*label presence *set trader_present false *if move_counter < 11 *return *temp mark 1 *temp bearing 1 *rand mark 1 24 *rand bearing 1 365 *rand trader1_quadrant 1 111 *rand trader2_quadrant 1 111 *rand trader3_quadrant 1 111 *rand trader4_quadrant 1 111 *rand trader5_quadrant 1 111 *rand trader1_sector 1 4 *rand trader2_sector 1 4 *rand trader3_sector 1 4 *rand trader4_sector 1 4 *rand trader5_sector 1 4 *gosub trader_name *rand dieroll 5001 8961 *if (quadrant = trader1_quadrant) and (sector = trader1_sector) 🧭 Navigation has identified 🚒 [b][i]${trader_name}[/i][/b], a trading vessel, bearing ${bearing}, mark ${mark}, range ${dieroll} kilometers. *set trader_present true *if sound *sound bing.wav *return *if (quadrant = trader2_quadrant) and (sector = trader2_sector) 🧭 Navigation has identified 🚒 [b][i]${trader_name}[/i][/b], a trading vessel, bearing ${bearing}, mark ${mark}, r ange ${dieroll} kilometers. *set trader_present true *if sound *sound bing.wav *return *if (quadrant = trader3_quadrant) and (sector = trader3_sector) 🧭 Navigation has identified 🚒 [b][i]${trader_name}[/i][/b], a trading vessel, bearing ${bearing}, mark ${mark}, range ${dieroll} kilometers. *set trader_present true *if sound *sound bing.wav *return *if (quadrant = trader4_quadrant) and (sector = trader4_sector) 🧭 Navigation has identified 🚒 [b][i]${trader_name}[/i][/b], a trading vessel, bearing ${bearing}, mark ${mark}, range ${dieroll} kilometers. *set trader_present true *if sound *sound bing.wav *return *if (quadrant = trader5_quadrant) and (sector = trader5_sector) 🧭 Navigation has identified 🚒 [b][i]${trader_name}[/i][/b], a trading vessel, bearing ${bearing}, mark ${mark}, range ${dieroll} kilometers. *set trader_present true *if sound *sound bing.wav *return *return *label encounter *temp number_goods_wanted 0 *temp goods_type_wanted "" *temp trader_buy_price 0 *if resource1_carrying > 0 *set number_goods_wanted resource1_carrying *set goods_type_wanted resource1 *rand trader_buy_price 5 20 *if resource2_carrying > 0 *set number_goods_wanted resource2_carrying *set goods_type_wanted resource2 *rand trader_buy_price 5 70 *if resource3_carrying > 0 *set number_goods_wanted resource3_carrying *set goods_type_wanted resource3 *rand trader_buy_price 20 90 *if resource4_carrying > 0 *set number_goods_wanted resource4_carrying *set goods_type_wanted resource4 *rand trader_buy_price 30 180 *if resource5_carrying > 0 *set number_goods_wanted resource5_carrying *set goods_type_wanted resource5 *rand trader_buy_price 60 270 *if resource6_carrying > 0 *set number_goods_wanted resource6_carrying *set goods_type_wanted resource6 *rand trader_buy_price 30 300 *if resource7_carrying > 0 *set number_goods_wanted resource7_carrying *set goods_type_wanted resource7 *rand trader_buy_price 40 400 *if resource8_carrying > 0 *set number_goods_wanted resource8_carrying *set goods_type_wanted resource8 *rand trader_buy_price 50 350 *if resource9_carrying > 0 *set number_goods_wanted resource9_carrying *set goods_type_wanted resource9 *rand trader_buy_price 50 150 *if resource10_carrying > 0 *set number_goods_wanted resource10_carrying *set goods_type_wanted resource10 *rand trader_buy_price 50 200 *if resource11_carrying > 0 *set number_goods_wanted resource11_carrying *set goods_type_wanted resource11 *rand trader_buy_price 100 300 *gosub tradcargoinfo *if rp = true *rand dieroll 1 2 *if dieroll = 1 ${rp_emoji} "Forget about those losers, ${name}." *if dieroll = 2 ${rp_emoji} "Hail them, ${name}. They might have something interesting to trade." *temp scantimes 0 [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain ${name}? *if planet = true *goto planet_menu *if starbase = true *goto starbase_menu *fake_choice #πŸ“Ά Hail the trading vessel *goto hail_trader *selectable_if (story_mode = false) #πŸ›°οΈ Scan the trading vessel *set scantimes +1 *goto scan_trader *selectable_if (story_mode = false) #βš”οΈ Attack the trading vessel *goto attack_trader #β›΅ Explore