. An old television, a huge, boxy, massive-looking thing, sits on the floor. You see a PO Box, a small red ball, a red book, an iron key, a clear jar (which contains a copper coin), a green jar (which contains a copper coin), a blue test booklet, a brass key, a brown box, a tricycle, a rusty key, a green ball, an 8-ball, a large red ball, eight coins (five gold and three silver), and a phone book here. >get keys brass key: You pick up the brass key and attach it to the keyring. rusty key: You pick up the rusty key and attach it to the keyring. iron key: You pick up the iron key and attach it to the keyring. >e Den This small room is dominated by a desk, a massive steel edifice painted a drab gray, something that would be more at home in a government office during the cold war. Behind the desk, built in to the north wall, is a bookcase. A passage leads west. A big, old-fashioned manual typewriter is sitting on the desk. Someone has jabbed a dagger into the top of the desk, leaving the dagger sticking up almost vertically. The bookcase has moved aside to reveal a passage to the north. On the desk are a watch, a pen cup, and a bottle (which contains a model ship). The pen cup contains four pens. Bill and Bob are standing here. The phone is still ringing. >n Top of Stairs This is the top of a narrow spiral staircase that leads down a dark shaft walled in rough brown bricks. A passage leads south. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >d Bottom of Stairs This is the bottom of a narrow spiral staircase. Apart from the stairs, the only exit is the door to the south. You see a washing machine here. >s (first trying to open the iron door) The iron door seems to be locked. >unlock door (first taking the keyring from the duffel bag) You try each key on the keyring, and find that the iron key fits the lock. Unlocked. >drop keys brass key: Dropped. rusty key: Dropped. iron key: Dropped. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >s (first opening the iron door) Tunnel This low, narrow tunnel is walled in old, dark gray concrete or something similar. The walls curve inward at shoulder level to form an arched ceiling just barely high enough at the center to allow walking without bending your neck. The passage ends to the north at an iron door, and ends at the south in an earthen wall. A narrow side passage leads west. >n Bottom of Stairs This is the bottom of a narrow spiral staircase. Apart from the stairs, the only exit is the door to the south. You see a washing machine, a brass key, a rusty key, and an iron key here. >lock door What do you want to lock it with? >iron key (first closing the iron door, putting the cookie tin in the duffel bag to make room, then taking the iron key) Locked. >dorp key The word "dorp" is not necessary in this story. >drop key Dropped. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >s (first trying to open the iron door) The iron door seems to be locked. >i You are carrying a duffel bag (which contains a trophy, a book of matches (which contains two matches), a match, and a cookie tin (which contains a stretchy bag (which contains an inflatable rubber raft))), a beeper, a flashlight (providing light), and a keyring. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >x trophy It's shaped like a big cup, and looks to be made of silver. >x washer It's a beat-up old washing machine. A big dial is the only obvious control. It's closed. >x dial The dial has stops labeled Wash, Rinse, Spin, and Stop. It's currently set to Wash. >open washer Opened. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >look in it You see nothing unusual in the washing machine. >close it Closed. >x dial The dial has stops labeled Wash, Rinse, Spin, and Stop. It's currently set to Wash. >turn dial to hello The control dial has no such setting. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >turn dial to asdf The control dial has no such setting. >turn dial to 7 The control dial has no such setting. >turn dial to STOP Okay, the control dial is now set to Stop. >turn dial to Spin Okay, the control dial is now set to Spin. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >turn dial to rinse Okay, the control dial is now set to Rinse. >x dial The dial has stops labeled Wash, Rinse, Spin, and Stop. It's currently set to Rinse. >u Top of Stairs This is the top of a narrow spiral staircase that leads down a dark shaft walled in rough brown bricks. A passage leads south. >s Den This small room is dominated by a desk, a massive steel edifice painted a drab gray, something that would be more at home in a government office during the cold war. Behind the desk, built in to the north wall, is a bookcase. A passage leads west. A big, old-fashioned manual typewriter is sitting on the desk. Someone has jabbed a dagger into the top of the desk, leaving the dagger sticking up almost vertically. The bookcase has moved aside to reveal a passage to the north. On the desk are a watch, a pen cup, and a bottle (which contains a model ship). The pen cup contains four pens. Bill and Bob are standing here. The phone is still ringing. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >x ship It's a miniature model of a sailing ship. >get it (first putting the beeper in the duffel bag to make room) You can't do that because the model ship is too big to take out of the bottle. The phone is still ringing. >get dagger Taken. >l Den This small room is dominated by a desk, a massive steel edifice painted a drab gray, something that would be more at home in a government office during the cold war. Behind the desk, built in to the north wall, is a bookcase. A passage leads west. A big, old-fashioned manual typewriter is sitting on the desk. The bookcase has moved aside to reveal a passage to the north. On the desk are a watch, a pen cup, and a bottle (which contains a model ship). The pen cup contains four pens. Bill and Bob are standing here. The phone is still ringing. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >x passage It leads north. >x bookcase It's a floor-to-ceiling bookcase built in to the north wall, behind the desk, filled with hundreds of dusty tomes. The bookcase is evidently a secret door, because it has moved sideways to expose a passage to the north. >x typewriter It's big, black, manual typewriter, like something out of an old black-and- white movie about newspapermen or private detectives. There's a piece of paper in it. It contains a piece of paper. >type Hello therE on typewriter With some effort, you work the keys of the ancient machine, noisily impressing "Hello therE" on the paper. