(dp0 S'buildDestination' p1 VC:\u005cUsers\u005cDuncan\u005cDocuments\u005cDuncan- Writings\u005c2014\u005cGames\u005cTwine\u005cscarecrow\u005cscarecrow2.html p2 sS'saveDestination' p3 S'C:\\Users\\Duncan\\Documents\\Duncan- Writings\\2014\\Games\\Twine\\scarecrow\\scarecrow2.tws' p4 sS'metadata' p5 (dp6 sS'target' p7 S'jonah' p8 sS'storyPanel' p9 (dp10 S'widgets' p11 (lp12 (dp13 S'selected' p14 I00 sS'pos' p15 (lp16 F309.2474414373431 aF29.044828544714832 asS'passage' p17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p18 (dp20 S'text' p21 V \u000a> [[Start HALLOWEEN SCARECROW II: INTERVIEW WITH THE SCARECROW.|Trick or Treating Is Over]] p22 sS'title' p23 VStart p24 sS'modified' p25 ctime struct_time p26 ((I2014 I11 I1 I22 I31 I1 I5 I305 I1 tp27 (dp28 tp29 Rp30 sS'tags' p31 (lp32 sS'created' p33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I0 I32 I58 I4 I248 I1 tp34 (dp35 tp36 Rp37 sbsa(dp38 g14 I00 sg15 (lp39 F10.0 aF140.19212755277482 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p40 (dp41 g21 VHalloween Scarecrow II: Interview with a Scarecrow p42 sg23 VStoryTitle p43 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I21 I8 I49 I4 I248 I1 tp44 (dp45 tp46 Rp47 sg31 (lp48 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I0 I32 I58 I4 I248 I1 tp49 (dp50 tp51 Rp52 sbsa(dp53 g14 I00 sg15 (lp54 F10.0 aF263.8456734740662 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p55 (dp56 g21 VDuncan Bowsman p57 sg23 VStoryAuthor p58 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I21 I8 I29 I4 I248 I1 tp59 (dp60 tp61 Rp62 sg31 (lp63 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I0 I32 I58 I4 I248 I1 tp64 (dp65 tp66 Rp67 sbsa(dp68 g14 I00 sg15 (lp69 F974.5210056460043 aF1351.746263131838 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p70 (dp71 g21 V<>\u201cFear is a web older than humankind, woven of innumerable shapes, a parasite of void conjoined to all dreaming life. Every life is lived alone in the nightmares of others <>[[irreversibly]]<><>irreversibly<>, <>[[interminably]]<><>interminably<>, <>[[unwittingly]]<><>unwittingly<>, and <>[[unwillingly]]<><>unwillingly<>. This is why you experience living as a nightmare.\u201d \u000a<> \u000aA dormant ember bursts into flame behind the scarecrow's eyes, glowing <>...<> \u000a<> \u000a> <>[[Don't think about it.|Unbidden idols]]<><><><> p72 sg23 VFear is older... p73 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I4 I0 I23 I13 I1 I308 I0 tp74 (dp75 tp76 Rp77 sg31 (lp78 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I0 I44 I14 I4 I248 I1 tp79 (dp80 tp81 Rp82 sbsa(dp83 g14 I00 sg15 (lp84 F974.8409466767278 aF1197.0841334359789 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p85 (dp86 g21 V<><><>(For none may escape the web of dreams woven from the heads of others and all the dead before them.) <> \u000a \u000a> [[So it is.|Fear is older...]] p87 sg23 Virreversibly p88 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I11 I5 I9 I3 I303 I1 tp89 (dp90 tp91 Rp92 sg31 (lp93 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I21 I6 I14 I4 I248 I1 tp94 (dp95 tp96 Rp97 sbsa(dp98 g14 I00 sg15 (lp99 F1148.826439287098 aF1352.47191639931 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p100 (dp101 g21 V<><><>(For one life will end, as all lives go on to their ends. Only their nightmares survive them. In this way the fear of all life is neverending.)<> \u000a \u000a> [[So it is.|Fear is older...]] p102 sg23 Vinterminably p103 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I11 I4 I56 I3 I303 I1 tp104 (dp105 tp106 Rp107 sg31 (lp108 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I21 I6 I39 I4 I248 I1 tp109 (dp110 tp111 Rp112 sbsa(dp113 g14 I00 sg15 (lp114 F800.3735806156014 aF1354.0586332755497 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p115 (dp116 g21 V<><><>(For one may never truly know the nightmares of another, just as one may never wholly remember or predict one's own nightmares.) <> \u000a \u000a> [[So it is.|Fear is older...]] p117 sg23 Vunwittingly p118 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I11 I8 I6 I3 I303 I1 tp119 (dp120 tp121 Rp122 sg31 (lp123 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I21 I6 I58 I4 I248 I1 tp124 (dp125 tp126 Rp127 sbsa(dp128 g14 I00 sg15 (lp129 F966.9406539223224 aF1522.788139344625 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p130 (dp131 g21 V<><><>(For you cannot stop the nightmares of others you do not know, the imaginings about you that you are infested with, or the unreal they imagine into the world, and you shall always be stuffed with stories by others without your permission, as I have been stuffed with reeking, moldy hay.) <> \u000a \u000a> [[So it is.|Fear is older...]] p132 sg23 Vunwillingly p133 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I18 I15 I59 I3 I303 I1 tp134 (dp135 tp136 Rp137 sg31 (lp138 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I21 I7 I0 I4 I248 I1 tp139 (dp140 tp141 Rp142 sbsa(dp143 g14 I00 sg15 (lp144 F1369.8091781254338 aF1519.8455097017677 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p145 (dp146 g21 V<><>\u201cA story itself is no terror. It is only made of words, and no word is intrinsically frightful, that it may not be read or heard without horror. Unless you really think words like... <>... are so terrifying on their own...?\u201d \u000a \u000a> [[Say you're not scared of stories.|Choice of Fears]] \u000a> <>Disagree.<>You try, but no words come out.<>No words will ever come.<>You have stood agape, speechless in horror, for several seconds now.<>[[No, not the story. Not the words.|Choice of Fears]]<> p147 sg23 Va story itself is... p148 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I20 I55 I30 I6 I299 I1 tp149 (dp150 tp151 Rp152 sg31 (lp153 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I21 I22 I39 I4 I248 I1 tp154 (dp155 tp156 Rp157 sbsa(dp158 g14 I00 sg15 (lp159 F1315.180609697225 aF418.2840453752014 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p160 (dp161 g21 V"Alright," says <>. "What story do you want to hear?" \u000a \u000a> <>[["A story about a cat."|The Damned Cat]]<><>"Something about a cat."<>You already heard that whole story about <> and <>.<><> \u000a> <>[["Something about bugs."|Bug Testers Needed]]<><>"Bug Testers Wanted."<>You've had enough of bugs for one night!<><><>"Bug Testers Wanted."<>You've already heard the bug story.<><> \u000a> [["The Scream of the Halloween Scarecrow!"|The Scream of the Halloween Scarecrow]] \u000a> <>"Slobberheart."<>"No way! That's that super scary story about the monster that lives in the toilet..."<>"Nuh uh, you don't wanna hear that one! It gives you really bad nightmares..."<>"No way! It's just way too scary. Last time <> told that one, you woke up screaming."