*set on_planet true *gosub_scene planet_count *gosub_scene bar bar_names *gosub_scene bar clothes *gosub_scene cafe cafe_names *gosub_scene bookstore library_namer *gosub_scene wedding_chapel chapel_names *gosub_scene karaoke karaoke_names *rand fortune_fee 17 34 *if planet_level = 1 *set bar_emoji "🏚️" *if planet_level = 2 *set bar_emoji"🍺" *if planet_level = 3 *set bar_emoji"🍺" *if planet_level = 4 *set bar_emoji"🍷" *if planet_level = 5 *set bar_emoji"🥃" *label smart *label start 🛃 [b]${planet_name} Spaceport[/b] *if planet_level = 1 *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_planet1 = false *achieve planet1 *goto menu1 *if planet_level = 2 *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_planet2 = false *achieve planet2 *goto menu2 *if planet_level = 3 *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_planet3 = false *achieve planet3 *goto menu3 *if planet_level = 4 *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_planet4 = false *achieve planet4 *goto menu4 *if planet_level = 5 *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_planet5 = false *achieve planet5 *goto menu5 *label menu1 *temp dusty "" *rand dieroll 1 3 *if dieroll = 1 *set dusty "dusty" *if dieroll = 2 *set dusty "snowy" *if dieroll = 3 *set dusty "rainy" You step out of your ship onto a ${dusty}, windswept tarmac. *if rp ${rp_emoji} "Jeez, this planet is a dump." *gosub passenger_check *label spaceport1 *if sound *sound minewind.mp3 *rand dieroll 27 601 A faded wooden sign reads, "Welcome to ${planet_name}. Population: ${dieroll}" In front of you is a large roofed structure, the only significant building in sight. Off to one corner is a dilapidated wooden shack, a one-room church, and a multicolored tent with a the intergalactic pixograph "✋" scrawled on the front flap. Nailed to a withered tree is a sign: "Miners Wanted" [b]::: [/b]What do you want to do? *fake_choice #🎪 Enter the large building *goto market #${bar_emoji} Enter the shack *goto_scene bar *selectable_if ((tent_available = true) and (story_mode = false)) #🔮 Enter the tent *goto_scene fortune #🙏 Enter the church *goto_scene wedding_chapel #⛏️ Visit the mine *goto_scene miner #🛫 Leave this planet *goto blastoff *label menu2 You step out of your ship onto a small but neatly furnished spaceport. *gosub passenger_check *label spaceport2 *if sound *sound spaceport.wav Along the single corridor of the spaceport is a day bar, from which a strong odor of cigarette smoke wafts. A few steps beyond in the corridor is door, next to which is a handwritten sign that reads "Asteroid Colonists Employment Office." At the far end of the corridor is a garishly lit sign that reads "CASINO" In front of you through the exit, you see an elegant brick building with a large, sloping roof. [b]::: [/b]What do you want to do, Captain? *fake_choice #🎪 Exit the spaceport and enter the large building *goto market #${bar_emoji} Enter the day bar *goto_scene bar *selectable_if (story_mode = false) #🎰 Go to the casino *goto_scene casino #🧗 Enter the employment office *goto_scene colonists_hire #🛫 Leave this planet *goto blastoff *label menu3 You step out of your ship into a small but bustling spaceport. *gosub passenger_check *label spaceport3 *if sound *sound spaceport.wav Inside the spaceport, you see signs advertising a bar, a café, a karaoke club, a dice parlor, and a wedding chapel. In front of you through the exit, you see a large industrial building with a steel-trussed roof. [b]::: [/b]What do you want to do? *fake_choice #🎪 Exit the spaceport and enter the large building *goto market #${bar_emoji} Enter the bar *goto_scene bar #☕ Visit the café *goto_scene cafe *selectable_if ((sound = true) and (story_mode = false)) #🎤 Go to the karaoke club *goto_scene karaoke *selectable_if (story_mode = false) #🎲 Enter the dice parlor *goto_scene dice #💒 Enter the wedding chapel *goto_scene