🔮 [b]Inside a tent on ${planet_name}[/b] *if rp ${rp_emoji} "I don't believe in this superstitious nonsense, so you enjoy this on your own, ${name}." "Thanks, I will," you reply. ${rp_emoji} "Bye!" *if sound *sound egypt.wav Cautiously, you step inside the tent. The space inside is dimly lit with a few guttering candles, and you can just make out a small round table where a large glass ball rests on an intricate metal tripod. A robed figure sitting at the table speaks out to you as you enter. *gosub wizard_emoji *if story_mode = true *goto sector_zero ${wizard_emoji} [i]"Sit down, weary wanderer. I am ${wizard_name}. For a small fee, I can part the veils of time and look into your future."[/i] [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain? *fake_choice #đŸĒ‘ Sit down at the table #↩ī¸ Exit the tent *goto_scene spaceport leave_market 🔮 [b]Inside a tent on ${planet_name}[/b] With your senses heightened, you take a seat at the table opposite ${wizard_name}. ${wizard_emoji} [i]"Just looking at your aura, Captain, I can see that you are a noble and intrepid soul who has traveled far in this great galaxy of ours. By what name are you called?"[/i] "${name}," you say. ${wizard_emoji} [i]"${name} is a powerful name. What does your future hold, brave Captain? Ah, that is the mystery. Although the gods have given me great powers, to peer through the mists of time is not easy, which is why I require ${fortune_fee} credits to proceed."[/i] [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain? *fake_choice *selectable_if (credits >= fortune_fee) #✅ Pay ${wizard_name} ${fortune_fee} credits to reveal your future *set credits - fortune_fee #↩ī¸ Exit the tent *set tent_available false *goto_scene spaceport leave_market *label fortune_told 🔮 [b]Inside a tent on ${planet_name}[/b] *gosub guesser As soon as you swipe transfer over the credits, ${wizard_name} closes their eyes and begins to sing a strange and unsettling tune. Just then, ${wizard_name}'s eyes fly open. ${wizard_emoji} [i]"Great spirits of the galaxy! It is I, your humble servant, ${wizard_name}. Grant me the power to see a glimpse the destiny of ${name}, who is here with me before you today."[/i] *page_break 🔮 🔮 [b]Inside a tent on ${planet_name}[/b] To your surprise, a small purple light begins flickering inside the glass ball on the table. ${wizard_emoji} [i]"Yes? What is that, o, great spirits? Ah, very interesting. Yes, I see you now, Captain ${name}. You are... where is it? Ah, yes. I see you visiting the market on the planet ${planfun} in... ah, I see it is in quadrant ${pq}. I see you buying... no, wait, is it selling? I see you with a large cargo of ${planres}."[/i] [b]:::[/b] What is your response, Captain? *fake_choice #đŸ—Ŗī¸ "Which is it, buying or selling?" #đŸ—Ŗī¸ "Can you tell me about prices?" #đŸ—Ŗī¸ "What else can you tell me?" 🔮 [b]Inside a tent on ${planet_name}[/b] *set fortune_fee (fortune_fee * 3) *if story_mode = false *set fortune_fee (fortune_fee * 2) *if sound *sound fortuneteller3.wav Just then, ${wizard_name} slumps to the table, and the purple light inside the glass ball winks out. Sitting there, alone in the tent with just the candles to keep you company, you start to feel a little anxious. But then ${wizard_name} utters a loud groan. ${wizard_emoji} [i]"Alas, my powers are spent! The only way that I can gather enough energy to get another glimpse into your future, Captain, is if you pay me ${fortune_fee} credits."[/i] [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain? *fake_choice *selectable_if (credits >= fortune_fee) #✅ Pay ${wizard_name} ${fortune_fee} credits to reveal another glimpse of your future *set credits - dieroll *goto fortune_told #↩ī¸ Exit the tent *set tent_available false *goto_scene spaceport leave_market *label guesser *temp pq 0 *temp planfun "" *temp planres "" *rand dieroll 1 11 *if dieroll = 1 *set planres resource1 *if dieroll = 2 *set planres resource2 *if dieroll = 3 *set planres resource3 *if dieroll = 4 *set planres resource4 *if dieroll = 5 *set planres resource5 *if dieroll = 6 *set planres resource6 *if dieroll = 7 *set planres resource7 *if dieroll = 8 *set planres resource8 *if dieroll = 9 *set planres resource9 *if dieroll = 10 *set planres resource10 *if dieroll = 11 *set planres resource11 *rand dieroll 1 150 *set planfun "planet${dieroll}_name" *set planfun {planfun} *set pq "planet${dieroll}_quadrant" *set pq {pq} *if planfun = planet_name *goto guesser *return *label sector_zero ${wizard_emoji} [i]"Sit down, weary wanderer. I am ${wizard_name}. For a small fee, I can reveal the secrets of the galaxy to you."[/i] [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain? *fake_choice #đŸĒ‘ Sit down at the table #↩ī¸ Exit the tent *goto_scene spaceport leave_market 🔮 [b]Inside a tent on ${planet_name}[/b] ${wizard_emoji} [i]"Just looking at your brow, Captain, I can see that you are a noble and intrepid soul who has traveled far. By what name are you called?"[/i] "${name}," you say. ${wizard_emoji} [i]"${name} is an unforgettable name. Captain, what secrets does our galaxy hold? Ah, that is the mystery! Although the great spirit has given me special powers, peering through the veil of the cosmos is not easy, which is why I require ${fortune_fee} credits to continue."