=========================================================== MAGX: MAKE AGX, AN AGT-COMPATIBLE ADVENTURE GAME COMPILER Version 0.6.2 (beta) =========================================================== The following documentation is a description of differences (mainly extensions) between Magx and the AGT Master's Edition. It is not intended as comprehensive documentation of Magx. (I'm working on a more complete manual for Magx; in the meantime, people will have to use the manual for the Master's Edition, distributed as part of the Master's Edition v1.56 available at ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/programming/agt/agtmastr.zip) ======================= CONTENTS ----------------------- INTRODUCTION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS RUNNING MAGX 1.0 GENERAL NOTES 1.1 Error Checking 1.2 Limits 1.3 Labels and Numbers 1.4 User Defined Verbs 1.5 Comments 1.6 The Backslash and Formatting Commands 1.7 Weight and Size 1.8 Duplicating Objects: DEFAULT and LIKE 1.9 Making Objects Behave Alike: CLASS 1.10 Metacommand Order of Execution 1.11 The AGATE Metacommand Format 1.12 Objects with Multiple Locations: GLOBAL and FLAG 1.13 Author Defined Properties and Object Flags 1.14 Other Miscellaneous Differences 1.15 List of Object Characteristics 2.0 NEW AND MODIFIED DIRECTIVES STATUS_OPTION SCORE_OPTION LONG_STRING INTRO_FIRST TITLE_BOX NO_TITLE_BOX MILITARY_TIME PREP VERSION #OPTIONS LABEL STANDARD CONFIG 3.0 NEW METACOMMANDS 3.1 Special Tokens 3.2 Conditional Tokens 3.3 Action Tokens 4.0 EXAMPLES 4.1 Use of AND 4.2 Example of SetIt 4.3 Disambiguation: Theory 4.4 Disambiguation: Practice 4.5 Example Use of AGATE Command Format and Next APPENDIX A: OBSOLETE TOKENS AND FEATURES A.1 Version 1.83 Time Commands A.2 Other Obsolete 1.83 Features A.3 Other Obsolete Features A.4 Configuration Options A.5 Metacommand Order of Execution APPENDIX B: TECHNICAL FEATURES B.1 Low Level Metacommand Tokens B.2 Compiler Defined Labels APPENDIX C: MAGX ERROR MESSAGES C.1 Fatal Errors C.2 Errors C.3 Warnings C.4 Notes ============== INTRODUCTION -------------- Magx is a compiler for creating text adventures; the language it compiles is an extension of that used by Malmberg and Welch's Adventure Game Toolkit and is downward compatible with all of the existing versions of the AGT language: GAGS, Classic AGT, AGT 1.83, and the AGT Master's Edition. (Nonetheless, it is *not* a port of the original compilers but a completely new compiler built around the language and compiling to AGiliTy's AGX format.) For general information on AGT and AGiliTy, I recommend Jay Goemmer's web page at http://www.webpak.net/~jgoemmer/agt.html. You might also want to join the "agt-authors" mailing list at onelist.com. Magx is not the only system available for creating text adventures. For those with programming experience, I would recommend Inform or TADS (or possibly Hugo), both of which have a C-like syntax. Both languages are more powerful but more complex than Magx. For more information on the available authoring systems, see the "Which Authoring System is Better" FAQ by Bob Newell, available at ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/info/whichsys.zip (it's a little out of date right now, though). Magx creates files in the AGX ("Adventure Game eXecutable") format, which can be run using AGiliTy; you'll need to download a copy of AGiliTy (version 0.7.2 or later) to play games create with Magx. AGiliTy can be found at the Interactive Fiction archive, in the directory ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/programming/agt/agil/ (with versions for various different platforms.) To use all of the features described below, you'll want version 0.8 or later. Like AGiliTy, Magx is written in ANSI C to be as portable to different platforms as possible. At the moment there are Linux and DOS versions, but it should be straightforward to recompile on any system with a command line. (Systems without command lines should be possible too, but will require a little more work.) For more information on porting this program, see 'porting.txt'. Send comments and bug reports to Robert Masenten at: masenten@math.upenn.edu. This software is copyright 1996-99 by Robert Masenten but may be freely distributed so long as this file (and hence this copyright notice) is included unaltered. Since this is a beta version, I ask that this not be placed on FTP sites or BBSs other than the Interactive Fiction archive at ftp.gmd.de and its mirrors. Since this is free software, it has NO WARRANTY of any kind. Games created using this software are the property of their authors, who may do with them as they please, including commercial and shareware distribution. ------------------ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ------------------ Thanks to the following people: *Jay Goemmer for proofreading a preliminary version of this document and making many suggestions for improving both this file and the program itself. *Kevin Soucy, who has made several suggestions that have improved this program, including the design of the AGATE command format. *David Youd, who has sent me pages of bug reports. *Walter Isaac and "Grand Moff Tarkin", for their bug reports. *Mitch Mlinar, who added support for $ON$, $LOCKED$, $FLAG$ and $OPEN$. -------------- RUNNING MAGX -------------- (This section assumes you are running a command-line port of Magx and that the port for your platform uses the same file-name extensions as the original, MS-DOS-based, AGT.) To compile 'mygame.agt' to 'mygame.agx', type magx mygame The '-o' option can be used to change the output file name. For example, 'mygame.agt' can be compiled to 'hisgame.agx'by magx mygame -o hisgame Typing 'magx' without any arguments will give a list of command line options. When given a game name, Magx will first look for '.agt'; if that doesn't exists, it will look for '.dat'. It will stop and complain if it can't find at least one of them. If it finds '.dat', it will also read the files '.cmd' and '.msg' (if they exist), in that order. Finally, Magx will look for '.std' and read it. If it doesn't exists, the compiler will check for 'agt.std' and read it. Neither file is required. Unlike the original compilers, it doesn't care what goes in which file. I recommend that authors of new games just put everything in '.agt'. ==================== 1.0 GENERAL NOTES -------------------- The major differences between Magx and earlier AGT compilers are: --Labels are more tightly integrated into the rest of the compiler. Among other things, this allows it to catch more errors. --For practical purposes, there are no limits on rooms, nouns, creatures, or other game elements. --Within certain limits it is possible to mix labels and numbers. --Classic, Master's Edition, and 1.83 are all supported. Obsolete usages are documented in the appendix. --New options and metacommand tokens have been added, allowing games to take advantage of the extra capabilities of AGiliTy (such as improved disambiguation). --In particular, it supports generalized arguments to metacommand tokens; e.g. for Present, all of the following are legal Present [The Apple] Present NOUN ! Logically equivalent to NounPresent Present OBJECT ! Logically equivalent to ObjectPresent Present NAME ! Logically equivalent to NamePresent Present [SomeVariable] (The last one is true if the object whose number is contained in the variable [SomeVariable] is present). --It supports the extended AGATE command format, which allows complicated metacommands to be created more easily. --It supports the addition of author-defined properties to objects. (Some of these features require VERSION to be set to MAGX) -------------------- 1.1 Error Checking -------------------- The compiler tries to catch as many errors as it can: it's a lot faster to fix errors found during compilation than to figure out why a game isn't working right afterwards. The compiler generates four types of error message; in order of decreasing severity, they are: Fatal Errors, caused by things which prevent the compiler from continuing. They cause compilation to stop immediately. Errors, indicating serious problems in the source file that would prevent the game from working correctly. Compilation will finish (in order to catch as many problems as possible), but no game data file will be created. Warnings, which indicate likely problems in the source file. The game data file, however, will still be created. Even when these turn out not to be errors, it is usually worthwhile to fix the source file to get rid of the warning so that real problems aren't missed. Notes, which don't indicate a problem at all, but warn when something in the source file does something that might not be expected. The actual error messages are listed and described in Appendix C. Don't become intimidated if the compiler produces a long stream of errors; this is not uncommon. Often a single mistake will generate a lot of error messages; for example, if an author mistypes COMMAND as in the following example, Conmamd Drink Any Present Noun ErrMessage 0 "That isn't here." IsDrinkable Noun ErrMessage 20 "You can't drink that!" PrintMessage "You take a sip of the $noun$." AddToVariable [drunk?] 1 DoneWithTurn End_Command then the compiler will complain about an "Unrecognized directive" seven times, once for every line, since it doesn't realize that the later lines are supposed to be part of a COMMAND structure. Likewise, if the author mistypes the name of a label, as in the following case NOUN [glod tree] ! supposed to be [gold tree] then the compiler will complain about an undefined label every time [gold tree] is used. ------------ 1.2 Limits ------------ The theoretical limits on most categories have been raised to approximately 32,000. This includes: *Rooms, Nouns, and Creatures (which together count as one category). *Variables *Counters *Flags *User strings *Author-defined verbs *Subroutines *Questions *Global nouns *Messages (but for technical reasons the number of rooms plus the number of messages must be smaller than 32,768). *Metacommands (and, in theory, *each* metacommand could have 32,000 tokens). In addition: *The number of synonyms that a verb or object can have is only limited by the dictionary size (see below). (It is possible to put any number of words on one "line" by using the backslash as described in Section 1.6) *The limits on the number of flag nouns and room PIXs has been raised to 31. *There are no limits on the length of a room's short description. *Due to limitations of AGiliTy's parser, dictionary words shouldn't be longer than 24 characters. You can create longer dictionary words, but the player won't be able to type them in. (AGT allows 23 or 16 letters, for Classic AGT and the Master's Edition respectively.) There still remain some practical limits; in addition to the obvious memory limitations, on most platforms the dictionary is currently limited to 4096 words. This limits the number of objects, verbs, subroutines, global nouns, and synonyms. (Although one could still create 10,000 objects that all had the same name). There are also some limits when assigning numbers to rooms, nouns, and creatures; these are taken care of automatically if labels are used (and are automatically satisfied if the original ranges from classic AGT or the Master's Edition are used.) --All room numbers must be smaller than all noun numbers which in turn must be smaller than all creature numbers. --The numbers must be between 2 and 32,767 (inclusive). Furthermore, nouns and creatures can't use 2. --None of the three ranges can contain the number 1000. --The sum of the last room number and the last message number must be smaller than 32,767. --For memory reasons, "sparse" numbering should be