*label story_mode [i]In order for me to create a personalized story for you, I need to ask you a couple of quick questions.[/i] *page_break Okay [i]It may or may not be hard to choose, but which sibling do you feel closest to? Or wish you could feel closest to?[/i] *fake_choice #Sister *set brother "sister" *goto myrel #Brother *set brother "brother" *goto myrel #Other [i]Maybe you do not have any siblings, or perhaps you are not close to any that you do have, but if you had to choose one of the following to be your preferred sibling, which would it be?[/i] *fake_choice #Brother *set brother "brother" #Sister *set brother "sister" #Half-brother or stepbrother *set brother "brother" #Half-sister or stepsister *set brother "sister" #Non-binary sibling *set brother "sibling" #Trans-brother *set brother "trans-brother" #Trans-sister *set brother "trans-sister" *label myrel [i]And in relation to that ${brother}, what would you prefer to consider yourself?[/i] *fake_choice #Brother *set myrel "little brother" #Sister *set myrel "little sister" #Sib *set myrel "lil sib" [i]Finally, what is your ${brother}'s name?[/i] *input_text brother_name [i]Thank you.[/i] *page_break BEGIN STORY MODE *temp brother_he "he" *temp brother_his "his" *if brother = "brother" *comment *gosub brother_name *goto begin1 *elseif brother = "sister" *set brother_he "she" *set brother_his "her" *comment *gosub sister_name *goto begin1 *else *set brother_he "they" *set brother_his "their" *gosub trans_name *goto begin1 *label begin1 *if sound *sound doorknock.wav You are attempting to diagram a covalent chemical transformation when you hear a quick knock at the door. "Come in," you cry out. *temp butler_emoji "💁" *gosub butler_names *rand dieroll 1 111 *temp meeting_planet "planet${dieroll}_name" *set meeting_planet {meeting_planet} You look up to see ${butler} enter, delicately holding a thin square of infotape in one hand. ${butler_emoji} "I beg your pardon, I did not mean to interrupt Your Grace at their studies. This infotape was hand-delivered to the estate about an hour ago. I took a hail-ride here as soon as one of the parlor servants informed me of its presence. According to the biostamp on the outside, it is from your ${brother} ${brother_name}." "That's odd," you say, rising to your feet. "${brother_name} is attending the Club of 50 Games on ${meeting_planet} at the moment. And they have excellent facilities on that planet for sending tight-beams. Goodness knows, I've received several of them from school chums there, attempting to incite me to jealousy." ${butler_emoji} "Excellent point, Your Grace. So why would your ${brother} go through all the trouble of having an infotape hand-delivered to the estate? I do not know. That is why I brought it to Your Grace's attention at once." [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${butler}? *fake_choice #🗣️ "Very well, give me the infotape." *set response "Very well, give me the infotape" #🗣️ "You made the correct decision, ${butler}." *set response "You made the correct decision, ${butler}" #🗣️ "I wish you had not interrupted me." *set response "I wish you had not interrupted me" "${response}," you say. ${butler_emoji} "Your Grace." ${butler} deferentially bows and takes two steps backward after handing you the infotape, which you quickly unlock with an eyescan to read: *goto letter_begins *label butler_names *rand dieroll 1 11 *if dieroll = 1 *set butler "Cornelius" *if dieroll = 2 *set butler "Algernon" *if dieroll = 3 *set butler "Winston" *if dieroll = 4 *set butler "Theobold" *if dieroll = 5 *set butler "Jasper" *if dieroll = 6 *set butler "Abner" *if dieroll = 7 *set butler "Baxter" *if dieroll = 8 *set butler "Lisabet" *if dieroll = 9 *set butler "Florence" *if dieroll = 10 *set butler "Mrs. Ward" *if dieroll = 11 *set butler "Matilda" *return *label letter_begins [i]If you're reading this, it means that the guard kept his word and smuggled out my message. Thank the Galactic Spirit![/i] [i]I have so much to tell you, but there's not much space on this infotape to explain everything.[/i] [i]Wait! I'm getting ahead of myself. [/i] [i]I miss you, and I hope that you are continuing to excel at your schoolwork. The last report I received from Father said that you placed second in the Chemistry Olympiad. Bravo, ${myrel}![/i] *page_break Continue [i]When you were born, I made a vow to shield you from some of the unpleasant people that Mother and Father had to deal with as part of their duties, but it wasn't easy. But as you were the "heir to spare," I wanted you to enjoy a happy childhood, free from worry.[/i] [i]However, a few years ago, some of the corporations on the outer planets became envious of our parents' success, and a Syndicate was formed to plot against us. They have been working tirelessly ever since to reduce our family's influence on the Galactic Council.[/i] [i]For instance, you may remember Mother and Father selling off some of our properties in the Outer Rim last year. That was because our colonists were being attacked by pirate traders working for the Syndicate.[/i] [i]I told Mother and Father that you should never learn of our family's shameful reversals of fortune at the hands of these criminals, but now I can no longer hide the truth from you.[/i] [i]You see, a month ago, they demanded that Mother and Father hand me over to them as a hostage.[/i] [i]Of course, Mother and Father refused to even consider it.[/i] [i]But I insisted on cooperating! I told Mother and Father that, if I could get inside their organization, I might find a way to destroy it once and for all.[/i] [i]It took a lot of pleading, but finally, Mother and Father agreed to let the Syndicate take me hostage when I went to go attend the Club of 50 Games on ${meeting_planet}.[/i] *page_break Continue [i]The Syndicate is now keeping me prisoner on a secret research base in an area called Sector Zero. [/i] [i]I was under heavy sedation when they transported me to Sector Zero, but I overheard one of the guards talking about having to use something called a "Golden Key" to warp in here.[/i] [i]Even though I am being kept under constant surveillance, I've managed to make a few friends - not everyone agrees with the evil Syndicate's agenda![/i] [i]Thanks to my friends, I now have enough evidence to bring to the Galactic Council and put the leaders of the Syndicate behind bars forever. [/i] [i]I've also got a plan for how I can get out of here, but it won't work without a getaway ship, and you're the only one whom I trust not to betray our family.[/i] [i]$!{myrel}, I need you to come rescue me![/i] *page_break Continue *temp friend "" *temp friend_emoji "" *temp friend_him "him" *temp friend_his "his" *temp friend_he "he" *temp friend_man "woman" *if friend_him = "him" *set friend_man "man" *if friend_him = "them" *set friend_man "human being" *rand dieroll 1 11 *if dieroll = 1 *set friend "Adele" *set friend_emoji "👵" *set friend_him "her" *set friend_his friend_him *set friend_he "she" *set friend_man "woman" *if dieroll = 2 *set friend "Callie" *set friend_emoji "👵🏻" *set friend_him "her" *set friend_his friend_him *set friend_man "woman" *if dieroll = 3 *set friend "Flo" *set friend_emoji "👵🏿" *set friend_him "her" *set friend_his friend_him *set friend_man "woman" *if dieroll = 4 *set friend "Jerri Mitchell" *set friend_emoji "👵" *set friend_him "her" *set friend_his friend_him *set friend_he "she" *set friend_man "woman" *if dieroll = 5 *set friend "Pennington" *set friend_emoji "👴" *if dieroll = 6 *set friend "Ley" *set friend_him "him" *set friend_emoji "👴🏼" *if dieroll = 7 *set friend "Sims" *set friend_him "them" *set friend_emoji "🧓" *set friend_his "their" *set friend_he "them" *set friend_man "human being" *if dieroll = 8 *set friend "Reeni" *set friend_him "her" *set friend_emoji "👵" *set friend_his friend_him *set friend_he "she" *set friend_man "woman" *if dieroll = 9 *set friend "Yute" *set friend_emoji "👴🏼" *if dieroll = 10 *set friend "Volmo" *set friend_emoji "👴🏾" *if dieroll = 11 *set friend "Cardenas" *set friend_emoji "👵🏿" *set friend_him "her" *set friend_his friend_him *set friend_he "she" *set friend_man "woman" [i]Unfortunately, the Syndicate is watching all of our family's spaceships, including your Racer G5.