*label long *temp player_statement "" *temp positive "" *temp neutral "" *temp topic_switch "" *temp convo_break "" *temp rp_comment "" *temp npc_rejection 0 *temp npc_happy 0 *rand dieroll 1 3 *if dieroll = 1 *set player_statement "We're stopping here for a moment" *if dieroll = 2 *set player_statement "Let's talk, ${rp_name}" *if dieroll = 3 *set player_statement "It seems like you've got something on your mind, ${rp_name}" 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} "${player_statement}," you say. *temp topic 0 *gosub topic_chooser *temp porker "" *set porker "intro${topic}" *gosub {porker} ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "${positive}." *set npc_happy +1 *set player_statement "${positive}" #🗣️ "${neutral}." *set player_statement "${neutral}" #🗣️ "${topic_switch}." *set player_statement "${topic_switch}" *set npc_rejection +1 *goto new_topic #🚫 "${convo_break}." *set npc_rejection 1 ${rp_emoji} "Fine!" *page_break 😌 *goto_scene startrip_main *label conversation_continues 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} "${player_statement}," you say. *if npc_rejection > 2 *goto npc_upset *if npc_happy > 3 *goto kissy *temp porker "" *set porker "${topic}b" *gosub {porker} ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "${positive}." *set npc_happy +1 *set player_statement "${positive}" #🗣️ "${neutral}." *set player_statement "${neutral}" #🗣️ "${topic_switch}." *set player_statement "${topic_switch}" *set npc_rejection +1 *goto new_topic 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} "${player_statement}," you say. *if npc_rejection > 2 *goto npc_upset *if npc_happy > 3 *goto kissy *temp porker "" *set porker "${topic}c" *gosub {porker} ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "${positive}." *set npc_happy +1 *set player_statement "${positive}" #🗣️ "${neutral}." *set player_statement "${neutral}" #🗣️ "${topic_switch}." *set player_statement "${topic_switch}" *set npc_rejection +1 *goto new_topic 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} "${player_statement}," you say. *if npc_rejection > 2 *goto npc_upset *if npc_happy > 3 *goto kissy *temp porker "" *set porker "${topic}d" *gosub {porker} ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "${positive}." *set npc_happy +1 *set player_statement "${positive}" *if topic = 4 *goto sexy_bye *if topic = 3 *goto happy_bye *if (topic = 10) and (npc_happy > 4) *goto sexy_bye #🗣️ "${neutral}." *set player_statement "${neutral}" *if topic = 3 *goto happy_bye #🗣️ "${topic_switch}." *set player_statement "${topic_switch}" *set npc_rejection +1 *goto new_topic *label new_topic 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} "${player_statement}," you say. *if npc_rejection > 2 *goto npc_upset *if npc_happy > 3 *goto kissy *temp interrupt "" *temp interrupt_response "" *rand rp_personality 1 7 *gosub interrupter ${rp_emoji} "${interrupt}" "${interrupt_response}," you say. *gosub topic_chooser *temp porker "" *set porker "intro${topic}" *gosub {porker} ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "${positive}." *set player_statement "${positive}" #🗣️ "${neutral}." *set player_statement "${neutral}" #🗣️ "${topic_switch}." *set player_statement "${topic_switch}" *set npc_rejection +1 *goto new_topic #🚫 "${convo_break}." *set npc_rejection 1 ${rp_emoji} "Fine!" *page_break 😌 *goto_scene startrip_main *goto conversation_continues *label npc_upset *temp upset "" *gosub upset ${rp_emoji} "${upset}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "I'm sorry." 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} "I'm sorry, ${rp_name}," you say. ${rp_emoji} "I forgive you. But I'm going to spend some time alone now. Maybe we can talk later." "Okay," you reply. *page_break 😌 *goto_scene startrip_main #🗣️ "I didn't mean to upset you, ${rp_name}." 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} "I didn't mean to upset you, ${rp_name}," you say. ${rp_emoji} "I'll be in my bunk." "Fine," you reply. *page_break 😌 *goto_scene startrip_main #🗣️ "This isn't working out between us." *goto breakup *label breakup 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} "This just isn't working out between us," you tell ${rp_name}. *gosub breakup_intro ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "${positive}." *set player_statement "${positive}" #🗣️ "${neutral}." *set player_statement "${neutral}" #🗣️ "${topic_switch}." *set player_statement "${topic_switch}" *goto npc_departs #🚫 "${convo_break}." *goto npc_upset 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} "${player_statement}," you say. *gosub breakup_b ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "${positive}." *set player_statement "${positive}" #🗣️ "${neutral}." *set player_statement "${neutral}" *goto npc_departs #🗣️ "${topic_switch}." *set player_statement "${topic_switch}" *goto npc_departs 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} "${player_statement}," you say. *gosub breakup_c ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "${positive}." *set player_statement "${positive}" *goto npc_upset #🗣️ "${neutral}." *set player_statement "${neutral}" *goto npc_departs #🗣️ "${topic_switch}." *set player_statement "${topic_switch}" *goto npc_departs *label npc_departs 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} "${player_statement}," you say. ${rp_emoji} "Fine! I'm packing my things. When we get to the next planet or starbase, I'm leaving the ship. You will never have to see me again." *set rp_leaving true *fake_choice #🗣️ "Take care of yourself, ${rp_name}. #🗣️ "It was nice knowing you." #🗣️ "That works for me!"" *goto_scene startrip_main *label happy_bye 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} ${rp_emoji} "Okay, see you soon!" "Bye," you say. *set food_goal (move_counter + 3) *set rp_quiet true *page_break ${rp_emoji} *goto_scene startrip_main *label sexy_bye 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} *set kissy_goal (move_counter + 5) *set rp_quiet true ${rp_emoji} "Okay, see you soon, sexy!" "Bye," you say with a happy grin. *page_break ${rp_emoji} *goto_scene startrip_main *label kissy *if (rp_personality = 2) or (rp_personality = 7) ${rp_emoji} "I've had a long day. I think I'm going to go get some sleep. I'll talk to you later, ${name}." "Okay," you say. *page_break 🛌 *goto_scene startrip_main *if rp_personality = 4 ${rp_emoji} "This conversation was quite interesting, but I am tired, and I need my rest. Take care, ${name}." "Sleep tight," you say. *page_break 🛌 *goto_scene startrip_main *gosub kissy_intro ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "${positive}." *set player_statement "${positive}" #🗣️ "${neutral}." *set player_statement "${neutral}" #🗣️ "${topic_switch}." *set player_statement "${topic_switch}" *goto npc_upset #🚫 "${convo_break}." ${rp_emoji} "I hate you!" *page_break 😌 *goto_scene startrip_main 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} *gosub kissy_b ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "${positive}." *set player_statement "${positive}" #🗣️ "${neutral}." *set player_statement "${neutral}" #🗣️ "${topic_switch}." *set player_statement "${topic_switch}" *goto npc_upset *gosub kissy_c 🌌 [b]Current Location[/b]: Quadrant ${quadrant}, Sector ${sector} ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" [b]:::[/b] How do you want to respond to ${rp_name}, Captain? *fake_choice #🗣️ "${positive}." *set player_statement "${positive}" *goto sexy_bye #🗣️ "${neutral}." *set player_statement "${neutral}" *goto npc_upset #🗣️ "${topic_switch}." *set player_statement "${topic_switch}" *goto npc_upset *ending *label breakup_intro *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Are you seriously trying to break up with me right now?" *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Woah. Pal, are you trying to say our road trip is over?" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I knew that coming on board this ship was a mistake. You're a filthy liar, ${name}!" *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Well, well, I know where I am not welcome!" *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Ha! Look at you. You think you're so special? I can find ten people better than you." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Woah, that is not cool. It's like you want me to break up with you or something." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "You snake! You used me, and now you're going to throw me away like a piece of trash?" *set positive "You're right. I can't live without you, ${rp_name}" *set neutral "It's a little more nuanced than that" *set topic_switch "It's over between us" *set convo_break "I really can't discuss this right now" *return *label breakup_b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "You really scared me there for a second. Please don't joke around with me about these things, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Pal, you're killing me here. After all the good times we had, everything is coming to an end? Not cool to even joke about that." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "You're playing mind games with me, ${name}. And I don't like that." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "It's nice to mess with my feelings, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "My chakras are tingling, ${name}. You gave me quite a fright with your silly words." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Wow, I can see that you have a fragile ego. Otherwise, you would've never hurt me with your words like that." *set positive "I agree that I was out of line" *set neutral "The problem is that we're not that compatible" *set topic_switch "I need you to go, ${rp_name}" *return *label breakup_c *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "As far as I am concerned, we should never talk about this again" *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Cool, cool, cool. Well, I guess we'll be continuing our road trip!" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I'm going to go unpack my bags." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Once you settle down, everything will go much more smoothly between us, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I guess I learned my lesson about you. Okay, that's enough talk about this subject." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Tonight, I shall reset my chakras, and then we can start a new chapter together." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Now that you've come to your senses, I think I need to take a walk around the ship. By myself." *set positive "Let's just move on" *set neutral "Fine" *set topic_switch "I just need my personal space" *return *label upset *temp upset "" *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set upset "You're not listening to me, ${name}!" *if dieroll = 2 *set upset "I'm sick of you always trying to shut me down when I'm trying to talk to you, ${name}." *if dieroll = 3 *set upset "It just doesn't feel like you're interested in me anymore, ${name}." *if dieroll = 4 *set upset "Am I boring you? Because it feels like I'm boring you." *if dieroll = 5 *set upset "Every time I want to talk to you, you brush me off! I'm sick of it, ${name}." *if dieroll = 6 *set upset "Fine! Just leave me the hell alone, then. I don't need you, anyway." *if dieroll = 7 *set upset "Why won't you ever open up and talk to me? It's driving me crazy." *if dieroll = 8 *set upset "I feel like there is a wall that you've put up between you and me. And it feels cold, standing outside this wall." *if dieroll = 9 *set upset "I just can't understand why you hate talking to me so much." *if dieroll = 10 *set upset "Do you seriously have something better to do? Because it sure feels like you think you're better than everyone else, ${name}." *if dieroll = 11 *set upset "You're not paying enough attention to me!" *if dieroll = 12 *set upset "You know what? I am getting mighty sick of your attitude, ${name}." *if dieroll = 13 *set upset "You must've spent too much time alone out here amongst the stars because you suck at talking, ${name}." *if dieroll = 14 *set upset "If I had just one wish, it would be that I could get you to open up and talk to me." *if dieroll = 15 *set upset "I keep trying to find interesting things to talk to you about, and you keep shutting me down. I don't like that!" *if dieroll = 16 *set upset "If you've got better things to do than talk to me, then go do them! I don't care what you do. Just leave me alone." *if dieroll = 17 *set upset "Just looking at your face, I can see that I'm boring you. You should've just been honest and told me." *if dieroll = 18 *set upset "Go away. I'm sick of trying to talk to you." *if dieroll = 19 *set upset "Whatever! You just do what you want to, don't you? Selfish pig." *if dieroll = 20 *set upset "When I agreed to come on your ship, I thought we'd spent a lot of time together. But you never want to talk to me!" *if dieroll = 21 *set upset "I'm done talking to you. If you ever want to speak to me again, you know where to find me." *return *label kissy_intro *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "You know what? All this talking has really turned me on. I want you, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "If you're trying to seduce me, it worked. Now come over here and kiss me." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Shh, you've already said enough. Come here so I can kiss you." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I've decided that you and I are going to kiss, now." *set positive "I've been dreaming about this moment" *set neutral "Let's see what happens" *set topic_switch "This isn't what I want, ${rp_name}" *set convo_break "I've got some business to take care of" *return *label kissy_b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Don't get me wrong. Everything you have said was fascinating. But when you talk, it makes me look at your lips, and that makes me horny." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I've been wanting to touch you for the past hour, if not more. Your voice just really turns me on, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I can see that you know how to turn on a person like me, ${name}. I am hot and ready for you." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "My skin is dancing, which means that I want to take off all these clothes. And then I want you to rub your body on mine, ${name}." *set positive "Let's go to the bedroom" *set neutral "You're making my ears burn" *set topic_switch "This is getting out of control, ${rp_name}" *return *label kissy_c *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "After you and I get the sheets all sweaty, you will hold me, won't you, ${name}?" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Once we're done, I hope you'll stick around." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "What's about to go down in the bedroom will be epic. But don't you forget about me tomorrow morning, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "After we become intimate and join our bodies together, I will need you to hold me for a long time in your arms." *set positive "Don't worry, I'm here for you" *set neutral "I can't make any promises" *set topic_switch "We're not dating, ${rp_name}" *return *label intro0 *return *label intro1 *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Listen, I think it's time you come clean about your real identity. I know you're not just an ordinary trading ship captain but Heir to one of the Central Families." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Since we're becomin good friends and all, I need to tell you something. I know you're not an ordinary trading ship captain but the Heir to one of the Central Families." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Listen, I know you've been hiding something from me, including your real identity. You're not just some ordinary trading captain but the Heir to one of the Central Families!" *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Dear ${name}, I've been enjoying traveling with you so much, but I wish you'd trust me more. For instance, I know you're actually the Heir to one of the Central Families." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Yo, it's not that I really care or anything, but I know you're actually the rich Heir to a powerful family, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "You have such a noble and powerful face, ${name}. Is it because you're actually the Heir to one of the powerful Central Families? That's the vibe I'm getting." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "${name}, you look so hot in that captain's chair. But I think you'd look even hotter, sitting on the throne of the Galactic Council. That's right! I know you're actually the Heir to one of the powerful Central Families." *set positive "Now you know my secret" *set neutral "I can neither confirm nor deny that" *set topic_switch "That is not true at all" *set convo_break "Let's talk about this later" *return *label intro2 *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "${name}, my friend, I just wanted to let you know that this road trip around the galaxy with you has been a BLAST!" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "You know, when I first agreed to come on board this ship with you, I wasn't sure what to expect. But I have to admit it's been kinda fun, traveling between the stars with you." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Honestly, I thought you might be a freak when I first met you. But traveling around with you, I realized you're actually all right." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "${name}, I have something to confess. It's been sooo groovy, tripping around the stars with you. You're awesome." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "${name}, I wanted you to know that I love spending quality time with you when we're out here, traveling between the stars." *set positive "I'm really glad you're here by my side, ${rp_name}" *set neutral "It certainly is never boring with you around" *set topic_switch "This really isn't a topic that I want to discuss" *set convo_break "Listen, I've got some captain stuff that I need to do" *return *label intro3 *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Hey, not trying to interrupt or anything, but you want some food?" *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Hey pal, I'm getting hungry. Want me to rustle you up something to eat?" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I'm going to prepare some food. If you want, I can make an additional portion for you." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "My dear ${name}, you're all skin and bones! Let me make you something to eat." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "There's nothing exciting in the ship's pantry, but if you want, I can go prepare some food now." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "${name}, you and I are both free souls trapped inside a fleshly body. What do you say we secure some food and nourish those bodies?" *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "After all the fun you and I have been having, hon, I've worked up quite an appetite. Are you hungry?" *set positive "I'm starving" *set neutral "I guess I could eat something" *set topic_switch "I'm not hungry" *set convo_break "Let's table this discussion for later" *return *label intro4 *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Now that we're all alone, maybe you and I could start exploring what this relationship is all about" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I know you've been watching me, but if you want me like I think you do, now is the time to make your move." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "No more beating around the bush. You like me, and I like you. We're both attractive people. What happens next is obvious." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I really want to get closer to you, Captain, in every sense of the word." *set positive "I know just where we can go" *set neutral "Oh, do tell me more" *set topic_switch "I'm not sure if this is the time for that" *set convo_break "I've got business to attend to" *return *label intro5 *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "${name}, don't be angry. But I wrote you a poem." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wrote a poem. It's about you." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "To keep from going crazy on this long journey, I wrote a poem. It's about you. Yeah." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Every morning when I wake, a line or two of poetry comes to me. I now have a poem that I wrote. It's all about you, ${name}. Want to hear it?" *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "My momma always said I have a poetic soul. ${name}, my desire for you has come flowing through my fingertips. I have written an epic poem about you, dear." *set positive "I'd love to hear it" *set neutral "I was not expecting that" *set topic_switch "Poems are stupid" *set convo_break "Sorry, but I've got to fly the ship now" *return *label intro6 *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Hey, don't know if you're one of those people who believe in the Golden Key or not. But I heard something about it recently on a pirate lasercast." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Hey pal, you know what would be funny? If one of us found the Golden Key. You've heard of that, right?" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Since you seem cool, I guess it's all right if I tell you that the Golden Key is real. Yeah, they say it's a myth, but it isn't." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "In order to pass the time, I could tell you a story. Have you ever heard about the legend of the Golden Key?" *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Yo, ${name}, you ever heard of the Golden Key? It's supposed to be some kind of super high-tech warp drive." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Last night, I had a dream that you would find the Golden Key. I think it's an omen!" *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "You know, they say that somewhere out there in the galaxy is a Golden Key. It would be so hot if you were the one to find it, Captain ${name}." *set positive "I'm on a mission to get the Golden Key" *set neutral "Keep talking" *set topic_switch "That's a stupid story for kids" *set convo_break "I'm needed on the bridge" *return *label intro7 *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "I hate to say it, but I think it's time we had a serious discussion about Sector Zero, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Hey pal, since you and I are getting to know each other, I think it's time we had an honest discussion about Sector Zero." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "It's kinda weird that I know you're heading to Sector Zero, but you never want to admit it." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Listen, my dear ${name}, I know we're trying to find the route to Sector Zero. It's okay for us to talk about it." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I don't want to mince my words, ${name}. I know we're going to Sector Zero. Just admit it." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "This morning, when I was vision questing, I saw that you are taking us to Sector Zero." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "You and I are close, aren't we darling? You can tell me about Sector Zero. I can handle the truth." *set positive "Okay, let's talk about it" *set neutral "There are many mysteries surrounding Sector Zero" *set topic_switch "I have no idea what you're talking about" *set convo_break "I need to get back to piloting the ship" *return *label intro8 *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Let me tell you a little story about my adventures traveling through the galaxy before I met you. I once visited the market on ${planet44_name}, and I was robbed of every single credit I had on me." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Oh, holy cow, let me tell you a crazy story. One time, I was traveling on this dingy little freighter to the planet ${planet86_name}, right? And then I met this whole group of students on a field trip. I was in heaven, flirting with all those little cuties!" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Have you ever seen the purple cliffs of ${planet41_name}? They are thousands of meters high. You can even see them from the spaceport." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Goodness, this sector somehow reminds me of my honeymoon. Back in those days, travel between the stars took a lot longer, so all we could afford was a villa on ${planet38_name}. But oh, we loved every minute of it." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "One of the worst parts about schlepping around the galaxy is you always end up losing your stuff somewhere. One time, I lost an entire sofa that I was taking to ${planet104_name} after my grandma died." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Gosh, before you, the Galactic Spirt used to blow me all over the place. One time, I got on the wrong trading ship, and then I woke up on a beach on the planet ${planet24_name} with just a handful of credits to my name." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "You're not the only one who's done some traveling, you know, ${name}. I've been to lots of places. In fact, I once rode a camel around some ancient artifacts on ${planet7_name}." *set positive "That is quite an interesting story" *set neutral "Oh my goodness" *set topic_switch "I think I've heard enough, thanks" *set convo_break "I've really got other tasks that I need to do" *return *label intro9 *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Lately, at night, I've been having some pretty intense dreams. About you, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Oh wow, you'll never believe this. Last night, I dreamt I was on the planet ${planet_name}, and I was flying through the sky!" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I hate to admit this, but I've been having a lot of dreams about you lately, ${name}. There's just something really intense about you." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Oh gracious, did I tell you what a silly dream I had last night? There was this cow - one of those big animals that eats grass - and it was just laughing and telling me all these ridiculous rhymes. You know, like a children's poem." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Have you been hearing me moaning in my sleep lately, ${name}? It's because I've been having some pretty vivid dreams. And you were in them." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Woah, let me tell you about my dream last night. You were in it, and together, we were horsing around on this big fluffy cloud, and then somehow, our clothes fell off." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "When I woke up this morning, I was so hot, thinking about you, ${name}. It's because of this WICKED dream that I had last night." *set positive "Very nice" *set neutral "Sounds like quite a dream" *set topic_switch "That is way too much information" *set convo_break "I've got an urgent trade deal that I need to make" *return *label intro10 *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "You're a little tease, ${name}. Yesterday, when I was alone in our room, I started having some pretty hot fantasies about you." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I probably shouldn't be telling you this, ${name}, but I've been having some pretty erotic thoughts about you." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "You know, ${name}, whenever I start thinking about you, some rather naughty images come into my mind." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I feel like confessing some of my most erotic fantasies to you. Can you handle that, ${name}?" *set positive "I am ALL ears, ${rp_name}" *set neutral "Let's hear more" *set topic_switch "You're making me blush" *set convo_break "Sorry, got some captain stuff to do, and it just cannot wait" *return *label intro11 *temp sponsor "" *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set sponsor "Daisy's Gowns" *if dieroll = 2 *set sponsor "Kool Shots Ice Cream" *if dieroll = 3 *set sponsor "Dilworth Cola" *if dieroll = 4 *set sponsor "Cherry Bomb Juice" *if dieroll = 5 *set sponsor "Lil' Chocs" *if dieroll = 6 *set sponsor "the Drink-N-Shake" *if dieroll = 7 *set sponsor "Bricks of Fun" *if dieroll = 8 *set sponsor "Goddess and Goo" *if dieroll = 9 *set sponsor "Astro Burgers" *if dieroll = 10 *set sponsor "Dunny's Delly Stop" *if dieroll = 11 *set sponsor "Scents of Vegas" *if dieroll = 12 *set sponsor "One Cash Solution" *if dieroll = 13 *set sponsor "Red Pepper Debt Solutions" *if dieroll = 14 *set sponsor "We Buy Gold, Incorporated" *if dieroll = 15 *set sponsor "Jellybean Joes" *if dieroll = 16 *set sponsor "Cannellium Motors" *if dieroll = 17 *set sponsor "Algol Industries" *if dieroll = 18 *set sponsor "the Intergalactic Economic Forum" *if dieroll = 19 *set sponsor "Amalgamated Mining" *if dieroll = 20 *set sponsor "the Cookie Dough Ranch" *if dieroll = 21 *set sponsor "Wet Face Bakes" *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "When I was younger, I had some pretty interesting jobs. For instance, I used to answer voice calls for ${sponsor}." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Yo, I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but I used to do deliveries for ${sponsor}." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I had some pretty crappy jobs before I met you, ${name}. In fact, I used to work the counter at ${sponsor}." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "You may be too young to remember that company, dear, but a long time ago, I worked as the secretary for the president of ${sponsor}." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "When I was a teenager, I got this summer job working as a tester for ${sponsor}. It didn't pay well, but it was a very interesting experience" *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I'm feeling the need to tell you about a job I once had, ${name}. I was in charge of managing the break room at ${sponsor}." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "When I was younger, I forged some papers so that I could get a job dancing at the VIP room at the headquarters of ${sponsor}." *set positive "Wow, that sounds like quite a job" *set neutral "You've sure had an interesting history" *set topic_switch "I'm not really that interested" *set convo_break "You can tell me more about this later" *return *comment WTF is below? *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set news "" *if dieroll = 2 *set news "" *if dieroll = 3 *set news "" *if dieroll = 4 *set news "" *if dieroll = 5 *set news "" *if dieroll = 6 *set news "" *if dieroll = 7 *set news "" *if dieroll = 8 *set news "" *if dieroll = 9 *set news "" *if dieroll = 10 *set news "" *if dieroll = 11 *set news "" *if dieroll = 12 *set news "" *if dieroll = 13 *set news "" *if dieroll = 14 *set news "" *if dieroll = 15 *set news "" *if dieroll = 16 *set news "" *if dieroll = 17 *set news "" *if dieroll = 18 *set news "" *if dieroll = 19 *set news "" *if dieroll = 20 *set news "" *if dieroll = 21 *set news "" *return *label 1b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone who you are. Even though there's probably a HUGE bounty out for your arrest." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Hey buddy, don't worry. Your secret's safe with me!" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I find it kinda weird that you act so... normal. But listen, I won't tell anyone who you really are." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "I think you have comported yourself quite well, ${name}. I recognized your regal bearing from the first moment I met you! And I swear not to reveal your identity to anyone." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Wow, I bet you have quite an interesting story to tell, ${name}, or whatever your real name is. But relax, for now, I'll keep your secret safe." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I knew your karma was too advanced for you to have a commoner's soul. Wow, I wish I could share the good news with everyone, but I understand that you want to keep this private." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Oh god, that's so hot! You're like one of those action stars in a lasercast. But don't worry, I won't reveal your secret identity to anyone. In fact, I'll be your trusted confidante and sexy assistant." *set positive "I'm really happy to hear that" *set neutral "It's the least you could do" *set topic_switch "I don't think we should discuss this any more" *return *label 2b *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "I'm so happy we're friends. I really am having the time of my life with you, ${name}! And I love visiting all these planets." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I used to imagine that a trader's life was dull, but it is kinda fun, visiting different planets and learning about their different cultures." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "You know, you could almost charge money for this education on the cultures and histories of the different planets that I'm getting by traveling around with you, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "It's so wild that, like, all these planets that I saw on lasercasts, now I'm going there with you!" *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "I have to admit that I love watching you haggle and deal when we visit planetary markets." *set positive "Yes, the planets are quite interesting" *set neutral "There's no need to exaggerate, ${rp_name}" *set topic_switch "Enough chit-chat about the planets" *return *label 3b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Cool. I guess I can turn out something presentable. Are you okay with protein powder casserole?" *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Awesome! I make a mean Zerarnian soup, and I serve it with black bread from Outer Banuria." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "The only thing I really know how to make is pasta and cheese." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "I hope you've worked up a good appetite, Captain! Because I'm making my famous stuffed Zemaddon peppers and baked apple pie with Plingfinerian cream." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I follow a pretty strict diet, so I hope you're okay with baked Sonraxian vegetables and black truffle milk." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "This is your fortunate day, name! For I snuck a few pieces of artisanial greens aboard in my luggage. I'll use it to make a mouthwatering pesto sauce." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "If you don't mind me raiding your personal supply of meat and dairy, I'll broil us up a couple of nice, juicy steaks." *set positive "That sounds positively delicious" *set neutral "I guess I can give it a try" *set topic_switch "Thanks, but I'm really not that hungry right now" *return *label 4b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Ever since we first met, I could feel a strong heat between us." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I bet you've picked up people like me dozens of times before. But that's okay. I like that you're experienced." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I don't want to brag, but I know what I'm doing in bed. I think you are going to be quite pleased." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I can't wait to get naked with you, ${name}, in every sense of the word." *set positive "I want the same thing" *set neutral "Less talk and more action, darling" *set topic_switch "I'm not interested right now" *return *label 5b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "The first couple of lines go like this - name, captain of the trading ship, on a mission to save the Galaxy, you burn like an angry star." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Oh wow, here's how it start - Saw you, standing there, your red lips angry and pouty, but then you spoke sweet words, and did a wandering soul seduce." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Fine, here's what I wrote. Roses are red, violets are blue. I met Captain ${name} at a cafe, and then we started kissing from six until two." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Woah, here's what I got - Clouds, fluffy white friends, you are so soft, but not as soft as Captain ${name}'s lips, which I long to stroke and kiss with all of my fluffy heart." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Sexy in uniform, intrepid Captain ${name}, powerful leader and superb on the field of battle, none can match their peerless beauty." *set positive "Woah, now that's a poem" *set neutral "Interesting use of rhymes" *set topic_switch "Poetry really irritates me" *return *label 6b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "From what I heard, the Golden Key lets any ship travel to the fourth dimension. It's the stuff of legends, ${name}!" *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Hey pal, if I were you, I'd leave that Golden Key stuff alone. Who wants to risk going to the fourth dimension, am I right?" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "The name Golden Key is suspicious, but it wouldn't surprise me if the government found a way to travel to the fourth dimension but then didn't want anybody to find out." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "From what I heard, the Golden Key lets honorable captains and their passengers travel to a beautiful land that exists in another dimension." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "The Golden Key sounds like a lot of bullshit, but underneath every rumor is usually a scintilla of truth. The Golden Key must represent something." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "The Golden Key is the tool sent by the gods of heaven to unlock the gates to a never-ending paradise where no one ever grows old." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "I knew there was a reason why I hooked up with you. It's because you've got what it takes to find that Golden Key!" *set positive "Now you understand my mission" *set neutral "I think you've been watching too many lasercasts" *set topic_switch "This topic is ridiculous" *return *label 7b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "All that talk about how it's impossible to get to the fourth dimension makes me think that is where Sector Zero has to be." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Now that we're close friends, I can tell you that I was a physics student at Intergalactic University ${planet103_name}. That's how I know that Sector Zero really exists, and it's in the fourth dimension!" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "The only reason why the government keeps calling Sector Zero a conspiracy theory is because it really exists." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "No one has better piloting skills than you, ${name}. If anyone can find Sector Zero, it's you!" *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "My guess is that the only way to get to Sector Zero is to build a drive that can go past the Warp Ten barrier." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I think the name itself is a clue, Sector Zero. Always here so close, and yet so far." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Sector Zero is kind of a sily name. Sounds like one of those cheap sci-fi lasercasts." *set positive "${rp_name}, I think you just might be right" *set neutral "I guess" *set topic_switch "I'm tired of this topic" *return *label 8b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Another time, I got tricked into saving up for a trip to the planet ${planet61_name}. Special price and everything, they said! But when I got there, it was a total dump." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Woah, did I ever tell you about the time I went to ${planet15_name}? I met this super cutie, a real ten out of ten, if you know what I mean. We were, like, dancing for hours at the club." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "You never can trust anyone on those outer planets. One time, I took a cruise to ${planet59_name}, and when we went out to go see the volcanic eruptions, nothing happened. Total waste of money." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Since we're on the subject of traveling, I do remember having some pleasant moments at the spaceport on planet ${planet95_name}. It's funny how young and naive I was back then." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Most package tours are scams. They advertise a low price, but there's always hidden costs. One time, I paid more than three thousand credits just in fees." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "When I think back onto my travels, I like to pick and choose just the happy memories, you know? Like the time my sibling and I made sand castles on the beach." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Since we're talking about traveling, I had the spiciest bowl of noodles I've ever eaten in my entire life at this little hole-in-the-wall restaurant on ${planet19_name}. Delicious!" *set positive "Sounds like quite the adventure" *set neutral "You are surprisingly well-traveled" *set topic_switch "This kinda talk bores me, honestly" *return *label 9b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "I guess all this time in space is bringing us together because that dream was pretty... hot. We were doing things that I didn't even know were possible." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "And then, like, the dream switched, and I was betting on a camel race where the odds were twenty to one, and then I hit paydirt. Oh ${name}, it was awesome!" