🧗 [b]Asteroid Colony Employment Office[/b] *if sound *sound door.wav You push open the door and find yourself in a small waiting room. Looking around, you see several scuffed chairs and a low table piled with tattered magazines. Written on the wall, you see a poster of a person flexing their biceps and the words "Make a fresh start for your family today! Sign up to become an Asteroid Colonist and get a head start on tomorrow's riches!" On the far side of the room is a glass window, behind which you see a well-nourished individual wearing a blue smock. ::: What do you want to do, Captain? *fake_choice #đŸ—Ŗī¸ Speak to the person behind the window #↩ī¸ Go back to the spaceport *goto_scene spaceport leave_market 🧗 [b]Asteroid Colony Employment Office[/b] "${greetings}, I'm here to see about hiring a colonist," you tell the individual behind the window. 🙎 [i]"Quadrant?"[/i] "I'm sorry, what?" you say. 🙎 [i]"Are you deaf? What quadrant?"[/i] "Oh, you mean what quadrant is the asteroid colony for which I want to hire the colonists?" you say. 🙎 [i]"Obviously."[/i] *label mustard *temp truth_teller 0 [b]:::[/b] In which quadrant is the asteroid colony? *input_number truth_teller 1 111 *temp pass false *if truth_teller = asteroid1_quadrant *set pass true *if truth_teller = asteroid2_quadrant *set pass true *if truth_teller = asteroid3_quadrant *set pass true *if pass = false *goto expel 🧗 [b]Asteroid Colony Employment Office[/b] *if sound *sound bing.wav The person types on their computer for a lengthy period before finally looking up at you. 🙎 [i]"Okay, I found that asteroid in the registry. How many colonists do you want to hire?"[/i] "What salaries are they asking?" you say. 🙎 [i]"We've got a special, today. You can hire as many colonists as you like for just one hundred credits apiece in signing bonuses. After that, they'll work for just three credits a week."[/i] 🛏ī¸ Berths available on the ${ship_name}: ${berths_available} [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain? *fake_choice *selectable_if (berths_available > 0) #🧑‍🏭 Hire some colonists #↩ī¸ Go back to the spaceport 🧗 [b]Asteroid Colony Employment Office[/b] "Sorry, but those hiring bonuses are way too high," you say. 🙎 [i]"Come back when you're ready for the responsibilities of running an asteroid colony."[/i] *page_break 🙋‍♂ī¸ *goto_scene spaceport leave_market *label hire 🧗 [b]Asteroid Colony Employment Office[/b] 🛏ī¸ Berths available on the ${ship_name}: ${berths_available} 🙎 [i]"How many colonists do you want to hire?[/i] *temp hire_number 0 *input_number hire_number 0 berths_available *if hire_number = 0 *comment ERROR NEEDS FIXING *temp hiring_bonus 0 *set hiring_bonus (hire_number * 100) *if hiring_bonus > credits 🧗 [b]Asteroid Colony Employment Office[/b] *if sound *sound warningbleep.wav You attempt to swipe over the ${hiring_bonus} credits, but you realize, to your dismay, that you do not have enough cash. 🙎 [i]"Come back when you're ready for the responsibilities of running an asteroid colony."[/i] *page_break 🙋‍♂ī¸ *goto_scene spaceport leave_market *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_hr = false *achieve hr *set credits - hiring_bonus *set berths_available - hire_number *set colonists_carrying + hire_number 🧗 [b]Asteroid Colony Employment Office[/b] *if sound *sound cardswipe.wav You swipe over the ${hiring_bonus} credits. 🙎 [i]"Okay, your money cleared. What's the name of your ship?"[/i] "It's the ${ship_name}. It's parked right here at the spaceport," you say. *if hire_number = 1 🙎 [i]"I've instructed the colonist to meet you at the dock. Have a nice day."[/i] *if hire_number > 1 🙎 [i]"I've instructed the colonists to meet you at the dock. Have a nice day."[/i] [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain? *fake_choice *selectable_if (berths_available > 0) #🧑‍🏭 Hire some more colonists *goto hire #↩ī¸ Go back to the spaceport *goto_scene spaceport leave_market *label expel 🧗 [b]Asteroid Colony Employment Office[/b] *if sound *sound warningbleep.wav The person types on their computer for a lengthy period before finally looking up at you. 🙎 [i]"I cannot find any asteroid at that quadrant in the registry."[/i] [b]:::[/b] What do you want to do, Captain? *fake_choice #💁‍♂ī¸ Apologize for mixing up your quadrants 🧗 [b]Asteroid Colony Employment Office[/b] "Oh my gosh, I am terribly sorry. I know where the asteroids are, I just got them mixed up a bit," you say. 🙎 [i]"Whatever."[/i] *goto mustard #↩ī¸ Go back to the spaceport *goto_scene spaceport leave_market *input_number