ADVenture SHell This is a silly and poorly written program I hacked up several years ago. At the time, it was an attempt to learn how job control works and to write an equivalent to csh (I never got that far, but it does have variables, aliases, history, job control, etc.). It also makes it painful to get real work done, since you can't just run programs. You have to find magical items to allow you to do the things you would want to. The tar file includes two Vax libraries, libwcb.a (Wendell Craig Baker's history library) and libjc.a (my job control library). I don't have the sources to libwcb so don't expect to run this on any architecture other than a Vax unless you remove the history functionality. I have no idea whether or not this program still even compiles. The last time I played with it was years ago and I don't know when the last time I hacked on it was. Have fun, John Coker john@Berkeley.EDU (415) 643-7354