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Maybe you've got some kind of mental hold over me, and that's why I've been dreaming about you and I doing things in bed. It wouldn't surprise me. They say that families in the Central Planets have all sorts of special training." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Hoo, hoo! And then, in another dream. I was sitting in this beautiful mountain, admiring the fresh air and the lovely scenery. It was just like a lasercast!" *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "If I've been dreaming about you and I together, maybe that means this relationship between us is going to last." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I don't know where we can find some clouds, but if you do come across some fluffy white ones some time soon, I wouldn't mind wrestling with you there." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "In fact, both of us were completely naked in that dream. And why not? There's nothing to be ashamed about our bodies." *set positive "I can make that dream a reality" *set neutral "You have an impressive imagination" *set topic_switch "Let's talk about something else" *return *label 10b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "First, it starts out with you and I taking a long, hot shower together. And while we're getting clean, we're doing some rather dirty things." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "First, I lie you down on your back, and I give you some very intimate attention until you are positively bursting with pleasure." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "It starts out with you and I turning off all the lights and then taking our clothes off. And slowly, in the dark, we begin to explore each other's bodies." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Laughing and playing, we goof around in the bed for hours until somehow, we just find ourselves becoming incredibly aroused." *set positive "I want to hear what happens next" *set neutral "Pretty intense, I must say" *set topic_switch "My ears are burning, ${rp_name}" *return *label 11b *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "And then after a while, I got promoted. The CEO of ${sponsor} even wrote me a letter of commendation." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Yo, it was crazy. But then I had to quit that job at ${sponsor} when things got too intense." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I found working at ${sponsor} quite illuminating, actually. But it really was a weird job." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "All day long, he had me getting him coffee! Wow, I miss those days at ${sponsor}, sometimes." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "After a while, the boss started putting the moves on me, so I said adios to ${sponsor}." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Unfortunately, the job got a little repetitive, so ultimately, I left ${sponsor} to give myself more time to meditate." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "All kinds of crazy things happen behind the scenes at ${sponsor}, but you'll never see that kind of stuff on the news." *set positive "Tell me more about your jobs" *set neutral "I'm learning a lot about ${sponsor} today" *set topic_switch "This is boring, ${rp_name}" *return *label 1c *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "But seriously, you have GOT to tell me something about your upbringing. Was it cool, growing up on the Central Planets?" *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Oh my gosh, homey! Tell me some crazy stories of what life was like in those palaces on the Central Planets." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "So, you are an Heir! I knew it. I bet you slept on silken sheets in that big palace of yours, didn't you? Not all of us grew up in luxury, you know." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "I can see that you had a proper upbringing. I assume your family hired you a tutor for your lessons there in the palace." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I bet you never went hungry one day in your life, did you? Must've been pretty sweet, being one of the pampered few there on the Central Planets." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Clearly, your soul has evolved for you to have been reincarnated into such a lofty family, ${name}. How does it feel to be worthy of such a rich life?" *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "It's so hot that you were a little lord or boss when you were a child, ${name}. I bet you were ordering around ALL the servants in the palace, weren't you?" *set positive "Yes, I am very fortunate to have the family that I do" *set neutral "My childhood was more difficult than you imagine" *set topic_switch "It's hard for me to talk about my upbringing" *return *label 2c *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "But I gotta ask you, pal. Did you ever lose money on a trade deal? There are a lot of tricky folks out there in the galaxy." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "You seem so confident about being a trading ship captain. But I wonder if you've ever been swindled by some criminals." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "You seem pretty good at all that trading stuff, which is why I wonder if you're any good at making money." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I know that you've visited a lot of markets, but does all that financial wheeling and dealing ever weigh heavy on your soul?" *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "You know what I'd love? If you'd tell me a story about the greatest trade deal you ever made. And don't spare me the details!" *set positive "I've got nothing to hide from you, ${rp_name}" *set neutral "I don't want to brag about my successes" *set topic_switch "My financial dealings are my private business" *return *label 3c *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Great! Okay, give me, like, thirty minutes to put everything together. And then I'll call you when it's ready." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Sweet! I'm telling you, friend, when you take that first bite, you'll be in heaven." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "All right. I'll go start putting everything together, then." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Wonderful! You just stay here and do your captain stuff, and I'll give you a holler when it's time to come eat." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I estimate that it will take forty-five minutes for me to cook all that food." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Wow, I guess I better head to the kitchen, eh? That food isn't going to cook itself!" *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Very well, I am off to the kitchen! I shall be there, slaving away so that I can put a delicious morsel between those gorgeous lips of yours." *set positive "My stomach is growling" *set neutral "Take your time" *set topic_switch "Actually, I think I'll just grab something later" *return *label 4c *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Stay here! I'll go get ready, and then I'll call you." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Just give me a minute to freshen up, and then we can enjoy ourselves properly." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Cool. Put the ship on autopilot or whatever, and then come join me in your bedroom." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I can feel my loins burning with lust for you, ${name}! But before we can form a union, I need to go freshen up. I will meet you in your bedroom in thirty minutes." *set positive "I can't wait" *set neutral "All right, let's do this" *set topic_switch "Sorry, but I'm just not feeling it" *return *label 5c *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Burn so hot and so strong and so powerful, you ever-ascending star of the galaxy! And fold those lovely curves around every unclaimed asteroid in the quadrant." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Sparks! Lights! Wherever ${name} goes, the people smile and shout. They, too, are captured by ${name}'s magnificent spell." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. I met Captain ${name}, and my whole life changed. Now I blush whenever I hear that name." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "With hair so fine and beautiful, only ${name} can stand athwart the prow of the good ship ${ship_name}, using their heart to navigate a path amongst the stars." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Eyes gleaming, teeth white as snow, and with a face of resplendant beauty, only the force of ${name}'s smile can melt my defenses." *set positive "You're a lyrical genius, ${rp_name}" *set neutral "This is quite a poem, indeed" *set topic_switch "I can't listen to one more word of this nonsense" *return *label 6c *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Knowing how this galaxy works, the Golden Key is probably real, but it costs a million credits." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "You know what, pal? I bet we can find that Golden Key together. Even if it costs a million credits, we'll do it!" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "The Golden Key is all probably just one big lie so that we get distracted from the crap the Galactic Council is doing." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "If we work hard and carefully document our actions, we'll be sure to find the Golden Key, ${name}!" *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "In fact, I bet the Golden Key is just a souped-up warp drive. What else could it be? Nothing else makes sense." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I shall meditate in my quarters until the location of the Golden Key is revealed to me." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "You know, ${name}, you already have the Golden Key to open my book, that's for sure." *set positive "Nothing will stop me from acquiring the Golden Key" *set neutral "You seem really invested in this legend" *set topic_switch "I can't stand talking about this anymore" *return *label 7c *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "If we can manage to put our heads together, we just might solve the secret of how to get to Sector Zero." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "You and I are the ultimate duo, ${name}! Together, we can lick this thing and get this ship ZOOMING straight to Sector Zero." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "If the name is a clue, then getting to Sector Zero must involve using some outside-the-box thinking. That's the only way to unlock this riddle." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "I'm sure that whatever this is, you'll figure out how to get us to Sector Zero, safe and sound." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I've heard whispers about something called a quantum drive. If it really exists, I bet that's what we'll need in order to get to Sector Zero." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Slipping through the folds of the galaxy won't be easy, honey bunny. For that, we'll need both a pure aura and highly advanced starship engine technology." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "I think it's so sexy that you're smart enough to figure out how to get us to Sector Zero." *set positive "I thoroughly agree" *set neutral "I guess we'll find out" *set topic_switch "This kind of talk is going nowhere" *return *label 8c *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "It's such a shame most people never go beyond the spaceport when they visit a planet. If you really want to understand a place, you've got to go see where the locals live." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "I know we're on a mission and everything, ${name}. But I feel like this trip is bringing us together." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Take it from me, people on the outer planets have a kind of stink to them. I think it's from the food they eat." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Perhaps I am not such a great explorer as you are, ${name}, but I believe that the greatest gift that travel gives you is a greater appreciation of where you come from." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Traveling sure is expensive. The Galactic Council should work on making it cheaper so that working people can enjoy it, too." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "We are all good people. We deserve a little luxury and relaxation in our lives, and to see interesting new places." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "There's nothing hotter than lounging by the pool, cocktail in hand, and someone cute by your side." *set positive "That's so true" *set neutral "If you say so" *set topic_switch "For goodness sake, let's talk about something else" *return *label 9c *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "So now that I've revealed to you the secrets of my inner mind, what about you? Have you also been dreaming about me, ${name}?" *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Yo, and then there were all these other things that happened - just CRAZY. But what about you, pal? You ever dream of anything nuts?" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I've been studying your face as we've been talking, and I just can't get a read on you. So tell me, have you also been dreaming about me as well?" *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Oh dear, I didn't mean to bore you with the details of my silly nighttime adventures in dreamland. Let's hear about one of your dreams! I'm sure they are MUCH more interesting." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Hey, you just keep staring at me with a funny look on your face. If you think my dreams are weird, let's hear about yours." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Wow, now that you've gotten a glimpse of what's inside my mind, it is your turn to share. What dreams have you enjoyed, lately?" *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "I could tell you more details, but then things might get a little too steamy in here. Let's hear about what you've been dreaming about, my sweet boo-boo." *set positive "I've had some strange dreams, too" *set neutral "I don't really remember my dreams" *set topic_switch "I can't tell you about that" *return *label 10c *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "How about you, ${name}? Do you think that you and I will ever try something out like that in real life?" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Wow, I'm getting hot just talking about this. What about you, ${name}? Is it having an effect on you as well?" *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Damn, that spicy talk is getting my motor revving. How about you, ${name}?" *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "My goodness, I'm getting so excited. But I don't want to feel alone. Tell me you feel it, too, ${name}!" *set positive "Let's take this somewhere more private" *set neutral "You're a very passionate person, ${rp_name}" *set topic_switch "I'm not ready to talk about this stuff" *return *label 11c *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set sponsor "Daisy's Gowns" *if dieroll = 2 *set sponsor "Kool Shots Ice Cream" *if dieroll = 3 *set sponsor "Dilworth Cola" *if dieroll = 4 *set sponsor "Cherry Bomb Juice" *if dieroll = 5 *set sponsor "Lil' Chocs" *if dieroll = 6 *set sponsor "the Drink-N-Shake" *if dieroll = 7 *set sponsor "Bricks of Fun" *if dieroll = 8 *set sponsor "Goddess and Goo" *if dieroll = 9 *set sponsor "Astro Burgers" *if dieroll = 10 *set sponsor "Dunny's Delly Stop" *if dieroll = 11 *set sponsor "Scents of Vegas" *if dieroll = 12 *set sponsor "One Cash Solution" *if dieroll = 13 *set sponsor "Red Pepper Debt Solutions" *if dieroll = 14 *set sponsor "We Buy Gold, Incorporated" *if dieroll = 15 *set sponsor "Jellybean Joes" *if dieroll = 16 *set sponsor "Cannellium Motors" *if dieroll = 17 *set sponsor "Algol Industries" *if dieroll = 18 *set sponsor "the Intergalactic Economic Forum" *if dieroll = 19 *set sponsor "Amalgamated Mining" *if dieroll = 20 *set sponsor "the Cookie Dough Ranch" *if dieroll = 21 *set sponsor "Wet Face Bakes" *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Then, years later, I got a job as an executive assistant at ${sponsor}." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Yo, I needed money, so then I got a job as a cleaner at ${sponsor}. The pay wasn't great, but they gave me steady hours." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "After I got kicked out of my house, I was so desperate that I got a job at ${sponsor} working as front-line assembler." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Let's see. After the founder died, I was transferred a couple of times, and then I moved to ${sponsor}, where I worked in the records office." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Actually, I had a bunch of jobs, including as a test driver for ${sponsor}. That job was pretty crazy." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Then, one of my heart connections pulled some strings to get me a job as an advisor for ${sponsor}." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Well, things got a little messy there, so I decided to start off fresh. I then got a job as a hand model for ${sponsor}." *set positive "I've simply got to hear more about this" *set neutral "You've sure had a lot of jobs" *set topic_switch "Let's talk about something more interesting" *return *label 1d *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "When I was younger, I used to watch those gossipy lasercasts about celebrities. That's how I recognized you!" *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "${name}, the truth is that I just watched a lasercast documentary about the Central Families last week. That's how I recognized you, buddy." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Most trading ship captains only care about money. That's how I knew you were just pretending to be one." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "My parents and I always paid homage to the Great Families. i recognized it from your family portrait that was published on the silver jubilee of the Galactic Council." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "In my free time, I watch a lot of news lasercasts. They've been talking about a missing Heir, and I just put two and two together to guess it was you." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I was born when Jupiter was rising in the seventh house. That is why I've always been drawn to people of royal blood." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "It's so hot that you're a secret royal, and I'm the beautiful and sexy commoner that you fell in love with!" *set positive "It seems that fate has brought us together" *set neutral "Perhaps it was just a coincidence" *set topic_switch "You're starting to make me feel uncomfortable" *return *label 2d *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Let's just stay away from Black Holes! I heard they can destroy even an Intergalactic Police cruiser." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I guess I can keep hanging out with you. After all, you're the most interesting person I've met, so far." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I'm glad I signed up to sail with you, ${name}. I have a feeling that you're actually someone special." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I personally believe that my soul has evolved three degrees just by being out here amongst the stars with you, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Out of all the lovers and suitors I've known in my young life, you are definitely the most intrepid, ${name}." *set positive "Thank you for saying that" *set neutral "You sure do keep things interesting, ${rp_name}" *set topic_switch "Let's not exaggerate" *return *label 3d *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Oh crap, one more thing. I forgot to ask if it's okay if I also use some of your ship's battery in order to bake a pie." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Oh pal, I almost forgot. Is it cool if I put a lot of salt on everything? I have a condition on my tongue where I can't really taste salt." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Wait, one more question. If you're lactose intolerant, tell me now. I can make the recipe either way, don't worry." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Gracious, I hope you're not allergic to chocolate, dear ${name}. Because I'm going to use a bit of your ship's battery to whip up my famous choco-choco cake." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I suck at cooking, so I'm just going to mix different kinds of protein powder together and then heat it up." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Sometimes, I get really dreamy in the kitchen. I'm just going to go experiment with what you've got on hand." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "I hope you don't mind if I change into something a little more revealing before I go get all messy in the kitchen." *set positive "That's fine, go ahead" *set neutral "Not really my thing, but whatever" *set topic_switch "Just go cook the food already" *return *label 4d *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "" *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "" *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "" *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "" *set positive "" *set neutral "" *set topic_switch "" *return *label 5d *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Brave conqueror, I pray that you conquer me and my defenses, joining my mountain to your valley, and your valley to my mountain." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Sparks can lead to fire, if you're not careful. And Captain ${name} wants to set me on fire. And I want to be consumed!" *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Two plus two equals four. ${name} plus ${rp_name} equals clothes on the floor." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Stars whirl and align as our yin and yang seamlessly melt into each other's spaces. Our union makes us cry out in ecstasy as we taste the stars." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Gorgeous hair, a fetching smile, I would travel with ${name} for many a mile. And then when we get to bed, we shall all be sweaty and red." *set positive "I absolutely love this poem" *set neutral "Interesting use of imagery" *set topic_switch "Enough poetry, let's talk about something else" *return *label 6d *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "I guess we'll have to go through the galaxy, sector by sector, until we find the Golden Key." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "It'll be like a treasure hunt! It'll probably take us a while, but I just know that we'll find that gosh darn Golden Key." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I bet you'll find the Golden Key and then travel to the fourth dimension without me. You wouldn't do that to me, would you, ${name}?" *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "I'll help you keep notes of the sectors we visit so that we can execute an efficient grid search for the Golden Key." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I guess I got nothing else to do but help you find this so-called Golden Key." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "When we open our third eye, it will help us see the path to the Golden Key." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "Wow, when all the news stations come calling after you find the Golden Key, be sure to mention me, darling." *set positive "You're the best, ${rp_name}" *set neutral "We'll see how it goes" *set topic_switch "Ugh, no more Golden Key talk" *return *label 7d *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Anyway, we'll have to do some more exploring before this particular mystery gets solved." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Tell you what, my friend. Let's agree to keep our eyes peeled for more clues about Sector Zero." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "We're gonna need more than blind luck if we want to solve the secret of Sector Zero." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Okay, I promise not to bother you about Sector Zero for a while." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "All right, enough chatting about Sector Zero. We have more important things to do right now." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Tell you what, ${name}. Tonight, I will engage in lucid dreaming to see what I can learn about Sector Zero, and then I'll tell you what I discover." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "I say you and I go park this ship somewhere and have a little private exploration, if you know what I mean." *set positive "That works for me" *set neutral "You're a very opinionated person" *set topic_switch "You're driving me nuts, ${rp_name}" *return *label 8d *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "I wonder if you and I will ever go visit somewhere nice and enjoy a little vacation for two." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "We should totally take time for a mini vacation and scope out the action on one of these resort planets, my friend." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "I'm sick of your mission. Let's just put it on pause and go on vacation, you and me. What do you say?" *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "If you're unsure what kind of gift I would love, it would be to enjoy a side excursion with you at the next planet we visit." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "I'm sick of being cooped up on this ship. Let's go somewhere nice." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "My horoscope says that you and I need to strengthen our spiritual union by going on vacation together." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "I've got some pretty sexy swimwear in my bag that I can wear for you. But only if you take me to a nice planet!" *set positive "That sounds great" *set neutral "I'll take that under advisement" *set topic_switch "Not gonna happen" *return *label 9d *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "Wait, don't tell me. I can see by your face that it's something really intense. Let's talk about something else, actually." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "Oh yeah? Well, I feel like I'm intruding a bit too much on your privacy, so let's just pick up this discussion later, all right?" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "No, no, it's fine. You're obviously not ready to trust me, yet. What a shame." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Mercy me! I just realized that I'm stepping on your privacy, dear. Never mind my foolish questions! We can discuss something else that's more suitable to your station." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Nah. You're not really into this, which is fine. We can talk about something else." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Oh no! Your aura just crashed, ${name}. I don't think we're quite evolved enough to have this discussion at the moment." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "You know what? We can chat about this later. Right now, it looks like you've got something else on your mind." *set positive "It's really not what you think" *set neutral "Fine" *set topic_switch "You're being weird" *return *label 10d *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "I'm about ready to take off my clothes right here on the bridge, ${name}." *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "What are we waiting for? Let's go to our room and enjoy some alone time, together." *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Put this ship on autopilot and meet me in the bunk in about ten minutes." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "I just read your horoscope, and it says that you need to join me in our room in about twenty minutes." *set positive "My answer is heck yes" *set neutral "Let me think about it" *set topic_switch "You're taking things too far, ${rp_name}" *return *label 11d *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set sponsor "Daisy's Gowns" *if dieroll = 2 *set sponsor "Kool Shots Ice Cream" *if dieroll = 3 *set sponsor "Dilworth Cola" *if dieroll = 4 *set sponsor "Cherry Bomb Juice" *if dieroll = 5 *set sponsor "Lil' Chocs" *if dieroll = 6 *set sponsor "the Drink-N-Shake" *if dieroll = 7 *set sponsor "Bricks of Fun" *if dieroll = 8 *set sponsor "Goddess and Goo" *if dieroll = 9 *set sponsor "Astro Burgers" *if dieroll = 10 *set sponsor "Dunny's Delly Stop" *if dieroll = 11 *set sponsor "Scents of Vegas" *if dieroll = 12 *set sponsor "One Cash Solution" *if dieroll = 13 *set sponsor "Red Pepper Debt Solutions" *if dieroll = 14 *set sponsor "We Buy Gold, Incorporated" *if dieroll = 15 *set sponsor "Jellybean Joes" *if dieroll = 16 *set sponsor "Cannellium Motors" *if dieroll = 17 *set sponsor "Algol Industries" *if dieroll = 18 *set sponsor "the Intergalactic Economic Forum" *if dieroll = 19 *set sponsor "Amalgamated Mining" *if dieroll = 20 *set sponsor "the Cookie Dough Ranch" *if dieroll = 21 *set sponsor "Wet Face Bakes" *if rp_personality = 1 *set rp_comment "One of the last jobs I had before you and I met was as a telemarketing salesperson for ${sponsor}." *if rp_personality = 2 *set rp_comment "I don't remember what happened next, but then, yo, my buddy hired me on as a security guard at ${sponsor}. I got paid to sit around all night and do basically nothing!" *if rp_personality = 3 *set rp_comment "Some people lied about me to the manager, so I lost my job there. But then I became a customer profiler for ${sponsor} because my uncle got me the job." *if rp_personality = 4 *set rp_comment "Oh dear, and then later, I was approached by a very nice young lady who wanted me to come manage the finances of ${sponsor}. So, of course, I said yes!" *if rp_personality = 5 *set rp_comment "Sometimes, I even had to work two jobs at the same time. Like when I was a freelance graphic artist during the day and a forklift operator for ${sponsor} at night." *if rp_personality = 6 *set rp_comment "Working isn't really... all that cool. But I did enjoy my time as an intern working for ${sponsor}." *if rp_personality = 7 *set rp_comment "And then, one day when I was walking down the street, I was approached by a recruiter for ${sponsor}. They wanted me to come be their new social media manager" *set positive "I love that story, ${rp_name}" *set neutral "This almost sounds like a tall tale" *set topic_switch "Your past makes me uncomfortable" *return *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set news "" *if dieroll = 2 *set news "" *if dieroll = 3 *set news "" *if dieroll = 4 *set news "" *if dieroll = 5 *set news "" *if dieroll = 6 *set news "" *if dieroll = 7 *set news "" *if dieroll = 8 *set news "" *if dieroll = 9 *set news "" *if dieroll = 10 *set news "" *if dieroll = 11 *set news "" *if dieroll = 12 *set news "" *if dieroll = 13 *set news "" *if dieroll = 14 *set news "" *if dieroll = 15 *set news "" *if dieroll = 16 *set news "" *if dieroll = 17 *set news "" *if dieroll = 18 *set news "" *if dieroll = 19 *set news "" *if dieroll = 20 *set news "" *if dieroll = 21 *set news "" *return *label