(play through the linear intro sequence) the homesteads of Rookard. I was back. a woman in a faded blue gingham dress I smiled. "So was I." Nothing for now. the road. the center of the village. "I am the Skeleton Key." Rookard Square. General Store waited for the proprietor. "Watch your tone, Jackson. I'm the Skeleton Key now." I turned my attention to the store. Jackson Asked about work Why do you need me, then?" Asked about Honey Ice I tried one. alone in the store. the back. the back room, reassured the boy that he was safe. "But would that really work?" the store exit to Rookard Square. outskirts. home I knocked on the door. "I mean you no harm." I asked Kosa about work. listened. "That must have been so hard on you." She grinned. I took my leave. left alone. ruins of an old church the altar "How dare you make demands of me unbidden." I refused outright. walked away return. Rookard Square The Wyvern Feather Magistrate Ichabod "Fine. I need little." I asked about work. I took my leave. I stood. a portly young man Offered a warm greeting in return, clasping my hands and bowing. sit at the bar. Asked Janus about Ichabod Asked Janus about work Asked Janus about staying the night Asked Janus about himself Took my leave the inn stairs leading up Yes, I was ready meditated. choose my work carefully. get to work. left the inn homesteads of Rookard the unlit homesteads. Ichabod's house slipped through. his office pewter lockbox. open. the office. imperial safe vault open the vault Kosa would want to see this. crept away. church ruins ancient altar Lock the God away for good the outskirts. dark cemetery. raised obelisk open the crypt. looked at me Take the key to Jackson Rookard Sundries slipped outside homesteads of Rookard the unlit homesteads. Jackson's house I crept inside Jackson's house. His desk locking drawers. bring it to his house stole away Rookard Square The Wyvern Feather *** [to skip the sex scene, choose 'retire to my room' and confirm. otherwise:] Janus take him as mine Yes I continued. kissed Janus deeply. his bedroom. He did. We shared a relaxed kiss. left the room. *** [SKIP TO HERE if you skipped the sex scene] knife at my throat. Give him a chance. Talk him down. *** (play through the epilogue sequence)