This is sfrotz, a graphics-oriented port of Frotz 2.40 by Stefan Jokisch, heavily inspired to WindowsFrotz2000 by David Kinder. Sfrotz uses: Simple Direct-media Layer (SDL/SDL_mixer) for graphics and sound (the 's' in 'sfrotz' is from SDL) Freetype2 for text plus other libs as Ogg/Vorbis, Mikmod, Jpeg etc. This software has been sleeping on my harddisk for more than two years, and I'm publishing it now, before all bits rust irremediably... The main reason for this work was that, at least at the time, I wasn't able to find any working interpreter for Linux supporting V6 (graphic) games. The best I could do was using WindowsFrotz under Wine... Moreover, the latter (at least in its incarnation under Wine) had some bugs, like incorrect clipping of graphics and inability to set the window size according to the Reso chunck in a blorb file. So I started to write my own native Linux port of Frotz, and this is the result. Sfrotz fully supports Quetzal save files, blorb (and also non-blorb, see the manual) graphics (JPEG and PMG), as well as AIFF, MOD and OGG sound, and also some of the features in the z-machine standard 1.1, as e.g. transparent colour. For installation and usage, see the INSTALL file. There is even a more-or-less complete usage manual in HTML. Regarding license: I basically don't care about what you could do with my sources, but since the core of Frotz appears now to be under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, so is sfrotz (see file COPYING). Regarding warranty, etc.: it's all clearly written IN CAPITALS on the GNU licence (COPYING), so don't bother me - I'm not sending you viruses or so, but if for some unpredictable and, most likely, unexplicable reason, this software fries your PC, it's your business! If you have any questions, praises, complaints, bug reports, or just don't know how to spend your time, I have set up an email address sfrotz .at. writeme .dot. com where you can reach me. I don't guarantee to check it too regularly (well, at least once per month), and, most important, I absolutely don't guarantee that you'll receive any response. Have fun! Aldo Cumani