<>"No way! It's just way too scary. Last time <> told that one, you wet the bed."<>"Not in a gazillion years!"<> p162 sg23 VScary Stories p163 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I17 I40 I7 I3 I303 I1 tp164 (dp165 tp166 Rp167 sg31 (lp168 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I21 I48 I43 I4 I248 I1 tp169 (dp170 tp171 Rp172 sbsa(dp173 g14 I00 sg15 (lp174 F11.162243240359524 aF391.4015390756851 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p175 (dp176 g21 V/* Your story will use the CSS in this passage to style the page.\u000aGive this passage more tags, and it will only affect passages with those tags.\u000aExample selectors: */\u000a@font-face { \u000a font-family: 'Century'; \u000a}\u000abody {\u000a font-family: "Century"; \u000a font-color: #EEEEEE; \u000a background-color: #000000;\u000a}\u000a.passage {\u000a /* This only affects passages */\u000a font-size: 1.65em; \u000a font-color: #EEEEEE; \u000a background-color: #000000;\u000a}\u000a.passage a {\u000a /* This affects passage links */\u000a color: #ffa500;\u000a background-color: #000000;\u000a}\u000a.passage a:hover {\u000a /* This affects links while the cursor is over them */\u000a color: #ffa500;\u000a background-color: #000000; \u000a \u000a} \u000a \u000a.revision-span-in { \u000a opacity: 0; \u000a} \u000a.revision-span:not(.revision-span-out) { \u000a transition: 1s; -webkit-transition: 1s; \u000a} \u000a.revision-span-out { \u000a position:absolute; \u000a opacity: 0; \u000a} p177 sg23 VUntitled Stylesheet 1 p178 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I9 I11 I17 I24 I34 I3 I254 I1 tp179 (dp180 tp181 Rp182 sg31 (lp183 Vstylesheet p184 asg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I21 I49 I37 I4 I248 I1 tp185 (dp186 tp187 Rp188 sbsa(dp189 g14 I00 sg15 (lp190 F146.27848984549317 aF259.07832850987916 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p191 (dp192 g21 V(function () { \u000a "use strict"; \u000a version.extensions['soundMacros'] = { \u000a major: 1, \u000a minor: 1, \u000a revision: 2 \u000a }; \u000a var p = macros['playsound'] = { \u000a soundtracks: {}, \u000a handler: function (a, b, c, d) { \u000a var loop = function (m) { \u000a if (m.loop == undefined) { \u000a m.loopfn = function () { \u000a this.play(); \u000a }; \u000a m.addEventListener('ended', m.loopfn, 0); \u000a } else m.loop = true; \u000a m.play(); \u000a }; \u000a var s = eval(d.fullArgs()); \u000a if (s) { \u000a s = s.toString(); \u000a var m = this.soundtracks[s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("."))]; \u000a if (m) { \u000a if (b == "playsound") { \u000a m.play(); \u000a } else if (b == "loopsound") { \u000a loop(m); \u000a } else if (b == "pausesound") { \u000a m.pause(); \u000a } else if (b == "unloopsound") { \u000a if (m.loop != undefined) { \u000a m.loop = false; \u000a } else if (m.loopfn) { \u000a m.removeEventListener('ended', m.loopfn); \u000a delete m.loopfn; \u000a } \u000a } else if (b == "stopsound") { \u000a m.pause(); \u000a m.currentTime = 0; \u000a } else if (b == "fadeoutsound" || b == "fadeinsound") { \u000a if (m.interval) clearInterval(m.interval); \u000a if (b == "fadeinsound") { \u000a if (m.currentTime>0) return; \u000a m.volume = 0; \u000a loop(m); \u000a } else { \u000a if (!m.currentTime) return; \u000a m.play(); \u000a } \u000a var v = m.volume; \u000a m.interval = setInterval(function () { \u000a v = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, v + 0.005 * (b == "fadeinsound" ? 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These might be those ones that will make you [[poop for hours|http://www.amazon.com/Haribo-Sugar-Free-Gummy-Bears/dp/B008JELLCA]]. You forgot to have Mom check! No way you're eating them out here in the woods.<> \u000a<>Fun-sized candy bars.<>The wrapper was [[ALREADY TORN|tornwrapper]] on one!<> \u000a<>Suckers.<>Mystery flavor: that means experimental ones from the candy factory that could be [[TOXIC|factories]].<> \u000a<>A wrapped, old fashioned candy apple.<>Almost certainly [[POISON|apples]].<> \u000a<>Swirly saltwater taffy.<>No way. The swirl means this one is [[MIND CONTROL|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1FI8FE3DnQ]].<> \u000a<>Candy peach rings.<>But you can see [[ANTHRAX|anthrax]] on them!<> \u000a<>King-sized chocolate candy bar.<>Mmm... yes, this... this you could sink your teeth into. Imagine the crunch. The rich, milk chocolate slowly melting against the roof of your mouth...<>Blugh! It's got... ALMONDS!<>No. No, you can't. It. Has. ALMONDS.<>(Years later, you will develop a taste for almonds and think your previous attitude about the whole thing was silly)<> \u000a<>Candy circus peanuts.<><>You chew one. It is stale and styrofoamy, but sort of promisingly/mockingly sugary/marshmallowy. Its final, gritty sediment catches halfway down your throat, but you reflexively swallow it anyway. You burp. You don't think you want another.<>Despite a certain morbid curiosity, you cannot bring yourself to eat another CIRCUS PEANUT.<><> \u000a \u000a> <>[[Back.|You are One Who Walks Unseen]]<><>[[Back.|In the Tent]]<> p240 sg23 VEat candy p241 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I20 I59 I32 I6 I299 I1 tp242 (dp243 tp244 Rp245 sg31 (lp246 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I22 I57 I28 I4 I248 I1 tp247 (dp248 tp249 Rp250 sbsa(dp251 g14 I00 sg15 (lp252 F1028.0393270958662 aF260.77700261378203 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p253 (dp254 g21 V<> \u000a \u000a> [[OK.|In the Tent]] p255 sg23 VListening. p256 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I10 I1 I41 I46 I4 I283 I1 tp257 (dp258 tp259 Rp260 sg31 (lp261 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I5 I22 I57 I28 I4 I248 I1 tp262 (dp263 tp264 Rp265 sbsa(dp266 g14 I00 sg15 (lp267 F1338.075998070296 aF254.65940343657644 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p268 (dp269 g21 V<>\u201cNobody else liked that cat, <>, only <>. It scratched and bit without provocation. Its stiff, matted fur felt unpleasant to pet or even touch. Yet it was her only companion...\u201d \u000a \u000a> <>[[Think about your cat.|The House Cat]]<><>You are reminded of your cat, <>.<> \u000a> [[Cringe.|The Damned Cat, Part 2 of 5]] \u000a> [[Say you like cats.|The Damned Cat, Part 2 of 5]] \u000a> [[Say you don't like cats.|The Damned Cat, Part 2 of 5]] \u000a> [[Pretend you aren't there.|The Damned Cat, Part 2 of 5]] \u000a> [[Stay quiet.