wedding_chapel #🛫 Leave this planet *goto blastoff *label menu4 You step out of your ship into a large, fully modern spaceport. *gosub passenger_check *label spaceport4 *if sound *sound spaceport.wav Flashing lights and rotating video screens announce a host of different offerings in the spaceport, including a pub, a café, and a bookstore. Directional signs above say "To Market" and point to an elegant, modern building that you can just glimpse sitting across from the spaceport. [b]::: [/b]What do you want to do? *fake_choice #🎪 Exit the spaceport and go to the market *goto market #${bar_emoji} Go to the pub *goto_scene bar #☕ Go to the café *goto_scene cafe *selectable_if (story_mode = true) #📚 Go to the bookstore *goto_scene bookstore #🛫 Leave this planet *goto blastoff *label menu5 You step out of your ship into an enormous, gleaming white spaceport. *gosub passenger_check *label spaceport5 *if sound *sound spaceport.wav Colorful messages are rotating and sliding across the walls of the spaceport, advertising a diverse arrange of facilities, including a ship recharging station, banking services, a bookstore, an inter-faith facility, a lounge, and an artisanal coffee station. Intergalactic pixographs above you illuminate a moving walkway that leads directly to the trading market. [b]::: [/b]What do you want to do? *fake_choice #🎪 Take the walkway to the market *goto market #${bar_emoji} Step into the lounge *goto_scene bar #☕ Go to the artisanal coffee station *goto_scene cafe *selectable_if (story_mode = true) #📚 Go to the bookstore *goto_scene bookstore #🛐 Go to the inter-faith facility *goto_scene wedding_chapel #⚡ Get your ship's batteries recharged *goto batteries #🏦 Visit the bank *goto bank #🛫 Leave the planet *goto blastoff *label market *if (market_visits = 1) or (market_visits = 11) *if sound *sound market.mp3 *set market_visits + 1 *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_market_trader = false *achieve market_trader 📈 [b]$!!{planet_name} MARKET REPORT[/b] *rand dieroll 0.8 1.2 *set resource1_sellprice (resource1_sellprice * dieroll) *set resource2_sellprice (resource2_sellprice * dieroll) *set resource3_sellprice (resource3_sellprice * dieroll) *set resource4_sellprice (resource4_sellprice * dieroll) *set resource5_sellprice (resource5_sellprice * dieroll) *set resource6_sellprice (resource6_sellprice * dieroll) *set resource7_sellprice (resource7_sellprice * dieroll) *set resource8_sellprice (resource8_sellprice * dieroll) *set resource9_sellprice (resource9_sellprice * dieroll) *set resource10_sellprice (resource10_sellprice * dieroll) *set resource11_sellprice (resource11_sellprice * dieroll) *set resource1_sellprice round(resource1_sellprice) *set resource2_sellprice round(resource2_sellprice) *set resource3_sellprice round(resource3_sellprice) *set resource4_sellprice round(resource4_sellprice) *set resource5_sellprice round(resource5_sellprice) *set resource6_sellprice round(resource6_sellprice) *set resource7_sellprice round(resource7_sellprice) *set resource8_sellprice round(resource8_sellprice) *set resource9_sellprice round(resource9_sellprice) *set resource10_sellprice round(resource10_sellprice) *set resource11_sellprice round(resource11_sellprice) [b]For sale[/b]: *line_break *if resource1_level > 1 $!{resource1}: ${resource1_level} units (¢${resource1_sellprice}/unit) *line_break *if resource1_level = 1 $!{resource1}: ${resource1_level} unit (¢${resource1_sellprice}) *line_break *if resource2_level > 1 $!{resource2} : ${resource2_level} units (¢${resource2_sellprice}/unit) *line_break *if resource2_level = 1 $!{resource2} : ${resource2_level} unit (¢${resource2_sellprice}) *line_break *if resource3_level > 1 $!{resource3}: ${resource3_level} units (¢${resource3_sellprice}/unit) *line_break *if resource3_level = 1 $!{resource3}: ${resource3_level} unit (¢${resource3_sellprice}) *line_break *if resource4_level > 1 $!