avoided; if the game author creates a noun 23 and a noun 789, then memory will also be used for all of the numbers in between. ------------------------ 1.3 Labels and Numbers ------------------------ For any given category (flags, variables, messages, etc.) you can choose to use either numbers or labels, but you can't mix use of the two within a category. Remember: ROOMS, NOUNS, and CREATURES count as a *single* category. (So, for example, you could use numbers for FLAGS and labels for VARIABLES, but you couldn't use both numbers and labels for FLAGS). Numbers are supported mainly for the sake of existing games; I recommend that new games use labels for everything: --They are more readable: '[Dragon's Lair]' is clearer than '53'. --They allow the compiler to worry about assigning numbers. Among other things, it can automatically change the way numbers are assigned if an author's game gets larger than originally expected, without her needing to renumber all of the nouns to make space for another room. --The compiler is able to catch more errors if labels are used. For example, suppose that a game author wants to send all treasures worth more than 10 points to the Dragon's Lair but gets the order of the arguments wrong. If he is using numbers, then he will have typed SendTreasuresToRoom 10 53 which will send all treasures over 53 points to room 10 (whatever that is); he may spend hours before finding the mistake. If he had instead used labels, he would have typed SendTreasuresToRoom 10 [Dragon's Lair] At least if VERSION MAGX is set, this will report an error (using a number instead of the expected label in the first entry). --There are also some features of the compiler that require labels in order to work. (In particular, see Section 1.14 and the beginning of Section 3.0) ------------------------ 1.4 User Defined Verbs ------------------------ User-defined verbs can be created without explicitly typing "DUMMY_VERBnnn". That is, VERB South Aft ! Built-in verb Dummy_verb1 Summon Call Dummy_verb2 Cast Dummy_verb3 Kiss Hug END_VERB can be replaced by VERB South Aft ! Built-in verb Summon Call Cast Kiss Hug END_VERB As with labels, however, you must do one or the other; if you explicitly specify DUMMY_VERBs for any user-defined verb, you must do it for all of them (built-in verbs *never* need to have DUMMY_VERB explicitly specified). If GLOBAL_SCOPE is the last word on the synonym line for a verb, then the verb will be given global scope which has the following consequences, which are discussed in greater detail in Section 4.3: i) During disambiguation, objects which have a disambiguation priority of at least 500 will not be automatically eliminated in favor of visible objects; furthermore, if there is a tie, then the player will be asked for help even if none of the tieing objects is visible. (Normally the disambiguator just chooses the first object in this case, to avoid giving away information to the player.) ii) If the verb accepts multiple objects (see Section 1.14), then every noun and creature in the game will be considered during ALL-expansion (normally only visible objects are considered). GLOBAL_SCOPE should be set for verbs which work with nouns that aren't present. The verb SUMMON, for example, which is used in Section 4.4 and in the example game fragment SUMMON.AGT, is normally used for spirits and ghosts that *aren't* present; it has the following verb definition VERB summon call invoke global_scope END_VERB One warning: for normal verbs, there are a set of standard rules which limit them to visible objects; even without any effort by the game author, there will be at least minimal disambiguation and ALL expansion rules. Verbs using GLOBAL_SCOPE don't have these rules and so the author must explicitly set up their own disambiguation rules from the beginning. This gives greater versatility, but it places the whole responsibility for disambiguation on the author's shoulders. For example, suppose the author creates the following command (and the VERSION is MAGX): COMMAND FROB ANY PrintMessage "You frob the $noun$." DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND If FROB is a normal verb, FROB ALL will print a message for every object in the room. If FROB has global scope, FROB ALL will print a message for every single noun and creature in the entire game. -------------- 1.5 Comments -------------- The characters '!', '*', '>', and ';' will cause the rest of the line to be ignored if they occur outside of a label, quotation, '(*...*)' comment, or description block. Text occurring between '(*' and '*)' on a line will also be ignored (again provided it isn't in a label, quotation, or description). The begin and end markers need to be on the same line. ------------------------------------------- 1.6 The Backslash and Formatting Commands ------------------------------------------- (The following only apply if VERSION MAGX is set and SLASH_BOLD is off). If a backslash occurs as the last non-whitespace character on a line, then the newline will be ignored and the line will be combined with the following line. Any whitespace between the backslash and the newline will also be ignored. For example: ] Present \ ] NOUN would be treated the same as ] Present NOUN This is most useful for description text, to join the different lines of a paragraph. (Which will enable the interpreter to format the paragraph intelligently even on screens and windows that aren't 80 columns wide). It is not limited to description text, however (unlike the commands below) and can be used to splice together any two lines. For example, this is useful for putting more verb synonyms on a line than would normally fit-- just put the extra synonyms on the following line and end the first line with a slash. (There is one limitation: the entire "line" spliced together by backslashes all needs to fit in memory at one time) The backslash itself does not create any whitespace itself, so it is even possible to join two parts of the same word as long as there is a backslash right after the first part and no space on the next line before the second part. Inside description text and quotations, slashes are also used to delimit the following formatting codes: \\ -- This inserts a real backslash. \bf\ or \bold\ -- Turn on bold face. \nobf\ or \nobold\ -- Turn off bold face. \black\, \blue\, \green\, \cyan\, \red\, \magenta\, \brown\, and \white\ -- These all set text to the given color. These should be used with caution since different ports of the interpreter may have different background colors. Remember that while some platforms may use a black background, others could use white for this or something even more unusual. (Personally, I'm fond of gold text on a navy blue background.) \blink\ -- Turn on blinking. \normal\ -- Set the text to standard color and turn off blinking. \fixed\ -- Force the interpreter to use a fixed-pitch font. \nofixed\ -- Allow the interpreter to use a proportional font. Not all platforms necessarily support all of these options, and some of these options may be interpreted differently on different platforms. (In particular, your game shouldn't depend on \blink\ or the color codes working or on \bold\ doing exactly what it does on your platform.) The formatting codes are good for making your game more appealing, but it should remain playable even if \bold\, \red\, \normal\ and \blink\ text are all indistinguishable from each other. These codes don't insert a space (unlike the Master's Edition formatting codes) but they are still considered to be legitimate places to insert a line break and so putting them in the middle of words is not recommended. --------------------- 1.7 Weight and Size --------------------- Weight and size are handled differently depending on whether VERSION is CLASSIC, MASTERS, or MAGX. (VERSION 1.83 behaves like CLASSIC, as did Master's Edition versions 1.5 and earlier.) VERSION MAGX The player can carry up to 100 units of weight and 100 units of size. There are no limits on what the player can wear, but he has to be able to pick things up to put them on. (Once an object is worn, it ceases to count against either total). An object has a size-capacity equal to its own size-- for example, a size 20 object could contain four size 5 objects, or a size 7 object and a size 13 object, or any other combination of objects with total size less than or equal to 20. There are no restrictions on weight (since lightweight objects are often able to carry heavy things). The size of a container doesn't change if it is empty or full, but its weight will include the weight of its contents: a box containing a brick isn't any bigger than an empty box, but it *is* heavier. VERSION MASTERS Weight and size are treated the same: an object can only carry its own weight in other things and the size of a container includes the size of its contents, so a full box is bigger than an empty box. Otherwise, weight and size are handled the same as above. VERSION CLASSIC Classic AGT is identical to the Master's Edition except that there are no net limits to putting objects inside each other. It remains impossible to insert a single large object into a container, but not to insert many medium-sized objects. For example, it is still impossible to put a weight-50 brick into a weight-20 sack... but the player can still put 5 weight-10 bricks into the sack. (This is a bug in Classic AGT that was fixed in the later releases of the Master's Edition.) -------------------------------------------------------- 1.8 Duplicating Objects: DEFAULT and LIKE -------------------------------------------------------- You can change the default values of the various fields of rooms, nouns, and creatures; to do so, create a room, noun, or creature definition as usual, except i) Use DEFAULT instead of the object label or number. ii) Omit the name, adjective, and short description. For example, to cause all of the NOUNs to have size 2 and weight 3: NOUN DEFAULT SIZE 2 WEIGHT 3 END_NOUN Newly defined defaults only affect objects defined in the source file *after* the default is defined; you can even use different defaults in different sections of the source file by putting an appropriate default definition at the top of each section. Defaults build on each other: unlisted fields take the value of the previous default. For example, if the game file had the previous definition followed by NOUN DEFAULT LOCATION [Junk Room] END_DEFAULT then all of the following nouns would be in the Junk Room (from this default) and would have size 2 and weight 3 (from the previous default). (This assumes none of the nouns explicitly set any of these things themselves; if a noun has, say, a LOCATION field, then that will be used instead of the default.). If you don't want this-- if you want the default to be based on the original system defaults rather than the last default-- then you can use the CLEAR keyword: NOUN DEFAULT CLEAR LOCATION [Junk Room] END_DEFAULT Now nouns following this definition will have size and weight 1 (the system default) although their location will still be the Junk Room. You can use CLEAR for normal object definitions as well, if you want to ignore the current default in favor of the system default, e.g. ROOM [Entry Hall] CLEAR Entry Hall END_ROOM Sometimes you have several objects that are very similar. You could use a default for this-- define the default, define each of the objects, and then redefine the default to be 'normal'-- but this is a hassle and requires you to keep all of these objects in the same place in your code. Instead, you can use the LIKE keyword. For example, if you have defined a [Red Rose] object and want to make [White Rose] that is almost identical, you can use a definition like the following: NOUN [White Rose] LIKE [Red Rose] Rose White A white rose blooms here. LOCATION [Garden 2] END_NOUN The values for [Red Rose] will be used for all of the fields that aren't explicitly defined by [White Rose]. (Fields that *are* defined by [White Rose], such as LOCATION, above, will continue to function as usual.) The only things that aren't inherited are the name, adjective, and short description. Synonyms *are* inherited (at least as long as [White Rose] doesn't define its own). One restriction: the object of the LIKE ([Red Rose] in this case) must appear earlier in the source file than the definition that refers to it. DEFAULT definitions can also use LIKE. ----------------------------------------- 1.9 Making Objects Behave Alike: CLASS ----------------------------------------- In a game there sometimes exists families of objects which should behave alike: they should run the same metacommands, open the same doors, illuminate the same rooms, kill the same creatures, .... For example, there might be a group of lamp objects all of which acted as light sources; a collection of weapons (an axe, a sword, and a spear, say) that all killed a particular dragon; or a collection of herbs that could all be PICKed, SMELLed, and PUT in the cooking pot. These can be modeled by setting the CLASS field of the objects in the family to point to a single common object. The group of weapons, for example, could be created as follows: NOUN [Generic Weapon] Weapon Generic This is a dragon-slaying weapon. END_NOUN NOUN [Axe] Axe Huge This is a huge battleaxe. CLASS [Generic Weapon] SYNONYM Battleaxe END_NOUN (and similarly for [Spear] and [Sword]) CREATURE [Dragon] Dragon Fire-breathing A fire-breathing dragon fills the room. WEAPON [Generic Weapon] END_CREATURE Now any noun with CLASS of [Generic weapon] can kill the dragon, including the axe, the sword, and the spear. Classes are checked for the KEY and LIGHT fields of rooms, for the KEY field of NOUNS, for the WEAPON field of creatures, and for metacommands. The class of an object can be explicitly checked or changed by using the IsClass and SetClass metacommand tokens (see the relevant entries in sections 3.2 and 3.3). All objects, even rooms, have a CLASS field. As an example of using classes with metacommands, consider the following: COMMAND WIELD GENERIC WEAPON IsCarrying NOUN PrintMessage "You wield the $noun$." SetVariableTo [Current Weapon] NOUN DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND This command will be run if the player WIELDS any object with CLASS of [Generic Weapon], including the axe, spear, and sword presented above. CLASS is cumulative: an object is a member of the class of its own parent class. For example, if I created a new object NOUN [Generic Axe] Axe Generic A generic axe. CLASS [Generic Weapon] END_NOUN and rewrote [Axe] to be NOUN [Battleaxe] Axe Huge A huge battleaxe CLASS [Generic Axe] SYNONYM Battleaxe END_NOUN then [Battleaxe] would have a CLASS of both [Generic Axe] (since we set that explicitly) and [Generic Weapon] (since [Generic Axe] is in this class); it would still kill the dragon. When creating families of objects, a game author often wants to duplicate both behavior (using CLASS) and object information (using LIKE; see section 1.8). To make this easier, the keyword 'IS-A' can be used in place of 'LIKE'. NOUN [Generic Weapon] Weapon Generic This is a dragon-slaying weapon. Weight 5 END_NOUN Then other objects are declared to be "IS-A" this one, e.g. NOUN [Battleaxe] IS-A [Generic Weapon] Axe Huge A huge battleaxe SYNONYMS Battleaxe END_NOUN IS-A here behaves in the same as LIKE (described in 1.8) with one difference: the CLASS field of [Battleaxe] will automatically be set to [Generic Weapon]. (With LIKE it would be set to be the same as the CLASS field of [Generic Weapon], rather than equal to '[Generic Weapon]' itself.) This allows for both the behavior and the fields (just WEIGHT in this case) of [Generic Weapon] to be duplicated by [Battleaxe]. -------------------------------------- 1.10 Metacommand Order of Execution -------------------------------------- The following notes apply to VERSION MAGX; if you are interested in the order of execution used by the earlier versions, see Appendix A.5. Under VERSION MAGX, metacommands are executed in only three cycles: 1) First, the ANY metacommands are run. (Those metacommands which have no actor and no specific verb). 2a) Then, if there is no actor, the verb-specific metacommands for the given verb are run. 2b) If there is an actor, then instead the commands with a matching actor or with 'ANYBODY' as actor are run, in the order that they appeared in the source code. [ 3) Then built-in-verbs are run. ] 4) Steps (1) and (2) are followed for AFTER ANY and AFTER commands. (see below). These should not be confused with the Master's Edition COMMAND AFTER metacommands. 5) Finally, COMMAND AFTER commands are run. (Those metacommands with AFTER as their verb). [ 6) Then end-of-turn things happen-- this includes printing out the room description if the player moved or typed LOOK. ] At any stage, a metacommand can execute 'DoneWithTurn' which will skip ahead to step 5 (unless execution is already at step 5, in which case it has the same effect as 'QuitAllCmds'.) 'QuitAllCmds' will end the current stage and advance on to the next one. This will also happen automatically if all of the eligible metacommands have been given a chance to run. 'QuitThisCmd' ends the current metacommand; this happens automatically at the end of the metacommand and it shouldn't be necessary to include this token explicitly. Under Magx, it is possible to define metacommands that run after the built-in verbs in a more general way than the Master's Edition; they should be written as normal metacommands, but with COMMAND replaced by AFTER. For example: AFTER GET TREE AtLocation [Tree Lot] ....(and so forth)... END_AFTER which will run _after_ the usual, built-in, code for GET. ----------------------------------- 1.11 The AGATE Metacommand Format ----------------------------------- [First, a couple of limitations: i) The extensions in this section require AGiliTy version 0.8.2 or later. ii) This section only applies if VERSION MAGX is set. Other versions don't support this extension of the command format. ] When VERSION MAGX is set, Magx understands an extension of the original AGT metacommand token format which allows for easier creation of complicated metacommand sequences by permitting the game author to put all of the branches from a condition in the same metacommand block. (This command format was invented by Kevin Soucy for his current work in progress, "AGATE".) As an example (there is a more complex example in section 4.7): COMMAND TALK TO OFFICIAL 1 Present [Obnoxious Bureaucrat] 2 FlagOn [Bribe Payed] PrintMessage [Official's Speech] ! Contains important clue DoneWithTurn 2 ! Default: if bribe not payed PrintMessage "The official ignores you." DoneWithTurn 1 FlagOn [Met Bureaucrat] PrintMessage "The Director of Red Tape is at City Hall." DoneWithTurn 1 ! We haven't met the official StandardMessage 3 ! "$You$ don't see any $noun$ here." DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND (Magx refers to the numbers in front of the conditional tokens as "sequence IDs" since they control the sequence in which tokens are executed. Ideas for a better name are welcome :-).) The above example does the same thing as COMMAND TALK TO OFFICIAL Present [Obnoxious Bureaucrat] FlagOn [Bribe Payed] PrintMessage [Official's Speech] ! Contains important clue DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO OFFICIAL Present [Obnoxious Bureaucrat] ! Bribe not payed PrintMessage "The official ignores you." DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO OFFICIAL ! (Bureaucrat not present, or we wouldn't have reached here) FlagOn [Met Bureaucrat] PrintMessage "The Director of Red Tape is at City Hall." DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO OFFICIAL ! We haven't met the official StandardMessage 3 ! "$You$ don't see any $noun$ here." DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND THE DETAILS: When a conditional token fails, execution skips forward to the next sequence ID that is smaller than or equal to the the last ID. [*This is not quite true-- see the technical note below.] If there are none, then the interpreter moves on to the next metacommand. Comments: i) the indentation of metacommands is done for readability, but isn't required. ii) The numbers you use for IDs don't actually matter; they're just used as labels. The above example would work the same if 145 and 888 were substituted for 1 and 2 above. iii) You can use numbers from 1 to 9999 as sequence IDs. The numbers should get bigger as they get more deeply nested. (Magx will issue a warning if you don't do this. See also the technical note below.) iv) Execution of the different branches is not exclusive: if the DoneWithTurn tokens were missing from the above example, then execution would just continue downward until the end. You can also use the Next token (described in Section 3.1) to quit just one section of a command without quitting the whole thing. See Section 4.5 for an example. v) If a conditional token doesn't have an ID in front of it, then it will be associated with the most recent ID. If you wish, you can optionally mark such tokens with '-' or '&' (see the example in Section 4.7), but these symbols aren't required and are just ignored by Magx. (Barring a change in the design, Kevin Soucy's AGATE system *will* require them.) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MAGX AND AGA2AGT There is currently one other implementation of the AGATE command format: Kevin Soucy's AGA2AGT converter, a DOS program which takes AGATE-format source and converts it to normal AGT source code (which can then be run through Magx or the original compilers). It is available at ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/programming/agt/agate/aga2agt.exe. There are the following differences between the two: i) At the moment, AGA2AGT only allows IDs 1 to 9, whereas Magx allows IDs 1 to 9999. This isn't a serious issue; I doubt anyone is going to run out of IDs with either system. ii) In Magx, you could conceivably use IDs out of numerical order. (Although the compiler will issue a warning message.) This isn't recommended. (See technical note below.) iii) If Magx is used to handle the AGATE format, the resulting game require AGiliTy 0.8.2 or later. AGA2AGT, on the other hand, can be used to create games for any interpreter that has an available compiler (in particular, for any version of AGiliTy since 0.7.2). iv) AGA2AGT only allows sequence IDs before conditional tokens. Magx lets the author put them before blank lines (as in the first example in this section) or before action tokens. This is mainly useful for the last ID of a given value, marking code that should run if nothing else worked. v) AGA2AGT has trouble if action and conditional tokens are intermixed. For example, the following example (adapted from the one in section 4.7) will not work correctly with AGA2AGT: COMMAND CAST FOO 1 IsCarrying [Eye of Newt] PrintMessage " Abracadabra... Hocus Pocus.... " Destroy [EyeOfNewt] 2 AtLocation [Library] PrintMessage "One of the books suddenly starts glowing." SendToRoom [Magic Book] [Library] DoneWithTurn 2 AtLocation [Wine Cellar] PrintMessage "A door-shaped patch in the north wall glows." TurnFlagOn [Found Secret Door] DoneWithTurn 2 ! Not at any of the above locations; the spell is wasted. PrintMessage "Nothing seems to happen." DoneWithTurn 1 NOT IsCarrying [Eye of Newt] PrintMessage "You don't have the eye of newt!" DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND If the player has the eye of newt and is in the