asteroid *rand dieroll 1 3 *if dieroll != 1 *return *set rp_comment "That asteroid kinda looks like a potato." *return *label starbase *rand dieroll 1 5 *if dieroll != 1 *return *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set rp_comment "Let's dock at the starbase, ${name}. I'd really love to do some shopping." *if dieroll = 2 *set rp_comment "I've been to this starbase before. It's got some great shops, ${name}." *if dieroll = 3 *set rp_comment "Starbases are the best place to buy fuel for your warp drive engine, you know, ${name}." *if dieroll = 4 *set rp_comment "I'm pretty sure that starbases are the only place where you can buy torpedoes." *if dieroll = 5 *set rp_comment "Starbases are the only civilized places in the entire galaxy." *if dieroll = 6 *set rp_comment "Starbases are probably the cheapest place to recharge your ship's batteries, ${name}." *if dieroll = 7 *set rp_comment "When I was little, my uncle used to take me to a starbase on my birthday." *if dieroll = 8 *set rp_comment "I always feel so safe when I see a starbase." *if dieroll = 9 *set rp_comment "Did you ever stop to think about how amazing it is that humans built something as magnificent as a starbase?" *if dieroll = 10 *set rp_comment "Hold on one second while I take a picture. I've always thought starbases looked so magnificent." *if dieroll = 11 *set rp_comment "Wow, humanity has come a long way, hasn't it, ${name}? Just look at that starbase. It's a marvel." *if dieroll = 12 *set rp_comment "Let's dock at that starbase and go have some fun!" *if dieroll = 13 *set rp_comment "When I was a little kid, I got lost in a starbase once. I was really scared. But then a really nice security guard found me." *if dieroll = 14 *set rp_comment "Sometimes, I think starbases are the most beautiful thing that humanity has ever created." *if dieroll = 15 *set rp_comment "I don't know why, but I always get chills when I see a starbase pop up on the forward view screen." *if dieroll = 16 *set rp_comment "Some people go to starbases to pick up passengers." *if dieroll = 17 *set rp_comment "If you ever want to upgrade this ship, ${name}, the place to go is that starbase right there." *if dieroll = 18 *set rp_comment "I love the name of that starbase. It sounds so... majestic." *if dieroll = 19 *set rp_comment "Hey, let's dock at that starbase." *if dieroll = 20 *set rp_comment "Oh cool! A starbase!" *if dieroll = 21 *set rp_comment "If I was rich, I'd buy an apartment on a starbase just like this one." ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" *return *label interrupter *temp interrupt "" *temp interrupt_response "" *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set interrupt "Hey, that reminds me of something." *if dieroll = 2 *set interrupt "Listen, there's something else that I want to talk about." *if dieroll = 3 *set interrupt "I don't want to bore you or anything, but..." *if dieroll = 4 *set interrupt "Oh! I just remembered something that I wanted to say to you." *if dieroll = 5 *set interrupt "I feel like this topic is making you uncomfortable, so let's talk about something else." *if dieroll = 6 *set interrupt "You know what, ${name}?" *if dieroll = 7 *set interrupt "Change of topic!" *if dieroll = 8 *set interrupt "It's funny you should say that, ${name}." *if dieroll = 9 *set interrupt "In other news, I have something that I want to say." *if dieroll = 10 *set interrupt "I just remembered something!" *if dieroll = 11 *set interrupt "Since we're being honest, there's something else that I wanted to talk to you about." *if dieroll = 12 *set interrupt "Hmm..." *if dieroll = 13 *set interrupt "Perhaps we should discuss something else." *if dieroll = 14 *set interrupt "I have a feeling that this topic is too much for you." *if dieroll = 15 *set interrupt "Wow, you're a very passionate person, ${name}." *if dieroll = 16 *set interrupt "I was going to say something else to that, but... never mind." *if dieroll = 17 *set interrupt "Hey, guess what?" *if dieroll = 18 *set interrupt "Hey, a thought just popped into my mind." *if dieroll = 19 *set interrupt "Are you even listening to me? Because if you're not listening, there's no point in us talking." *if dieroll = 20 *set interrupt "Tell you what, let's change topics, shall we?" *if dieroll = 21 *set interrupt "Fiddlesticks! I was about to tell you something, and then it completely slipped off of the end of my tongue." *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set interrupt_response "Okay" *if dieroll = 2 *set interrupt_response "I'm listening" *if dieroll = 3 *set interrupt_response "Go ahead" *if dieroll = 4 *set interrupt_response "All right" *if dieroll = 5 *set interrupt_response "Tell me what's on your mind" *if dieroll = 6 *set interrupt_response "Just get right to the point, ${rp_name}" *if dieroll = 7 *set interrupt_response "Sure" *if dieroll = 8 *set interrupt_response "Fine" *if dieroll = 9 *set interrupt_response "Whatever" *if dieroll = 10 *set interrupt_response "You obviously have something on your mind" *if dieroll = 11 *set interrupt_response "You're the boss, I guess" *if dieroll = 12 *set interrupt_response "Keep talking" *if dieroll = 13 *set interrupt_response "My ears are open" *if dieroll = 14 *set interrupt_response "Seems like you've got something you want to say" *if dieroll = 15 *set interrupt_response "You've got a real way with words, ${rp_name}" *if dieroll = 16 *set interrupt_response "Hmm" *if dieroll = 17 *set interrupt_response "Don't let me stop you" *if dieroll = 18 *set interrupt_response "As you like it, ${rp_name}" *if dieroll = 19 *set interrupt_response "I'm not quite sure what that's supposed to mean" *if dieroll = 20 *set interrupt_response "You sure seem to have a lot of opinions" *if dieroll = 21 *set interrupt_response "If you want to talk, I'm here to listen" *return *label planet *rand dieroll 1 3 *if dieroll != 1 *return *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set rp_comment "My uncle was born on ${planet_name}, you know." *if dieroll = 2 *set rp_comment "My cousin was born on ${planet_name}, you know." *if dieroll = 3 *set rp_comment "This planet seems pretty cool, ${name}." *if dieroll = 4 *set rp_comment "Let's land on this planet and have some fun, ${name}." *if dieroll = 5 *set rp_comment "There's good money to be made on ${planet_name}." *if dieroll = 6 *set rp_comment "I'm sick of wandering through space. Let's land on the planet." *if dieroll = 7 *set rp_comment "Wow, that's a really ugly planet." *if dieroll = 8 *set rp_comment "I heard that ${planet_name} is pretty boring." *if dieroll = 9 *set rp_comment "I can't believe you took me to ${planet_name}, ${name}," *if dieroll = 10 *set rp_comment "Thank you so much for taking me to ${planet_name}, ${name}!" *if dieroll = 11 *set rp_comment "The market on ${planet_name} sucks. At least that's what I've heard." *if dieroll = 12 *set rp_comment "I've met people from ${planet_name} before. They're weird." *if dieroll = 13 *set rp_comment "I used to know a trader down there on ${planet_name}. But it was a long time ago." *if dieroll = 14 *set rp_comment "There's a legend that says the people of ${planet_name} secretly believe that they're descended from aliens." *if dieroll = 15 *set rp_comment "If you're looking for religious whackos, ${planet_name} is the place to be!" *if dieroll = 16 *set rp_comment "${planet_name} is pretty remote. Do they even get lasercasts, here?" *if dieroll = 17 *set rp_comment "It sounds wrong to say this, but the continents on ${planet_name} are kinda ugly." *if dieroll = 18 *set rp_comment "I saw a lasercast about this planet. They made it seem like ${planet_name} is pretty cool." *if dieroll = 19 *set rp_comment "Watch out, ${name}. The people of planet_name are known as thieves." *if dieroll = 20 *set rp_comment "Hey, let's land here!" *if dieroll = 21 *set rp_comment "No offense, but I need to breathe some fresh air. Let's land the ship, ${name}." ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" *return *label empty_sector *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set rp_comment "You know, I'm not sure if I like the looks of this place." *if dieroll = 2 *set rp_comment "What are we even doing here?" *if dieroll = 3 *set rp_comment "Looks like a good place for you and me to get some alone time." *if dieroll = 4 *set rp_comment "I love it when you take me to the middle of nowhere, ${name}." *if dieroll = 5 *set rp_comment "If you're lost, ${name}, just say so." *if dieroll = 6 *set rp_comment "Wow, we are really far from home." *if dieroll = 7 *set rp_comment "I love the ways the stars twinkle in this sector." *if dieroll = 8 *set rp_comment "This sector gives me the shudders." *if dieroll = 9 *set rp_comment "Keep moving, ${name}!" *if dieroll = 10 *set rp_comment "You know, this is a pretty isolated place in the galaxy, ${name}." *if dieroll = 11 *set rp_comment "I have to ask myself, did you bring me here on purpose? Or are you just lost?" *if dieroll = 12 *set rp_comment "This sector sucks." *if dieroll = 13 *set rp_comment "Hey, let's go back to ${planet_name}." *if dieroll = 14 *set rp_comment "Take me somewhere where we can dance, ${name}." *if dieroll = 15 *set rp_comment "Looking at this place makes me want to take a nap." *if dieroll = 16 *set rp_comment "I trust that there's a good reason why we're here." *if dieroll = 17 *set rp_comment "I'm getting a really strange feeling from this sector." *if dieroll = 18 *set rp_comment "What a waste! Someone should build a starbase here." *if dieroll = 19 *set rp_comment "Too bad there's not an unclaimed asteroid in this sector, eh?" *if dieroll = 20 *set rp_comment "In an empty place like this, no one is watching what we do." *if dieroll = 21 *set rp_comment "Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to go nowhere." ${rp_emoji} "${rp_comment}" *return *label topic_chooser *rand dieroll 1 11 *if dieroll = topic *goto topic_chooser *if (rp_personality = 2) and (dieroll = 4) *goto topic_chooser *if (rp_personality = 4) and (dieroll = 4) *goto topic_chooser *if (rp_personality = 1) and (dieroll = 2) *goto topic_chooser *if (rp_personality = 4) and (dieroll = 2) *goto topic_chooser *if (rp_personality = 2) and (dieroll = 10) *goto topic_chooser *if (rp_personality = 2) and (dieroll = 5) *goto topic_chooser *if (rp_personality = 4) and (dieroll = 5) *goto topic_chooser *if (rp_personality = 4) and (dieroll = 10) *goto topic_chooser *if (rp_personality = 7) and (dieroll = 10) *goto topic_chooser *if (rp_personality = 7) and (dieroll = 4) *goto topic_chooser *set topic dieroll *return