:DESCRIPTION /IFS12=0 `7You raise a hand instinctively to shield your eyes as you step into this room. It's too bright to see anything. /ENDS12 /IFS12<>0 `7The padded walls of the closet look like gray rock. This has often inspired patients to smash themselves violently into them in the hopes of inflicting injury. You don't recall authorizing the use of such unusual padding, but perhaps you did. You shake your head, hoping to clear away the cloudy feeling of uncertainty. The closet is small and bare. Its only exit is to the east, back into the patient cell. /ENDS12 :TOOBRIGHT `2You fall to your knees in pain as the blinding white light filters through your closed eyelids. You scream and crumple to the closet floor. Your brain goes wild as it struggles with the extreme brightness. You nearly manage to crawl back out of the closet, but collapse at the doorway. It only takes a moment for insanity to get its clutches on you; a moment longer for death. :COOLOFF `2The cup of hot water you've been carrying around has just cooled off. :MELTED `2The cup of ice you've been carrying around has just melted into water. :SUPPORT |MAKE x |SHADOW x x MAKESHAD |MAKE x |PUPPET x x MAKESHAD LOOK x |UNFAMIL x x LOOKSHAD LOOK x |SHADOW x x LOOKSHAD :MAKESHAD `2You twist and contort your hands in an attempt to make a shadow puppet on the wall. Nothing happens. That must only work for the patients. :LOOKSHAD `2You investigate the small closet and realize that there are no shadow monsters here. That must only work if you're a patient. :END