wine cellar, then under AGA2AGT, we get the following transcript: >CAST FOO Abracadabra.... Hocus Pocus.... You don't have the eye of newt! > Using Magx, this works correctly. (This is not intended as a criticism of AGA2AGT; this is a problem intrinsic in trying to get the new format to work with the old AGT command ordering and there is no simple solution: it is the price that AGA2AGT pays for (iii). ) TECHNICAL NOTE: In fact, you could even substitute 2 for 1 and 1 for 2 in the first example and it would still work, although Magx will print out a warning message since this is often a typo. Using IDs out of order like this is not recommended since it is likely to confuse people. If the order in which IDs are nested is different from their numerical order (as it would be if the IDs 1 and 2 are swapped in the above example), then execution will following the nesting order rather than the numerical order. So the execution rule is really "When a conditional token fails, execution skips forward to the next sequence ID that is nested no more deeply than the last sequence ID." As long as you define IDs in the order in which they originally occur, there will be no problem. ------------------------------------------------------- 1.12 Objects with Multiple Locations: GLOBAL and FLAG ------------------------------------------------------- [These features require AGiliTy 0.8.5 or later.] Ther are occasions that an author wants to create NOUNs or CREATUREs that can referred to from more than one location. To create an object that the player can refer to from anywhere in the game, set the GLOBAL attribute of the object. For example, NOUN [sky] sky blue a blue sky GLOBAL END_NOUN Now the player can LOOK AT SKY from any location in the game. Nouns or creatures with GLOBAL set serve a similar purpose to GLOBAL_NOUNS from the Master's Edition (and are intended to replace them). To create an object that appears in some rooms but not all, you need to use the FLAG characteristic of the noun or creature together with the ROOMFLAG property of the affected rooms. For example, to create a river that flows through several locations in the game: NOUN [River] river wide a wide river FLAG [River Flag] END_NOUN and then add the line FLAGS [River Flag] to each room that you want the river to flow through. (This is similar to the usual FLAG_NOUNS from the Master's Edition.) As with GLOBAL, FLAG objects aren't explicitly listed in the room description, but can be referred to by the player. Both GLOBAL and FLAG nouns are automatically made unmovable (you could in principle override this, but I can think of no way that this would be useful.) --------------------------------------------------- 1.13 Author Defined Properties and Object Flags --------------------------------------------------- [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.9 or later] The game-author can define new properties and attributes for rooms, nouns, and creatures, using the PROP and OBJFLAG keywords. For example, to give CREATUREs the properties "hit points", "anger", and "owner" and NOUNS the properties "owner" and "cost", the game author would enter the following: PROP CREATURE [hp] ! hit points [anger] ! How angry the creature is. END_PROP PROP NOUN [cost] END_PROP PROP NOUN, CREATURE [owner] END_PROP To give CREATUREs the object flag "undead" (set if the creature is undead, unset otherwise), the author could enter: OBJFLAG CREATURE [undead] END_OBJFLAG The PROP and OBJFLAG keywords can be followed by ROOM, NOUN, or CREATURE, or any combination of the three (if, as with [owner] above, the author wishes to give a property to more than one type of object). To assign values to these properties, a game author would enter something like the following: CREATURE [cat] cat king's The King's personal cat is sunning itself here. [hp] 5 ! The cat has 5 hit points LOCATION [throne room] [owner] [king] ! The cat is owned by the king END_CREATURE CREATURE [zombie] zombie dead A zombie stands here guarding the passageway. LOCATION [west catacombs] [undead] HOSTILE [hit points] 15 END_CREATURE Properties default to 0 (or [nothing]) and object flags are not set. (So in the example above, the cat would not be [undead] and [owner] of the zombie would be [nothing]), although they can be given other default values using DEFAULT, IS-A, and LIKE (see section 1.8), just like built-in properties. Should an object flag be set on by one of these means, it can be turned back off by use of NOT: CREATURE [dragon] IS-A [monster] dragon fearsome A fearsome dragon rests here on a pile of gold. LOCATION [dragon's lair] NOT [undead] ! Only neccessary if [monster] is [undead]. END_CREATURE In metacommands, both properties and object flags should be referred to using the notation "[object].[property]". For instance, ObjFlagOn NOUN.[undead] TurnObjFlagOn [cat].[undead] Subtract [cash] NOUN.[cost] Set [dragon].[owner] [knight] Equal [king].[anger] 10 ObjFlagOff [variable 13].[undead] Add OBJECT.[owner].anger 1 Object flags can be checked an manipulated by the following tokens: ObjFlagOn, ObjFlagOff, TurnObjFlagOn, TurnObjFlagOff, ToggleObjFlag. Object properties can be used just about anywhere. To change them, use the following tokens: Set, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Remainder which also work with variables. The "." above is left associative, and so the construction Add OBJECT.[owner].[anger] 1 will add 1 to the [anger] property of the owner of the current OBJECT. ------------------------------------ 1.14 Other Miscellaneous Features ------------------------------------ Magx has the following additional differences from the original compilers, not documented elsewhere in this file: --For the exits of room, a message label can be used in place of a room label. This will cause that message to print out when the player tries to go that way. (If not using labels for messages, then the message number must have added to it the larger of 1000 and (the last room number + 1). For games created using the object number ranges from any of the original versions of AGT, this will always be 1000. ) If VERSION is MAGX, you can also put the name of a verb in place of a room label; if the player tries to go that way, then the metacommands associated with that verb will be run (in a way similar to autoexec verbs.) [This requires AGiliTy v0.8 or later.] --IN and OUT can be used to specify exits of a room. --A flag label can be included on its own in a metacommand, as a shorthand for 'FlagOn [someflag]' --If a ALL metacommand exists in the game data file, then AGiliTy will allow the new to accept multiple objects. E.g. COMMAND FROB ALL END_COMMAND will cause the user-defined verb FROB to accept multiple objects. (If ALL expansion is on-- this is automatic for VERSION MAGX-- then such a metacommand will never actually be run; AGiliTy's parser will convert it to a list of nouns before ever reaching the metacommands. The *existence* of such a metacommand, however, tells the parser to allow multiple objects for this verb.) --If VERSION is set to MAGX, then COMMANDS will match adjectives as well as nouns. --Both AGiliTy and Magx recognize the following two-word prepositions: OUT OF IN TO --Text macros created with #DEFINE must be defined before use. (This doesn't apply to any other type of label). The following will be treated as generic text if included in a text macro (and so won't do what they usually do): #DEFINE, #OPTION, #COMMENT, #END_COMMENT, END_ Anything else will be treated normally. --They can include other #DEFINE labels up to a depth of 50 labels. --Under VERSION MAGX, multiple-word synonyms for verbs can be defined by using the dictionary space character, which by default is '.'. (It can be set using #OPTION.) If they are used in commands, they should still use the '.' character; you should avoid using them elsewhere. (If necessary, define a space-free synonym and use it.) (Actually, in COMMAND statements, '.' is converted to an embedded space for *all* of the words, regardless of whether they are verbs or not. If necessary, change the dictionary space character using #OPTION; see Section 2.0) --NOUNs and CREATUREs can have the attributes GLOBAL or NOT_GLOBAL. (NOT_GLOBAL is the default.) GLOBAL objects are implicitly present in every room in the game. Global NOUNs are also made UNMOVABLE. --In addition to the $STR[label]$ replacaments supported by the original AGT, AGiliTy also supports the following: $FLAG[label]$ prints "on" or "off" for the given flag. $ON[label]$ prints "on" or "off" for the given noun. $OPEN[label]$ prints "open" or "closed" for the given noun. $LOCKED[label]$ prints "locked" or "unlocked" for the given noun. (Where '[label]' is a label or number of the appropriate type.) [These were added by Mitch Mlinar] -------------------------------------- 1.15 List of Object Characteristics -------------------------------------- This lists all of the object charactaristics that can be either on or off. The default form is always listed second; authors don't need to use these unless i) they have changed the defaults (see section 1.8) or ii) they are using IS-A or LIKE. For rooms: GAME_END / NOT_GAME_END GAME_WIN / NOT_GAME_WIN PLAYER_DEAD / NOT_PLAYER_DEAD For nouns: OPEN / CLOSED LOCKED /UNLOCKED ON / OFF PLURAL / SINGULAR GLOBAL / NOT_GLOBAL UNMOVABLE / MOVABLE CLOSABLE / UNCLOSABLE LOCKABLE / UNLOCKABLE IS_LIGHT / NOT_IS_LIGHT EDIBLE / INEDIBLE DRINKABLE / UNDRINKABLE POISONOUS / NONPOISONOUS READABLE / UNREADABLE WEARABLE / UNWEARABLE PUSHABLE / NOT_PUSHABLE PULLABLE / NOT_PULLABLE PLAYABLE / NOT_PLAYABLE TURNABLE / NOT_TURNABLE CAN_SHOOT / NOT_CAN_SHOOT GAME_WIN / NOT_GAME_WIN For creatures: HOSTILE / FRIENDLY GROUPMEMBER / NOT_GROUPMEMBER GLOBAL / NOT_GLOBAL ================================= 2.0 NEW AND MODIFIED DIRECTIVES --------------------------------- First, simple options: STATUS_OPTION {Num} This determines what the status line will display: 0 = Room, Score, moves (the default) 1 = Room, score, time 2 = Room, moves 3 = Room, time 4 = Room only (centered) 5 = Room, score SCORE_OPTION {Num} This determines what will printed out for the score. In general, score prints out both the actual score and the number of room visited. The follow table lists what is printed out for each value of {Num}; an asterisk indicates that the maximum possible value is also printed out. (e.g. "You have 10 points (out of 400 possible)."). [Options above 3 require AGiliTy 0.8.] 0-- Score*, Room* 6-- Room* 1-- Score*, Room 7-- Room 2-- Score, Room* 8-- 3-- Score, Room 4-- Score* 5-- Score LONG_STRING Allows user strings to contain more than one word. INTRO_FIRST If include, causes the introduction to be printed before the title. TITLE_BOX Causes the title to be printed in a box; on by default for MASTERS and MAGX. NO_TITLE_BOX Causes the title to *not* be printed in a box; the default for 1.83 and CLASSIC. If most of the non-blank lines start with spaces, the title won't be centered. MILITARY_TIME Display the time in military format. PREP {list of words} This defines each of the words as a new preposition. Multiple-word prepositions (such as "out of") can be defined using the dictionary space character('.' by default, but see #OPTION); if the preposition shows up in a command, it should again use the dictionary space character instead of a real space. For example: PREP in.to would define "in to" as a preposition. (Not necessary since this is already done.) The two built-in multi-word prepositions ("in to" and "out of") still work in commands with a normal space. --------------------------------- VERSION This can be GAGS, CLASSIC, 1.83, MASTERS, or MAGX. If VERSION isn't given, the compiler will assume that the game file was created for either Classic AGT or the Master's Edition and will compile accordingly. New games should be created with VERSION MAGX; the other options only exist for the purpose of compiling existing games. The versions have the following properties and default settings: (The default settings can be changed, of course-- see CONFIG below and the other options in this chapter) VERSION MAGX NO_SLASH_BOLD, NO_INTRO_FIRST, NO_PURE_ANSWER, CHECK_GRAMMAR NO_PURE_AFTER, FIX_MULTINOUN, FIX_METAVERB, (so time will not pass for multiple nouns or metaverbs) SMART_DISAMBIG, EXPAND_ALL, (smart disambiguation and all expansion are turned on) STARTING_TIME 1200 DELTA_TIME 5 MAX_LIVES 1 #OPTION +warn_extratext -assume_any --Adjective matching of commands supported. --Spaces are not stripped from the end of description lines. --Backslash formatting options supported (see Section 1.5). --The DOOR virtual object is not recognized (and so the LOCKED_DOOR option is no longer meaningful). It's still possible to define your own 'door' noun, of course. --There are differences in handling of weight and size.