[/i] [i]However, my old university friend ${friend} has a Pigeon-class vessel in storage that you can use. [/i] [i]I know it's far less glamorous than what you're used to, but it'll help you stay off the Syndicate's radar. ${friend} will also give you some registration papers for the ship so that you can travel incognito.[/i] [i]All of our family's bank accounts are being watched, so you'll have to find your own way to make some money. You'll probably need about one million credits before you can buy a ship powerful enough to get to Sector Zero, but I know collecting such a sum won't be a problem for you.[/i] *page_break Continue [i]One last thing.[/i] [i]I've managed to hack this infotape so that it will deliver a custom text message inside the automated receipt.[/i] [i]Unfortunately, it can only be one sentence long, so choose your words wisely![/i] [i]I shall pray to the Galactic Spirit for your success in rescuing me and to give us the strength we need to restore our family's honor.[/i] [i]Your beloved ${brother}, ${brother_name}.[/i] *page_break 🙏 [b]:::[/b] What response would you like to send to your ${brother} ${brother_name}? *input_text brother_reply [i]"$!{brother_reply}"[/i] *page_break 📧 Send message *achieve message_sent *sound briefchirp.wav Sighing to yourself, you push the destruct tag on the infotape, and a moment later, it crumbles into a powdery dust. Walking over to you, ${butler} withdraws a slender tube from the inside of their front vest pocket and quickly and efficiently vacuums up the mess. "What do you know of ${brother}'s old school chum, ${friend}?" you say after ${butler} finishes. ${butler_emoji} "Ah, I do not think I have heard ${friend}'s name in quite a long time. Which is a shame, as your ${brother} and ${friend} used to be quite good friends. The last I heard, ${friend} was caught up in some kind of scandal, something to do with the mismanagement of government funds. I do not believe that ${friend} ever went to prison for it, though." [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${butler}? *fake_choice #🗣️ "No wonder my ${brother} cut ties with that fraud." *set response "No wonder my ${brother} cut ties with that fraud" #🗣️ "Some people just do not respect the rules of finance." *set response "Some people just do not respect the rules of finance" #🗣️ "Everyone makes mistakes, sometimes." *set response "Everyone makes mistakes, sometimes" "${response}," you say. ${butler_emoji} "Your Grace." "Well, apparently my dear ${brother} wants me to go speak with this ${friend}. In person, if you can believe it," you say. ${butler_emoji} "I shall return to the estate's data center to retrieve ${friend}'s current address and other biographical information for you at once, Your Grace, and then tight-beam it over to you." "Thank you. That will be all, ${butler}," you say, resuming your place at the desk. ${butler} gives you a deferential bow and then turns and makes their way out of the library. Sighing to yourself, you once again delve into the world of complex chemical transformations. *page_break 3 Days Later *set move_counter +3 With a loud grunt, you allow your shoulder bag to drop to the grimy floor of the intergalactic passenger terminal. Immediately, you begin rubbing your hand on the back of your neck where your poncho has begun to chafe your skin. Ahead of you, the line of people waiting to buy tickets seems to stretch into infinity. Behind you, a well-nourished man lets out a powerful sneeze, and you feel a faint mist begin to tickle the irritated skin on the back of your neck. The passenger lounge on this starbase is enough to drive anyone mad, really. The person in line in front of you turns to look at the sneezer before glancing in your direction. 🧑‍🌾 "Oooh, wee! Looks like that feller is feeling a little under the weather." [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond? *fake_choice #🗣️ "Sick people should be quarantined under lock and key." *set response "Sick people should be quarantined under lock and key" #🗣️ "He really should've stayed home." *set response "He really should've stayed home" #🗣️ "I suppose." *set response "I suppose" "${response}," you say. 🧑‍🌾 "Oooh, wee! You got yourself quite a posh accent there. Did you used to work on one of the Central Planets?" "Work?" you manage to reply, caught off-guard by the traveler's remark. "Ah yes, that's right." 🧑‍🌾 "I never did cotton to them fancy folk, myself. I'd rather be out there on the Outer Rim, doing simple, honest work than bowing and scraping for those inner planet lords and ladies. But hey, that's me. I suppose we all got to do what we got to do." "Indeed," you say. *rand dieroll 1 150 *temp farm_destination "planet${dieroll}_name" *set farm_destination {farm_destination} 🧑‍🌾 "Say, where you headed to? Me, I'm heading to a family reunion on ${farm_destination}." [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond? *fake_choice #🗣️ "It's none of your business where I'm going." *set response "It's none of your business where I'm going" #🗣️ "I'm going to visit a family friend." *set response "I'm going to visit a family friend" #🗣️ "I'm doing a bit of sight-seeing." *set response "I'm doing a bit of sight-seeing" "${response}," you say. It does not improve your mood when the chatty traveler begins to chuckle. 🧑‍🌾 "Sorry, didn't mean to laugh, but I just love your accent. It's like straight from one of those lasercasts where people dress up in those fancy, old-timey clothes." "A period drama," you say. 🧑‍🌾 "Huh? Right, right. Anyway, I've got to get to ${farm_destination}, which is quite a few quadrants away, and all I've got is 23 credits to my name. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to find a captain who will take me that far for that price. Any way you could spare a couple of credits so I can get home and see my family?" *temp ticket_price 23 [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond? *fake_choice #🗣️ "I'm not giving you any money." *set response "I'm not giving you any money" "${response}," you say. 🧑‍🌾 "Well, excuse me for asking! I thought you had a friendly face. I guess I was wrong." #🗣️ "I can spare ten credits." *set response "I can spare ten credits" "${response}," you say. 🧑‍🌾 "Gosh, that's mighty generous of you, sah." *set ticket_price 33 #🗣️ "I'd be happy to pay for your ticket home." *set response "I'd be happy to pay for your ticket home, sah" "${response}," you say. *set ticket_price 120 🧑‍🌾 "Wow! You don't just talk like an elite, but you act like one, too." Luckily, just then, the line begins to move forward. 👵 "Next! Hurry up, dear. There are lots of people waiting." 🧑‍🌾 "Ah yes, one ticket to ${farm_destination}." 👵 "And how much are you offering?" 🧑‍🌾 "Put me down for ${ticket_price} credits." 