[/i] [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain? *fake_choice *selectable_if (credits >= fortune_fee) #✅ Pay ${wizard_name} ${fortune_fee} credits to learn secrets about the galaxy *set credits - fortune_fee #↩ī¸ Exit the tent *set tent_available false *goto_scene spaceport leave_market 🔮 [b]Inside a tent on ${planet_name}[/b] *if sound *sound cardswipe.wav As soon as you swipe transfer over the credits, ${wizard_name} closes their eyes and begins to sing a strange and unsettling melody. Just then, ${wizard_name}'s eyes fly open. ${wizard_emoji} [i]"Great mother spirit of the galaxy! It is I, your obedient servant, ${wizard_name}. I beg you to give me the power to reveal one of your majestic secrets to ${name}, who is here with me before you today."[/i] *if sound *page_break 🔮 🔮 [b]Inside a tent on ${planet_name}[/b] To your consternation, a small purple light begins flashing inside the glass ball on the table. *gosub guesser2 ${wizard_emoji} [i]"Yes? What is that, o, great spirit of the galaxy? Ah, yes. Captain ${name}, I see you in a strange place. You are... where? Dare I say it? I see you entering Sector Zero! Yet how? Wait, that... what is it? ${qwd}? But that's ${impossible}, Great Spirit."[/i] [b]:::[/b] What is your response, Captain? *fake_choice #đŸ—Ŗī¸ "Where can I get that?" #đŸ—Ŗī¸ "I think you're making this up as you go along, ${wizard_name}." #đŸ—Ŗī¸ "Tell me more about Sector Zero." 🔮 [b]Inside a tent on ${planet_name}[/b] *set fortune_fee (fortune_fee * 3) *if sound *sound fortuneteller3.wav Just then, ${wizard_name} collapses, and the purple light inside the glass ball winks out. Sitting there, alone in the tent with just the flickering candles to keep you company, you start to feel a little worried. But then ${wizard_name} utters a long moan. ${wizard_emoji} [i]"Oh, woe is me! My powers are now drained. My psychic battery is depleted! The only way that I can recharge is if you pay me ${fortune_fee} credits."[/i] [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain? *fake_choice *selectable_if (credits >= fortune_fee) #✅ Pay ${wizard_name} ${fortune_fee} credits to reveal more secrets *set credits - dieroll *goto fortune_told #↩ī¸ Exit the tent *set tent_available false *goto_scene spaceport leave_market *label wizard_emoji *temp wizard_emoji "" *rand dieroll 1 2 *if dieroll = 1 *set wizard_emoji "🧙‍♂ī¸" *if dieroll = 2 *set wizard_emoji "🧙‍♀ī¸" *temp wizard_name "" *rand dieroll 1 21 *if dieroll = 1 *set wizard_name "Merripen" *if dieroll = 2 *set wizard_name "Casamir" *if dieroll = 3 *set wizard_name "Abia" *if dieroll = 4 *set wizard_name "Tobar" *if dieroll = 5 *set wizard_name "Tas" *if dieroll = 6 *set wizard_name "Zindelo" *if dieroll = 7 *set wizard_name "Stevo" *if dieroll = 8 *set wizard_name "Treju" *if dieroll = 9 *set wizard_name "Alafair" *if dieroll = 10 *set wizard_name "Dorenia" *if dieroll = 11 *set wizard_name "Jidovaika" *if dieroll = 12 *set wizard_name "Donka" *if dieroll = 13 *set wizard_name "Patia" *if dieroll = 14 *set wizard_name "Shandor" *if dieroll = 15 *set wizard_name "Nicu" *if dieroll = 16 *set wizard_name "Rye the Overseer" *if dieroll = 17 *set wizard_name "Dordji" *if dieroll = 18 *set wizard_name "Ferka" *if dieroll = 19 *set wizard_name "Petsha" *if dieroll = 20 *set wizard_name "Mircea" *if dieroll = 21 *set wizard_name "Majaris" *return *label guesser2 *temp qwd "A quantum warp drive" *temp impossible "" *rand dieroll 1 11 *if dieroll = 1 *set qwd "A quantum warp drive" *if dieroll = 2 *set qwd "A passionate partner" *if dieroll = 3 *set qwd "A sack of gold coins" *if dieroll = 4 *set qwd "A network of asteroid trading stations" *if dieroll = 5 *set qwd "A map of all the planets in the Galaxy" *if dieroll = 6 *set qwd "A warp drive that can go faster than ten times the speed of light" *if dieroll = 7 *set qwd "A non-Einsteinian warp drive" *if dieroll = 8 *set qwd "A book written in eleven different dialects" *if dieroll = 9 *set qwd "The wisdom of three different religions" *if dieroll = 10 *set qwd "The Golden Key of Vultar" *if dieroll = 11 *set qwd "A crystalline jade cube 🈂ī¸" *rand dieroll 1 11 *if dieroll = 1 *set impossible "impossible" *if dieroll = 2 *set impossible "utterly preposterous" *if dieroll = 3 *set impossible "just silly talk for children and frightened old women, all that Sector Zero stuff" *if dieroll = 4 *set impossible "something that'll probably never happen" *if dieroll = 5 *set impossible "physically impossible" *if dieroll = 6 *set impossible "going against the laws of Nature" *if dieroll = 7 *set impossible "the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard of" *if dieroll = 8 *set impossible "straight out of the script for a lasercast, for goodness sake" *if dieroll = 9 *set impossible "laughably cliched even for a cheap sci-fi lasercast" *if dieroll = 10 *set impossible "the plot from one of those silly soap operas" *if dieroll = 11 *set impossible "something only a true hero could ever accomplish" *return