/* Localizable.strings CocoaTads Created by Charles Srstka on 6/13/08. Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. */ "OK" = "OK"; "Cancel" = "Cancel"; "Yes" = "Yes"; "No" = "No"; "WAIT_STATUS" = "Please wait..."; "MORE_PROMPT" = "Press any key to continue..."; "QUIT_PROMPT" = "Press any key to exit..."; "QUIT_INTERCEPTED" = "Quit command intercepted (hold down Control to force)"; "BETA_WARNING" = "This application is not a final release-quality application.\n\nIt is also not a beta version.\n\nI do expect, however, that this version should be engine-complete. Hence, any TADS game should render correctly, and all engine features should be supported. Therefore, if you encounter a TADS game that doesn’t look right, behaves weirdly, crashes, etc., please send an e-mail to support@charlessoft.com.\n\nThe application is still alpha-status, however, as there are still GUI-level features that need to be implemented. Also, Accessibility support is currently still broken (fixing that will probably be my next priority with this app).\n\nAs with most software, there is no warranty for CocoaTADS. Any damage, data loss, grue attack, etc. that occurs as a result of running this app (though I find it difficult to imagine a situation where that would occur*) is not my fault, and by continuing to use this application you agree to use it at your own risk.\n\nPlease feel free to e-mail me with any questions or suggestions.\n\n* Well, except for the grue attacks. Don't bumble about in the dark if you know what’s good for you. This has been a Public Grue Awareness Announcement."; "DONT_SHOW_AGAIN" = "Don't show this again"; "Warning" = "Warning"; "Error" = "Error"; "FILE_LOAD_ERROR" = "Couldn’t load the file “%@” in the application’s bundle."; "UNKNOWN_GAME_FILE_TYPE" = "The file type of the game file “%@” could not be determined."; "NIB_LOAD_ERROR" = "Couldn’t load the nib file “%@”."; "ONLY_ONE_GAME" = "Sorry, at present only one game can be running at a time. This may be fixed in a future version."; "TADS_STRING_RESID_1" = "&OK"; "TADS_STRING_RESID_2" = "&Cancel"; "TADS_STRING_RESID_3" = "&Yes"; "TADS_STRING_RESID_4" = "&No"; "TADS_STRING_RESID_5" = "[Yy].*"; "TADS_STRING_RESID_6" = "[Nn].*"; "MNG_CALLBACK_ERROR" = "Error %d setting MNG callbacks"; "MNG_READ_ERROR" = "Error %d reading MNG image"; "MNG_DISPLAY_ERROR" = "Error %d displaying MNG image";