This directory contains command scripts to complete Polyadv in 551-point mode. To execute the scripts, run the game file and issue the following commands: @walk1.txt @walk2.txt @walk3.txt @walk4.txt For UNIX systems, the walkthrough can be run automatically by running The window size should be 80 columns and at least 24 lines. Please note that many actions have a random effect, particularly travel verbs in the 551-point game. The command scripts turn on the deterministic random number mode, but note that this doesn't work after a restart. You need to issue the walkthrough scripts as described, in a freshly-started interpreter - not after a restart or restore. The scripts turn off the dwarves and pirate, and you will therefore finish with a score 5 points below the maximum. WARNING ------- Finally, note that the 'automatic' execution of the walkthrough, as described above, is critically dependent on the random number sequence. The walkthrough won't work properly if the sequence is changed in any way - for example: * If you modify polyadv - just one extra call to rand(), or one fewer, will disturb the sequence. This does occasionally make it necessary for the walkthroughs to be changed when a new version of Polyadv comes out. * If you modify the walkthrough - just one extra turn in certain locations (Y2, Grassy Knoll) will change the random number sequence. * If for some reason the random number function produces different results on your platform.