:DESCRIPTION `7Shrouded in shadows, a man with the delusion of being the famous Napoleon sits by a table. He appears nervous as you gaze at his array of items which are spread out on the table. You notice a bedpan, a cardboard box, fuzzy bunny slippers, a cafeteria tray, a pillow, and several other things which might be considered (at least to the insane) defensive items. The cafeteria is to the southwest. :NOBUY `2“I'm sorry,” Napoleon says with a frown, “but I really can't sell you anytheeng. Eef you have sometheeng that I might be able to resell, though, I'll be happy to buy eet from you.” :GIVETRAY `2You offer the cafeteria tray to Napoleon. He accepts it happily. “Eet's in pretty good shape,” he comments, “but these knife scratches lower eets value some.” He hands you a stack of $300 crazy bucks. “This ees what eet's worth to me,” he finishes. :SUPPORT get x |BEDPAN x x NOBUY get x |BOX x x NOBUY get x |CARDBOARD x x NOBUY get x |SLIPPER x x NOBUY get x |TRAY x x NOBUY get x |PILLOW x x NOBUY look x NAPOLEON x x LN1 TALK x NAPOLEON |DEFENSE x NOBUY talk x NAPOLEON |HELLO x TN2 talk x NAPOLEON |CIRCLE x TN1 talk x NAPOLEON |WATERLO x TN3 talk x NAPOLEON x x TN0 give x NAPOLEON x x NOGIVE :NOGIVE `2Napoleon doesn't want that. :LN1 `2He bears some resemblance to the great Napoleon Bonaparte. His thin, tight-lipped smile is hard to interpret. His attire (complete with a reddish orange hat) isn't exactly institution standard issue. You can't recall his real name. Everybody just knows him as Napoleon. :TN0 `2Napoleon removes his hat for a moment and scratches his head. “That ees not sometheeng I can tell you,” he replies. :TN2 `2“Welcome!” Napoleon replies. :TN1 `2“I don't theenk I've met those guys,” Napoleon replies. “I heard the talk, though. Theese guys sound insane to mee.” :TN3 `2“Eet wasn't a fair fight!” Napoleon protests. :END