👵 "Okay, you're on the board. Go and take a seat. Next!" *if ticket_price > 23 The chatty passenger then turns to look at you, a small grin on their weatherbeaten face. *if ticket_price < 24 The chatty passenger then turns to look at you, an angry frown on their weatherbeaten face. *if myrel = "little sister" 🧑‍🌾 "Bon voyage, miss." *if myrel != "little sister" 🧑‍🌾 "Bon voyage, pal." "Thanks," you say, stepping up to the ticket window. *page_break After you get registered, you go find an unoccupied seat on the opposite site of the passenger lounge as the chatty traveler. Glancing up at the board, you see that, incredibly, almost three dozen people also want to go to the backwater planet where ${friend} lives. According to the information that ${butler} retrieved for you, ${friend} now ekes out a living doing transponder repairs, which is a pretty big step down from ${friend_his} formerly respectable position. Frankly, you cannot understand why your ${brother} would stake ${brother_his} rescue plan on such a person. *label captain_arrives *temp bunkies 0 *rand bunkies 7 22 *temp captain_emoji "" *rand dieroll 1 7 *if dieroll = 1 *set captain_emoji "🧑🏾‍✈️" *if dieroll = 2 *set captain_emoji "👩‍✈️" *if dieroll = 3 *set captain_emoji "👨‍✈️" *if dieroll = 4 *set captain_emoji "👨🏿‍✈️" *if dieroll = 5 *set captain_emoji "👨🏻‍✈️" *if dieroll = 6 *set captain_emoji "👩🏻‍✈️" *if dieroll = 7 *set captain_emoji "👨🏼‍✈️" Just then, an individual wearing a captain's uniform steps into the passenger lounge. ${captain_emoji} "All right, you lot! I've got ${bunkies} bunks available, so anyone who wants to travel with me better hop to it." ::: What do you want to do? *fake_choice #🏃 Run over to the captain as fast as you can *goto succeed #🚶 Quickly walk over to the captain #🗣️ Go talk to the captain Unfortunately, there's a long line of passengers waiting in front of the captain by the time you approach. ${captain_emoji} "All right, all bunks are taken. Sorry, everybody else. Passengers, come with me." You curse under your breath, realizing that you're going to have to wait in this passenger lounge a while longer. *page_break 🕓 Keep waiting *goto captain_arrives *label succeed Elbowing other passengers aside, you race to join a small group standing in front of the captain. *set bunkies (bunkies -1) The captain then points at you and ${bunkies} other people. ${captain_emoji} "All right, you're with me. Sorry, everybody else, but all the bunks on my ship are now occupied." Grinning to yourself, you hoist your bag onto your shoulder and follow the captain. After a long and uneventful walk through the starbase, you arrive at dock forty-two. Looking up through the port windows, you can see that the ship's exterior is heavily scorched from multiple atmospheric re-entries. ${captain_emoji} "She ain't a beauty, but she'll get us where we need to go. Now pick up the pace and stow your things away, people." It is hard to believe that you are going to trust your life to this rickety old freighter, but there is just no other way for you to travel incognito to ${friend}'s planet. A hard knot forming in your throat, you cautiously follow the captain through the deck hatch and onto the ship. *page_break *rand dieroll 5 8 *temp duration 0 *set duration dieroll *temp dayf 1 *label aboard_freighter *set move_counter + 1 🛳️ [b]Day ${dayf} aboard the freighter[/b] *if dayf > duration *goto arrivals *gosub space_suffering ${suffering} Other than that, nothing interesting happens. *set dayf + 1 *page_break *goto aboard_freighter *label arrivals ${captain_emoji} "All right, prepare to move out, people! We have arrived." By that you arrive at the planet where your ${brother}'s old chum ${friend} lives, you have grown seriously sick of eating reconstituted protein powder and fortified rice. Furthermore, with only one laundry machine to share between all of the passengers on board, your clothes have become quite fragrant. Therefore, it is with a tremendous sense of relief that you finally exit the spaceship and, once again, breathe fresh air. *if ticket_price < 100 ${captain_emoji} "I swear to the Galactic Spirit, it's not even worth it, transporting you filthy pigs all this way for a measly ${ticket_price} credits." *if ticket_price >= 100 ${captain_emoji} "Hope you enjoyed the flight, everyone! Sorry about how long it took to get here." *label kiosk With a curt nod to the captain, you hoist your bag more firmly higher up on your shoulder and then make your way to the spaceport's hail-ride kiosk. *page_break 🚕 *rand dieroll 87 315 Glancing up at the decrepit apartment building, you can hardly believe that it is fit for habitation, but the address on the view screen matches the one that ${butler} gave you. After handing over ${dieroll} credits, the last of your cash, you exit the hail-ride and step onto a broken sidewalk. Just then, a gust of wind sends a skein of empty foodpaks blowing past you. The only person in sight is a young kid, sitting idly astride a bicycle and giving you an intense stare. Your first instinct is to use your pre-paid com-link to call up ${friend} and have ${friend_him} meet you outside, but you're wary that the Syndicate might be monitoring ${friend}'s calls. *label outside_menu [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do? *fake_choice *disable_reuse #📱 Call ${friend} *goto call_friend *disable_reuse #🗣️ Speak to the kid on the bike *goto speak_kid *disable_reuse #↗️ Enter the apartment building *goto enter_bldg *label call_friend After a great deal of effort, you manage to slide the com-link out of the ridiculously undersized front pocket of the poncho you are wearing. Punching in the digits that ${butler} gave you, swipe on "Connect" and listen as it rings through. Unfortunately, though, your call does not get answered. Perhaps ${friend} is screening calls from unknown numbers, or maybe ${friend_he} is asleep. Either way, ${friend} is not going to come outside and meet you. *goto outside_menu *label speak_kid *temp kid_emoji *rand dieroll 1 3 *if dieroll = 1 *set kid_emoji "👦🏻" *if dieroll = 2 *set kid_emoji "👦🏿" *if dieroll = 3 *set kid_emoji "👦🏾" "$!{greetings}," you say with a friendly wave to the kid on the bicycle. ${kid_emoji} "You're not from around here." "That's right. Listen, I came here to meet up with someone named ${friend}. Perhaps you two are neighbors," you say. ${kid_emoji} "If you really know ${friend}, why don't you just go to ${friend_his} apartment?" "Well, it's my first time here. And I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction, perhaps for the reward of a couple of credits," you say. ${kid_emoji} "I bet you're some kind of pervert who wants to do disgusting things with little kids!" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond? *fake_choice #🗣️ "Does your mother know you talk like that?" "Does your mother know you talk like that?" you say ${kid_emoji} "I ain't got a mother, you heartless bastard!" #🗣️ "You've got a sick mind, kid." "You've got a sick mind, kid," you say. ${kid_emoji} "I'm not the one trying to do stuff with kids!" #🗣️ "I'm just looking for information." "I'm just looking for information," you say. ${kid_emoji} "I'm gonna tell my cousins that you tried to touch me." "All right, that's enough!" you say, throwing up your hands. "It's impossible to talk to people like you because you just don't listen." ${kid_emoji} "Hey! What is that supposed to mean, people like me? Are you trying to say something?" "No! I didn't mean it like that," you say. "I just meant that people on this planet have a strange dialect, and sometimes, it's hard for me to understand it." ${kid_emoji} "You're an idiot." And with that declaration, the kid hops on his bicycle and rides off. *goto outside_menu *label enter_bldg Realizing that you have no other option, you gingerly step through the front door of the apartment building where ${friend} lives. According to the information that ${butler} gave you, ${friend} lives in apartment number forty-two. Glancing over, you see a note taped to the wall. Written in crudely drawn pixographs, it says "🛗🙅🏻‍" Indeed, when you press the button to summon the elevator, it does not even light up. Sighing to yourself, you make your way to the stairs and begin the long ascent to the fourth floor. *page_break 💦 At long last, you arrive in front of the apartment marked forty-two. However, when you look around, you do not see a com-link or doorcam or any other way to announce your presence. It takes you an embarrassingly long several moments before you realize that the only option you have left is to use your actual hand to pound on the door like some kind of colonist from the Outer Rim. But just at the moment your palm slaps the surface of the door, the door flies open, and you see a person dressed in an oversize silk bathrobe stop short, a look of utter surprise on their face. ${friend_emoji} "Who in the Great Galactic Spirit are you?" "$!{greetings}, I'm looking for ${friend}. My ${brother} ${brother_name} sent me." ${friend_emoji} "I don't know you, and I don't know anyone named ${brother_name}. Now get out of here before I call the cops!" *label kimono_choice [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do? *fake_choice *disable_reuse #🗣️ Insist that ${friend} is making a mistake *goto make_mistake *disable_reuse #🗣️ Apologize to the person *goto apologize #✋ Push your way inside the apartment *goto push_inside *label apologize "I'm terribly sorry for the confusion, sah. I was given this address by someone else and told it was where I could find ${friend}. I came halfway across the galaxy to talk to ${friend_him}. Please, it is a matter of life-and-death urgency. If you can help me find ${friend_him}, I would be eternally grateful," you say. To your surprise, the person breaks out into laughter. ${friend_emoji} "Life and death emergency? That's hilarious. I've heard some crazy talk in my day, but you take the cake, whoever you are. I'm just a broken-down old ${friend_man}. Can't help you, kid." "On my family's honor, I assure you that I am telling you the truth," you say. ${friend_emoji}"Quit talking nonsense and get out of here!" *goto kimono_choice *label make_mistake "Look, someone very reliable gave me this address and told me it was where ${friend} lived. I do not know why you are making such a fuss about this. You are clearly the person I am looking for," you say. *if myrel = "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Missy, whatever it is you're selling, I ain't buying." *if myrel != "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Kid, whatever it is you're selling, I ain't buying." "Enough of this obstreperousness! This is a urgent matter of the utmost urgency. I was sent here by my ${brother}, so let me in before half the building hears us discussing matters of galactic importance!" you say. *if myrel = "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "I don't know where you got that posh accent, chica, but you can shove it where the sun don't shine." *if myrel != "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "I don't know where you got that posh accent, kid, but you can shove it where the sun don't shine." *goto kimono_choice *label push_inside *temp brother_him "" *temp brother_he "" *if brother = "brother" *set brother_him "him" *set brother_he "he" *if brother = "sister" *set brother_him "her" *set brother_he "she" *set brother_emoji "🧙‍♀️" *if brother = "sibling" *set brother_him "them" *set brother_he "they" *set brother_emoji "🧙" "Enough of your blather, I know you are the person I've been looking for," you tell the person as you dart past them and into the apartment. ${friend_emoji} "Hey, you can't do that!" "Well, I just did. Now shut the door. We have important business to talk about," you tell the person whom you are certain is ${friend}. ${friend} reluctantly closes the door, all the fight seemingly gone out of ${friend_him}. ${friend_emoji} "You damned Central Family types are persistent, aren't you? Think you're all little lords and ladies, ordering the peasants about. Why won't you leave me alone? Please!" "My ${brother} has been kidnapped by an organized band of galactic criminals, you sniveling wretch. For whatever reason, ${brother_name} believes you are the only one whom I can trust to help me rescue ${brother_him}. Now, sit down because I am not going to take no for an answer," you say. With a loud sigh, ${friend} collapses on the sofa. ${friend_emoji} "Fine. You got me." *page_break 🛋️ After you explain the contents of the infotape that your ${brother} sent you and give some necessary details of your long, uncomfortable journey aboard the freighter, you give ${friend} a chance to respond. ${friend_emoji} "Wow, I can see that ${brother_name} hasn't changed a bit. Did you know that ${brother_he} used to get better marks than me at university, and yet ${brother_he} never studied at all? That rascal had the memory of an elephant!" "What are you talking about?" you snap. ${friend_emoji} "Sorry. I was just thinking that I don't know how ${brother_he} remembered about my old Pigeon-class ship because it's been in dry dock for... jeez, at least ten years or more. I should've sold the darn thing a long time ago, but I knew I'd never get more than a thousand credits for it, so I just didn't bother." "Is it still operational?" you say. ${friend_emoji} "Should be! My goodness, those Pigeons were tubby little beasts. Slower than a snail on tranquilizers, but they were built to last forever. They sure don't make 'em like they used to, that's for sure." [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say to ${friend}? *fake_choice #🗣️ "Take me to the ship at once." "Take me to the ship at once," you say. ${friend_emoji} "You damn people never change, do you?" #🗣️ "I would like to go inspect the ship now." "I would like to go inspect the ship now," you say. ${friend_emoji} "Seems like this is all about what [i]you[/i] want." #🗣️ "Please take me to see the ship." "Please take me to see the ship," you say. ${friend_emoji} "Fine. Just give me a minute to put on my shoes." You cross your arms and wait for ${friend} to complete the laborious process of leaving ${friend_his} dingy apartment. ${friend_emoji} "Wait! It feels like I'm forgetting something. But what could it be?" "The registration papers for the ship?" you say. ${friend_emoji} "Right, the papers for the ship! Gosh, we would've been in a real pickle without them." "Quite so," you say, doing your best to mask your growing irritation. *page_break 😡 ${friend_emoji} "Oh, here they are. I have the registration documents. We can leave now." "Great, I'll call a hail-ride," you say. However, ${friend} breaks out into laughter upon hearing your suggestion. *if myrel = "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Wow, you really did grow up in a rich neighborhood, chica. Hail-rides won't pick up passengers in a zone that's a class fifteen or below. They say it's for insurance purposes, but we know what it's really all about." *if myrel != "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Wow, you really did grow up in a rich neighborhood, kid. Hail-rides won't pick up passengers in a zone that's a class fifteen or below. They say it's for insurance purposes, but we know what it's really all about." "And what class is this neighborhood rated?" you ask politely. ${friend_emoji} "A