(See Section 1.7) --Metacommands are scanned in a slightly different order. (See Section 1.10 and Appendix A.5) --NOUN, OBJECT, NAME, and variable arguments supported (see Section 3.0) --The compiler will complain if numbers occur where a label could be used. DEFAULT (Used if VERSION not specified) NO_SLASH_BOLD, NO_INTRO_FIRST, PURE_ANSWER, NO_CHECK_GRAMMAR, PURE_AFTER TITLE_BOX and ROOMTITLE set if rooms/nouns/creatures use labels; not set otherwise. STARTING_TIME 1200 DELTA_TIME 5 MAX_LIVES 3 #OPTION -warn_extratext +assume_any VERSION MASTERS NO_SLASH_BOLD, NO_INTRO_FIRST, PURE_ANSWER, NO_CHECK_GRAMMAR, PURE_AFTER TITLE_BOX, ROOMTITLE STARTING_TIME 1200 DELTA_TIME 5 MAX_LIVES 3 #OPTION -warn_extratext +assume_any VERSION CLASSIC (emulate AGT 1.35) NO_SLASH_BOLD, NO_INTRO_FIRST, PURE_ANSWER, NO_CHECK_GRAMMAR, PURE_AFTER NO_TITLE_BOX, NO_ROOMTITLE STARTING_TIME 1200 DELTA_TIME 5 MAX_LIVES 3 #OPTION -warn_extratext +assume_any VERSION GAGS Identical to VERSION CLASSIC except that nouns default to being OPEN rather than CLOSED. VERSION 1.83 (emulate Menichelli's 1.83) SLASH_BOLD, INTRO_FIRST, PURE_ANSWER, NO_CHECK_GRAMMAR, NO_PURE_AFTER, MAX_LIVES 1 STARTING_TIME 0000 DELTA_TIME 0 #OPTION -warn_extratext +assume_any --'is' is treated as a noise word and ignored in COMMANDs. --1.83 time functions are supported instead of the usual (Master's Edition) ones --Metacommands are run in two passes, "before" and "after". All of them share these default settings: NO_PURE_DUMMY, NO_PURE_SUBNAME, BLOCK_HOSTILE, GET_HOSTILE, Notes on Converting to VERSION MAGX Adding VERSION MAGX to a pre-Magx game may result in a lot of warnings about "Extra text found on line". This is usually caused by comments that aren't clearly delimited. The *best* solution is to go through the source and insert (* and *) around all of the comments (assuming there isn't a real error, of course). For a large game, though, this may be too much work; in this case, this warning message can be turned off with #OPTION -warn_extratext (Doing so may also turn off warnings about *real* errors, which is why it is better to insert (* and *) if possible). When writing new games, you should always either surround comments with (* and *) or precede them with '!' (see Section 1.4). Another warning you may receive is "Expect labels instead of numbers for ...". This could occur, for example, if a room is referred to by number when rooms are defined with labels. Most commonly, it occurs when 0 or 1 or 1000 is used for an object number, or when 0 is used for a flag number. In this case, the solution is to use LABEL to create labels for these things (or '#include stddecl.agt' which does it for you) and replace the numbers by labels. Text macros don't count as labels for this purpose, so you may see this error with a line like the following: LOCATION [Nowhere] where [Nowhere] is defined by #DEFINE [Nowhere] 0 The solution in this case is to replace the #DEFINE by a LABEL: LABEL [Nowhere] object 0 (See the description of LABEL below). 'stddecl.agt' already does this and can be used as a replacement for 'stddef.agt'. (They shouldn't both be #included in the same game). --------------------------------- #OPTIONS The following can appear on the line after #OPTIONS: +warn_extratext , -warn_extratext Turn warnings about extra text on a line on or off. This warning is most commonly caused by comments that aren't clearly marked. +whitespace, -whitespace Turn on/off whitespace insensitivity in labels. If on then extra spaces will be ignored; [ Abc ] will be the same as [Abc] and [The Man] will be the same as [The Man] (although distinct from [TheMan]). For VERSION MAGX this is on by default; for other VERSIONS it is off. It is recommended that this be set on for new games since people don't usually notice differences in whitespace unless reading carefully. -assume_any, +assume_any This affects the way that COMMANDs are parsed if something is left out. If assume_any is turned on, then the blanks will be filled in by ANY; if it is turned off, they will be marked as . For example, COMMAND GIVE COAT becomes COMMAND GIVE COAT ANY ANY if assume_any is active, but not if assume_any is turned off. (And so it will match "give coat to stranger" if assume_any is on, but not if assume_any is off.) This is off by default for VERSION MAGX; it is on for all other VERSIONS. messages"" or messages<> or ... Define the delimiters of the one-line short messages; by default they are quotation marks. If only one non-space character follows the keyword, then it will be used for both of the delimiters. dictspace. or dictspace& or ... Set the symbol that represents a space in multiple-word verbs and prepositions. This option is only meaningful under VERSION MAGX. By default, this is '.', but you might need to change it if you wanted to put a *real* period in your text. --------------------------------- LABEL {Label} {value} This defines a new label equal to {value}, but doesn't actually create a new object. It is mainly intended to allow labels to be attached to directions, to special objects (0, 1, and 1000), and to numbers. can be one of OBJECT, ROOM, NOUN, CREATURE, VARIABLE, FLAG, QUESTION, MESSAGE, STRING, COUNTER, DIRECTION, SUBROUTINE, PICTURE, PIX, FONT, SONG, ROOMFLAG, STDMSG, or EXIT. Most of these are only useful under special circumstances since LABEL *doesn't actually create anything*; it just attaches a name to a number. A couple of these require further explanation: OBJECT indicates one of the special objects: 0, 1, or 1000. EXIT refers to an exit label-- either a room or a message number plus the exit message base (usually 1000). DIRECTION indicates one of the directions, 1 through 12. Examples: label [north] direction 1 label [nowhere] object 0 label [number of treasures] number 5 Aside from the labels defined in 'stddecl.agt', the main use of LABEL is to define constants, either for readability or to allow the author to change them later. In general, any time there is something of the form #DEFINE [somelabel] it can be replaced with a LABEL statement. (If the #DEFINE contains something other than a number then it *can't* be replaced by a LABEL). --------------------------------- STANDARD {Number or Label} END_STANDARD This provides a replacement for one of the interpreter's standard messages. Unlike the original interpreter, this can be included in the game file itself (instead of in a separate file). If you do this, however, you need to make sure that there is no file titled .STD or AGT.STD in the same directory as your game file. Unlike the Master's Edition, this file is not required. If a particular standard error message is not included, the interpreter will use its own internal default. The original interpreters had 185 messages; AGiliTy adds thirteen more, which by default are: 186: You can't use AGAIN until you've entered at least one command. 187: Inside, $you$ see the following: 188: $You$ fire a shot into the air. 189: The $object$ doesn't want it. 190: $Verb$ doesn't take an object. 191: $Verb$ doesn't take $prep$ as a preposition. 192: $Name$ doesn't want to. 193: $You$ learn nothing new. 194: $You$ see nothing unexpected. (printed when examining nouns that have no description defined) 195: $You$ see nothing unexpected. (printed when examining creatures that have no description defined) 196: I don't know who $you$ $are$ trying to address. 197: $You$ can't enter anything here. 198: $You're$ not inside anything that $you$ can exit. --------------------------------- CONFIG END_CONFIG This allows the inclusion of configuration options. The following options can appear in this section (any of which can be prefixed with NO_ to turn them off). See the discussion of VERSION for the default settings of some of these. ROOMTITLE Print the room title in bold before the room description. Default depends on version. IRUN Print error messages in first person. NO_BLOCK_HOSTILE Allow the player to leave a room containing a hostile creature if they go back the way they came. NO_GET_HOSTILE Prevents the player from picking up objects in a room containing a hostile creature. (Intended to be used with NO_BLOCK_HOSTILE) NO_OBJECT_NOTES Turns off notes after object description, such as '[providing light]'. CONST_TIME Increment time at a constant rate instead of randomly. FIXED_FONT Force system to use a fixed-pitch font. NO_FIXED_FONT Allow the system to use proportional fonts. SLASH_BOLD If set the backslash character toggles bold on and off. This is off by default except for VERSION 1.83 games. If on, it also prevents the use of the backslash formatting commands described above. NO_PRONOUN_SUBS Don't do $you$-style substitutions in game-author defined messages. SMART_DISAMBIG This turns on smart disambiguation. This is on by default for VERSION MAGX. EXPAND_ALL This turns on ALL and ALL EXCEPT expansion in the parser (by default, expanding them is the responsibility of the individual verb execution routines); see remarks on SMART_DISAMBIG: both of these options use the same engine and so they are likely to work or fail together. If you're using this, you'll probably also want to set FIX_MULTINOUN. This is also on by default for VERSION MAGX. FIX_METAVERB Don't run ANY metacommands when executing a metaverb (such as SAVE or RESTORE). On by default for VERSION MAGX. FIX_MULTINOUN Only advance one turn when manipulating multiple nouns, rather than a turn for each noun. On by default for VERSION MAGX. PURE_ANSWER Require AND-connected answers to be in the right order. On by default for VERSION MAGX. CHECK_GRAMMAR Causes the game to print out an error message if the player enters a verb with too many objects. (For example, 'N TREE', since the verb 'N' doesn't take any objects.) On by default for VERSION MAGX. VERBOSE Force the game to start in VERBOSE. Normally you shouldn't specify this but leave the decision up to the player. (Who can set their preference in their personal configuration file). PURE_AFTER Causes LOOK and other end-of-turn actions to take place after AFTER commands. (This is on by default for Master's Edition games.) ====================== 3.0 NEW METACOMMANDS ---------------------- If VERSION MAGX is set, then the compiler accepts an extended syntax for the arguments of tokens. In addition to the usual arguments, you can use --NOUN, OBJECT, NAME which refer to the direct object, indirect object, and creature being addressed, respectively. These can be used anywhere a noun or creature could be. So, for example: Present NOUN (logically equivalent to NounPresent). IsSomewhere OBJECT IsHostile NAME --The label for a variable; the value for this variable will then be used as the argument. Variables can replace any argument *except* another