Adult Interactive Fiction This is a collection of "adult" interactive games for your Commodore 64 (or 128 in 64 mode). These have all been tested with A64 (Amiga) and Magic64 (Amiga) and found to work correctly. WARNING: Many of these games are very sophmoric and most contain graphic depictions of rape and violance. They appear to have all been written by horney twelve-year-old boys with overactive imaginations. Under age players might want to hide this disk or D64 file ;-) I in no way condone the acts described in these adventures, in fact I find some of them rather offensive. So please don't chase me with pitch forkes :-) Compilation by Patrick Kellum March 5, 1997 => Sorted in order of quality (all IMO of course). <= Farmers Daughter: File name: FARM BOOT Author: R.W.Fisher & D.W.J.Sarhan System: AdventureWritter You are a traveling lightning rod salesman whose car breaks down in the middle of nowhere Sweet Sixteen: File name: SWEET SIXTEEN Author: ML KID System: AdventureWritter Your friends bet you $500 that you couldn't score with Nova, you have four hours to prove them wrong. Naughty Tales: File name: NAUGHTY TALES Author: The Deviate System: BASIC Compiled with Blitz You are a young boy who has run away from home. You must survive a night on the streets. COMMENT: It's more of a Choose Your Own Adventure game then Interactive Fiction, but I had room on the disk. Note that at one choice, a bug in the program (which I can't fix as it's compiled BASIC) prevents the display of a third option at the "1) Remove your clothes 2) Refuse and fight" prompt. The third option is something like "3) Wait" from what I remember. I'll hunt down a Blitz decompiler and fix this some day. Madam Fifi's Whore House Adventure: File name: FIFI HOUSE Author: Unknown System: BASIC (special) You are at a whore house, that's about it I think. COMMENT: A very basic text adventure with minimal (i.e. no) room descriptions. The source is using a techniqe that puts characters in REM statements to prevent listing. Sadly I no longer remember how to bypass it :-( Mad Party Fucker: File name: MAD PARTY FUCKER Author: streach & the spy System: Compiled BASIC "You have been invited to a party at a huge mansion. It it rumored that whores will be there. You come there nude and ready for action." COMMENT: Yes that really is from the game. The game is kinda lame, and rather homophobic, but someone might like it. => End Of File <=