{resource4} : ${resource4_level} units (¢${resource4_sellprice}/unit) *line_break *if resource4_level = 1 $!{resource4} : ${resource4_level} unit (¢${resource4_sellprice}) *line_break *if resource5_level > 1 $!{resource5}: ${resource5_level} units (¢${resource5_sellprice}/unit) *line_break *if resource5_level = 1 $!{resource5}: ${resource5_level} unit (¢${resource5_sellprice}) *line_break *if resource6_level > 1 $!{resource6}: ${resource6_level} units (¢${resource6_sellprice}/unit) *line_break *if resource6_level = 1 $!{resource6}: ${resource6_level} unit (¢${resource6_sellprice}) *line_break *if resource7_level > 1 $!{resource7}: ${resource7_level} units (¢${resource7_sellprice}/unit) *line_break *if resource7_level = 1 $!{resource7}: ${resource7_level} unit (¢${resource7_sellprice}) *line_break *if resource8_level > 1 $!{resource8}: ${resource8_level} units (¢${resource8_sellprice}/unit) *line_break *if resource8_level = 1 $!{resource8}: ${resource8_level} unit (¢${resource8_sellprice}) *line_break *if resource9_level > 1 $!{resource9}: ${resource9_level} units (¢${resource9_sellprice}/unit) *line_break *if resource9_level = 1 $!{resource9}: ${resource9_level} unit (¢${resource9_sellprice}) *line_break *if resource10_level > 1 $!{resource10} : ${resource10_level} units (¢${resource10_sellprice}/unit) *line_break *if resource10_level = 1 $!{resource10} : ${resource10_level} unit (¢${resource10_sellprice}) *line_break *if resource11_level > 1 $!{resource11}: ${resource11_level} cubes (¢${resource11_sellprice}/cube) *if resource11_level = 1 $!{resource11}: ${resource11_level} cube (¢${resource11_sellprice}) [b]Want to buy[/b]: *line_break *if (resource1_buyprice > 0) and (resource1_buyvolume > 1) $!{resource1}: ${resource1_buyvolume} units (¢${resource1_buyprice}/unit) *line_break *if (resource1_buyprice > 0) and (resource1_buyvolume = 1) $!{resource1}: ${resource1_buyvolume} units (¢${resource1_buyprice}) *line_break *if (resource2_buyprice > 0) and (resource2_buyvolume > 1) $!{resource2} : ${resource2_buyvolume} units (¢${resource2_buyprice}/unit) *line_break *if (resource2_buyprice > 0) and (resource2_buyvolume = 1) $!{resource2} : ${resource2_buyvolume} unit (¢${resource2_buyprice}) *line_break *if (resource3_buyprice > 0) and (resource3_buyvolume > 1) $!{resource3}: ${resource3_buyvolume} units (¢${resource3_buyprice}/unit) *line_break *if (resource3_buyprice > 0) and (resource3_buyvolume = 1) $!{resource3}: ${resource3_buyvolume} unit (¢${resource3_buyprice}) *line_break *if (resource4_buyprice > 0) and (resource4_buyvolume > 1) $!{resource4} : ${resource4_buyvolume} units (¢${resource4_buyprice}/unit) *line_break *if (resource4_buyprice > 0) and (resource4_buyvolume = 1) $!{resource4} : ${resource4_buyvolume} unit (¢${resource4_buyprice}) *line_break *if (resource5_buyprice > 0) and (resource5_buyvolume > 1) $!{resource5}: ${resource5_buyvolume} units (¢${resource5_buyprice}/unit) *line_break *if (resource5_buyprice > 0) and (resource5_buyvolume = 1) $!{resource5}: ${resource5_buyvolume} unit (¢${resource5_buyprice}) *line_break *if (resource6_buyprice > 0) and (resource6_buyvolume > 1) $!{resource6}: ${resource6_buyvolume} units (¢${resource6_buyprice}/unit) *line_break *if (resource6_buyprice > 0) and (resource6_buyvolume = 1) $!{resource6}: ${resource6_buyvolume} unit (¢${resource6_buyprice}) *line_break *if (resource7_buyprice > 0) and (resource7_buyvolume > 1) $!{resource7}: ${resource7_buyvolume} units (¢${resource7_buyprice}/unit) *line_break *if (resource7_buyprice > 0) and (resource7_buyvolume = 1) $!{resource7}: ${resource7_buyvolume} unit (¢${resource7_buyprice}) *line_break *if (resource8_buyprice > 0) and (resource8_buyvolume > 1) $!{resource8}: ${resource8_buyvolume} units (¢${resource8_buyprice}/unit) *line_break *if (resource8_buyprice > 0) and (resource8_buyvolume = 1) $!