|The Damned Cat, Part 2 of 5]] p270 sg23 VThe Damned Cat, Part 1 of 5 p271 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I29 I22 I36 I21 I2 I302 I1 tp272 (dp273 tp274 Rp275 sg31 (lp276 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I6 I9 I37 I46 I5 I249 I1 tp277 (dp278 tp279 Rp280 sbsa(dp281 g14 I00 sg15 (lp282 F142.5133809469228 aF517.5495100964773 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p283 (dp284 g21 V(function(){version.extensions.replaceMacrosCombined={major:1,minor:1,revision:4};var nullobj={handler:function(){}};function showVer(n,notrans){if(!n){return \u000a}n.innerHTML="";new Wikifier(n,n.tweecode);n.setAttribute("data-enabled","true");n.style.display="inline";n.classList.remove("revision-span-out"); 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Flick it away and keep listening to the story.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 2 of 5]]<><>[[Gross! Flick it away and keep listening to the story.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 3 of 5]]<><>[[Gross! Flick it away and keep listening to the story.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 4 of 5]]<><>[[Gross! Flick it away and keep listening to the story.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 5 of 5]]<> \u000a> <>[[Just leave it there. It's alright. Continue the story.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 2 of 5]]<><>[[Just leave it there. It's alright. Continue the story.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 3 of 5]]<><>[[Just leave it there. It's alright. Continue the story.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 4 of 5]]<><>[[Just leave it there. It's alright Continue the story.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 5 of 5]]<> p316 sg23 Vbugcheck p317 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I3 I23 I59 I52 I0 I307 I0 tp318 (dp319 tp320 Rp321 sg31 (lp322 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I7 I12 I34 I30 I6 I250 I1 tp323 (dp324 tp325 Rp326 sbsa(dp327 g14 I01 sg15 (lp328 F855.8001935391082 aF377.8903645724704 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p329 (dp330 g21 V<><>You are huddled into your <> sleeping bag with your <>. \u000a \u000aYour older <> <> is hogging the flashlight, reading some book of scary stories with pictures by <> on the cover. \u000a \u000aWhat do you want to do...? \u000a \u000a> [[Listen.|Listening.]] \u000a> [[Eat candy.|Eat candy]] \u000a> [[Talk to <>.|What to talk about?]] \u000a> [[Sleep.|sleepfail]] p331 sg23 VIn the Tent p332 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I6 I10 I32 I14 I3 I310 I0 tp333 (dp334 tp335 Rp336 sg31 (lp337 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I9 I10 I43 I26 I1 I252 I1 tp338 (dp339 tp340 Rp341 sbsa(dp342 g14 I00 sg15 (lp343 F1509.76377197473 aF181.46901581669843 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p344 (dp345 g21 V<>One day, <> caught a <> and dropped it on the porch. <> only ate a little. The rest was for YOU! \u000a \u000aThe same day, your neighbors had a death in the family and moved away. \u000a \u000a> <>[[Totally happened.|The Damned Cat, Part 2 of 5]]<><>[[Totally happened.|The Damned Cat, Part 3 of 5]]<><>[[Totally happened.|The Damned Cat, Part 4 of 5]]<><>[[Totally happened.|The Damned Cat, Part 5 of 5]]<><>[[Totally happened.|The Damned Cat, Part 5 of 5]]<> p346 sg23 VThe House Cat p347 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I14 I47 I54 I5 I284 I1 tp348 (dp349 tp350 Rp351 sg31 (lp352 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I9 I11 I41 I52 I1 I252 I1 tp353 (dp354 tp355 Rp356 sbsa(dp357 g14 I00 sg15 (lp358 F1571.6732995700527 aF794.793448572862 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p359 (dp360 g21 VA tumor is a <>growth you can't stop that kills people...<>thing growing inside you, but not like a baby, it's... see, it's like a...<>monster that lives on the shadows inside your body and eats you alive<>... like what <> had, remember? \u000a \u000a> [[OK, but go back to that part.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 4 of 5]] \u000a> [[OK, keep reading.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 5 of 5]] p361 sg23 Vtumor p362 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I17 I41 I41 I3 I303 I1 tp363 (dp364 tp365 Rp366 sg31 (lp367 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I10 I18 I7 I51 I2 I253 I1 tp368 (dp369 tp370 Rp371 sbsa(dp372 g14 I00 sg15 (lp373 F16.666666666666664 aF16.666666666666664 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p374 (dp375 g21 S'jquery:off\nhash:off\nbookmark:on\nmodernizr:off\nundo:on\nobfuscate:off\nexitprompt:off\nblankcss:off\n' p376 sg23 VStorySettings p377 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I9 I11 I17 I29 I35 I3 I254 I1 tp378 (dp379 tp380 Rp381 sg31 (lp382 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I11 I17 I23 I33 I3 I254 I1 tp383 (dp384 tp385 Rp386 sbsa(dp387 g14 I00 sg15 (lp388 F989.6547390446859 aF26.6189561787452 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p389 (dp390 g21 V"Gee, I sure love giving away all this Halloween candy." \u000a \u000a"Yeah. Hey, let's tear some open and inject them with DISEASES." p391 sg23 Vtornwrapper p392 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I4 I23 I51 I0 I5 I277 I1 tp393 (dp394 tp395 Rp396 sg31 (lp397 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I14 I10 I16 I7 I6 I257 I1 tp398 (dp399 tp400 Rp401 sbsa(dp402 g14 I00 sg15 (lp403 F737.6439169066048 aF22.502763709743427 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p404 (dp405 g21 VThey put all different kinds of stuff into food to get people addicted to it. Once, they used to put [[formeldahyde|formeldahyde]] in candy, maybe. Factories are terrible, unsafe places. Workers can fall into machines and vats or lose a hand in a conveyor belt or crushing accident. \u000a \u000aCandy factories are the worst. Didn't you ever read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Remember what happened to those kids? p406 sg23 Vfactories p407 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I1 I22 I45 I30 I5 I305 I1 tp408 (dp409 tp410 Rp411 sg31 (lp412 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I14 I10 I18 I52 I6 I257 I1 tp413 (dp414 tp415 Rp416 sbsa(dp417 g14 I00 sg15 (lp418 F593.8383080108716 aF22.858846803140068 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p419 (dp420 g21 VThat's what they put on dead bodies to preserve them. It smells terrible. There were these <> that died and got their eyes cut open in a biology class, and they were preserved with formeldahyde. The whole room stank and they all had these disgusted expressions frozen on their faces. Their fur was slickly moist with old chemical gunk. p421 sg23 Vformeldahyde p422 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I6 I22 I14 I31 I0 I279 I1 tp423 (dp424 tp425 Rp426 sg31 (lp427 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I14 I10 I24 I32 I6 I257 I1 tp428 (dp429 tp430 Rp431 sbsa(dp432 g14 I00 sg15 (lp433 F1124.6492116252002 aF72.08151508695829 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p434 (dp435 g21 VYou saw it in the news. It's a deadly virus powder thingy that looks JUST LIKE SUGAR! If you touch it, you DIE... p436 sg23 Vanthrax p437 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I14 I30 I14 I5 I284 I1 tp438 (dp439 tp440 Rp441 sg31 (lp442 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I14 I19 I4 I40 I6 I257 I1 tp443 (dp444 tp445 Rp446 sbsa(dp447 g14 I00 sg15 (lp448 F1614.5560016171523 aF343.63530573631476 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p449 (dp450 g21 V<>"Maybe it was a cover story and she really just wanted to kill the cat. The story does say, 'and that is why, <> says...'"