another sector *set trader_present false *goto_scene startrip_main impulse #πŸ’« Warp to another quadrant *set trader_present false *goto_scene startrip_main warp *label planet_menu *fake_choice #πŸ“Ά Hail the trading vessel *goto hail_trader #πŸ›°οΈ Scan the trading vessel *set scantimes +1 *goto scan_trader #βš”οΈ Attack the trading vessel *goto attack_trader *selectable_if (planet_scanned = false) #πŸ›°οΈ Scan the planet *set trader_present false *goto_scene startrip_main planet_scan #πŸ“Ά Request permission to land on the planet *set trader_present false *goto_scene startrip_main hail_planet #β›΅ Explore another sector *set trader_present false *goto_scene startrip_main impulse #πŸ’« Warp to another quadrant *set trader_present false *goto_scene startrip_main warp *label starbase_menu *fake_choice #πŸ“Ά Hail the trading vessel *goto hail_trader #πŸ›°οΈ Scan the trading vessel *set scantimes +1 *goto scan_trader *selectable_if (story_mode = false) #βš”οΈ Attack the trading vessel *goto attack_trader #πŸ“Ά Request permission to dock at the starbase *set trader_present false *goto_scene startrip_main hail_starbase #β›΅ Explore another sector *set trader_present false *goto_scene startrip_main impulse #πŸ’« Warp to another quadrant *set trader_present false *goto_scene startrip_main warp *label scan_trader *if sound *sound scan.wav 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} Your scan reveals tactical information about the [i]${trader_name}[/i]: *temp loades 0 *set loades torpedoes_max πŸ”‹ Battery: ${battery_max} *line_break πŸš‡ Torpedoes: ${loades} *line_break *if scantimes > 1 πŸ“ΆπŸš’ "[i]We warned you about not scanning us, ${ship_name}!"[/i] *if rp ${rp_emoji} "Uh oh." *temp loades 0 *set loades torpedoes_max *if loades = 0 *set loades 1 *set oppo_emoji "🚒" *set oppo_torpedoes loades *set oppo_battery battery_max *set oppo_name trader_name *goto_scene ship_fight oppo_turn πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]${ship_name}, if you continue to act in a hostile manner, we will be forced to open fire.[/i] *if rp ${rp_emoji} "Don't antagonize them, ${name}!" [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain ${name}? *fake_choice #πŸ“Ά Hail the trading vessel *goto hail_trader #πŸ›°οΈ Scan the trading vessel *set scantimes +1 *goto scan_trader *selectable_if (story_mode = false) #βš”οΈ Attack the trading vessel *goto attack_trader #πŸ“΅ Break off communications *set trader_present false 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} πŸ“Ά "Perhaps we can do some trading another time," you say before closing the communications channel. πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"Your loss, ${ship_name}."[/i] *if rp ${rp_emoji} "You didn't them anyway, ${name}." *page_break 🌠 Explore the galaxy *set trader_present false *goto_scene startrip_main *label hail_trader *if sound *sound stcommunicator.wav 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} πŸ“Ά "[i]${trader_name}[/i], this is Captain ${name} of the ${ship_name}. Are you interested in doing some trading?" you say over the public communications channel. *if sound *page_break 🚒 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} *if sound *sound scanning.wav πŸ›°οΈ A moment later, sensors report that the [b]${trader_name}[/b] is scanning your ship. *temp load 0 *set load (cargo_holds - cargo_space_free) *if load = 0 *goto trader_sells *if number_goods_wanted = 1 πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"We might be interested in buying your 1 unit of ${goods_type_wanted} from you for Β’${trader_buy_price}, ${ship_name}."[/i] *if number_goods_wanted > 1 πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"We'd be happy to buy ${number_goods_wanted} units of ${goods_type_wanted} from you for Β’${trader_buy_price} apiece, ${ship_name}."