variable. For example, GoToRoom [Some Variable] (equivalent to GoToVariableRoom [Some Variable]) GetIt [This Variable] AddToTime [Some Other Variable] --TOS, which refers to the top of the internal stack. See appendix B.1. -------------------- 3.1 Special Tokens -------------------- AND This is used to link together OR blocks (or to link an OR block with following conditional tokens). There is an example below. (Section 4.1). Next {token sequence ID} Prev {token sequence ID} These jump to the next and previous occurrence of the given token sequence ID. (See section 1.11 for information on token sequence IDs). The argument can't be a label since a given ID is only meaningful in the current metacommand. Prev 0 jumps to the beginning of the current metacommand. Next 0 jumps to the end of the current metacommand (which is logically equivalent to QuitThisCMD). EndDisambig {value} This does nothing except when disambiguating or doing ALL expansion. In either of these two cases, it is equivalent to "DoneWithTurn" except that it also sets the disambiguation priority to {Value}. (See Section 4.3 for more on disambiguation priority). Most often, {value} will be zero. ------------------------ 3.2 Conditional Tokens ------------------------ OnDisambig This is true if the interpreter is scanning metacommands for the sake of disambiguation or ALL expansion and false otherwise (if the metacommands are really being executed). NameWasPresent True if the person being addressed was present at the beginning of the current line of commands. This is included to allow things like >FRED, GO NORTH AND DROP STICK By the time the interpreter gets to DROP STICK, Fred is no longer in the same room as the player so NamePresent would fail. NameWasPresent would still be true. OncePerTurn When executing verbs with multiple nouns, this is true for the first one and false thereafter. This lets you set up events that run every turn without counting multiple turns whenever the player uses multiple objects. (If used in an AFTER or COMMAND AFTER block, it runs for the *last* object in the group.) To use this, you need to have FIX_MULTINOUN set. (VERSION MAGX sets this automatically). IsHostile {Noun/Creature} True if the object is hostile. This is normally used in the form IsHostile NOUN IsHostile OBJECT IsHostile NAME HostilePresent True if there is a hostile creature present in the room. NumericNOUN NumericOBJECT True is the noun or object (respectively) entered by the player is a number. The value of the number can be gotten by using NounToVariable and ObjectToVariable (see the original AGT manual). IsClass {Object1} {Object2} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8 or later] True if {Object2} is a superclass of {Object1}. CompareStrings {Str1} {Str2} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.6 or later] True if the two user strings are identical, ignoring the difference between upper and lower case. StringBefore {Str1} {Str2} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.6 or later] True if {Str1} occurs before {Str2} in alphabetical order, ignoring differences between upper and lower case. StringAfter {Str1} {Str2} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.6 or later] True if {Str1} occurs after {Str2} in alphabetical order, ignoring differences between upper and lower case. CaseCompareStrings {Str1} {Str2} CaseStringBefore {Str1} {Str2} CaseStringBefore {Str1} {Str2} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.6 or later] Equivalent to the three previous tokens except that they distinguish between upper and lower case. All lower case letters are "larger" than all upper case letters (so "Z" is before "a"). StringIsAnswer {Str} {Question} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.6 or later] Checks to see if the string matches the answer to {Question}. HasSeen {Object} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.7 or later] Checks to see if the player has seen the given room, noun, or creature. (A player is considered to have "seen" an object if it was theoretically visible to the player at any one of the following times: i) After ANY and metacommands have run (that is, just before built-in verbs are checked). ii) At the end of the turn iii) Anytime the room description is printed out.) ObjFlagOn {Object} {Object Flag ID} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.9 or later] True if the given objflag for this object is on. ObjFlagOff {Object} {Object Flag ID} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.9 or later] True if the given objflag for this object is off. ------------------- 3.3 Action Tokens ------------------- Quote {Msg} Prints the given message in a quote box. WaitForKey Waits for the user to press a key. Unlike WaitForReturn it doesn't print out a prompt. PrintMessageNoNL {Msg} Prints a message with no newline, so the next message printed will continue on the same line. ChangeStatus {Num} Change STATUS_OPTION during play; the number values are the same as for STATUS_OPTION. SetVariableToInput {Var} Sets {Var} equal to the number entered by the player in response to the last GetNumberInput token. [Requires AGiliTy 0.8 or later] SubtractFromTime {Num} Subtracts {Num} from the current time; {Num} should be in the usual format for Master's Edition time commands (hhmm). SetDeltaTime {Num} Sets DELTA_TIME. SetVariableToDeltaTime {Var} Sets a variable equal to the current value of DELTA_TIME. Set {Var or Prop} {Num} [Using a property here requires AGiliTy 0.8.9 or later] Set the variable or object property to the given value. Add {Var or Prop} {Num} Subtract {Var or Prop} {Num} Multiply {Var or Prop} {Num} Divide {Var or Prop} {Num} [Using a property here requires AGiliTy 0.8.9 or later] Set the variable or object property to itself plus/minus/times/divided by the second argument. Remainder {Var or Prop} {Num} [Using a property here requires AGiliTy 0.8.9 or later] Set the variable or object property equal to the remainder resulting from dividing it by the second argument. SetHE {Noun/Creature} SetSHE {Noun/Creature} SetIT {Noun/Creature} SetTHEY {Noun/Creature} These four commands set the object that the various pronouns will refer to when used by the player. Normally these are managed automatically, but under some circumstances you may need to explicitly set which object a pronoun refers to. SetDisambigPriority {Num} This has no effect except during disambiguation or ALL expansion. Although it is an action token, it does not cause disambiguation to stop. Instead it sets the disambiguation priority to {Num} and allows execution to continue. Should execution finish without encountering any (normal) action tokens, this will be the disambiguation priority returned. See Section 4.3. StandardMessage {StdMsg} Print out one of the standard messages, defined by the STANDARD directive. At the moment this will only work for messages that are explicitly defined in the game file. This is only rarely useful. SetClass {Object1} {Object2} Sets the CLASS of {Object1} to be {Object2} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8 or later] SetVariableToClass {Var} {Object} Sets the variable equal to the CLASS value of the object. [Requires AGiliTy 0.8 or later] CopyString {Str1} {Str2} Sets the user string {Str1} equal to {Str2}. (The order of arguments is the same as SetVariableTo: the target comes first). [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.6 or later] UpcaseString {Str1} Convert a user string to all upper case. [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.6 or later] DowncaseString {Str2} Convert a user string to all lower case. [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.6 or later] TurnObjFlagOn {Object} {Objflag id} TurnObjFlagOff {Object} {Objflag id} ToggleObjFlag {Object} {Objflag id} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.9 or later] Turn the given objflag for the specified object on or off, or toggle it. MultiplyVariable {Var} {Num} Multiplies {Var} by {Num}. DivideVariable {Var} {Num} Divide {Var} by {Num}. ComputeRemainder {Var} {Num} Computes the remainder of {Var} divided by {Num}, storing the result in {Var}. ============== 4.0 EXAMPLES -------------- This section provides some examples and additional clarification of some of the new features of the Magx compiler and the AGiliTy interpreter. ---------------- 4.1 Use of AND ---------------- The sequence of metacommands: Present [Captain Black] OR Present [Captain White] FlagOn [Ship Sunk] OR FlagOn [Cannon Fired] will be true if either i) Captain Black is present. or ii) Captain White is present and the flag [Ship Sunk] is on. or iii) The flag [Cannon Fired] is on. On the other hand, if we insert an AND between the second and third condition, we get Present [Captain Black] OR Present [Captain White] AND FlagOn [Ship Sunk] OR FlagOn [Cannon Fired] which will be true if i) Either Captain Black or Captain White is present *and* ii) Either one of the two flags is on. This is also often useful for marking the end of an OR block when you wish to follow the OR'ed tokens with more conditional tokens that *shouldn't* be part of the OR. ---------------------- 4.2 Example of SetIt ---------------------- The following gives the player the "Midas touch": COMMAND TOUCH TREE Present NOUN ErrMessage "You don't see the $noun$ here." NounIsNumber [Live Tree] PrintMessage "The tree turns to gold!" SwapLocations [Live Tree] [Gold Tree] SetIt [Gold Tree] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND This allows a transcript like the following: > TOUCH TREE The tree turns to gold! {At this point, we swap [Live Tree] and [Gold Tree], but now } {"it" still refers to [Live Tree]; if the player were to type "X IT" } {then they would be told that the object wasn't here. To fix this, } {we do "SetIT [Gold Tree]", and now the following works: } > X IT The tree seems to be made of pure gold. It looks remarkably natural. ---------------------------- 4.3 Disambiguation: Theory ---------------------------- While disambiguation isn't terribly complicated, it can be difficult to wrap one's mind around since its effects are subtle. When working correctly, it should be completely invisible to the player; only when something goes wrong is the disambiguation system noticed. Section 4.4 gives an example, which you may want to glance at as you read this section. The disambiguator is responsible for determining which object the player meant when she could be referring to more than one. For example, suppose there is a brass key in the room and the player has a gold key. When the player types "GET KEY", it is up to the disambiguator to figure out which key she means. (Presumably the brass key in this case). The disambiguator operates by giving each possible object a "score" or priority, indicating how likely it is that this was the object the player was referring to (more on this below). It then takes the object with the highest priority. In the event of a tie, it eliminates objects that aren't visible (unless the verb has GLOBAL_SCOPE set; see below). As a last resort, it asks for help from the player; e.g. "Do you mean the brass key or the gold key?" (If none of the objects are visible, then it will just pick the first one rather than asking the player for help. Again, GLOBAL_SCOPE changes this slightly; see below.) (If the verb *does* have GLOBAL_SCOPE, then objects with a priority greater than or equal to 500 will be treated in the same way as visible objects: they won't be automatically eliminated in favor of visible objects and the player will be asked about them instead of having the first object chosen. See Section 1.4 for more on GLOBAL_SCOPE.) In the example above, assuming no metacommands interfere, the brass key will be given score 1000 and