<>"What if the villagers are right and she really was a witch and she turned her <> into a rat?"<>"Maybe the butcher just wanted a cat. It doesn't say he chopped it up. A butcher can want a cat, right?"<>"Look, I didn't write this story, okay? Ugh, you are so <> <>..."<> \u000a \u000a> [[OK.|Scary Stories]] p451 sg23 VWhy the butcher p452 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I31 I0 I0 I34 I4 I304 I1 tp453 (dp454 tp455 Rp456 sg31 (lp457 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I14 I19 I10 I45 I6 I257 I1 tp458 (dp459 tp460 Rp461 sbsa(dp462 g14 I00 sg15 (lp463 F863.634200252416 aF24.525513469806747 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p464 (dp465 g21 VLike in <> p466 sg23 Vapples p467 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I7 I23 I18 I1 I1 I280 I1 tp468 (dp469 tp470 Rp471 sg31 (lp472 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I14 I19 I17 I31 I6 I257 I1 tp473 (dp474 tp475 Rp476 sbsa(dp477 g14 I00 sg15 (lp478 F1029.9229068486309 aF407.1943911042678 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p479 (dp480 g21 VYour <> <> is sitting up in <>his<><>her<><>their<> sleeping bag, intent on reading by flashlight, head filled with [[nightmares|Had nightmares?]]. \u000a \u000aYou ask <> about... \u000a \u000a> <>Halloween.<>[[The book.|Hear a story?]]<> \u000a> <>Candy.<>[[That book.|Hear a story?]]<> \u000a> <>Forest night sounds.<>[[The book of scary stories.|Hear a story?]]<> \u000a> <>Terrible sleeping bag.<>[[The book in <>his<><>her<><>their<> hands.|Hear a story?]]<> \u000a> <>Going to different schools.<>[[The book you can't stop thinking about.|Hear a story?]]<> \u000a> <>Being alone.<>[[That book, though.|Hear a story?]]<> \u000a> <>That feeling like you have no friends.<>[[The BOOK.|Hear a story?]]<> \u000a> <><>'s constant bullying.<>[[The BOOK!|Hear a story?]]<> \u000a> <>Why everyone is out to get you.<>[[THE BOOK!|Hear a story?]]<> p481 sg23 VWhat to talk about? p482 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I21 I32 I3 I6 I299 I1 tp483 (dp484 tp485 Rp486 sg31 (lp487 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I14 I23 I54 I50 I6 I257 I1 tp488 (dp489 tp490 Rp491 sbsa(dp492 g14 I00 sg15 (lp493 F1260.4841279396553 aF587.8877980462951 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p494 (dp495 g21 V\u201cIn an overgrown, weedy field at the bottom of old, wooded hills where trees grow branches like giant skeleton fingers, surrounded by cawing limbs, the scarecrow screams its inanimate, mute voice into the night. A Jack o' lantern ember glows <> from inside its rotten pumpkin head, through jagged, dripping teeth and inhuman eyes as if remembering a secret malice, long-festering, that it could not possibly contain. Children's nightmares feed its loathsome, lifeless scare throughout the year until it comes alive on Halloween night, and it lets out its horrible, pent-up scream... just... before... it... EATS YOU!\u201d \u000a \u000a> [[Scream.|YOU SCREAMED]] p496 sg23 VThe Scream of the Halloween Scarecrow p497 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I29 I22 I46 I46 I2 I302 I1 tp498 (dp499 tp500 Rp501 sg31 (lp502 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I15 I18 I12 I38 I0 I258 I1 tp503 (dp504 tp505 Rp506 sbsa(dp507 g14 I00 sg15 (lp508 F948.1115378325228 aF564.3960551940371 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p509 (dp510 g21 VYou can't fall asleep, <>. You lay awake and <> <>. \u000a \u000a> [[Enough.|In the Tent]] p511 sg23 Vsleepfail p512 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I19 I9 I17 I6 I299 I1 tp513 (dp514 tp515 Rp516 sg31 (lp517 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I15 I23 I25 I56 I0 I258 I1 tp518 (dp519 tp520 Rp521 sbsa(dp522 g14 I00 sg15 (lp523 F1252.4349218107793 aF736.9052191062735 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p524 (dp525 g21 V<>You [[SCREAM|uh oh]]. p526 sg23 VYOU SCREAMED p527 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I22 I9 I11 I28 I2 I295 I1 tp528 (dp529 tp530 Rp531 sg31 (lp532 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I15 I23 I53 I22 I0 I258 I1 tp533 (dp534 tp535 Rp536 sbsa(dp537 g14 I00 sg15 (lp538 F1243.9160412443548 aF1036.1104323486268 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p539 (dp540 g21 VYou reach out and touch the scarecrow. <> <> under the press of a finger. \u000a \u000a<>And suddenly, you are not <> <> the pumpkin-headed, rag doll thing before you. A minute ago, it had seemed invested with all the terror of <>, but now... it is just what it's made of. Had it even been <> before? Nothing seems certain. \u000a \u000a> [[Huh...|Choice of Fears]] p541 sg23 VNot scared p542 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I18 I11 I9 I3 I303 I1 tp543 (dp544 tp545 Rp546 sg31 (lp547 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I9 I20 I11 I50 I30 I5 I263 I1 tp548 (dp549 tp550 Rp551 sbsa(dp552 g14 I00 sg15 (lp553 F1275.4707046767228 aF92.21824634822867 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p554 (dp555 g21 V<>\u201cSometimes it did make noises that nobody had ever heard from a cat before. Some claimed it spoke to <>. They called the flower girl a witch\u2015 even though nobody else ever heard it speaking and <> had no control over it like a familiar. Mostly the damned cat remained aloof, staring with hypnotizing, ethereal eyes, each slit like evil moons, a stare that saw another world and silently promised a secret wickedness no human alive should ever know. \u000a \u000a\u201cShe regretted having such little time to spend with the thing. 'The poor thing,' she used to call it. Everyone else said, 'That damned cat.'\u201d \u000a \u000a> <>[[Think about your cat.|The House Cat]]<><>You are reminded of your cat, <>.<> \u000a> [[Cringe.|The Damned Cat, Part 3 of 5]] \u000a> [[Say you like cats.|The Damned Cat, Part 3 of 5]] \u000a> [[Say you don't like cats.|The Damned Cat, Part 3 of 5]] \u000a> [[Pretend you aren't there.