[/i] [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain ${name}? *fake_choice #βœ… Accept the trader's proposal *goto accept_buy_offer #πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ Decline the trader's proposal *if sound *sound stcommunicator.wav 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} πŸ“Ά "I'm afraid your offer is too low," you say over the communications channel. *if rp ${rp_emoji} "Ridiculous!" *goto trader_sells #πŸ“΅ Break off communications *set trader_present false *if sound *sound stcommunicator.wav 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} πŸ“Ά "That's enough trading for today, ${trader_name}," you say before closing the communications channel. πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"Your loss, ${ship_name}."[/i] *if rp ${rp_emoji} "Don't let them get under your skin, ${name}." *page_break 🌠 Explore the galaxy *goto_scene startrip_main *label accept_buy_offer *set totprice 0 *set totprice (trader_buy_price * number_goods_wanted) 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} *if sound *sound teleport.wav πŸ“Ά "[i]${trader_name}[/i], you have a deal," you say over the public communications channel. ✨ A few minutes later, you beam over your ${goods_type_wanted} to the [i]${trader_name}[/i] and smile with satisfaction as Β’${totprice} is transferred to your ship. *set lasttotalsale totprice *set lastsaleprice trader_buy_price *set credits + totprice *if goods_type_wanted = resource1 *set resource1_carrying - number_goods_wanted *set cargo_space_free + number_goods_wanted *if goods_type_wanted = resource2 *set resource2_carrying - number_goods_wanted *set cargo_space_free + number_goods_wanted *if goods_type_wanted = resource3 *set resource3_carrying - number_goods_wanted *set cargo_space_free + number_goods_wanted *if goods_type_wanted = resource4 *set resource4_carrying - number_goods_wanted *set cargo_space_free + number_goods_wanted *if goods_type_wanted = resource5 *set resource5_carrying - number_goods_wanted *set cargo_space_free + number_goods_wanted *if goods_type_wanted = resource6 *set resource6_carrying - number_goods_wanted *set cargo_space_free + number_goods_wanted *if goods_type_wanted = resource7 *set resource7_carrying - number_goods_wanted *set cargo_space_free + number_goods_wanted *if goods_type_wanted = resource8 *set resource8_carrying - number_goods_wanted *set cargo_space_free + number_goods_wanted *if goods_type_wanted = resource9 *set resource9_carrying - number_goods_wanted *set cargo_space_free + number_goods_wanted *if goods_type_wanted = resource10 *set resource10_carrying - number_goods_wanted *set cargo_space_free + number_goods_wanted *if goods_type_wanted = resource11 *set resource11_carrying - number_goods_wanted *set cargo_space_free + number_goods_wanted [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain ${name}? *fake_choice *selectable_if (cargo_space_free > 0) #πŸ”» Inquire about buying the trading vessel's cargo *if sound *sound stcommunicator.wav 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} πŸ“Ά "[i]${trader_name}[/i], do you have any goods that you might be interested in selling?" you ask. *goto trader_sells #πŸ“΅ Break off communications *set trader_present false *if sound *sound stcommunicator.wav 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} πŸ“Ά "That's enough trading for today, ${trader_name}," you say before closing the communications channel. πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"Your loss, ${ship_name}."[/i] *page_break 🌠 Explore the galaxy *goto_scene startrip_main *label trader_sells *temp trader_sell_price 0 *if trader_cargo = resource1 *rand trader_sell_price 1 7 *if trader_cargo = resource2 *rand trader_sell_price 3 11 *if trader_cargo = resource3 *rand trader_sell_price 3 11 *if trader_cargo = resource4 *rand trader_sell_price 4 18 *if trader_cargo = resource5 *rand trader_sell_price 6 30 *if trader_cargo = resource6 *rand trader_sell_price 15 35 *if trader_cargo = resource7 *rand trader_sell_price 15 45 *if trader_cargo = resource8 *rand trader_sell_price 30 50 *if trader_cargo = resource9 *rand trader_sell_price 40 50 *if trader_cargo = resource10 *rand trader_sell_price 100 150 *if trader_cargo = resource11 *rand trader_sell_price 200 400 *if credits > 1000000 πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"Last week, we picked up some interesting salvage from a space battle, ${ship_name}. It kind of looks like a warp drive, but it's shiny gold in color. Never seen anything like it before! Since it's so unique, we can let you have it for one million credits."