{resource8}: ${resource8_buyvolume} unit (¢${resource8_buyprice}) *line_break *if (resource9_buyprice > 0) and (resource9_buyvolume > 1) $!{resource9}: ${resource9_buyvolume} units (¢${resource9_buyprice}/unit) *line_break *if (resource9_buyprice > 0) and (resource9_buyvolume = 1) $!{resource9}: ${resource9_buyvolume} unit (¢${resource9_buyprice}) *line_break *if (resource10_buyprice > 0) and (resource10_buyvolume > 1) $!{resource10} : ${resource10_buyvolume} units (¢${resource10_buyprice}/unit) *line_break *if (resource10_buyprice > 0) and (resource10_buyvolume = 1) $!{resource10} : ${resource10_buyvolume} unit (¢${resource10_buyprice}) *line_break *if (resource11_buyprice > 0) and (resource11_buyvolume > 1) $!{resource11} : ${resource11_buyvolume} cubes (¢${resource11_buyprice}/cube) *if (resource11_buyprice > 0) and (resource11_buyvolume = 1) $!{resource11} : ${resource11_buyvolume} cube (¢${resource11_buyprice}) *fake_choice #🔻 Buy products *goto buy_products #🔺 Sell products *goto sell_products #🚪 Leave the market *goto leave_market *label buy_products *if cargo_space_free = 0 ⚠️ You don't have any room to buy any more cargo. Try selling some products or upgrading your ship! *page_break Okay *goto market 🎪 [b]$!!{planet_name} MARKET[/b] *if cargo_space_free = 1 You have ${cargo_space_free} cargo hold free and ¢${credits} available. *if cargo_space_free > 1 You have ${cargo_space_free} cargo holds free and ¢${credits} available. [b]:::[/b] Which products do you want to buy? *temp targetbuy 0 *temp targetprice 0 *temp targetmaxunits 0 *fake_choice *selectable_if (resource1_level > 0) #$!{resource1}: (¢${resource1_sellprice}/unit) *set targetbuy resource1 *set targetprice resource1_sellprice *set targetmaxunits resource1_level *goto buy_units *selectable_if (resource2_level > 0) #$!{resource2}: (¢${resource2_sellprice}/unit) *set targetbuy resource2 *set targetprice resource2_sellprice *set targetmaxunits resource2_level *goto buy_units *selectable_if (resource3_level > 0) #$!{resource3}: (¢${resource3_sellprice}/unit) *set targetbuy resource3 *set targetprice resource3_sellprice *set targetmaxunits resource3_level *goto buy_units *selectable_if (resource4_level > 0) #$!{resource4}: (¢${resource4_sellprice}/unit) *set targetbuy resource4 *set targetprice resource4_sellprice *set targetmaxunits resource4_level *goto buy_units *selectable_if (resource5_level > 0) #$!{resource5}: (¢${resource5_sellprice}/unit) *set targetbuy resource5 *set targetprice resource5_sellprice *set targetmaxunits resource5_level *goto buy_units *selectable_if (resource6_level > 0) #$!{resource6}: (¢${resource6_sellprice}/unit) *set targetbuy resource6 *set targetprice resource6_sellprice *set targetmaxunits resource6_level *goto buy_units *selectable_if (resource7_level > 0) #$!{resource7}: (¢${resource7_sellprice}/unit) *set targetbuy resource7 *set targetprice resource7_sellprice *set targetmaxunits resource7_level *goto buy_units *selectable_if (resource8_level > 0) #$!{resource8}: (¢${resource8_sellprice}/unit) *set targetbuy resource8 *set targetprice resource8_sellprice *set targetmaxunits resource8_level *goto buy_units *selectable_if (resource9_level > 0) #$!{resource9}: (¢${resource9_sellprice}/unit) *set targetbuy resource9 *set targetprice resource9_sellprice *set targetmaxunits resource9_level *goto buy_units *selectable_if (resource10_level > 0) #$!{resource10}: (¢${resource10_sellprice}/unit) *set targetbuy resource10 *set targetprice resource10_sellprice *set targetmaxunits resource10_level *goto buy_units *selectable_if (resource11_level > 0) #$!{resource11}: (¢${resource11_sellprice}/cube) *set targetbuy resource11 *set targetprice resource11_sellprice *set targetmaxunits resource11_level *goto buy_units *label buy_units 🎪 [b]$!!