|The Damned Cat, Part 3 of 5]] \u000a> [[Stay quiet.|The Damned Cat, Part 3 of 5]] p556 sg23 VThe Damned Cat, Part 2 of 5 p557 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I29 I22 I36 I43 I2 I302 I1 tp558 (dp559 tp560 Rp561 sg31 (lp562 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I4 I23 I27 I58 I5 I277 I1 tp563 (dp564 tp565 Rp566 sbsa(dp567 g14 I00 sg15 (lp568 F1364.752138287433 aF1354.6869727580458 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p569 (dp570 g21 V<><><><>You frantically search the crow-haunted periphery, but there is no sight of <>. Or your tent. Or anybody. \u000a \u000aThe scarecrow continues to glare, and speaks to you again in its mute voice which is the voice in which you read these words. \u000a \u000a<><>"Poor child. What has <> you so?"<><>"So, what <> you?"<><>"... so, what <> you?"<><>"What <> you?"<> \u000a \u000a<>> <>[[Your <>.|No.]]<><><>You're not scared of your <>.<> \u000a> <>[[The story.|a story itself is...]]<><>You're not scared of the story.<> \u000a> <>[[The scarecrow.|touch it]]<><>You're not scared of the scarecrow.<> \u000a<><><><= 3>>> [[Then what's really so scary?|No escape]]<> p571 sg23 VChoice of Fears p572 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I1 I23 I14 I51 I5 I305 I1 tp573 (dp574 tp575 Rp576 sg31 (lp577 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I4 I23 I32 I26 I5 I277 I1 tp578 (dp579 tp580 Rp581 sbsa(dp582 g14 I00 sg15 (lp583 F1515.6489789243094 aF1362.777099015293 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p584 (dp585 g21 V<><>\u201cYour <>... did not scare you.\u201d \u000a \u000a"Yuh huh, <>he<><>she<><>they<> did!" you say. No dumb scarecrow can tell you how you feel. When your <> <> <>, well, you know how that makes you feel. "My <>'s a bully. I hate <>." \u000a \u000a\u201cYour <>,\u201d the scarecrow explains, \u201cmerely startled you. <>He<><>She<><>They<> shouted the last words of a story and made you jump, but did not scare you.\u201d \u000a \u000aYou don't know what to say. It feels like the scarecrow could stare right through you, into your mind, like it saw in everyone's heads. It made sense 'cuz <>, you <>. Only it sees your thoughts all crookèd and you can't make 'em mean what they mean-- or what you want 'em to mean-- when you try. It only knows its story, and that you were told it.<> \u000a \u000a> [[Hmph.|Choice of Fears]] \u000a<>> [["But <> beats me up."|On Pain]]<> p586 sg23 VNo. p587 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I3 I9 I25 I13 I0 I307 I0 tp588 (dp589 tp590 Rp591 sg31 (lp592 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I4 I23 I34 I40 I5 I277 I1 tp593 (dp594 tp595 Rp596 sbsa(dp597 g14 I00 sg15 (lp598 F307.91959039693916 aF489.6980275970188 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p599 (dp600 g21 V<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> \u000aYou go back into the woods, far back into the woods until your feet are killing you. <> leads the way by flashlight, forcing you to follow. This year, <> is dressed as <>. \u000a \u000aThe reason your <> is dressed like that? It's because your <><>, you <>. There's no other reason to wear a costume like that. \u000a \u000aEventually, you are far enough into the woods that your <> starts unpacking the tent parts and orders you to help set it up. \u000a \u000a> [[Clutch your <> defensively while <> builds the tent.|Clutching candy]] \u000a> [[Whine while you put up the tent.|Setting up the Tent][$whiny = 1]] \u000a> [[Stoically gather kindling.|Kindling]] \u000a> [[Annoy your <>.|Annoying]] \u000a> [[Make yourself scarce.|Sneaky.]] \u000a> [[Help set up the tent as best you can.|Setting up the Tent]] p601 sg23 VIn the Woods p602 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I1 I23 I25 I14 I5 I305 I1 tp603 (dp604 tp605 Rp606 sg31 (lp607 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I4 I23 I39 I6 I5 I277 I1 tp608 (dp609 tp610 Rp611 sbsa(dp612 g14 I00 sg15 (lp613 F455.43957644725924 aF173.85553035144818 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p614 (dp615 g21 V<>You try to help pitch the tent<>.<><>, but complain as often as possible. <><> Things <>. Then <> \u000a \u000a<> berates you, calling you "<>." Eventually, despite everything, your <> finally has the tent all set up and ready for you to unroll your sleeping bag inside. \u000a \u000a> <>Go home.<>In the dark, by yourself?<>Mom would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>Dad would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>They would be especially mad if they knew you left your <> out in the woods alone. Who knows what <> could get up to alone out here?<>If you leave, you'll never hear the end of it.<>It's too far back to go alone.<>You'd never make it without the flashlight.<>You can't fight <> for the flashlight because you would lose.<>You can't just sleep outside. You'll get all dirty.<>You'll get eaten alive by bugs.<>Moths will walk on your face.<>Spiders and centipedes will crawl all over you. They might even lay their eggs on you.<>You don't know what you would do if centipedes had only one way to come out of their eggs and it was out your ears. Blegh!<><>It's raining. Better get in the tent.<>No, you just can't.<>Never an escape.<>Nothing is safe.<> \u000a> [[Annoy your <>.|Annoying]] \u000a> [[Enter the tent.|In the Tent]] \u000a> [[Just run off somewhere.|Lost in the Woods]] p616 sg23 VSetting up the Tent p617 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I20 I46 I9 I3 I303 I1 tp618 (dp619 tp620 Rp621 sg31 (lp622 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I4 I23 I46 I43 I5 I277 I1 tp623 (dp624 tp625 Rp626 sbsa(dp627 g14 I00 sg15 (lp628 F661.8879967656974 aF163.85640313445484 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p629 (dp630 g21 VYou give your <> a tight grip with both hands. No-one is taking it from you. \u000a \u000aYour <> gets all the poles out for the tent and starts putting everything together while you just stand there. "You're not gonna help me build the tent?" \u000a \u000a<> \u000a \u000a"You wanna go home?" <> <>. "Then go home. Fine. I'm doing you a favor getting this all set up, you know. <>." \u000a \u000a> <>Go home.<>In the dark, by yourself?<>Mom would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>Dad would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>They would be especially mad if they knew you left your <> out in the woods alone. Who knows what <> could get up to alone out here?<>If you leave, you'll never hear the end of it.<>It's too far back to go alone.<>You'd never make it without the flashlight.<>You can't fight <> for the flashlight because you would lose.<>You can't just sleep outside. You'll get all dirty.