four." [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "Quite an idyll you have yourself here, ${friend}!" *set response "Quite an idyll you have yourself here, ${friend}!" #🗣️ "Seems like a lovely place to live." *set response "Seems like a lovely place to live." #🗣️ "How did you ever wind up in such a dump?" *set response "How did you ever wind up in such a dump?" "${response}" you say. ${friend_emoji} "Yes, it's true, I've fallen a long way down in society to get to a place like this. Come on, I'll tell you all about it on the trans-bus ride over to where I've got the ship in dry dock." "Trans-bus?" you ask. ${friend_emoji} "Public transportation. It's what we peasants use to get to our jobs. Think of it as a hail-ride that hails you, instead of you hailing it." "Ah, yes," you say as you carefully navigate your way down the blasted sidewalk after ${friend}. ${friend_emoji} "As you can probably tell, I'm not from one of the Central Families, but I do come from a respectable family on ${farm_destination} in the inner rim. I met your ${brother} ${brother_name} when I got a scholarship to study at Cantron University. After I graduated with a degree in Transluminal Broadcasting, I was offered an assistant teaching position at Byujin College." You are just about to ask ${friend} to continue when the trans-bus arrives, and you both clamber on board. *page_break 🚌 ${friend_emoji} "I'll pay your fare, since I'm sure you don't have a QVAX-Pass." "I admit that I've never heard of such a thing," you say. ${friend_emoji} "Ha! Well now, you owe me three credits. Anyway, my life was going pretty good there for a couple of years. I got promoted to a full-time researcher, and I was on tenure track. All up until I discovered an anomaly in the signal that lasercast transmitters were using to receive security updates from the manufacturer." "What anomaly?" you say. ${friend_emoji} "I won't bore you with the technical details, but I discovered that the transmitters had a faulty upgrade that left a loophole for hackers to remotely insert subliminal messages into the outgoing broadcast stream." "Surely, the manufacturer must have rewarded you for discovering this vulnerability," you say. ${friend_emoji} "Ha! On the contrary. They immediately accused me of lying and spreading rumors about them to depress the stock price. Next thing I know, all my grant money dried up, and they accused me of mishandling college funds. Then a smear campaign began against me, and Byujin College fired me for suspicion of being in breach of the good character clause of my employment contract." [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "I wonder what the other side of the story is." *set response "I wonder what the other side of the story is," #🗣️ "What an unfortunate run of bad luck." *set response "What an unfortunate run of bad luck" #🗣️ "This is quite a conspiracy theory, ${friend}." *set response "This is quite a conspiracy theory, ${friend}," "${response}" you say. *if myrel = "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Look, missy, you don't even know. My life went to ruins in the space of less than a year. You know, at first, I honestly thought I had discovered a bug in their software, but now I know that it's there, intentionally. Someone went to a great deal of trouble to make it possible to remotely transmit subliminal messages inside of trans-planetary lasercasts." *if myrel != "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Look, kid, you don't even know. My life went to ruins in the space of less than a year. You know, at first, I honestly thought I had discovered a bug in their software, but now I know that it's there, intentionally. Someone went to a great deal of trouble to make it possible to remotely transmit subliminal messages inside of trans-planetary lasercasts." The whine of the trans-bus's motor and the odor of ripe underarm bacteria on board is making your skin itch all over, and it is about all you can do not to rip off your poncho and scratch yourself raw right there in front of the other passengers. "Surely, someone else should have discovered it by now. You're not the only one who works in the field of Transluminal Broadcasting," you say. ${friend_emoji} "As far as I'm aware, at least seven other people have also discovered the security loophole, and all had their careers destroyed as well. The conspiracy to suppress this information goes all the way up to the top." [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "But why go to such great lengths to send subliminal messages?" *set response "But why go to such great lengths to send subliminal messages?" #🗣️ "I'm about ready to reach for my tinfoil hat." *set response "I'm about ready to reach for my tinfoil hat," #🗣️ "Say, when are we getting to the docks?" *set response "Say, when are we getting to the docks?" "${response}" you say. ${friend_emoji} "Come on, get up. This is our stop." With a loud whoosh, the trans-bus comes to a halt, adjacent to a large industrial park. You follow ${friend} down off the bus and onto the wet pavement. ${friend_emoji} "It'll take us about ten minutes to walk to the dock where I've got my ship in storage. Come on, it's just this way." With a nod, you fall into line behind ${friend} as ${friend_he} trudges down a long row of seemingly identical looking buildings. ${friend_emoji} "Once I got over the shock of having my life destroyed, I made it my mission to keep investigating those hidden subliminal messages. Eventually, I discovered that the transmissions were coming from just a single company. After doing even more digging, I discovered that a criminal organization called the Syndicate was the owner of that company." [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "The Syndicate is who is holding my ${brother} hostage!" *set response "The Syndicate is who is holding my ${brother} hostage!" #🗣️ "I am the Syndicate's sworn enemy." *set response "I am the Syndicate's sworn enemy," #🗣️ "Nothing will stop me from avenging my family's losses to that evil Syndicate." *set response "Nothing will stop me from avenging my family's losses to that evil Syndicate," "${response}" you say. ${friend_emoji} "Jeez, let me finish my story, will ya? It turns out that the Syndicate is nothing more and nothing less than a militia that is paid for and controlled by the Central Families." "What?" you splutter. "That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." ${friend_emoji} "It's true. Whenever it looks like the Central Families are losing popularity, they start amping up the propaganda that the Syndicate are unleashing a fleet of pirate ships on civilian interplanetary traffic, and then everyone responds, as predicted, by clamoring for the precious Galactic Council to save them." "I assume you have some proof for this insane theory," you say. ${friend_emoji} "Ha! I have hundreds of hours of undercover footage that was filmed at Syndicate meetings where they admit all this and more, including the fact that the Central Families use the Syndicate to do their wet work. The Syndicate is the only thing left that's propping up the Central Families' iron grip on the Galactic Council." [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "Then who is holding my ${brother} hostage?" *set response "Then who is holding my ${brother} hostage?" #🗣️ "I don't believe a word of this." *set response "I don't believe a word of this," #🗣️ "You're just envious of my family's position." *set response "You're just envious of my family's position," "${response}" you say. ${friend_emoji} "Before you showed up at my door, I