:DESCRIPTION `7The doorway leading to the outside (and somewhat sane) world is paned with thick, multifaceted glass windows and stands ominously to the north. Above the double door and its two side panes is a fifth half-oval pane. Wooden chairs against the wall on either side of the doorway face inward like sentinels. The gray slate floor leads south to the main asylum hallway. /IFS17=0 A tall man with long dark hair and a full beard blocks the path in that direction. He bears a strong resemblance to classic portraits of Jesus. /ENDS17 A doorway to the east leads back into your office. :TALK0 `2The long-haired man, who has been silent until now, lets out a long and disturbing sigh. He regards you with cold eyes and speaks. “Good afternoon, my son. Thou hast awaken at last. Forgot about thine bath, didst thou?” :TALK1 `2“My child,” the man says, “leaving thy keys on thy desk during thy nap was a bad idea.” He dips a hand into his pocket and you can hear the sound of metal jingling. Your eyes widen. “You took my keys? Give them back!” The man shakes his head and waves a finger at you. “I cannot, my child,” he replies, “For they art mine now.” :TALK2A /IFO3<100 `2“I apologize,” the man tells you, “for taking thy keys, but the `7Circle`2 insisted. I had no choice, really. I lied about thy keys being in my permanent possession, though. I can return them to thee, my child, but only if thou taketh that pill.” /ENDO3 /IFO3=100 `2“I apologize,” the man tells you, “for taking thy keys, but the `7Circle`2 insisted. I had no choice, really. I can return them to thee, my son, only if thou taketh this pill.“ He flicks a small capsule at you and it lands by your feet. “What happened to Thou Shalt Not Steal?” you inquire. Jesus shrugs. /ENDO3 /IFO3>100 `2“Listen, my son,” Jesus insists, “I already gave thou the only key I had. Everything else in my pocket is just lose change.” /ENDO3 :TALK2C `2With a sly grin, you show the pill to the lunatic who thinks he's Jesus. “Look,” you say. “I took the pill! Here it is!” The man just chuckles. “Thou shalt swallow the blessed medicine,” he commands, “and I shall think about giving thine keys back.” :TALK2D `2“I am surprised thou hast not heard the talk, my child. Thou art supposed to know everything that transpires here, correct? Well, some of us dislike being locked away in here. Actually, all of us do. 'Tis not fair, my son. The Insanity Circle has risen. Now thou art our prisoner.” :NOTALK `2Jesus looks rather puzzled. “Forgive me, my child, but what art thou speaking of? I do not understand.” /IFS18=1 /IFO15<>101 You hear a low gurgling grumble. “Apologies,” the man says. “That was my stomach. I skipped lunch today.” /ENDO15 /IFO15=101 The man makes a twisted, pained face. “Ooh, I'm not feeling well, my child. The soup may have been possessed with evil after all... but I am well enough for now.” /ENDO15 /ENDS18 /IFS2<3 He flashes a wicked grin at you and taps his pocket to make your keys rattle. /ENDS2 :CHOKEONPILL /IFS1=0 `2Dramatically, you show the pill to the crazy Jesus then bring it to your mouth. /ENDS1 You swallow quickly and make a grandiose gesture as if you've just accomplished something wonderful. In mid-gesture, the large pill lodges itself in your throat. /IFS1=0 You fall to the floor and begin choking, unable to swallow the capsule. Your face turns a sickly blue. After a few moments, you are dead. /ENDS1 /IFS1=1 Remembering that you have a cup of water, you take a quick gulp. The water is scalding hot and it burns your throat. Your slump over in utter pain. With insult added to injury, you choke to death and die. /ENDS1 /IFS1=3 You smack the cup of ice against your mouth as if to drink from it, but instead of washing the pill down with water you merely bruise your lips. With insult added to injury, you choke to death and die. /ENDS1 :EATPILL `2You pop the large pill into your mouth and wash it down with a gulp of water. The man snickers. “One of the boys created that drug,” he says. “Now thou shalt see what we see. Enjoy thy trip, my son. One key is all I have to give, my child. The other is held by the circle.” He tosses a single key at you which you manage to catch. :LOOKMAN `2This is Harold Vaughn; multiple personality disorder with delusions of