<>You'll get eaten alive by bugs.<>Moths will walk on your face.<>Spiders and centipedes will crawl all over you. They might even lay their eggs on you.<>You don't know what you would do if centipedes had only one way to come out of their eggs and it was out your ears. Blegh!<><>It's raining. Better get in the tent.<>No, you just can't.<>Never an escape.<>Nothing is safe.<> \u000a> [[Annoy your <>.|Annoying]] \u000a<>> [[Get over it and help your <> set up the tent.|Setting up the Tent]] \u000a> [[Whine while you put up the tent.|Setting up the Tent][$whiny = 1]]<><> \u000a> [[Enter the tent.|In the Tent]]<> p631 sg23 VClutching candy p632 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I20 I49 I11 I3 I303 I1 tp633 (dp634 tp635 Rp636 sg31 (lp637 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I4 I23 I50 I4 I5 I277 I1 tp638 (dp639 tp640 Rp641 sbsa(dp642 g14 I00 sg15 (lp643 F580.452609553137 aF499.5732239577282 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p644 (dp645 g21 VYou set off into the edges of the campsite, checking under pines for their dead needles and branch bits, peeling bits of bark from birch trees, dutifully bending dry twigs and gathering the ones that break like a fire crackles. You emerge from the foresty wilderness back to the campsite, where <> has already set the tent up pretty much alone. \u000a \u000aYour <> gives you a dirty look. "We're not building a <> fire. We have a flashlight. How come you didn't help build the tent?" \u000a \u000a"<>" \u000a \u000a"Get in the tent and put your sleeping bag down." <> says. "<>." \u000a \u000a> <>Go home.<>In the dark, by yourself?<>Mom would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>Dad would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>They would be especially mad if they knew you left your <> out in the woods alone. Who knows what <> could get up to alone out here?<>If you leave, you'll never hear the end of it.<>It's too far back to go alone.<>You'd never make it without the flashlight.<>You can't fight <> for the flashlight because you would lose.<>You can't just sleep outside. You'll get all dirty.<>You'll get eaten alive by bugs.<>Moths will walk on your face.<>Spiders and centipedes will crawl all over you. They might even lay their eggs on you.<>You don't know what you would do if centipedes had only one way to come out of their eggs and it was out your ears. Blegh!<><>It's raining. Better get in the tent.<>No, you just can't.<>Never an escape.<>Nothing is safe.<> \u000a> [[Enter the tent.|In the Tent]] \u000a> [[Run off.|Lost in the Woods]] p646 sg23 VKindling p647 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I20 I49 I51 I3 I303 I1 tp648 (dp649 tp650 Rp651 sg31 (lp652 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I4 I23 I50 I4 I5 I277 I1 tp653 (dp654 tp655 Rp656 sbsa(dp657 g14 I00 sg15 (lp658 F585.6306510998353 aF353.5829406119135 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p659 (dp660 g21 VYou go up to your <> and <>. \u000a \u000a"Hey," you <>. "<>" \u000a \u000a"Shut up, <>! I will lay the smack down on you." \u000a \u000a<> sounds pretty serious. \u000a \u000a> <>Go home.<>In the dark, by yourself?<>Mom would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>Dad would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>They would be especially mad if they knew you left your <> out in the woods alone. Who knows what <> could get up to alone out here?<>If you leave, you'll never hear the end of it.<>It's too far back to go alone.<>You'd never make it without the flashlight.<>You can't fight <> for the flashlight because you would lose.<>You can't just sleep outside. You'll get all dirty.<>You'll get eaten alive by bugs.<>Moths will walk on your face.<>Spiders and centipedes will crawl all over you. They might even lay their eggs on you.<>You don't know what you would do if centipedes had only one way to come out of their eggs and it was out your ears. Blegh!<><>It's raining. Better get in the tent.<>No, you just can't.<>Never an escape.<>Nothing is safe.<><> \u000a> [[Stop annoying your <> and help set up the tent.|Setting up the Tent]] \u000a> [[Whine while you put up the tent.|Setting up the Tent][$whiny = 1]]<><> \u000a> [[Keep annoying your <>.|In a submission hold]]<> \u000a> [[Just wait until the tent is finished, then go in and get in my sleeping bag.|In the Tent]]<> p661 sg23 VAnnoying p662 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I20 I49 I34 I3 I303 I1 tp663 (dp664 tp665 Rp666 sg31 (lp667 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I4 I23 I50 I4 I5 I277 I1 tp668 (dp669 tp670 Rp671 sbsa(dp672 g14 I00 sg15 (lp673 F1427.1623320712463 aF25.395182411029808 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p674 (dp675 g21 V<>\u201c<> had every day to go to the market where she sold flowers until evening. In her pity, she hired children to look after the cat during her absence. Yet each visited her only once, and she never heard from them after. \u000a \u000a\u201cCuriously, it was after she hired her first cat-sitter that the rat problem started. She returned from the market one evening to find a single dead rat on the floor, the next day another. More curious than their sudden appearance, there seemed to be no holes or anything of the kind that might allow them in. None of the cat-sitters let any in (she felt certain), nor did they bring rats with them (and that was certain). \u000a \u000a\u201c<> remained satisfied, at least, that <> dealt with them so easily. Every one of them bore the marks of its carnivorous teeth, always hungry for more meat. The poor thing. \u000a \u000a\u201cOne full moon, <>'s <> came to visit...\u201d \u000a \u000a> <>[[Think about your cat.|The House Cat]]<><>You are reminded of your cat, <>.<> \u000a> [[Cringe.|The Damned Cat, Part 4 of 5]] \u000a> [[Say you like cats.|The Damned Cat, Part 4 of 5]] \u000a> [[Say you don't like cats.|The Damned Cat, Part 4 of 5]] \u000a> [[Pretend you aren't there.|The Damned Cat, Part 4 of 5]] \u000a> [[Stay quiet.|The Damned Cat, Part 4 of 5]] p676 sg23 VThe Damned Cat, Part 3 of 5 p677 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I29 I22 I37 I3 I2 I302 I1 tp678 (dp679 tp680 Rp681 sg31 (lp682 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I0 I33 I4 I6 I278 I1 tp683 (dp684 tp685 Rp686 sbsa(dp687 g14 I00 sg15 (lp688 F1589.8669925716483 aF27.188863684781435 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p689 (dp690 g21 V<>\u201c<><><><><><><><>'s <> was an elder among elders with a <>, wizened face, a <> nose, and a puckered, toothless mouth. How <> wheezed and coughed in pitiful, airy bursts! Even sickly, <> was a <>, old <>wo<>man <>, though <> had no teeth left to show. That night, <> went to gather flowers for her <>'s bedside while <> should have been resting. Little could <> have known, but those scant hours she left her <> with the cat doomed the old <>wo<>man more than <> age or illness.