{planet_name} MARKET[/b] Credits remaining: ¢${credits} *line_break 📦 Cargo holds available: ${cargo_space_free} [b]:::[/b] How many units of [b]${targetbuy}[/b] (¢${targetprice}/unit) do you want to buy? *temp buyunits 0 *input_number buyunits 0 targetmaxunits *if buyunits = 0 *if sound *sound warningbleep.wav [i]Purchase order canceled...[/i] *goto market 🎪 [b]$!!{planet_name} MARKET[/b] *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_buy_badge = false *achieve buy_badge *temp total_price 0 *set total_price (buyunits * targetprice) *if total_price > credits *if sound *sound warningbleep.wav ⚠️ You don't have enough credits for that. Onboard cash balance: ¢${credits} *goto market *if buyunits > cargo_space_free *if sound *sound warningbleep.wav ⚠️ You don't have enough cargo space to buy that much. Available cargo space: ${cargo_space_free} units *goto market *set credits - total_price *set cargo_space_free - buyunits *if targetbuy = resource1 *set resource1_carrying + buyunits *set resource1_level - buyunits *if targetbuy = resource2 *set resource2_carrying + buyunits *set resource2_level - buyunits *if targetbuy = resource3 *set resource3_carrying + buyunits *set resource3_level - buyunits *if targetbuy = resource4 *set resource4_carrying + buyunits *set resource4_level - buyunits *if targetbuy = resource5 *set resource5_carrying + buyunits *set resource5_level - buyunits *if targetbuy = resource6 *set resource6_carrying + buyunits *set resource6_level - buyunits *if targetbuy = resource7 *set resource7_carrying + buyunits *set resource8_level - buyunits *if targetbuy = resource8 *set resource8_carrying + buyunits *set resource8_level - buyunits *if targetbuy = resource9 *set resource9_carrying + buyunits *set resource9_level - buyunits *if targetbuy = resource10 *set resource10_carrying + buyunits *set resource10_level - buyunits *if targetbuy = resource11 *set resource11_carrying + buyunits *set resource11_level - buyunits *if buyunits = 1 ✅ You purchased ${buyunits} unit of [b]${targetbuy}[/b] for ¢${total_price}. *set lastresource targetbuy *set lastbuyprice targetprice *set lasttotal total_price *if buyunits != 1 ✅ You purchased ${buyunits} units of [b]${targetbuy}[/b] at ¢${targetprice} apiece for a total of ¢${total_price}. *set lastresource targetbuy *set lastbuyprice targetprice *set lasttotal total_price *if sound *sound cashregister.wav Onboard cash balance remaining: ¢${credits} *if cargo_space_free = 1 📦 Cargo space remaining: ${cargo_space_free} unit *if cargo_space_free != 1 📦 Cargo space remaining: ${cargo_space_free} units [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain ${name}? *fake_choice *selectable_if (cargo_space_free > 0) #🔻 Buy more products *goto buy_products #🔺 Sell products *goto sell_products #📈 View latest prices *goto market #🚪 Leave the market *goto leave_market *label sell_products 🎪 [b]$!!{planet_name} MARKET[/b] *if (cargo_space_free = cargo_holds) *if sound *sound warningbleep.wav ⚠️ At the moment, you have nothing to sell. Try buying or acquiring some resources first! *page_break Okay *goto market *temp targetsell 0 *temp targetsellprice 0 *temp targetmaxunits 0 *temp targetmaxbuy 0 *fake_choice *selectable_if (resource1_carrying > 0) #$!{resource1} (${resource1_carrying}) Offer: ¢${resource1_buyprice}/unit *set targetsell resource1 *set targetsellprice resource1_buyprice *set targetmaxunits resource1_carrying *set targetmaxbuy resource1_buyvolume *goto sell_units *selectable_if (resource2_carrying > 0) #$!{resource2} (${resource2_carrying}) Offer: ¢${resource2_buyprice}/unit *set targetsell resource2 *set targetsellprice resource2_buyprice *set targetmaxunits resource2_carrying *set targetmaxbuy resource2_buyvolume *goto sell_units *selectable_if (resource3_carrying > 0) #$!{resource3} (${resource3_carrying}) Offer: ¢${resource3_buyprice}/unit *set targetsell resource3 *set targetsellprice resource3_buyprice *set targetmaxunits resource3_carrying *set targetmaxbuy resource3_buyvolume *goto sell_units *selectable_if (resource4_carrying > 0) #$!