:DESCRIPTION /IFS35=0 `7You can't concentrate on this room because you're in severe pain. You reach out for the first aid box against one wall but a Band-Aid isn't going to fix the wounds you have. /ENDS35 /IFS35>0 `7An enclosed furnace at the north end of the central heating room feeds warmth into a large pipe that stretches the length of the room parallel to the floor. The room itself is small and cramped. A white first aid box and a short yellow metal cabinet sit beside some equipment to the north. /IFS36>0 The cabinet is open and a bomb is inside. /ENDS36 /ENDS35 :KILLED `2You pull yourself up to the central heating room. You are a bleeding from every limb and your face has been brutally slashed by the spinning fans below. You collapse to the floor and die here. :LOOKCAB `2The yellow cabinet stands waist-high to the north. /IFS36=0 Its metal doors are closed. /ENDS36 /IFS36=1 Its metal doors are open, revealing an ugly mesh of explosives and wires. It ticks strangely. Stretched from the timer around the bomb to the detonation trigger are six wires which are color-coded blue, red, green, brown, gray, and black. There is no visible countdown. /ENDS36 /IFS36=2 Its metal doors are open revealing an ugly mesh of explosives and wires. The color-coded wires have been cut and the bomb no longer ticks. /ENDS36 :LOOKBOMB /IFS36=0 `2Bomb? What bomb? /ENDS36 /IFS36=1 `2The bomb is a mesh of wires and explosives. Stretched from the timer around the bomb to the detonation trigger are six color-coded wires (blue, red, green, brown, gray, and black). The bomb ticks but has no visible countdown. /ENDS36 /IFS36=2 `2The bomb is a mesh of wires and explosives. The six detonation wires have been severed and the bomb no longer ticks. /ENDS36 :OPEN1 `2You pull the cabinet doors open. Inside is an ugly mesh of circuits and wires attached to a large amount of explosives. :NOOPEN1 `2The yellow cabinet is already open. :NOCUT1 `2You have already disabled the bomb. :NOCUT2 `2You don't have anything to cut the wires. :CUT0 `2Each wire is color-coded. Cutting them randomly might be a bad idea. :CUT1 `2You failed to snip all the wires. Before you even have a chance to blink, the explosives are detonated. The asylum is ripped apart like paper. Nothing remains of you in the wake of the devastation. You are quite dead. :CUT2 `2The ticks crescendo and are accompanied by an electronic beep. In an instant, the bomb explodes. The asylum is ripped apart like paper. Nothing remains of you in the wake of the devastation. You are quite dead. :CUT3 `2You snip the wires, instinctively cringe, squint, hold your breath, and wait. The ticking has stopped. You let out a deep sigh. You have deactivated the bomb. :SUPPORT look x BOMB x x LOOKBOMB look x CABINET x x LOOKCAB look INSIDE |FIRST x x OPENFA look INSIDE |AID x x OPENFA look INSIDE |BOX x x OPENFA open x |FIRST x x OPENFA open x |AID x x OPENFA open x |BOX x x OPENFA look x |FIRST x x LOOKFA look x |AID x x LOOKFA look x |BOX x x LOOKFA get x BOMB x x GETBOMB |hit x BOMB x x HITBOMB |deactivate x BOMB x x DBOMB |diffuse x BOMB x x DBOMB :DBOMB /IFS36=0 `2Bomb? What bomb? /ENDS36 /IFS36=1 `2Deactivating the bomb would make sense, but how? /ENDS36 /IFS36=2 `2It has already been deactivated. /ENDS36 :HITBOMB /IFS36=0 `2Bomb? What bomb? /ENDS36 /IFS36=1 `2Good God, are you insane??? One wrong move might set it off! /ENDS36 /IFS36=2 `2It has already been deactivated, but it's still not a good idea to hit it. /ENDS36 :GETBOMB /IFS36=0 `2Bomb? What bomb? /ENDS36 /IFS36=1 `2This isn't the type of trinket that you just pick up and take with you. One wrong move might set the thing off! /ENDS36 /IFS36=2 `2It has already been deactivated, but it's still not a good idea to move it. /ENDS36 :LOOKFA `2The first aid box is a small tin box painted white with a red “+” on the front. It's supposed to contain emergency supplies (like Band-Aids and aspirin). :OPENFA `2The first aid box is empty. It's a good thing you turned those fans off. :END