DEFINT A-Z ' ' This program is used to create the LUNATIX2.DAT file! ' ' GIF concatenation program. ' Based on a program by James Kurth. ' With code from for the GIF loader. ' DECLARE SUB ConvertPic (a$, Which) DECLARE SUB MakePalFile (PalFile$, Which) DECLARE SUB gifload (a$) DIM SHARED pal(255, 2) AS INTEGER DIM SHARED put$(255, 2) DIM SHARED box1(7701) AS INTEGER DIM SHARED Resource$ DIM SHARED FBuff(0) AS STRING * 8960 'For Fonts Resource$ = "LUNATIX2.DAT" SCREEN 13 '*** FIRST THINGS FIRST -- let's place the FONTS at the beginning of the file! 'OPEN "lunatix.fnt" FOR BINARY AS 1 OPEN "example.fnt" FOR BINARY AS 1 GET #1, , FBuff(0) CLOSE #1 OPEN Resource$ FOR OUTPUT SHARED AS #1 PRINT #1, FBuff(0); CLOSE #1 '*** Now, let's convert all the 140x110 picture images! ConvertPic "ExitDoor", 1 ConvertPic "BathRoom", 1 ConvertPic "Author", 1 ConvertPic "OddWard1", 1 ConvertPic "constr", 1 ConvertPic "hottub", 1 ConvertPic "hall5", 1 ConvertPic "hall2", 1 ConvertPic "hall3", 1 ConvertPic "lab2", 1 ConvertPic "Pipes", 1 ConvertPic "Fans", 1 ConvertPic "hall1", 1 ConvertPic "MeetRoom", 1 ConvertPic "Office1", 1 ConvertPic "CAFLADY", 1 ConvertPic "CAFE", 1 ConvertPic "CHAIR1", 1 ConvertPic "GUARD", 1 ConvertPic "HALLWAY4", 1 ConvertPic "CLOSET", 1 ConvertPic "ESC_DOOR", 1 ConvertPic "ELEVATOR", 1 ConvertPic "KANDI", 1 ConvertPic "TODD", 1 ConvertPic "NAPOL-1", 1 ConvertPic "SOCRAT-1", 1 ConvertPic "GROUNDS", 1 ConvertPic "ROOM1-10", 1 ConvertPic "ROOM1-4", 1 ConvertPic "ROOM1-5", 1 ConvertPic "ROOM1-6", 1 ConvertPic "ROOM1-7", 1 ConvertPic "ROOM1-8", 1 ConvertPic "ROOM1-9", 1 ConvertPic "CLOSET2", 1 ConvertPic "CLOSET3", 1 ConvertPic "hall6", 1 ConvertPic "hall7", 1 ConvertPic "escdoor2", 1 ConvertPic "OddWard2", 1 ConvertPic "Goats2", 1 ConvertPic "ExitDor2", 1 ConvertPic "Title3", 2 ConvertPic "PlayArea", 2 ConvertPic "Title", 2 ConvertPic "Title2", 2 ConvertPic "Winner", 2 END SUB ConvertPic (a$, Which) file$ = "gifs\" + a$ + ".gif" 'PalFile$ = "pals\" + a$ + ".pal" 'SavFile$ = "bsvs\" + a$ + ".bsv" 'PicFile$ = "pics\" + a$ + ".pic" PalFile$ = a$ + ".pal" SavFile$ = a$ + ".bsv" PicFile$ = a$ + ".pic" pixelx! = 0 pixely! = 0 IF Which = 1 THEN pixelex! = 139 pixeley! = 109 ELSE pixelex! = 319 pixeley! = 199 END IF pixelstart! = pixelx! + (pixely! * 320) pixelend! = pixelex! + (pixeley! * 320) CLS DEF SEG = &HA000 gifload file$ REM SLEEP 1 '*** Special instance for "playarea.gif" IF UCASE$(a$) = "PLAYAREA" THEN FOR x = 0 TO 319 FOR y = 0 TO 199 IF POINT(x, y) = 10 THEN PSET (x, y), 255 END IF NEXT NEXT END IF ' BSAVE file starting at pixel# through pixel# IF Which = 2 THEN BSAVE SavFile$, pixelstart!, pixelend! + 1 END IF DEF SEG '**** Now save a PALETTE FILE MakePalFile PalFile$, Which '**** Now save it as a PIC file! IF Which = 1 THEN GET (0, 0)-(139, 109), box1 DEF SEG = VARSEG(box1(0)) BSAVE PicFile$, VARPTR(box1(0)), 15404 DEF SEG OPEN PicFile$ FOR RANDOM SHARED AS #1 LEN = 256 FIELD #1, 256 AS b$ OPEN Resource$ FOR APPEND SHARED AS #2 FOR y = 1 TO 61 GET #1, y IF y < 61 THEN PRINT #2, b$; ELSE PRINT #2, LEFT$(b$, 51); PRINT #2, STRING$(205, "*"); 'filler space! END IF NEXT y CLOSE #1: CLOSE #2 KILL PicFile$ END IF IF Which = 2 THEN OPEN SavFile$ FOR RANDOM SHARED AS #1 LEN = 256 FIELD #1, 256 AS b$ OPEN Resource$ FOR APPEND SHARED AS #2 FOR y = 1 TO 251 GET #1, y IF y = 1 THEN PRINT #2, RIGHT$(b$, LEN(b$) - 7); IF y = 251 THEN PRINT #2, LEFT$(b$, 7); IF y > 1 AND y < 251 THEN PRINT #2, b$; NEXT y CLOSE #1: CLOSE #2 KILL SavFile$ END IF END SUB DEFSNG A-Z SUB gifload (a$) DEFINT A-Z DIM Prefix(4095), Suffix(4095), OutStack(4095), shiftout%(8) DIM Ybase AS LONG, powersof2(11) AS LONG, WorkCode AS LONG FOR a% = 0 TO 7: shiftout%(8 - a%) = 2 ^ a%: NEXT a% FOR a% = 0 TO 11: powersof2(a%) = 2 ^ a%: NEXT a% IF a$ = "" THEN INPUT "GIF file"; a$: IF a$ = "" THEN END IF INSTR(a$, ".") = 0 THEN a$ = a$ + ".gif" OPEN a$ FOR BINARY AS #1 a$ = " ": GET #1, , a$ IF a$ <> "GIF87a" THEN PRINT "Not a GIF87a file.": END GET #1, , TotalX: GET #1, , TotalY: GOSUB GetByte NumColors = 2 ^ ((a% AND 7) + 1): NoPalette = (a% AND 128) = 0 GOSUB GetByte: Background = a% GOSUB GetByte: IF a% <> 0 THEN PRINT "Bad screen descriptor.": END IF NoPalette = 0 THEN P$ = SPACE$(NumColors * 3): GET #1, , P$ DO GOSUB GetByte IF a% = 44 THEN EXIT DO ELSEIF a% <> 33 THEN PRINT "Unknown extension type.": END END IF GOSUB GetByte DO: GOSUB GetByte: a$ = SPACE$(a%): GET #1, , a$: LOOP UNTIL a% = 0 LOOP GET #1, , XStart: GET #1, , YStart: GET #1, , XLength: GET #1, , YLength XEnd = XStart + XLength: YEnd = YStart + YLength: GOSUB GetByte IF a% AND 128 THEN PRINT "Can't handle local colormaps.": END Interlaced = a% AND 64: PassNumber = 0: PassStep = 8 GOSUB GetByte ClearCode = 2 ^ a% EOSCode = ClearCode + 1 FirstCode = ClearCode + 2: NextCode = FirstCode StartCodeSize = a% + 1: CodeSize = StartCodeSize StartMaxCode = 2 ^ (a% + 1) - 1: MaxCode = StartMaxCode BitsIn = 0: BlockSize = 0: BlockPointer = 1 x% = XStart: y% = YStart: Ybase = y% * 320& ' Screen 13 went here DEF SEG = &HA000 IF NoPalette = 0 THEN OUT &H3C7, 0: OUT &H3C8, 0 FOR a% = 1 TO NumColors * 3: OUT &H3C9, ASC(MID$(P$, a%, 1)) \ 4: NEXT a% END IF LINE (0, 0)-(319, 199), Background, BF DO GOSUB GetCode IF Code <> EOSCode THEN IF Code = ClearCode THEN NextCode = FirstCode CodeSize = StartCodeSize MaxCode = StartMaxCode GOSUB