:DESCRIPTION `7Above the conference room is a large metal room with a narrow catwalk leading to two large cooling fans against the north wall. Three flights of metal steps form a tilted “Z” dangerously close to the dual fans and lead up to the heating level. /IFS35=0 The fans are twirling wildly as they pull air from the room and push it out through the initial vents on the other side of the wall. Only a madman could have designed the access to the upper level so close to a pair of deadly spinning fan blades. /ENDS35 /IFS35<>0 The fans aren't moving now that you have turned the cooling system off. /ENDS35 The ladder to the conference room leads down to the southeast. :LOOKFANS /IFS35=0 `2The fans are turning rapidly. A metal post is welded to the side of the catwalk near the spinning fan blades. A large, rusted on/off dial rises from the post. /ENDS35 /IFS35<>0 `2The fans aren't moving now that you have turned the cooling system off. /ENDS35 :TURNDIAL1 `2The fans have already been turned off. Running the air conditioner this time of year is not only unnecessary, but it's a waste of money as well. :TURNDIAL2 `2You struggle with the large on/off dial but it refuses to turn. Your shock-induced strength seems to be of no use. :TURNDIAL3 `2You clamp the wrench to the rusted on/off dial. With some effort, you're able to turn the dial to the “off” position. The rusted metal screams its disapproval, but the fans at the north end of the room slow to a stop. :SUPPORT look x FAN x x LOOKFANS :END