would've assumed that your family was part of this conspiracy. That's why I made sure to stay away from your ${brother} ${brother_name} all these years. But if they've taken an Heir hostage, it means that the revolution is underway." "What revolution?" you demand of ${friend}. ${friend_emoji} "The Syndicate are supposed to be under the complete control of the Central Families. But now I see that the Syndicate have turned on their masters because they believe they finally have enough power to seize control of the Galactic Council for themselves." "This Syndicate is clearly an organization of traitorous serpents," you growl. "Anyway, why take my ${brother}? Why would those foolhardy rebels not strike at Mother and Father, for example?" ${friend_emoji} "I don't know why the Syndicate took your ${brother}. But I do know that it's a declaration of war. And it could lead to the destruction of the Central Families' hegemony over the galaxy." [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "I've got to rescue my ${brother} from these villains." *set response "I've got to rescue my ${brother} from these villains," #🗣️ "Violence always begets more violence." *set response "Violence always begets more violence," #🗣️ "Perhaps the galaxy needs a change in leadership." *set response "Perhaps the galaxy needs a change in leadership," "${response}" you say. ${friend_emoji} "All right, this is it." You look up to see the number forty-two painted high up on the side of a drab industrial building. After ${friend} uses ${friend_his} thumb print to unlock the door, you follow ${friend_him} inside. Glancing up, you see a dusty tarp slung over the vague form of a rather small spaceship. ${friend_emoji} "And here she is!" You watch as ${friend} flips the switches to activate the overhead lights and then moves to a control panel that releases the tension on the ropes holding up the tarp, allowing it to slip to the floor. Coughing as a cloud of dust begins choking your throat, you step forward to get a closer look at the old spaceship. ${friend_emoji} "Top speed is just a bit over warp one. She's got five cargo holds, and they're all sealed tight and waterproof, so they're good to go for every type of cargo. Even got an extra bunk in case you pick up a paying passenger. No torpedo system, though, so don't get into any fights." [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "I'll keep that in mind." *set response "I'll keep that in mind," #🗣️ "With this antique? Not a chance." *set response "With this antique? Not a chance," #🗣️ "Are you sure this ship is spaceworthy?" *set response "Are you sure this ship is spaceworthy?" "${response}" you say. *if myrel = "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "You can fire her up in a minute to see how she runs, but I wouldn't expect any trouble out of this ship. I put at least nineteen hundred quadrants on her myself and never had any issues." *if myrel != "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "You can fire her up in a minute to see how she's going, but I wouldn't expect any trouble out of this ship, kid. I put at least nineteen hundred quadrants on her myself and never had any issues." "All right," you say. ${friend_emoji} "Lucky for you, the registration papers are from before the Crash of 2099, so they won't be in the database systems. That means we can enter in a suitable alias and registration number to protect your real identity." "You're saying you want to forge the registration documents for this ship?" you say. ${friend_emoji} "Relax! If you do get pulled over, the papers will come up as expired. All you'll need to do is pay a small fine if the cops check them, but they almost never do. And the planets on the rim don't even check papers since all modern ships have automated ID verification systems. Better to travel with expired papers than try to hack those advanced ID systems is what I say." [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "That's somewhat reassuring, I suppose." *set response "That's somewhat reassuring, I suppose," #🗣️ "I don't like the sound of this." *set response "I don't like the sound of this," #🗣️ "As long as it doesn't stop me from completing my mission." *set response "As long as it doesn't stop me from completing my mission," "${response}" you say. *label bongo *if myrel = "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Sure, sure. Okay, missy. Obviously, we can't put down your real name here, but I've got to fill out the ownership information for the ship's registration papers. What name do you want to go by as the captain of a trading ship?" *if myrel != "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Sure, sure. Okay, kid. Obviously, we can't put down your real name here, but I've got to fill out the ownership information for the ship's registration papers. What name do you want to go by as the captain of a trading ship?" [b]:::[/b] What name do you choose for yourself? *input_text name ${friend_emoji} "All right, I suppose "${name}" works. And what about the name of the ship? Take your time before choosing a name because you don't want something that'll call too much attention to you. This is an old trading ship, so pick a name that sounds appropriate for a trader vessel." [b]:::[/b] What shall be the name of your ship? *input_text ship_name ${friend_emoji} "Captain ${name} of the ${ship_name}?" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond? *fake_choice #🗣️ "No, you made a mistake." ${friend_emoji} "My apologies." "Accepted," you say. *goto bongo #🗣️ "Yes, that's right." You watch as ${friend} uses an actual tac-pen to fill out the ship's registration papers with the information that you are providing. "I don't think I've ever seen a tac-pen outside of a lasercast," you say. ${friend_emoji} "Well, it's what many of us still use on a daily basis down here in the real world. All right, I've got your documents completed. You won't be able to get your pilot's license, engineer's license, and navigator's license attached to this ship until you get in the cockpit and make some maneuvers in sight of a recording starbase, but I've set it up so that those will be updated automatically when you do complete those tasks." "All right," you say as you take the registration documents from ${friend}'s outstretched hands. ${friend_emoji} "Other than that, I think you're good to go. Oh, wait! There is one more thing. I need to take a recording of your voiceprint so that you can unlock and lock the ship. Just say your normal greeting, like "hello" or whatever. All right? Speak naturally." [b]:::[/b] Record your normal greeting now. *input_text greeting *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_rescue_started = false *achieve rescue_started *if myrel = "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Okay. You're all set. Or should I say Captain ${name} of the ${ship_name}? Hehehe. Hey, there's something that I wanted to ask you. Does your family, by any chance, still employ a butler named ${butler}?" *if myrel != "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Okay, kid. You're all set. Or should I say Captain ${name} of the ${ship_name}? Hehehe. Hey, there's something that I wanted to ask you. Does your family, by any chance, still employ a butler named ${butler}? "Uh, yes," you say, warily. ${friend_emoji} "Still? After all these years? Wow. May the Galactic Spirit bless their soul. You know, I remember the first time I met ${butler} when I came to your Estate. They always treated me with such kindness and respect. That's really the only reason I agreed to help you