the gold key will be given priority 0; the player will pick up the brass key. (The above discussion is oversimplified since there are also syntactic criteria which the disambiguator uses to resolve ambiguous object names. You usually don't need to worry about this, but it's discussed in greater detail below for those interested) ALL expansion (which causes ALL and ALL EXCEPT to be converted into an explicit list of objects) uses the same underlying system. For each visible object (or every object if the verb has GLOBAL_SCOPE), it computes the priority as above. If the priority is greater than 500, then the object is included on the total list; if the priority is less than 500, the object is excluded. (Of course, ALL expansion only takes place for verbs that accept multiple objects; see section 1.14 for how to specify this) In the example above, if the player typed "GET ALL" then "ALL" would be expanded to "BRASS KEY" since it scores 1000 (greater than 500) while the gold key scores 0 (less than 500). Notice that GET and DROP score objects differently. If the player typed "DROP KEY" then it would be the *gold* key that would be selected. The disambiguator has been written to figure as much of this out for itself as possible, but it requires some help from the game author to work perfectly. How, then, does the disambiguation system score objects? For each possible object, the disambiguator runs through the verb-specific metacommands and built-in verbs, almost exactly as if it was really running the command, until it reaches an action token. When this happens, it stops and gives the object a priority of 1000. If it never reaches an action token (and none of the built-in verbs do anything), then it gives the object a priority of 0. (Unless it has encountered SetDisambigPriority, in which case the object will have the priority set by the last SetDisambigPriority instead of 0.) There are a few important exceptions: --QuitThisCmd, QuitAllCmds, DoneWithTurn, RedirectTo, DoSubroutine, Return, AND, and SetDisambigPriority behave has they usually do and don't cause the object to be automatically given priority 1000 (and, except for DoneWithTurn, checking of metacommands and built-in verbs continues). --ErrMessage and ErrStdMessage set the object's priority explicitly. Along with SetDisambigPriority, these are the main way that the author provides the disambiguator with information about what objects are appropriate. (See section 4.4 for a concrete example) --FailMessage and FailStdMessage are ignored unless they would normally print a message out (that is, unless the previous conditional token was false). They are equivalent to ErrMessage/ErrStdMessage with a priority of 1000. --Even though PromptForYES and PromptForNO are conditional tokens, they are treated as action tokens for purposes of disambiguation (since they cause something to happen: the player is asked for a response). By using ErrMessage and ErrStdMessage, the game author can explicitly set the priorities of various objects; the example in 4.4 is typical. (OnDisambig and SetDisambigPriority can also be used for more sophisticated tuning of the disambiguator). TECHNICAL DETAILS Aside from the process described above, there are a few other rules based on syntax that are used to narrow down the possibilities: i) Matches that include a synonym or noun are preferred over those consisting only of an adjective. (This can be controlled with the configuration option ADJ_NOUN; see Appendix A.4.) ii) Visible objects are preferred over those not visible (but if a verb has GLOBAL_SCOPE set, then all objects with a disambiguation priority of at least 500 will be treated in the same way as visible objects). iii) Matches to real objects are preferred over matches to numbers and special words (such as ALL, DOOR, SCENE, and pronouns). iv) As noted above, if none of the objects are visible, then the one with the lowest number will be preferred over the others. (However, if the verb has GLOBAL_SCOPE, see also the remark in (ii) above.) ------------------------------ 4.4 Disambiguation: Practice ------------------------------ First, the transcript (from the included example, SUMMON.AGT): > LOOK The Blue Hawk This inn has seen better days, but is still well stocked with drink. There is a bottle of French red wine sitting here. There is a bottle of Russian vodka here. > SUMMON SPIRIT Do you mean the captain black or the air spirit? > AIR You cast the spell of summoning! > LOOK The Blue Hawk This inn has seen better days, but is still well stocked with drink. There is a bottle of French red wine sitting here. There is a bottle of Russian vodka here. An air spirit hovers here, looking like a cloud. > SUMMON SPIRIT You cast the spell of summoning! > LOOK The Blue Hawk This inn has seen better days, but is still well stocked with drink. There is a bottle of French red wine sitting here. There is a bottle of Russian vodka here. The ghost of Captain Black hovers here, glaring at you. An air spirit hovers here, looking like a cloud. > X SPIRIT Do you mean the red wine, the russian vodka, the captain black, or the air spirit? > SUMMON SPIRIT Do you mean the captain black or the air spirit? > CAPTAIN The spirit is already here. > DRINK SPIRIT Do you mean the red wine or the russian vodka? > There are four objects, the wine, the vodka, Captain Black, and the air spirit. *All* of them can be referred to as 'spirit'. Notice in particular that, when the player types SUMMON, the interpreter doesn't ask about the two drinks. (Likewise, when the player types DRINK, they are not asked about the two ghosts.) The code to define the verb 'summon' is as follows (the rest of the example can be found in SUMMON.AGT); notice that the verb is declared to have GLOBAL_SCOPE since it can be applied to objects that aren't present. VERB summon call invoke global_scope END_VERB COMMAND SUMMON ANY 1 NOT ObjFlagOn NOUN.[is ghost] EndDisambig 0 PrintMessage "You can't summon the $noun$." DoneWithTurn 1 Present NOUN EndDisambig 100 PrintMessage "The $noun$ is already here." DoneWithTurn 1 PrintMessage "You cast the spell of summoning!" PutInCurrentRoom Noun DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND I could change the 100 above to 200 or even 300 without affecting anything; only the relations of the priorities to each other matter (and their relations to 0, 500, and 1000). Since the second EndDisambig has a priority of 100, objects which reach it will preferred over those that don't. That is, even when Captain Black and the air spirit are present, they will *still* be preferred over the two drinks. (As can be seen from the transcript). Almost always the priorities will be increasing as you travel down an individual metacommand, since they reflect objects that have passed an increasing number of tests. I recommend experimenting some, to understand why the fragment above is written the way it is. --Try converting the 'EndDisambig 100' to 'EndDisambig 0' and see what happens. --Try leaving out either or both of these. --Try converting the 'EndDisambig 0' to 'EndDisambig 200' (this has a bizarre effect once both ghosts are present) For each of these cases, I suggest trying SUMMON when both, one, and neither of the ghosts is present. -------------------------------------------------- 4.5 Example Use of AGATE Command Format and Next -------------------------------------------------- This is a more elaborate example of the use of the AGATE command format than those given in 1.11; it also shows one use of the Next token. The following code defines the casting of a spell for magic detection that requires all sorts of ingredients-- but if the player isn't properly shielded, there's a 20% chance that the evil sorcerer will notice that the spell has been cast. ! Foo is some sort of magic-detection spell Command Cast Foo 1 FlagOn [Know Foo Spell] 2 VariableLT [Amt Dragon Blood] 5 PrintMessage "You don't have enough dragon's blood." DoneWithTurn 2 NOT IsCarrying [Eye of Newt] PrintMessage "You don't have an eye of newt." DoneWithTurn 2 ! Have all of the ingredients ! The ingredients are destroyed regardless of whether the spell ! does anything useful. Destroy [Eye of Newt] SubtractFromVariable [Amt Dragon Blood] 5 PrintMessageNoNL "You cast the spell" ! For certain locations, the spell gives the player some new ! information. 3 AtLocation [Library] PrintMessage " and one of the books suddenly starts glowing." SendToRoom [Magic Book] [Library] Next 2 3 AtLocation [Wine Cellar] PrintMessage "; a door-shaped patch in the north wall glows." TurnFlagOn [Found Secret Door] Next 2 3 AtLocation [Tower Roof] PrintMessage ", causing the great bell to glow." Next 2 3 ! Not at any of the above locations; the spell is wasted. PrintMessage ", but nothing seems to happen." 2 VariableEquals [Amt Dragon Blood] 0 BlankLine PrintMessage "(You're out of dragon's blood.)" 2 Not IsCarrying [Spell Damper] - Not [Evil Sorcerer aware] - Chance 20 BlankLine PrintMessage "The Evil Sorcerer feels your spell!" TurnFlagOn [Evil Sorcerer aware] 2 DoneWithTurn 1 ! Don't know the spell EndDisambig 100 PrintMessage "You don't know that spell." DoneWithTurn End_Command The '-' in front of a few of the conditional tokens are not required by Magx; they may eventually be required by some other programs that understand this format. (In particular, Kevin Soucy's AGATE will probably require them). The "Next 2" statements in the above example cause execution to jump forwards to the line "2 VariableEquals [Amt Dragon Blood] 0". We don't want to use DoneWithTurn here because we still need to warn the player if she is running out of Dragon's blood and we need to check to see if the evil sorcerer notices. Overall, it would be difficult to convert this to the original AGT format without introducing several "bookkeeping" flags to keep track of where in the command we are. ========================================== APPENDIX A: OBSOLETE TOKENS AND FEATURES ------------------------------------------ This section lists directives and metacommands that are only included for compatibility with earlier versions of AGT (particularly the unauthorized version 1.83). Many of these commands only work if VERSION is set correctly. They should not be used in new games. -------------------------------- A.1 Version 1.83 Time Commands -------------------------------- For new games, use the Master's Edition time commands instead. These commands will only work if VERSION 1.83 is set (in which case the Master's Edition time commands *won't* work). Directives: HOURS MINUTES AM_TIME PM_TIME RANDOM_TIME Conditional Tokens: HourEquals {Num} HourGT {Num} HourLT {Num} MinuteEq {Num} MinuteGT {Num} MinuteLT {Num} IsAM Action Tokens: TimePlus {Num} TimeMinus {Num} SetHour {Num} SetMinute {Num} TimePlusVariable {Var} TimeMinusVariable {Var} SetHourToVariable {Var} SetMinutesToVariable {Var} ---------------------------------- A.2 Other Obsolete 1.83 Features ---------------------------------- STATUS_LINE In new games, you should use STATUS_OPTION instead. Be aware that the STATUS_LINE and STATUS_OPTION use different values for the various status line formats. BeforeCommand AfterCommand These will only work if VERSION is set to '1.83' since they rely on the 1.83 two-pass execution of metacommands, which isn't used in any other version of AGT. Use the AFTER feature of Magx instead (see the end of section 1.10). (If you look at a compiled game file with AGTOUT, you'll see that Magx actually uses BeforeCommand and AfterCommand internally to implement the AFTER feature-- but you shouldn't use these directly yourself.) ----------------------------- A.3 Other Obsolete Features ----------------------------- It is recommended that you avoid using all of these. REM Remark-- the rest of