:DESCRIPTION `7The northern end of the employee hallway is bright, clean, and decorative. Two carved pillars stand tall on either side of the hall and support an arched portion of the ceiling. The walls here are light cream and the floor is a tiled gray marble with the slightest hint of purple. Small potted trees adorn the north and south ends of the hall. /IFS23=2 The door to the conference room is open to the west. /ENDS23 /IFS23<2 The door to the conference room is closed to the west. /ENDS23 /IFS24=0 The hall ends to the north at a square inset area. A stone statue sits in the enclosure and blends nicely with the hallway. However, if memory serves, the north end of the hall has always opened into another ward of the hospital. The inset enclosure and the statue were never here before. /ENDS24 /IFS24=1 Another patient ward is to the north. /ENDS24 :OPENWALL1 `2With newfound strength, you push the statue at the north end of the hallway. It moves forward some then slides to the left to reveal an opening to the north. :OPENWALL2 `2You push, pull, and attempt to move the statue at the north end of the hallway. It seems to move (very slightly) but as your muscles give out and you release the pressure, you don't notice a difference at all. :NOUNLOCK1 `2The conference room door is already unlocked. :NOUNLOCK2 `2You don't have the coded passcard. :UNLOCK `2You insert the nurse's coded passcard into the slot beside the door. A red light turns green, the lock clicks, and you remove the card quickly. :NOOPEN1 `2The conference room door is already open. :NOOPEN2 `2You tug on the door handle but not even your shock-induced strength can open the locked door. :OPENDOOR `2The door opens easily. :Format is: VERB PREP/x NOUN1 NOUN2/x OBJECT/x RESOURCETAG :SUPPORT look x DOOR x x LOOKDOOR look x STATUE x x LOOKWALL :LOOKDOOR `2The only door here is the one to the west leading to the conference room. /IFS23=0 It's currently closed and locked. A slot on the wall beside the door is designed for a coded passcard. /IFO18=100 Only the medical staff carry passcards for unlocking the conference room door, and yours has been stolen. /ENDO18 /ENDS23 /IFS23=1 It's currently closed. /ENDS23 /IFS23=2 It's currently open. /ENDS23 :LOOKWALL /IFS24=0 `2The statue at the north end of the hallway looks somewhat like a simple fountain or a birdbath. It wasn't here this morning, you're almost certain. Instead of a dead end, the hallway is supposed to lead to another patient ward. /ENDS24 /IFS24<>0 `2The statue at the end of the hallway is gone. Now, it opens into another hall. /ENDS24 :END