#End of the game goes here! :--------------------------------------------------X :LINE1 You sift through a section of weeds and discover a :LINE2 four-leafed clover. You pluck it from the ground and :LINE3 smile. A strange feeling comes over you... or more :LINE4 accurately, the strange feeling that has been with :LINE5 you since swallowing that pill has just left you. A :LINE6 sense of peace sets in. You walk back to the north :LINE7 into the asylum to lock the place up, then return to :LINE8 your car. Before you get in to drive home, you take :LINE9 a long look at the institution. It has been quite a :LINE10 day for you. You aren't sure what was real and what :LINE11 was drug-induced, but those things can be sorted out :---------------------------X :LINE12 tomorrow. The important thing :LINE13 is that you've made it out in :LINE14 one piece. You laugh about it :LINE15 for a moment, then you drive :LINE16 away into the sunset. :END