>out At End Of Road >thunder At Thunder Hole (another example of the convenient short-cut travel verbs which can be used in many areas. It's worth finding them - unfortunately some players give up because (for example) you can't use BEDQUILT from Y2.) >e.e.e.e At Top of steps (back of Thunder Hole) >phuce.e.phuce At West Wall of Blue Grotto >enter boat >e.out At East Side of Blue Grotto >light lamp. se In Windy Tunnel >e.e.u.e In Star Chamber >get sapphire >w.w.w.nw.w At East Side of Blue Grotto >turn off lamp >get in boat.w.out At West Wall of Blue Grotto >phuce.w.phuce At Top of steps (back of Thunder Hole) >w.w.w.w At Thunder Hole >s.s.s On a Small Rise Over the Bay The hint here says to watch the elves from a long way off. If you've worked out what the crystal ball does, the solution is clear: >drop sapphire Dropped. >building.in Inside Building >look in ball (you should see an elf say a magic word. If you're wearing the gold ring, something else will also happen ...) >put ball in safe >out.thunder.s.s.s On a Small Rise Over the Bay >saint-michel >get sapphire On Castle Pinnacle >d In Outer Courtyard >get statue (You then need to enter the maze sections in the right colour sequence) >w.sw.n.w.n. >eat blueberries. g.g.g >sw.w (and on going through the gate, you should reach:) In Inner Courtyard >get droplet >e.se.ne.e.u.saint-michel.building.in Now the time has come to deposit some objects in the safe >put clover, cloak, slippers, rings, crown, sword in safe >put sapphire, statue, droplet and spices in safe The vase won't go into the safe, and will break if you simply drop it. >drop pillow. put vase on pillow >turn on lamp >plugh.s.s.d Vaulted Room Now you should use the word which the skeleton gave you. Take care - using the wrong password will have serious consequences. >knerl. in >take all >out. close safe >u.n.n.plugh Inside Building >put bracelet, chain, beads, sculpture and casket in safe >put crown, yacht and sceptre in safe >plugh.s.s.u In Hall of Mists >s In Nugget of Gold Room >get nugget >n.y2 At "Y2" A hollow voice says, "Plugh." >s.d.bedquilt In Bedquilt >w.oriental.n In Misty Cavern >w In Alcove >drop all.e In Plover Room >take emerald >w.wear set of keys. take all >nw.s.se.ne In Bedquilt >e.u.e.u.n At "Y2" >plover In Plover Room >i (Note the object which PLOVER won't teleport) >dark In Dark Room >take pyramid >plover.plover At "Y2" >take emerald >plugh Inside Building >put pyramid and emerald in safe >put nugget in chest Now we'll collect the remaining treasure - the golden eggs. >plugh >s.d.bedquilt In Bedquilt >w.w.w.d.climb.w In Giant Room >get eggs Taken. >n.n.w.d.sw.se.ne.e.u.e.u.n.plugh Inside Building >put eggs in safe (Now you should re-enter the cave, but don't wait around in Y2. >plugh.s