This directory contains the sources for adlrun, the ADL runtime package. The files are as follows: adlarith.c - Code to handle builtin arithmetic routines adldwim.c - Code to handle "dwimming" adlerr.c - Code to print out runtime errors adlfuncs.c - Code to properly execute builtin routines adlintrn.c - Code to handle internal variable routines adlmach.c - The ADL virtual machine adlmacro.c - The ADL Runtime Macro package adlmiscr.c - Code to handle miscellaneous builtin routines adlobjr.c - Code to handle builtin object routines adlrun.c - Main program for adlrun adlscrn.c - Screen formatting code adlspec.c - Code to handle the routine $spec adlstr.c - Code to handle builtin string routines adltrans.c - Code to handle $setv, $hit, and $miss rtdict.c - Code for the dictionary rtglob.c - Global declarations rtlex.c - Run Time Lexical Analyzer rtparse.c - Run Time Parser To make adlrun, simply type "make" in this directory