[/i] *if rp ${rp_emoji} "Oh my Galactic Spirit, ${name}! That's got to be the Golden Key." *goto jello *if cargo_holds = 0 πŸ“Ά 🚒 [i]"${ship_name}, sorry, but we don't have anything to sell at the moment." [/i] πŸ“Ά "Understood. Perhaps another time, ${trader_name}," you say before closing the communications channel. *page_break 🌠 Explore the Galaxy *goto_scene startrip_main *if cargo_holds = 1 πŸ“Ά 🚒 [i]"${ship_name}, we have ${cargo_holds} unit of ${trader_cargo} that we'd be happy to sell you for Β’${trader_sell_price}."[/i] *if cargo_holds > 1 πŸ“Ά 🚒 [i]"${ship_name}, we have ${cargo_holds} units of ${trader_cargo} that we'd be happy to sell you for Β’${trader_sell_price} apiece."[/i] *label jello [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain ${name}? *fake_choice #βœ… Accept the trader's offer *goto accept_sale #πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ Decline the trader's proposal *set trader_present false *if sound *sound stcommunicator.wav 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} πŸ“Ά "That price is a little too steep," you say. πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"Your loss, ${ship_name}."[/i] The communication channel with the ${trader_name} has been closed. *page_break 🌠 Explore the galaxy *goto_scene startrip_main #πŸ“΅ Break off communications *set trader_present false 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} πŸ“Ά "That's enough trading for today, ${trader_name}," you say before closing the communications channel. πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"Your loss, ${ship_name}."[/i] *page_break 🌠 Explore the galaxy *goto_scene startrip_main *label accept_sale 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} *if sound *sound stcommunicator.wav πŸ“Ά "${trader_name}, you have a deal." you say over the public communications channel. *if credits > 1000000 *set credits - 1000000 *set golden_key true *goto teleporting *if cargo_holds = 1 πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"It is agreed, then."[/i] *goto sale_finalized πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"Excellent! How many units of ${trader_cargo} do you want to buy, ${ship_name}?"[/i] *set buynumber 0 *input_number buynumber 1 cargo_space_free *if buynumber > cargo_space_free *set trader_present false 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"Sorry, but we don't do business with idiots who don't even know how much cargo space they have, ${ship_name}."[/i] πŸ“΅ The [i]${trader_name}[/i] has broken off communications. *if rp ${rp_emoji} "Yikes!" *page_break 🀭 *goto_scene startrip_main *label sale_finalized 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} *set totprice 0 *set totprice (buynumber * trader_sell_price) *if totprice > credits *if sound *sound stcommunicator.wav *set trader_present false πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"Sorry, but we don't do business with idiots who don't have enough money to buy cargo from us, ${ship_name}."[/i] The ${trader_name} has broken off communications. *page_break 🀭 *goto_scene startrip_main *label teleporting *if sound *sound teleport.wav *if golden_key = true *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_golden_key = false *achieve golden_key ✨ A few minutes later, the ${trader_name} beams over the mysterious golden-colored warp drive. *goto pleasure_doing_b *if buynumber = 1 ✨ A few minutes later, the ${trader_name} beams over one unit of ${trader_cargo} to your cargo hold as you transfer Β’${totprice} to their ship. *if buynumber > 1 ✨ A few minutes later, the ${trader_name} beams over ${buynumber} units of ${trader_cargo} to your cargo hold as you transfer Β’${totprice} to their ship. *set lastbuyprice trader_sell_price *set lasttotal totprice *label pleasure_doing_b πŸ“ΆπŸš’ [i]"Pleasure doing business with you, ${ship_name}. ${trader_name}, over and out."