after you barged into my apartment today. I may often disagree with your family's politics, but this rebellion is going to ruin the lives of a lot of ordinary people just like ${butler}." "${butler} is truly a good-hearted person," you say. *if myrel = "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "It remains to be seen whether the same will be said of you, missy." *if myrel != "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "It remains to be seen whether the same will be said of you, kid." "I may be young, but I'm certainly capable of rescuing my ${brother} from the double-crossing thieves of the Syndicate, even if I have to use this old bucket of bolts to do it," you say. *if myrel = "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Listen, girlie. Have you ever flown a ship like this before?" *if myrel != "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "Listen, punk. Have you ever flown a ship like this before?" [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "I got my first pilot's license when I was 12 years old." *set response "I got my first pilot's license when I was but 12 years old," #🗣️ "Enough of your bothersome questions!" *set response "Enough of your bothersome questions!" #🗣️ "I do not tolerate people addressing me that way." *set response "I do not tolerate people addressing me that way," "${response}" you say. ${friend_emoji} "Are you a fool or just blind with youthful pride? Going up against the Syndicate is practically a suicide mission. You will need to do everything possible to hide from their network of spies and informants, which means you'll need to pass as an experienced trader. And right now, you're acting like the spoiled brat of the Central Families that you so clearly are!" "The arrogance!" you retort, angrily. ${friend_emoji} "You do realize that your posh accent will give you away the moment you try to visit one of the outer planets, right? In order for you to travel undetected, you'll need to master the various planetary dialects." "Hey now, I took a Summer Abroad program after I graduated high school. We toured several of the planets in the Rockhopper Guild, and they taught us some local slang words and phrases." ${friend_emoji} "Well, I suppose that will have to do, then. Just be remember to be polite at all times and not get into any fights. This here's a trading vessel, not a military one." [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "Relax, it's under control." *set response "Relax, it's under control," #🗣️ "I'll be sure not to provoke the locals." *set response "I'll be sure not to provoke the locals," #🗣️ "What a pity as I love a good ship-to-ship duel." *set response "What a pity as I love a good ship-to-ship duel," ${response}" you say. ${friend_emoji} "Sure, kid, sure. All right, you said your bank accounts are all being watched, so here's all the cash I've got. It's about five hundred credits, I think. That's certainly enough to get you started, especially as the ship's battery and fuel tanks are all topped up." "Five hundred credits is all you've got?" you say. "That's barely enough money to buy a drink at the club." ${friend_emoji} "Hey! That's a month's wages for a colonist on the Outer Rim, so it's more than enough for you to start work as an interplanetary trader. You'll have to develop a network of the best planets to buy and sell cargo from. Interplanetary trading isn't easy work, but you should be able to turn a nice profit, if you put your mind do it." "My family has never had difficulty making money," you reply, icily. ${friend_emoji} "Ha! Well, let's see how easy it is without your family's name and resources to call upon. Anyway, the trading should allow you to get together enough money to upgrade to a ship powerful enough to reach the more remoter parts of the galaxy. But as for how you're going to find your way to where your ${brother} is being held hostage, I have no idea. As far as I know, Sector Zero is just a myth. But if someone really did figure out how to get there, you'll have to discover the technology that they used." *temp brother_him "him" *if brother = "sister" *set brother_him "her" *if brother = "sibling" *set brother_him "them" [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "That shall be the easiest part of my mission!" *set response "That shall be the easiest part of my mission!" #🗣️ "I'll rescue my ${brother}, no matter where those devils are keeping ${brother_him}." *set response "I'll rescue my ${brother}, no matter where those devils are keeping ${brother_him}," #🗣️ "I am growing tired of your patronizing attitude, ${friend}." *set response "I am growing tired of your patronizing attitude, ${friend}," "${response}" you say. *if myrel = "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "I will admit that you've got some guts, girl. If I were twenty years younger, I might even think about asking to join you on your mission. But I'm far too old now to risk getting involved in such a dangerous enterprise. If I manage to dig up some more information on Sector Zero, I'll tight-beam it to you, but that's going to have to be the extent of my participation." *if myrel != "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "I will admit that you've got some guts, kid. If I were twenty years younger, I might even think about asking to join you on your mission. But I'm far too old now to risk getting involved in such a dangerous enterprise. If I manage to dig up some more information on Sector Zero, I'll tight-beam it to you, but that's going to have to be the extent of my participation." "Quite all right, as I prefer flying solo," you say. ${friend_emoji} "What's that? Ah, yes. Of course. Anyway, Keep your eyes and ears open while you're out there, roaming the stars. Anyone you talk to could be an informant for the Syndicate." "To be sure," you say. ${friend_emoji} "Okay, one last piece of advice. If you do get pulled over by the Intergalactic Police, do NOT run. It's far better to pay them off with a small bribe. Yes, you might be able to shake them loose by performing an emergency warp jump, but there's a chance that they'll track your drive signature, and then you'll be thrown into prison for evading arrest. Gonna be hard to rescue your ${brother} from the inside of a jail cell!" [b]:::[/b] What do you want to say? *fake_choice #🗣️ "Thanks for the advice." *set response "Thanks for the advice," #🗣️ "I'll make my own decisions, thank you." *set response "I'll make my own decisions, thank you," #🗣️ "Enough talk. My ${brother} awaits!" *set response "Enough talk. My ${brother} awaits!" ${response}" you say. *set ship_name "[i]${ship_name}[/i]" *if myrel = "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "All right, missy. This is where you and I part ways. Good luck rescuing your ${brother} ${brother_name}, and please send my warmest regards to ${butler}, if you do make it back home in one piece. Tell 'em thanks for treating me like a decent person way back when I actually still was one." *if myrel != "little sister" ${friend_emoji} "All right, kid. This is where you and I part ways. Good luck rescuing your ${brother} ${brother_name}, and please send my warmest regards to ${butler}, if you do make it back home in one piece. Tell 'em thanks for treating me like a decent person way back when I actually still was one." "All right," you say, extending your hand. ${friend} looks like ${friend_he} wants to say something else after shaking your hand, but at the last moment, ${friend_his} mouth falls close without uttering a sound. You watch until ${friend} exits the dry dock