:DESCRIPTION `7You're in a patient cell with a blue floor, deep purple walls, and a light white/purple ceiling. In addition to being blue, the floor has the texture of desert sand. A small bed faces out from the northwest corner and a round rug sits on the floor in front of the cell door to the north. :UNDERMAT1 `2There is nothing under the mattress of this bed. :UNDERMAT2 `2You lift the mattress and discover a valentine. :LOOKMATTR `2The mattress is covered in a white sheet. :LOOKRUG1 `2You lift the rug and uncover a stack of miscellaneous Crazy Bucks. :LOOKRUG2 `2The only thing under the rug now is dust, and you simply have no use for that. :LOOKRUG3 `2It's a small rug woven from peach colored fabric. You notice nothing unordinary about the rug. /IFS10<200 /IFO5=101 `2However, it does look a little worn on one edge. /ENDO5 /ENDS10 :SUPPORT |sleep x BED x x NOSL |lay x BED x x NOSL |lay x |DOWN x x NOSL |go x |SLEEP x x NOSL enter x BED x x NOSL :NOSL `2Now is no time to be thinking about sleep. :END