:DESCRIPTION `7The pea green walls of this patient cell have a wispy cloudlike texture. The padded floor is brown with the texture of wood. The ceiling is a drab gray. The only furniture here is a small wooden bed with black satin sheets. Asleep in the bed is Mr. Djabuzov, one of Imenz Aine's longest committed residents. The outside world couldn't tolerate Heywood's obsessive need to torch pictures of world dignitaries while dancing naked in public places. This cell's closet is to the east. The cell door is to the southwest. :LOOKBED2 `2It's a small bed with black satin sheets and wooden head and foot boards. :LOOKMATTR `2The mattress is covered in a black satin sheet. :SUPPORT look x HEYWOOD x x LOOKHEY talk x HEYWOOD x x TALKHEY kill x HEYWOOD x WRENCH KILLH2 kill x HEYWOOD x KNIFE KILLH3 kill x HEYWOOD x x KILLH1 kill x |SLEEPING x x KILLH1 kill x |VICTIM x x KILLH1 |play x |PRANK HEYWOOD x PRANK |play x |PRACTIC HEYWOOD x PRANK |play x |JOKE HEYWOOD x PRANK |sleep x BED x x NOSL |sleep x HEYWOOD x x NOSL |lay x BED x x NOSL |lay x |DOWN x x NOSL |go x |SLEEP x x NOSL enter x BED x x NOSL :NOSL `2Please don't. Heywood wouldn't enjoy that. :TALKHEY `2“Zzzz... Zzzz...” Heywood replies. :LOOKHEY `2Heywood seems to be sleeping. :KILLH1 `2You stoop down over the bed and move your hands to smother the sleeping victim. Then, you realize that you're a doctor and killing people might cause you to end up in a padded cell of your own. :KILLH2 `2You stoop down over the bed and raise the heavy wrench above your head as if to bring its deadly force crashing down onto the sleeping victim's skull. Then, you realize that you're a doctor and killing people might cause you to end up in a padded cell of your own. :KILLH3 `2You stoop down over the bed and prepare to slit the sleeping victim's throat with the glass knife. Then, you realize that you're a doctor and killing people might cause you to end up in a padded cell of your own. :PRANK `2You're more mature than that. Well, you're not, but you should be! :END