GetCode CurCode = Code: LastCode = Code: LastPixel = Code IF x% < 320 THEN POKE x% + Ybase, LastPixel x% = x% + 1: IF x% = XEnd THEN GOSUB NextScanLine ELSE CurCode = Code: StackPointer = 0 IF Code > NextCode THEN EXIT DO IF Code = NextCode THEN CurCode = LastCode OutStack(StackPointer) = LastPixel StackPointer = StackPointer + 1 END IF DO WHILE CurCode >= FirstCode OutStack(StackPointer) = Suffix(CurCode) StackPointer = StackPointer + 1 CurCode = Prefix(CurCode) LOOP LastPixel = CurCode IF x% < 320 THEN POKE x% + Ybase, LastPixel x% = x% + 1: IF x% = XEnd THEN GOSUB NextScanLine FOR a% = StackPointer - 1 TO 0 STEP -1 IF x% < 320 THEN POKE x% + Ybase, OutStack(a%) x% = x% + 1: IF x% = XEnd THEN GOSUB NextScanLine NEXT a% IF NextCode < 4096 THEN Prefix(NextCode) = LastCode Suffix(NextCode) = LastPixel NextCode = NextCode + 1 IF NextCode > MaxCode AND CodeSize < 12 THEN CodeSize = CodeSize + 1 MaxCode = MaxCode * 2 + 1 END IF END IF LastCode = Code END IF END IF LOOP UNTIL DoneFlag OR Code = EOSCode CLOSE #1 EXIT SUB GetByte: a$ = " ": GET #1, , a$: a% = ASC(a$): RETURN NextScanLine: IF Interlaced THEN y% = y% + PassStep IF y% >= YEnd THEN PassNumber = PassNumber + 1 SELECT CASE PassNumber CASE 1: y% = 4: PassStep = 8 CASE 2: y% = 2: PassStep = 4 CASE 3: y% = 1: PassStep = 2 END SELECT END IF ELSE y% = y% + 1 END IF x% = XStart: Ybase = y% * 320&: DoneFlag = y% > 199 RETURN GetCode: IF BitsIn = 0 THEN GOSUB ReadBufferedByte: LastChar = a%: BitsIn = 8 WorkCode = LastChar \ shiftout%(BitsIn) DO WHILE CodeSize > BitsIn GOSUB ReadBufferedByte: LastChar = a% WorkCode = WorkCode OR LastChar * powersof2(BitsIn) BitsIn = BitsIn + 8 LOOP BitsIn = BitsIn - CodeSize Code = WorkCode AND MaxCode RETURN ReadBufferedByte: IF BlockPointer > BlockSize THEN GOSUB GetByte: BlockSize = a% a$ = SPACE$(BlockSize): GET #1, , a$ BlockPointer = 1 END IF a% = ASC(MID$(a$, BlockPointer, 1)): BlockPointer = BlockPointer + 1 RETURN END SUB SUB MakePalFile (PalFile$, Which) 'IF which = 1 THEN OPEN Resource$ FOR APPEND SHARED AS #1 'ELSE ' OPEN PalFile$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 'END IF FOR l = 0 TO 255 OUT &H3C7, l pal(l, 0) = INP(&H3C9) pal(l, 1) = INP(&H3C9) pal(l, 2) = INP(&H3C9) q$ = STR$(pal(l, 0)) r$ = STR$(pal(l, 1)) s$ = STR$(pal(l, 2)) IF pal(l, 0) < 10 THEN q$ = "0" + MID$(STR$(pal(l, 0)), 2, 1) IF pal(l, 1) < 10 THEN r$ = "0" + MID$(STR$(pal(l, 1)), 2, 1) IF pal(l, 2) < 10 THEN s$ = "0" + MID$(STR$(pal(l, 2)), 2, 1) 'PRINT #1, q$; " "; r$; " "; s$ PRINT #1, LTRIM$(q$); LTRIM$(r$); LTRIM$(s$); NEXT l CLOSE #1 END SUB DEFSNG A-Z SUB wipeout FOR l = 0 TO 255 OUT &H3C8, l OUT &H3C9, 0 OUT &H3C9, 0 OUT &H3C9, 0 NEXT l END SUB