\u201d \u000a \u000a> <>[[Think about your cat.|The House Cat]]<><>You are reminded of your cat, <>.<> \u000a> [[Cringe.|The Damned Cat, Part 5 of 5]] \u000a> [[Say you like cats.|The Damned Cat, Part 5 of 5]] \u000a> [[Say you don't like cats.|The Damned Cat, Part 5 of 5]] \u000a> [[Pretend you aren't there.|The Damned Cat, Part 5 of 5]] \u000a> [[Stay quiet.|The Damned Cat, Part 5 of 5]] p691 sg23 VThe Damned Cat, Part 4 of 5 p692 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I17 I33 I56 I3 I303 I1 tp693 (dp694 tp695 Rp696 sg31 (lp697 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I0 I36 I27 I6 I278 I1 tp698 (dp699 tp700 Rp701 sbsa(dp702 g14 I00 sg15 (lp703 F981.0311282294623 aF736.0682492801908 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p704 (dp705 g21 V"Have you ever had any nightmares?" you blurt. \u000a \u000a"<>," <> says. \u000a \u000a> [["Tell me one."|Nightmares]] \u000a> [["Never mind."|What to talk about?]] p706 sg23 VHad nightmares? p707 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I24 I18 I21 I15 I4 I297 I1 tp708 (dp709 tp710 Rp711 sg31 (lp712 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I0 I49 I53 I6 I278 I1 tp713 (dp714 tp715 Rp716 sbsa(dp717 g14 I00 sg15 (lp718 F811.851981198867 aF1181.3600396272059 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p719 (dp720 g21 V<><> \u000a"Have fun, you two..." \u000a[[Everything is my fault.|Unbidden idols][$unbidden += 1; $unbiddenfault = 1]]<><>[[I am faulty.|Unbidden idols][ $unbidden += 1; $unbiddenfault +=1]]<><>[[All my fault.|Unbidden idols][$unbidden += 1; $unbiddenfault = 1]]<> \u000a< 0>><><> \u000a<>[[I can't do it.|Unbidden idols][$unbidden += 1; $unbiddencant = 1]]<><>[[I can't do what I want.|Unbidden idols][$unbidden += 1; $unbiddencant += 1]]<><>[[I can't do anything.|Unbidden idols][$unbidden += 1; $unbiddencant = 1]]<> \u000a...<= 1>><>.<><= 2>>..<>...<><= 3>><>!<> \u000a<>[[Hapless.|Unbidden idols][$unbidden += 1; $unbiddenhope = 1]]<><>[[Helpless.|Unbidden idols][$unbidden += 1; $unbiddenhope += 1]]<><>[[Hopeless.|Unbidden idols][$unbidden += 1; $unbiddenhope = 1]]<> \u000a<><= 3>>... <>... <>...<><><= 4>><>...<> \u000a<>[[Never an escape.|Unbidden idols][$unbidden += 1; $unbiddennever = 1]]<><>[[Nothing is safe.|Unbidden idols][ $unbidden += 1; $unbiddennever += 1]]<><>[[Only nightmare survives us.|Unbidden idols][$unbidden += 1; $unbiddennever = 1]]<> \u000a \u000a<= 3>>"<>," the scarecrow tells you. "<>"<> \u000a \u000a<= 5>>> \u201c... a-are you... g-gonna... [[eat me|"Are You Gonna Eat Me?"]]?\u201d<> p721 sg23 VUnbidden idols p722 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I22 I56 I54 I3 I303 I1 tp723 (dp724 tp725 Rp726 sg31 (lp727 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I1 I10 I18 I6 I278 I1 tp728 (dp729 tp730 Rp731 sbsa(dp732 g14 I00 sg15 (lp733 F1248.679234370763 aF879.2895793792214 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p734 (dp735 g21 V<><>You stumble outside the tent, searching, searching for a place to relieve yourself safely. \u000a \u000aYou keep <> the scarecrow with its <> while you frantically search for the right tree to hide behind to do your business. You need one far away from the tent, or <> will <>. Eventually you find one with branches like <>, near the top of a hill, overlooking <>... \u000a \u000a> [[Let it out.|Relief!]] p736 sg23 Vgotta go p737 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I1 I23 I4 I55 I5 I305 I1 tp738 (dp739 tp740 Rp741 sg31 (lp742 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I1 I12 I39 I6 I278 I1 tp743 (dp744 tp745 Rp746 sbsa(dp747 g14 I00 sg15 (lp748 F1389.948507658606 aF944.4914761698809 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p749 (dp750 g21 V<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Ahhh... \u000a \u000a> [[OK.|Oops!]] p751 sg23 VRelief! p752 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I31 I0 I4 I21 I4 I304 I1 tp753 (dp754 tp755 Rp756 sg31 (lp757 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I1 I13 I16 I6 I278 I1 tp758 (dp759 tp760 Rp761 sbsa(dp762 g14 I00 sg15 (lp763 F1534.746610867948 aF1052.4274161243886 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p764 (dp765 g21 V<>Just as you're finishing, a crow calls. You <> and drop the flashlight, sending it rolling, beam of light spinning, all the way to the bottom of the other side of the hill. \u000a \u000a> <>\u201cIn an overgrown, weedy field at the bottom of old, wooded hills...\u201d<>\u201c... where trees grow branches like giant skeleton fingers, surrounded by cawing limbs...\u201d<>\u201c... the scarecrow screams its inanimate, mute voice into the night....\u201d<> \u000a> <>Go back to the tent like nothing happened.<><>Mom will be pissed if you leave the flashlight down there and it dies.<>Dad will be pissed if you leave the flashlight down there and it dies.<>Everyone will be pissed if you leave the flashlight down there and it dies.<><> \u000a> [[Go down the hill.|The Scarecrow]] p766 sg23 VOops! p767 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I17 I47 I38 I3 I303 I1 tp768 (dp769 tp770 Rp771 sg31 (lp772 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I1 I14 I55 I6 I278 I1 tp773 (dp774 tp775 Rp776 sbsa(dp777 g14 I00 sg15 (lp778 F1677.8780474106215 aF1143.2992960334063 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p779 (dp780 g21 V<>In <> at the bottom of an old, wooded hill where trees grow branches like <>, surrounded by cawing limbs... you find it. The scarecrow! \u000a \u000aA Jack o' lantern <> through jagged, dripping teeth, and it watches you with inhuman eyes as if remembering a secret malice, long-festering, that it could not possibly contain. It even has the same <> that it had in your mind! \u000a \u000aBut inside its rotten, empty head, there is no ember glowing <>. One of its straw-stuffed sleeves rustles ever so slightly, as if beckoning. \u000a \u000a> [["Hello?"|Not having a nightmare]] \u000a> [["Is anybody there?"|Not having a nightmare]] \u000a> [["No!"|Not having a nightmare]] \u000a> [["Go away!"|Not having a nightmare]] \u000a> [[Approach, silently calling the scarecrow out on its bluff.|Not having a nightmare]] p781 sg23 VThe Scarecrow p782 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I31 I0 I16 I14 I4 I304 I1 tp783 (dp784 tp785 Rp786 sg31 (lp787 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I1 I18 I58 I6 I278 I1 tp788 (dp789 tp790 Rp791 sbsa(dp792 g14 I00 sg15 (lp793 F291.03246641424914 aF328.18554723308955 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p794 (dp795 g21 VYour parents ignore you. It doesn't matter if <><><><><><><> <>. Your parents either don't believe you about that or they <>... \u000a \u000a> [[They're right, I made it up.