[/i] *set trader_present false Sitting back in your captain's chair, you switch off the communications channel. *if (rp = true) and (golden_key = true) ${rp_emoji} "Once you get that new warp drive operational, you'll be able to go rescue your ${brother}!" *if golden_key πŸ”‘ Now that you've got your hands on the infamous Golden Key, it's time to find someone to help you install it. *goto explorer *set credits - totprice *if trader_cargo = resource1 *set resource1_carrying + buynumber *set cargo_space_free - buynumber *if trader_cargo = resource2 *set resource2_carrying + buynumber *set cargo_space_free - buynumber *if trader_cargo = resource3 *set resource3_carrying + buynumber *set cargo_space_free - buynumber *if trader_cargo = resource4 *set resource4_carrying + buynumber *set cargo_space_free - buynumber *if trader_cargo = resource5 *set resource5_carrying + buynumber *set cargo_space_free - buynumber *if trader_cargo = resource6 *set resource6_carrying + buynumber *set cargo_space_free - buynumber *if trader_cargo = resource7 *set resource7_carrying + buynumber *set cargo_space_free - buynumber *if trader_cargo = resource8 *set resource8_carrying + buynumber *set cargo_space_free - buynumber *if trader_cargo = resource9 *set resource9_carrying + buynumber *set cargo_space_free - buynumber *if trader_cargo = resource10 *set resource10_carrying + buynumber *set cargo_space_free - buynumber *if trader_cargo = resource11 *set resource11_carrying + buynumber *set cargo_space_free - buynumber *label explorer *page_break 🌠 Explore the galaxy *goto_scene startrip_main *label attack_trader *temp loades 0 *set loades torpedoes_max *if loades = 0 *set loades 1 *set oppo_emoji "🚒" *set oppo_torpedoes loades *set oppo_battery battery_max *set oppo_name trader_name *page_break βš”οΈ *goto_scene ship_fight *label trader_name *rand dieroll 1 25 *if dieroll = 1 *set trader_name "Calypso's Dagger" *if dieroll = 2 *set trader_name "Neptune's Whore" *if dieroll = 3 *set trader_name "Dreaming Buccaneer" *if dieroll = 4 *set trader_name "Mad Wolf" *if dieroll = 5 *set trader_name "Black Jewel" *if dieroll = 6 *set trader_name "Dark Doubloon" *if dieroll = 7 *set trader_name "Dishonor of Mantis" *if dieroll = 8 *set trader_name "Red Plague" *if dieroll = 9 *set trader_name "Cosmic Shark" *if dieroll = 10 *set trader_name "Wandering Secret" *if dieroll = 11 *set trader_name "Begoth" *if dieroll = 12 *set trader_name "Godrim Heng" *if dieroll = 13 *set trader_name "Minglar's Rest" *if dieroll = 14 *set trader_name "Unaurot" *if dieroll = 15 *set trader_name "Welana" *if dieroll = 16 *set trader_name "Rororotu" *if dieroll = 17 *set trader_name "Metulavaendu" *if dieroll = 18 *set trader_name "Thancaur's Rest" *if dieroll = 19 *set trader_name "Galaxy Explorer" *if dieroll = 20 *set trader_name "Mindo" *if dieroll = 21 *set trader_name "Robelrai's Revenge" *if dieroll = 22 *set trader_name "Seventh Wonder" *if dieroll = 23 *set trader_name "Lady Elaine" *if dieroll = 24 *set trader_name "Othogogna" *if dieroll = 25 *set trader_name "Brax" *return *label tradcargoinfo *temp trader_cargo "" *rand dieroll 1 11 *if dieroll = 1 *set trader_cargo resource1 *if dieroll = 2 *set trader_cargo resource2 *if dieroll = 3 *set trader_cargo resource3 *if dieroll = 4 *set trader_cargo resource4 *if dieroll = 5 *set trader_cargo resource5 *if dieroll = 6 *set trader_cargo resource6 *if dieroll = 7 *set trader_cargo resource7 *if dieroll = 8 *set trader_cargo resource8 *if dieroll = 9 *set trader_cargo resource9 *if dieroll = 10 *set trader_cargo resource10 *if dieroll = 11 *set trader_cargo resource11 *return