the text on this line is ignored by the compiler. Use '!' instead. #OPTION labels[] (Use of this option in new games is not recommended since it makes it harder to exchange code with other Magx users) Set the label delimiters to the two characters following the keyword behaves like 'messages'. #OPTION messagedelimiters, labeldelimiters Obsolete forms of the 'messages' and 'labels' options, respectively. FailMessage {Msg} ErrMessage {Num} {Msg} [DO NOT USE THESE; they are obsolete and likely to be removed from future versions of AGiliTy. The AGATE command format is simpler and more flexible.] These should occur just after a conditional token. If the conditional token fails, then the message will be printed and the turn will end; if the condition succeeds, then these commands don't do anything. They are intended for printing the "You can't do that because of XXX" that occur so often in adventure games. In addition, ErrMessage affects disambiguation; the numeric argument is the disambiguation priority that should be associated with this message. (See section 4.3) FailStdMessage {StdMsg} ErrStdMessage {StdMsg} [DO NOT USE THESE; they are obsolete and likely to be removed from future versions of AGiliTy. The AGATE command format is simpler and more flexible.] These work exactly the same way as FailMessage and ErrMessage except that they print out one of the STANDARD messages rather than a normal message. (See the notes on the StandardMessage action token below). ---------------------------- A.4 Configuration Options ---------------------------- These are configuration options that should be avoided except to support older games: ALT_ANY This scans the ANY metacommands *with* the metacommands rather than before them. Should be set for _Pyramids of Mars_ and not for any other games I know of. The following options are technical and shouldn't need to be changed. PURE_DUMMY Allow dummy verbs to be run by typing "dummy_verb3" PURE_SUBNAME Allow subroutines to be run by typing "subroutine3" PURE_SYNONYM Treat synonyms exactly as nouns during parsing. ADJ_NOUN Don't pick noun matches over adjective-only matches. ------------------------------------- A.5 Metacommand Order of Execution ------------------------------------- The original AGT interpreters executed metacommands in a more complex order than VERSION MAGX. The earlier execution rules make extensive use of ranges of commands. Actors are used in determining what the range of commands should be, but are not checked during actual execution. The following is less clear than I would like; the approach followed by AGT isn't really that complicated, but it is messy and counterintuitive. (For the simpler VERSION MAGX order of execution, see Section 1.10) 1. Run all commands with verb ANY in the range from the first pure ANY (that is, no actor) to the last pure ANY verb. Commands within the interval will be run if their verb is ANY, regardless of whether they have an actor or not. 2. If the player's command was addressed to somebody, then run commands from the first ANYBODY to the last ANYBODY; any other commands in this range whose verb matches the given verb (or whose verb is ANY) will also be run, regardless of what their actor is. 3a. If the player's command wasn't addressed to anybody, then scan the range from the first pure command to the last pure command, filling in with whatever the current verb is, and run every command in this range whose verb, noun, preposition, and direct object match the ones entered by the player. ("pure" commands are ones without actors.) ANY entries in any of these fields (*including the verb field*) match everything, of course. Note that the actor field isn't checked during this except to determine the initial range to scan. 3b. If the player's command was addressed to somebody, then scan the range from the first command addressed to that person to the last such command, following the same matching rules in 3a. (In particular, the actor field isn't checked again after the range is set.) 4.Run built-in verbs. 5. Run AFTER commands. In principal an ANY metacommand could be run as many as three different times in a single turn (during steps 1, 2, and 3a/b), if the metacommands were ordered so it was inside all of the key execution ranges. ================================ APPENDIX B: TECHNICAL FEATURES -------------------------------- This appendix discusses features of the language that are lower-level and more technical than those discussed elsewhere in this manual. ----------------------------------- B.1 Low Level Metacommand Tokens ----------------------------------- These tokens are intended primarily for internal use by future versions of Magx, although a game author can use them if she wants. Unless otherwise noted, all of these tokens require AGiliTy 0.8 or later. Magx has an internal expression stack that can be used like a Hewlett-Packard calculator. As of AGiliTy 0.8.7, this stack is cleared before each major step of the metacommand scan (see section 1.10) and before AUTOEXEC verbs are run. Those Tokens below that *only* affect the stack (and not any variables or the properties of any object) are not treated as action tokens for the purposes of disambiguation or for purposes of ending an OR-block. The contents of the top of the stack can also be refered to by the name TOS. (For example, "Equal TOS 103" would check wheter the top of the stack was equal to 103.) Doing so pops this element off of the stack. (If a token has *two* TOS references, then they are popped off the stack second argument first, as of AGiliTy 0.8.8.) PushStack {Num} Pushes {Num} onto the internal expression stack. DupStack Duplicates the top of the stack. PopStack {Var} Pops the top element off of the expression stack and stores it in {Var} DiscardStack Pops the top element off of the stack and discards it. AddStack SubStack MultStack DivStack ModStack All of these pop the top two elements off of the stack, perform the given operation on them (with the original top-of-stack element occurring as the first argument), and then push the result back on the stack. The operations are (in order) addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus (taking the remainder). PushProp {Object} {Number} Push the given built-in property of the object onto the stack. The properties are: 0: Class 8: Location 1: Points 9: Key 2: Light 10: Weapon 3: Number of shots 11: Attack Threshold 4: Weight 12: Time Threshold 5: Size 13: Associated Flag 6: Attack Counter 7: Time Counter PopProp {Object} {Number} Sets the given property of {Object} to the top of stack and pops the top of stack. For property numbers, see PushProp Only properties 0 through 7 can be used with this token. AttrOn {Object} {Property Number} A conditional token that is true if the given attribute of {Object} is set. The attributes are: 0: On 9: Plural 18: Wearable 1: Open 10: Pushable 19: Drinkable 2: Locked 11: Pullable 20: Poisonous 3: Movable 12: Turnable 21: Light 4: Group Member 13: Playable 22: Shootable 5: Hostile 14: Readable 23: Global 6: End 15: Closable 24: Seen 7: Win 16: Lockable 8: KillPlayer 17: Edible TurnAttrOn {Object} {Attribute Number} Sets the given attribute of {Object}; see IsSet for a list of attribute codes. Only attributes 0 to 5 and 24 can be used with TurnAttrOn. TurnAttrOff {Object} {Number} Clears the given attribute of {Object}; see IsSet for a list of attribute codes. Only attributes 0 to 5 and 24 can be used with TurnAtrrOff. PushObjProp {Object} {Property id} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.9 or later] Push the value of the given user-defined property onto the stack. PopObjProp {Object} {Property id} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.9 or later] Pop the value of the given user-defined property off of the stack. Goto {Number} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.2 or later] Moves execution to the given offset in the current metacommand sequence. The numeric offsets of the commands are the same as the numbers printed out by AGTOUT in front of each metacommand token. OnFailGoto {Number} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.2 or later] Set the failure address; this is the offset that execution will move to after a conditional token fails. By default it points beyond the end of the current metacommand sequence. After being jumped to, this value is reset to its default. XRedirect {Number} [Requires AGiliTy 0.8.6 or later] This is used internally by Magx to handle multiple RedirectTos in a single metacommand block; it is difficult to use by hand. The argument indicates which metacommand header to use as the redirect target (numbered relative the the current header, so that the value 1 corresponds to the usual RedirectTo). Since commands can be reordered during compilation, the argument should only point to one of the redirect headers attached to the current metacommand. ----------------------------- B.2 Compiler Defined Labels ----------------------------- If VERSION is MAGX, then the compiler defines several labels automatically, all starting with 'magx:'; game authors shouldn't define any labels with names beginning with this phrase, since additional labels may be defined in future versions of Magx. Six of the compiler-defined labels gives values of the first and last object in each of the three major categories: [magx:first room], [magx:last room], [magx:first noun], [magx:last noun] [magx:first creature], [magx:last creature] Finally, the compiler also defines [magx:exit message base] which is equal to the value added on to messages when they are used as exit directions. ================================= APPENDIX C: MAGX ERROR MESSAGES --------------------------------- This section lists all of the messages printed out by the compiler. See Section 1.1 for the distinctions between the four levels of messages. ------------------ C.1 Fatal Errors ------------------ #DEFINE expansion depth exceeded. #DEFINE's can only be nested within other #DEFINE's to a depth of 50. This error is usually caused by a #DEFINE that refers to itself, directly or indirectly. (e.g. '#DEFINE [loop1] [loop2]' and '#DEFINE [loop2] [loop1]'). Couldn't open include file . The compiler couldn't find the file specified in a #INCLUDE statement. Make sure the file name is spelled properly and that the file is in the current directory. Labels and numbers both used for objects. Rooms, nouns, and creatures must either all be defined in terms of labels ('ROOM [Throne Room]') or all in terms of numbers('ROOM 4'). See section 1.3. Mixing numbers and labels for . Things in the same category(all variables, all flags, all messages, etc.) must all be defined using labels or all using numbers. It is perfectly okay to use numbers for one category and labels for another. See section 1.3. Section
continues past end of file Probably there is a missing (or misspelled) END_ marker. Too many nested include files. You can #INCLUDE files from within an #INCLUDEed file, but only up to a depth of five files. Too many rooms and messages. The sum of the last room number and the last message number must be smaller than 32,767. See section 1.2. ------------ C.2 Errors ------------ must come after conditional token. FailMessage, FailStdMessage, ErrMessage, and ErrStdMessage only make sense following a conditional token; after an action token they would never do anything. (Since action tokens can't fail.) $$ not a valid substitution. Check to make sure that the word is spelled correctly. $$ only allowed in RedirectTo. Substitutions like '$noun$' and '$verb$' aren't allowed in COMMANDs. All noun numbers must be smaller than all creature numbers. See section 1.2. All room numbers must be smaller than all noun numbers. See section 1.2. Argument to option '