>turn on lamp >plugh At "Y2" >s.d In Dirty Passage (at this point the effect of the mushroom should wear off) >w.d.n In Shell Room Ignore the so-called clam for now - we're off to explore the extension to the cave. >u.e Coral Passage That damp sand is rather nasty, but you can firm it up using the rod ... >wave rod. e >e.n Fork in Arched Coral Passage Let's explore the north fork first ... >n.sw.d Beach (So that's where the pirate came from) >take bag Taken. >u.w.nw >nw Fork in Arched Coral Passage >e.s South End of Jonah Room >get spyglass >n.w.s Bend in Arched Coral Corridor Beware of that 'damp' sand! However, all will be well provided that you remember to ... >wave rod >w.w.d.s.u.e.u.n.plugh Inside Building >turn off lamp >drop spyglass and bag Now we'll do the extended 'beanstalk' area. Firstly, let's pick up what we need ... >get sword and bottle >turn on lamp >plugh At "Y2" >s.s.nw.n Spherical Room >take vial.n.s.n.d.bedquilt.w.w (be careful - dropping the vial can be dangerous unless you take the appropriate precautions for fragile objects) >w At West End of Twopit Room >d.water plant >u.w.u.reservoir South Edge of Reservoir >fill bottle >s.s.d.s.d In West Pit >water plant >u.e.d In East Pit >fill bottle >u.w.d In West Pit >climb beanstalk In Narrow Corridor >w In Giant Room >e.n (N.B. south returns you to the plant. east gets a dead end in the 350-point game but it's been opened up in the 550-point game.) Large Room with Glassy Walls Oh-oh! That ogre looks nasty, but it's easy enough to deal with him if you use the right weapon in the right way >throw sword >wear ring >n Sorcerer's Lair (Note the magic word.) >e Brink of Bottomless Pit >e East Side of Bottomless Pit >ne. se. Oh-oh! There's something nasty here. Throwing things isn't usually the answer - unless you throw the vial. (You can also achieve the right effect by breaking the vial). The vial works in many places, but you can't get the opals unless you use it here. >throw vial >s >s >get opals >n.n.w.sw East Side of Bottomless Pit >n.w South Edge of Bottomless Pit