grandeur. To the point, he imagines himself as Jesus. He had amassed quite a following of dedicated disciples before being committed to Imenz Aine. He was making remarkable progress until recently when you began to notice strange behavior in him. :LOOKCHAIRS `2There are two chairs; one against the east wall and one against the west. /IFO10=100 Both appear identical in every way, although something flat appears to be resting on the seat of the one to the west. /ENDO10 :LOOKCHAIR1 `2It's a high-backed wooden chair with thin, curved legs. /IFO10=100 Resting on the cushioned seat is a tray from the cafeteria. /ENDO10 /IFO10<>100 The cushioned seat looks very comfortable. /ENDO10 :LOOKCHAIR2 `2It's a high-backed wooden chair with thin, curved legs. The cushioned seat looks very comfortable. :NOCHAIR `2There isn't a chair in that direction. :NOGOSOUTH /IFS2<2 `2The hallway south is blocked by the long-haired lunatic. /ENDS2 /IFS2=2 `2The hallway south is blocked by the long-haired, key-stealing lunatic. /ENDS2 /IFS2=3 The long-haired lunatic is still blocking your path to the south. /ENDS2 He smirks at you. “The Circle is that way, my child,” he says, “and thy presence is not desired. Thy death would be welcomed there, but not thy conversation.” :SQUID /IFO3<>101 `2The man looks at you with a surprised expression. “A squid monster?” he ponders. “Thou art crazier than I, my child. How dost though know of such things?” /ENDO3 /IFO3=101 `2The man grins as you mention the squid monster. “I know not of this thing you speak, my son, but I encounter worse creations in my closet thirty times a day!” He snickers. /ENDO3 :DROPNAPKIN `2You offer the bowl of putrid potato soup to the lunatic. He tips the bowl to his lips and begins swallowing it. In the process, he drops a napkin to the floor without realizing it. When the soup is gone, he belches loudly and smiles. “Thank you, my son. Though I fear this soup may have been possessed by demons, I am well at the moment.” :MANLEAVES `2Jesus is stooped over in pain. He looks up at you with disgust, then puffs his cheeks out and makes a dash to the south leaving the way unblocked. It seems that the sickening soup finally got the better of him. :NOOPEN1 `2The door leading out of the institution to the north is already open. :NOOPEN2 `2The asylum's only exit is locked tight. While you were sleeping, one of the nurses must have locked up for the day. :NOOPEN3 `2The door to your office is already open. :NOOPEN4 `2The only doors here are to the north (the exit) and to the east (your office). :OPENDOOR `2You push the exit door open to the north. :NOUNLOCK1 `2The exit door has already been unlocked. :NOUNLOCK2 `2The exit door can only be unlocked with the master key, which is no longer in your possession. :NOUNLOCK3 `2Your office door is already unlocked and open. :UNLOCK `2You poke the master key into the exit door's keyhole and twist it. With some effort, you hear the main bolt retract and the door is unlocked. :SUPPORT give x JESUS x CIGARETTE NOG1 give x JESUS x MONEY NOG2 |hit x JESUS x TRAY NOH1 kill x JESUS x x NOK1 look x |GLASS x x LOOGL1 look x |PANE x x LOOGL1 look x |WINDOW x x LOOGL1 |hit x |GLASS x x LOOGL2 |hit x |PANE x x LOOGL2 |hit x |WINDOW x x LOOGL2 |break x |GLASS x x LOOGL2 |break x |PANE x x LOOGL2 |break x |WINDOW x x LOOGL2 get x CHAIR x x GETCH give x JESUS x x NOGIVE :NOGIVE /IFS17=0 `2Jesus doesn't want that. /ENDS17 /IFS17<>0 `2Jesus isn't here anymore. /ENDS17 :GETCH `2Both chairs are firmly fixed to the floor. :LOOGL1 `2The glass windows are made of a thick multifaceted glass. Through the windows you can see the blue-green blur of the outside world. :LOOGL2 `2Not even a sledgehammer can break those windows (somebody tried that last month). :NOK1 `2That would be futile. He'd just rise again. :NOH1 `2Although if anybody saw you do it you'd certainly be fired, you whack the man with the metal cafeteria tray. “Ouch!” he yelps. “That hurteth!” :NOG1 “Thou shalt not smoke,” Jesus reminds you. You try forcing the pack of cigarettes into his hand, but he doesn't want them. :NOG2 `2Jesus turns his nose up as you offer the crazy bucks to him. “Forsake thy earthly material needs,” he says, “and thou shalt be my disciple.” You frown. “Not a chance,” you reply. :END