Tundra is a short, unfinished game by David Dyte that turned up while I was going through some old files. On contacting David, he provided the following explanation as to why it was abandoned: "I kind of left it be because someone pointed out the central puzzle is already in one of the Monkey Island games, so it didn't feel so original any more. This after Neil Guy saw Tundra and abandoned his own WIP with the same central puzzle, too. And now I'm in another country, far from the hard drive with the source code, so I'll never get to debug what's there anyway. I think it's fine to upload, though, if it's bundled with a readme explanation of the alpha-test nature of the thing, and why it's been orphaned. Neil deMause sent me a hilarious transcript of him completely breaking the way I was handling liquids. Oops. Maybe there should be a separate directory for unfinished works." That aside, the game should be completable without any major issues. Hopefully you will find it as charming as I did. Torbjörn Andersson, April 13 2021 My Testing Notes ================ Alongside the game file, I also found my old testing notes, time-stamped January 27 1998. Obviously I wasn't as thorough as Neil deMause, because I didn't find any hilarious breakage. Still, they may give an idea what kind of issues you can expect to find. Naturally, these notes contain spoilers. You have been warned. Digging in the snow revealed a backpack and a leather bound book, but there was no indication from that message that I actually picked them up. (Digging in the snow was, actually, one of the first things I did, but not to try to uncover anything. I was trying to dig a shelter. :-) I really like the way the status line changes from "Alone" to "Not Alone?". Nice touch. At the moment, "LOOK UP BRANDY IN BOOK" works, but not "LOOK UP BOTTLE IN BOOK". I admit that the former *is* more logical, but perhaps the latter should at least produce a response about being too vague a topic, or something like that. "LOOK UP NEEDLE IN BOOK" produces the same reply as when looking up the stone. This makes some sense in retrospect, but struck me as very odd when it first happened. I find it odd that I can look up my own everyday objects in the book, but I can't look up the objects described in the book. Well, maybe that's not always the case, but consider: Works Mentioned, but don't work -------------------------------------------------- stone, needle rock, sword, shield backpack kitten wolf, tortoise, tree Matt bottle flask It did not occur to me, at first, to use the brandy to fill the cup. I wanted to melt some snow to get water, but "MELT SNOW" didn't work, and "TAKE SNOW" made me throw a snowball. I can see why "MELT SNOW" wouldn't work, but some sort of response would be nice. Once I have won, shouldn't the status line be updated again? It says I'm still "Defying the Storm". Seeing how I'm alone (or not) in the snow, it seems like "SHOUT [FOR HELP]" and related commands should produce more reasonable responses.