:DESCRIPTION `7Your private bathroom is tiled with white marble that shines under the amber-white glow of the overhead lighting. Your whirlpool tub is partially full of water. Bronze plaques adorn the light peach walls. A black towel is draped over the back of the toilet and a matching wastebasket sits on a step beside the whirlpool. Your office door is to the north. :LOOKTUB `2The whirlpool tub is round, about three feet deep, and tiled with the same white marble as the floor which makes it a seamless part of the southwest corner of the room. /IFS18<1 Steam rises from the surface of the water. Perhaps you hadn't napped for as long as you thought. /ENDS18 :LOOKINTUB /IFS18=0 `2The tub is filled with hot water. /IFS18<>0 `2The tub is filled with cold water. /ENDS18 :GETWATER1 /IFS18=0 `2You dip your hands into the tub as if to grab a handful of water. You let out an involuntary yelp as the scalding sting of the still liquid burns your fingertips. /ENDS18 /IFS18=1 `2You dip your hands into the tub as if to grab a handful of water. You notice that the hot water has turned cool now, but you're still not able to take any of it with your bare hands. /ENDS18 :GETWATER2 `2You can't put any water into that. :GETWATER3 `2You dip the cup into the whirlpool carefully and scoop out some /IFS18=0 hot water. /ENDS18 /IFS18=1 cold water. /ENDS18 :GETWATER4 /IFS1<>3 `2The cup is already filled with water. /ENDS1 /IFS1=3 `2The cup is already filled with ice. /ENDS1 :NODIR `2The only exit is north, back into your office. :ENTERTUB /IFS18=0 `2Now is no time to relax! /ENDS18 /IFS18<>0 `2Climbing into a tub of cold water doesn't sound too enjoyable. /ENDS18 :Format is: VERB PREP/x NOUN1 NOUN2/x OBJECT/x RESOURCETAG :SUPPORT get x TRASH x x NOGET1 look inside TRASH x x TLOOK1 look x TRASH x x TLOOK2 look inside |TOILET x x TLOOK3 look inside |STOOL x x TLOOK3 look x |TOILET x x TLOOK4 look x |STOOL x x TLOOK4 look INSIDE |TUB x x LOOKINTUB look INSIDE |WHIRL x x LOOKINTUB look INSIDE |POOL x x LOOKINTUB look x |TUB x x LOOKTUB look x |WHIRL x x LOOKTUB look x |POOL x x LOOKTUB |flush x |TOILET x x FLUSH |flush x |STOOL x x FLUSH look UNDER |TOWEL x x TLOOK6 look x |TOWEL x x TLOOK5 move x |TOWEL x x TGET1 get x |TOWEL x x TGET1 |lift x |TOWEL x x TGET1 look x |BRONZE x x TLOOK7 look x |PLAQ x x TLOOK7 look x |PICTUR x x TLOOK7 get x |BRONZE x x TGET2 get x |PLAQ x x TGET2 get x |PICTUR x x TGET2 move x |BRONZE x x TGET2 move x |PLAQ x x TGET2 move x |PICTUR x x TGET2 |wipe x |HAND |TOWEL x NW1 |clean x |HAND |TOWEL x NW1 :TGET2 `2You have no need to move the plaques. After all, you spent more than two hours one afternoon just getting them straight on the wall. :TLOOK5 `2The black towel is draped over the back of the toilet. :TGET1 `2The towel belongs right where it is. :TLOOK6 `2The toilet is under the towel. :TLOOK7 `2On a whim, you decorated your private bathroom with bronze plaques. Two of them depict Roman gladiators, while the third is a scene where three women are fighting over a rabbit above a boiling cauldron. That one is your favorite. :NOGET1 `2The wastebasket is better left where it is. :TLOOK1 `2The wastebasket is empty. :TLOOK2 `2It's a small black wastebasket. :TLOOK3 `2You open the toilet and peer down into the bowl. Yuck! Then, you lift the lid off the back and fiddle with the floating arm inside. Nothing worth taking is in the toilet. :TLOOK4 `2The toilet doesn't seem unusual. :FLUSH SWOoooOoOoOoOosh! That was fun! :NW1 `2Although your hands never get dirty, you wipe them on the towel anyway. :END