before turning to gaze at your new home amongst the stars, the Pigeon-class vessel ${ship_name}. It is certainly not the most elegant or graceful looking ship ever built, but captaining it is your best chance of rescuing your ${brother}. With a shrug, you pop open the hatch and climb into the cockpit. *page_break 🚀 The inside of the ${ship_name} is narrow and cramped, but the control console looks quite similar to some other types of ships that you've flown before, so operating this old tub should not be too difficult. After stowing your bag in the biggest of the two bedrooms, you return to the bridge and strap yourself into the captain's seat. You then call up the ship's logs to find the pre-flight checklist, which you follow faithfully in order to prepare for takeoff. Fortunately, after you are done, you see nothing but green readouts across the board on your console. It appears that the ${ship_name} is ready for action. *page_break 🔥 Blastoff! *gosub_scene randomizer *if sound *sound leavestarbase.wav With a mighty roar, the engines kick into life, and the ${ship_name} lifts off from the dry dock. In less than three minutes, you break out of the atmosphere and enter outer space. Scanning the control board, you see that all systems are nominal. ${friend}'s old ship might have sailed to a lot of quadrants, but it appears to still be spaceworthy. A smile appears on your face as you realize that the greatest adventure of your young life is officially underway! *page_break BEGIN RESCUE MISSION *set move_counter +1 *set game_started true *goto_scene startrip_main *comment END OF SCENE - REST IS GOSUBS *label brother_name *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set brother_name "Dirk" *if dieroll = 2 *set brother_name "Mace" *if dieroll = 3 *set brother_name "Marq" *if dieroll = 4 *set brother_name "Scimtar" *if dieroll = 5 *set brother_name "Titus" *if dieroll = 6 *set brother_name "Bishop" *if dieroll = 7 *set brother_name "Cor" *if dieroll = 8 *set brother_name "Drape" *if dieroll = 9 *set brother_name "Sly" *if dieroll = 10 *set brother_name "Zar" *if dieroll = 11 *set brother_name "Despi" *if dieroll = 12 *set brother_name "Forgo" *if dieroll = 13 *set brother_name "Haun" *if dieroll = 14 *set brother_name "Justi" *if dieroll = 15 *set brother_name "Singer" *if dieroll = 16 *set brother_name "Stren" *if dieroll = 17 *set brother_name "Walker" *if dieroll = 18 *set brother_name "Gast" *if dieroll = 19 *set brother_name "Thune" *if dieroll = 20 *set brother_name "Ven" *if dieroll = 21 *set brother_name "Garm" *return *label sister_name *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set brother_name "Jopa" *if dieroll = 2 *set brother_name "Ctelia" *if dieroll = 3 *set brother_name "Embena" *if dieroll = 4 *set brother_name "Honta" *if dieroll = 5 *set brother_name "Mida" *if dieroll = 6 *set brother_name "Tirta" *if dieroll = 7 *set brother_name "Kreulima" *if dieroll = 8 *set brother_name "Xyla" *if dieroll = 9 *set brother_name "Simtega" *if dieroll = 10 *set brother_name "Thala" *if dieroll = 11 *set brother_name "Kitma" *if dieroll = 12 *set brother_name "Biala" *if dieroll = 13 *set brother_name "Issa" *if dieroll = 14 *set brother_name "Jotana" *if dieroll = 15 *set brother_name "Sassa" *if dieroll = 16 *set brother_name "Taethin" *if dieroll = 17 *set brother_name "Impet" *if dieroll = 18 *set brother_name "Suzalla" *if dieroll = 19 *set brother_name "Pisa" *if dieroll = 20 *set brother_name "Fonty" *if dieroll = 21 *set brother_name "Rhy" *return *label trans_name *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set brother_name "Berun" *if dieroll = 2 *set brother_name "Bian" *if dieroll = 3 *set brother_name "Dica" *if dieroll = 4 *set brother_name "Ganysat" *if dieroll = 5 *set brother_name "Mersigu" *if dieroll = 6 *set brother_name "Nesi" *if dieroll = 7 *set brother_name "Puman" *if dieroll = 8 *set brother_name "Nysin" *if dieroll = 9 *set brother_name "Kinthi" *if dieroll = 10 *set brother_name "Maka" *if dieroll = 11 *set brother_name "Paoti" *if dieroll = 12 *set brother_name "Soysu" *if dieroll = 13 *set brother_name "Tacours" *if dieroll = 14 *set brother_name "Wenelin" *if dieroll = 15 *set brother_name "Greenherb" *if dieroll = 16 *set brother_name "Slowoak" *if dieroll = 17 *set brother_name "Woodelm" *if dieroll = 18 *set brother_name "Acaga" *if dieroll = 19 *set brother_name "Kab" *if dieroll = 20 *set brother_name "Wesau" *if dieroll = 21 *set brother_name "Togus" *return *label space_suffering *temp suffering "" *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set suffering "One of your fellow passengers decides it's a good idea to take off his socks, filling the entire ship with the sour odor of his nasty feet." *if dieroll = 2 *set suffering "One passenger insists on chewing with his mouth open, allowing you to examine the contents of his meal in great detail." *if dieroll = 3 *set suffering "One passengers insists on yakking your ear off, and you finally have to go hide in the restrooms for a while in order to get rid of her." *if dieroll = 4 *set suffering "One passengers has extremely long legs, forcing you to hop over them every time you climb down from your bunk." *if dieroll = 5 *set suffering "One of the passengers completely destroys the restrooms. The less said about that, the better." *if dieroll = 6 *set suffering "One passenger insists on breaking out a loaf of bread and a raw onion to eat for lunch, stinking up the passenger hold for several hours." *if dieroll = 7 *set suffering "One passenger gets absolutely hammered and ends up puking right in front of your bunk." *if dieroll = 8 *set suffering "You watch as one passenger falls asleep and then begins drooling all over the floor." *if dieroll = 9 *set suffering "One passenger insists on eating some kind of crunchy snack, and you can hear every single wet munch." *if dieroll = 10 *set suffering "It's not nice to say this, but listening to a baby cry for several hours is enough to drive anyone insane." *if dieroll = 11 *set suffering "One passenger goes on a lengthy, unintelligible rant that is either a sign of mental illness or deep religious conviction." *if dieroll = 12 *set suffering "One passenger insists on cranking up the volume of their music until your ears are about to start bleeding." *if dieroll = 13 *set suffering "One passenger insists on exploring every inch of his nose with his fingers, digging and worming his way inside with hideous persistance." *if dieroll = 14 *set suffering "One passenger insists on clapping and shouting every time they watch a lasercast." *if dieroll = 15 *set suffering "One passenger insists on telling you all about their grandchildren and their many and varied accomplishments, showing you at least twenty photographs of the little rugrats." *if dieroll = 16 *set suffering "One passenger has a hideous rash on their skin which they insist on scratching endlessly for hours until blood begins dripping down their leg." *if dieroll = 17 *set suffering "One passenger falls asleep after lunch and begins farting like a machine gun." *if dieroll = 18 *set suffering "One well-nourished passenger makes the entire ship vibrate with their heavy snoring." *if dieroll = 19 *set suffering "One passenger's voice sounds exactly like a duck, and it takes all of your willpower not to laugh." *if dieroll = 20 *set suffering "One passenger tells you that taking a bath more than once a year is bad for your health." *if dieroll = 21 *set suffering "One passenger insists on giving you advice on how to lose weight even though they themselves are quite fat." *return