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. The phone is still ringing. >type GoodBye (on the typewriter) With some effort, you work the keys of the ancient machine, noisily impressing "GoodBye" on the paper. >x paper The typewritten letters on the page have that uneven darkness and wandering alignment characteristic of the work a well-worn manual typewriter: Hello therE GoodBye >read it The typewritten letters on the page have that uneven darkness and wandering alignment characteristic of the work a well-worn manual typewriter: Hello therE GoodBye >listen The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. The phone is still ringing. >answer phone You pick up the handset, but there's nothing but static on the line. At least it stops ringing. You put the handset back, and the phone starts ringing again. >w Living Room It's a nice, big room. A potted plant is the only attempt at decoration. Passages lead north, east, and west. To the south, the front door of the house leads outside. An old television, a huge, boxy, massive-looking thing, sits on the floor. You see a PO Box, a small red ball, a red book, a clear jar (which contains a copper coin), a green jar (which contains a copper coin), a blue test booklet, a brown box, a tricycle, a green ball, an 8-ball, a large red ball, eight coins (five gold and three silver), and a phone book here. >listen The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >smell You smell nothing out of the ordinary. >n Dining Room This medium-sized room has a dining table and a couple of chairs, one upholstered in dark fabric and other in light fabric. A door (open) leads north. A small alcove is set near the top of one wall, up near the ceiling. A bouquet of flowers is arranged in a vase in the center of the table. On the table are a red candle and a white candle. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance. >listen The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >smell The flowers have a pleasant fragrance. >s Living Room It's a nice, big room. A potted plant is the only attempt at decoration. Passages lead north, east, and west. To the south, the front door of the house leads outside. An old television, a huge, boxy, massive-looking thing, sits on the floor. You see a PO Box, a small red ball, a red book, a clear jar (which contains a copper coin), a green jar (which contains a copper coin), a blue test booklet, a brown box, a tricycle, a green ball, an 8-ball, a large red ball, eight coins (five gold and three silver), and a phone book here. >s Front Yard This is a small yard in front of a modest house. The front door to the house leads in to the north. To the south is the street. You see seven red balloons (two inflated, one uninflated, four popped), three blue balloons (two inflated, one uninflated), and five green balloons (all popped) here. A youngish man in a garish suit is standing in the yard near the front door. The man in the bad suit walks up to you and extends his hand; by habit you shake his hand. "Hello, friend! My name is Ron, and I represent the Acturial Life Insurance Company." He releases your hand after a vigorous shaking. "You know, a lot of people I talk to don't know just how important life insurance is to proper financial planning. Let me ask you this: do you have all the life insurance coverage you and your family need?" A couple of bicyclists pedal past on the street. >yes "I'm covered," you say. Ron smiles and nods. "You know, a lot of people think they're covered. But have you really read your insurance policy? Most insurance policies have so many exclusions and limitations that you just can't rely on them. That's why Acturial Life created a new kind of insurance policy. Let me tell you about it..." The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >ask ron about policy "Okay, tell me about your policy," you say. "Our policy is the best in the business," Ron says. "For starters, it's guaranteed go pay, which most policies aren't. There's so much more I can tell you." A car drives past. >bye "Thanks, but not right now," you say. "I'll be here when you're ready!" the salesman says. >z.z.z.z.z Time passes... Time passes... The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. Time passes... A couple of bicyclists pedal past on the street. Time passes... Time passes... >n Living Room It's a nice, big room. A potted plant is the only attempt at decoration. Passages lead north, east, and west. To the south, the front door of the house leads outside. An old television, a huge, boxy, massive-looking thing, sits on the floor. You see a PO Box, a small red ball, a red book, a clear jar (which contains a copper coin), a green jar (which contains a copper coin), a blue test booklet, a brown box, a tricycle, a green ball, an 8-ball, a large red ball, eight coins (five gold and three silver), and a phone book here. The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. >s Front Yard This is a small yard in front of a modest house. The front door to the house leads in to the north. To the south is the street. You see seven red balloons (two inflated, one uninflated, four popped), three blue balloons (two inflated, one uninflated), and five green balloons (all popped) here. The salesman is standing in the yard. Ron walks up to you. "Hello again, friend! It would be my pleasure to help you with your insurance needs." >z.z.z.z.z. Time passes... The salesman says, "I'm really glad I was in the neighborhood today. Everyone needs more insurance than they think." Time passes... The salesman looks serious for a moment. "Most people don't know this, but death is our number one killer," he says earnestly. He goes back to smiling. "Fortunately, death is covered under our policy's loss-of-life section." Time passes... Ron says, "You know, life insurance is a lot more interesting than most people think." The beeper is making a piercing beeping noise. Time passes... The salesman says, "I'm really glad I was in the neighborhood today. Everyone needs more insurance than they think." A car drives past. Time passes... Ron says, "You know, life insurance is a lot more interesting than most people think." >ask ron about company "I've never heard of your company," you say. "Most people haven't," Ron says. "We're the best-kept secret in the business." >quit Do you really want to quit? (Y is affirmative) > yes Thanks for playing the Library Sample Game!