{resource4} (${resource4_carrying}) Offer: ¢${resource4_buyprice}/unit *set targetsell resource4 *set targetsellprice resource4_buyprice *set targetmaxunits resource4_carrying *set targetmaxbuy resource4_buyvolume *goto sell_units *selectable_if (resource5_carrying > 0) #$!{resource5} (${resource5_carrying}) Offer: ¢${resource5_buyprice}/unit *set targetsell resource5 *set targetsellprice resource5_buyprice *set targetmaxunits resource5_carrying *set targetmaxbuy resource5_buyvolume *goto sell_units *selectable_if (resource6_carrying > 0) #$!{resource6} (${resource6_carrying}) Offer: ¢${resource6_buyprice}/unit *set targetsell resource6 *set targetsellprice resource6_buyprice *set targetmaxunits resource6_carrying *set targetmaxbuy resource6_buyvolume *goto sell_units *selectable_if (resource7_carrying > 0) #$!{resource7} (${resource7_carrying}) Offer: ¢${resource7_buyprice}/unit *set targetsell resource7 *set targetsellprice resource7_buyprice *set targetmaxunits resource7_carrying *set targetmaxbuy resource7_buyvolume *goto sell_units *selectable_if (resource8_carrying > 0) #$!{resource8} (${resource8_carrying}) Offer: ¢${resource8_buyprice}/unit *set targetsell resource8 *set targetsellprice resource8_buyprice *set targetmaxunits resource8_carrying *set targetmaxbuy resource8_buyvolume *goto sell_units *selectable_if (resource9_carrying > 0) #$!{resource9} (${resource9_carrying}) Offer: ¢${resource9_buyprice}/unit *set targetsell resource9 *set targetsellprice resource9_buyprice *set targetmaxunits resource9_carrying *set targetmaxbuy resource9_buyvolume *goto sell_units *selectable_if (resource10_carrying > 0) #$!{resource10} (${resource10_carrying}) Offer: ¢${resource10_buyprice}/unit *set targetsell resource10 *set targetsellprice resource10_buyprice *set targetmaxunits resource10_carrying *set targetmaxbuy resource10_buyvolume *goto sell_units *selectable_if (resource11_carrying > 0) #$!{resource11} (${resource11_carrying}) Offer: ¢${resource11_buyprice}/cube *set targetsell resource11 *set targetsellprice resource11_buyprice *set targetmaxunits resource11_carrying *set targetmaxbuy resource11_buyvolume *goto sell_units *label sell_units You currently have ${targetmaxunits} of ${targetsell} in your cargo hold. [b]:::[/b] How many units of ${targetsell} do you want to sell? *temp sellunits 0 *input_number sellunits 0 targetmaxunits 🎪 [b]$!!{planet_name} MARKET[/b] *if sellunits = 0 *if sound *sound warningbleep.wav [i]Sell order canceled...[/i] *goto market *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_sell_badge = false *achieve sell_badge *if sellunits > targetmaxbuy *set sellunits targetmaxbuy *label auto_sell *temp total_price 0 *set total_price (sellunits * targetsellprice) *set credits + total_price *set cargo_space_free + sellunits *if targetsell = resource1 *set resource1_carrying - sellunits *set resource1_buyvolume - sellunits *if targetsell = resource2 *set resource2_carrying - sellunits *set resource2_buyvolume - sellunits *if targetsell = resource3 *set resource3_carrying - sellunits *set resource3_buyvolume - sellunits *if targetsell = resource4 *set resource4_carrying - sellunits *set resource4_buyvolume - sellunits *if targetsell = resource5 *set resource5_carrying - sellunits *set resource5_buyvolume - sellunits *if targetsell = resource6 *set resource6_carrying - sellunits *set resource6_buyvolume - sellunits *if targetsell = resource7 *set resource7_carrying - sellunits *set resource7_buyvolume - sellunits *if targetsell = resource8 *set resource8_carrying - sellunits *set resource8_buyvolume - sellunits *if targetsell = resource9 *set resource9_carrying - sellunits *set resource9_buyvolume - sellunits *if targetsell = resource10 *set resource10_carrying - sellunits *set resource10_buyvolume - sellunits *if targetsell = resource11 *set resource11_carrying - sellunits *set resource11_buyvolume - sellunits *if sellunits = 1 ✅ You sold ${sellunits} unit of [b]${targetsell}[/b] for ¢${total_price}. *if sellunits != 1 ✅ You sold ${sellunits} units of [b]${targetsell}[/b] at ¢${targetsellprice} apiece for a total of ¢${total_price}. *if sound *sound cashregister.wav *set lasttotalsale total_price *set lastsaleprice targetsellprice Onboard cash balance: ¢${credits} [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain ${name}? *fake_choice *selectable_if (cargo_space_free > 0) #🔻 Buy products *goto buy_products #🔺 Sell more products *goto sell_products #📈 View latest prices *goto market #🚪 Leave the market *goto leave_market *label leave_market 🛃 [b]${planet_name} Spaceport[/b] *if planet_level = 1 *goto spaceport1 *if planet_level = 2 *goto spaceport2 *if planet_level = 3 *goto spaceport3 *if planet_level = 4 *goto spaceport4 *if planet_level = 5 *goto spaceport5 *label blastoff *if fuel < 2 *if sound *sound warningbleep.wav Making your way aboard the ${ship_name}, you see that you don't have don't have enough fuel to escape this planet's gravity. *page_break *goto start *set priest_gone false *set on_planet false *set tent_available true *set double_banned false *set landing_cleared false *set bar_banned false *set your_drinks 0 *set customer_drinks 0 *set bar_chat 0 *set bank_balance (bank_balance * 1.03) *set bank_balance round(bank_balance) *set col_needed 0 *if sound *sound fuelburn.mp3 *temp fuely 2 *if story_mode = true *set fuely 1 *set fuel - fuely *if visit_counter > 1 *goto orbit_break *set visit_counter 0 Quickly making your way aboard the ${ship_name}, you warm up her engines before running through your pre-flight checklist. Verifying that all exterior hatches are sealed, you fire main engines. *if rp ${rp_emoji} "Blastoff!" You remained pinned back in your seat until you break orbit. Scanning the control board, you are relieved to see no incoming messages from Planetary Control. *page_break 🌠 Explore the Galaxy *label orbit_break 🔥 Fuel used to leave planet: 2 units *line_break 🔥 Fuel remaining: ${fuel} *goto_scene startrip_main *label batteries *if sound *sound briefchirp.wav *temp recharge_cost 0 *temp units_needed 0 *rand dieroll 5 15 *set units_needed (battery_max - battery) *set recharge_cost (units_needed * dieroll) *if recharge_cost = 0 *if sound *sound warningbleep.wav ⚡ [i]${ship_name} batteries full![/i] *temp recharge_cost 0 *temp units_needed 0 *rand dieroll 5 15 *set units_needed (battery_max - battery) *set recharge_cost (units_needed * dieroll) *if recharge_cost = 0 ⚡ [i]${ship_name} batteries full![/i] *page_break 😌 *goto spaceport5 Approaching a gleaming kiosk, you uplink your public data key and then eyescroll through the menus until the screen reads: ⚡ [i]${ship_name} projected recharge cost: ${recharge_cost} galactic credits[/i] [i]Recharge now, Y/N?[/i] *fake_choice *selectable_if (credits >= recharge_cost) #Yes #No Instead of fussing around with recharging your ship's batteries, you decide it is better to explore other areas of the spaceport. *goto spaceport5 *if sound *sound droids2.wav After palming over your payment authorization key, the screen blinks and then displays a new message: ⚡ [i]Recharge in progress. Thank you for choosing ${planet_name} Spaceport for your recharging needs![/i] Nodding to yourself, you turn around to explore the spaceport, confident in the knowledge that your ship's batteries will be fully charged by the time you leave. *page_break Okay *set battery battery_max *goto spaceport5 *page_break Oops! *goto spaceport5 Approaching a gleaming kiosk, you uplink your public data key and then eyescroll through the menus until the screen reads: ⚡ [i]${ship_name} projected recharge cost: ${recharge_cost} galactic credits[/i] [i]Recharge now, Y/N?[/i] *fake_choice *selectable_if (credits >= recharge_cost) #Yes #No Instead of fussing around with recharging your ship's batteries, you decide it is better to explore other areas of the spaceport. *goto spaceport5 After palming over your payment authorization key, the screen blinks and then displays a new message: ⚡ [i]Recharge in progress. Thank you for choosing ${planet_name} Spaceport for your recharging needs![/i] Nodding to yourself, you turn around to explore the spaceport, confident in the knowledge that your ship's batteries will be fully charged by the time you leave. *page_break Okay *set battery battery_max *goto spaceport5 *label passenger_check *if planet_name = passenger_destination *goto disembark *if passengers_carrying = 1 🧑‍🚀 " "Hey, I need to get to ${passenger_destination} in quadrant ${passenger_quadrant}, not ${planet_name}!" "I''ll just be a minute," you reply. *if passengers_carrying > 1 🧑‍🚀 "Why do we keep stopping all the time? Hurry up and take us to ${passenger_destination}, already! It's in quadrant ${passenger_quadrant}," mutters one of your passengers. "Relax. I've just got to make a quick stop here," you inform your passengers. *return *label disembark *temp pass_total 0 *set pass_total (passengers_bid_price * passengers_carrying) *if passengers_carrying > 1 👨‍🚀 "Took you long enough," grumble the passengers as they disembark your ship. *if passengers_carrying = 1 👨‍🚀 "Thanks for the ride!" says the passenger as they make their way off your ship. *set credits + pass_total *set berths_available + passengers_carrying *set passengers_carrying 0 *set passenger_destination "" *return *label bank *if sound *sound cashier.wav 🏦 [b]${planet_name} branch of the Intergalactic Bank[/b] *if (story_mode = true) and (married = false) You enter the bank, but then you remember your ${brother}'s warning that all your bank accounts are being monitored by the Syndicate. Therefore, there is no way for you to access your family's money! *page_break 😌 *goto leave_market *set bank_visited true [i]Deposit money with us and earn 3% interest![/i] *if married = false Your bank balance: ¢${bank_balance} *if married = true Your spouse's bank balance: ¢${bank_balance} Credits on hand: ¢${credits} [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain ${name}? *fake_choice *selectable_if (credits > 0) #🔺 Deposit money *goto deposit_money *selectable_if (bank_balance > 0) #🔻 Withdraw money *goto withdraw_money #↩️ Leave the bank *goto leave_market *label deposit_money 🏦 [b]${planet_name} branch of the Intergalactic Bank[/b] [i]Deposit money with us and earn 3% interest![/i] Current cash balance: ¢${credits} [b]:::[/b] How much money would you like to deposit with us today, Captain ${name}? *temp deposit_amount 0 *input_number deposit_amount 0 credits *if deposit_amount = 0 [i]Perhaps another time, Captain![/i] *goto bank 🏦 [b]${planet_name} branch of the Intergalactic Bank[/b] *if sound *sound cashregister.wav ✅ You deposited ${deposit_amount} credits. *set credits - deposit_amount *set bank_balance + deposit_amount *page_break Acknowledged *goto bank *label withdraw_money 🏦 [b]${planet_name} branch of the Intergalactic Bank[/b] [i]Deposit money with us and earn 3% interest![/i] Current bank balance: ¢${bank_balance} *if married = false [b]:::[/b] How much money would you like to withdraw from your account today, Captain ${name}? *if married = true [b]:::[/b] How much money would you like to withdraw from ${rp_name}'s account today, Captain ${name}? *temp withdraw_amount 0 *input_number withdraw_amount 0 bank_balance *if withdraw_amount = 0 *if sound *sound warningbleep.wav [i]Perhaps another time, Captain![/i] *goto bank 🏦 [b]${planet_name} branch of the Intergalactic Bank[/b] *if sound *sound cashregister.wav ✅ You successfully withdrew ${withdraw_amount} credits. *set credits + withdraw_amount *set bank_balance - withdraw_amount *page_break Acknowledged *goto bank