|In the Woods]] \u000a> [[But I'm not making it up!|In the Woods]] p796 sg23 VComplaint ignored p797 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I3 I9 I20 I51 I0 I307 I0 tp798 (dp799 tp800 Rp801 sg31 (lp802 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I19 I26 I29 I6 I278 I1 tp803 (dp804 tp805 Rp806 sbsa(dp807 g14 I00 sg15 (lp808 F170.50584746054506 aF29.43759818035485 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p809 (dp810 g21 VDressed like <>. \u000a \u000a> [[OK.|Trick or Treating Is Over]] p811 sg23 VYour parents p812 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I12 I18 I26 I57 I6 I285 I1 tp813 (dp814 tp815 Rp816 sg31 (lp817 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I20 I2 I14 I6 I278 I1 tp818 (dp819 tp820 Rp821 sbsa(dp822 g14 I00 sg15 (lp823 F372.8142200660208 aF908.2831791767267 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p824 (dp825 g21 V<>Without a word, you slip out of sight of <> behind an old oak tree dense with the shadow of night. With ears perked, you sneak away from the trunk, away from the tent, slowly... carefully. Your senses heighten, and you feel closer to the land around you, attuned to the movements of things under your feet that you can't see. \u000a \u000aUpon the belated discovery of your disappearance, your <> calls out for you. "<>! <>" \u000a \u000a> <>Go home.<>In the dark, by yourself?<>Mom would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>Dad would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>They would be especially mad if they knew you left your <> out in the woods alone. Who knows what <> could get up to alone out here?<>If you leave, you'll never hear the end of it.<>It's too far back to go alone.<>You'd never make it without the flashlight.<>You can't fight <> for the flashlight because you would lose.<>You can't just sleep outside. You'll get all dirty.<>You'll get eaten alive by bugs.<>Moths will walk on your face.<>Spiders and centipedes will crawl all over you. They might even lay their eggs on you.<>You don't know what you would do if centipedes had only one way to come out of their eggs and it was out your ears. Blegh!<><>It's raining. Better get in the tent.<>No, you just can't.<>Never an escape.<>Nothing is safe.<> \u000a> [[Keep hiding.|You are One Who Walks Unseen]] \u000a> [[Just wait a bit, then go back and apologize.|Apologies]] p826 sg23 VSneaky. p827 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I20 I50 I22 I3 I303 I1 tp828 (dp829 tp830 Rp831 sg31 (lp832 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I21 I18 I33 I6 I278 I1 tp833 (dp834 tp835 Rp836 sbsa(dp837 g14 I00 sg15 (lp838 F872.1963693711733 aF914.7282830434741 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p839 (dp840 g21 V<><><>Years of <> have trained you in quietude, in reflection, in <>. You share a special kinship with your surroundings this night, and all that lives in it. You, too, are a shadow, and walk unseen. \u000a \u000a> [[Imagine things in the dark.|Imagining the Shadows]] \u000a> [[Give up, return to the tent, and apologize for going off on your own.|Apologies]] \u000a> <>Wait.<>Your breathing is its breathing...<> \u000a> [[Sneak back to the tent.|The Stealthy Approach]] \u000a> [[Sit down and eat candy.|Eat candy]]. p841 sg23 VYou are One Who Walks Unseen p842 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I21 I0 I26 I6 I299 I1 tp843 (dp844 tp845 Rp846 sg31 (lp847 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I22 I56 I21 I6 I278 I1 tp848 (dp849 tp850 Rp851 sbsa(dp852 g14 I00 sg15 (lp853 F667.9498458433928 aF630.3624832958907 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p854 (dp855 g21 V<>With a practiced <> gait<>, you creep up on the camp site. <> has the flashlight on inside the tent, so <>his<><>her<><>their<> silhouette looms monstrously against its fabric. But <> is clearly <>. \u000a \u000a> [[Try to scare <>.|How scary]] \u000a> [[Enter the tent and apologize for running off.|Apologies]] \u000a> [[Settle in and say nothing.|In the Tent]] p856 sg23 VThe Stealthy Approach p857 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I3 I23 I20 I19 I0 I307 I0 tp858 (dp859 tp860 Rp861 sg31 (lp862 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I5 I23 I4 I43 I6 I278 I1 tp863 (dp864 tp865 Rp866 sbsa(dp867 g14 I00 sg15 (lp868 F1033.36690523148 aF933.5011928240667 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p869 (dp870 g21 V<><> <> <> You can't see any, of course. Because of <>. They are <>, <>... <>. \u000a \u000a> [[OK.|You are One Who Walks Unseen]] p871 sg23 VImagining the Shadows p872 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I18 I17 I25 I3 I303 I1 tp873 (dp874 tp875 Rp876 sg31 (lp877 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I6 I17 I23 I24 I0 I279 I1 tp878 (dp879 tp880 Rp881 sbsa(dp882 g14 I00 sg15 (lp883 F1125.0940827910554 aF549.3602723280956 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p884 (dp885 g21 V"Fine," says <>. "<>" \u000a \u000a> [[OK.|What to talk about?]] p886 sg23 VNightmares p887 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I1 I22 I54 I27 I5 I305 I1 tp888 (dp889 tp890 Rp891 sg31 (lp892 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I8 I0 I5 I44 I2 I281 I1 tp893 (dp894 tp895 Rp896 sbsa(dp897 g14 I00 sg15 (lp898 F1149.8586141022488 aF1185.084366136871 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p899 (dp900 g21 V<>\u201cWhat frightens you,\u201d says the scarecrow's voice, \u201cis your own inescapable brain. You tried to hide in your sleeping bag from its horrific imaginings, each only half-related to your <>'s storytelling. But... <> You seem to ask this yourself; the story did not ask, your <> did not ask, nor did I... \u000a \u000a\u201cAt every stir outside your tent, every caw, grotesqueries of your own invention spilled out ready-made, against your urging, as they do even now. Always they shall afflict you because your brain is not your brain, and you cannot get out of it or be rid of it when you most want to. That is what terrifies you so, not I, not your <>, not a story...\u201d \u000a \u000a> <>"I might have nightmares, but-- but I don't tell scary stories!"<>"Even if I have scary thoughts in my head, I keep 'em in."<>"I don't wanna scare anyone."<>[["I... I... I don't know why anyone would do that...!|Fear is older...]]"<> p901 sg23 VNo escape p902 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I31 I11 I3 I41 I4 I304 I1 tp903 (dp904 tp905 Rp906 sg31 (lp907 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I8 I0 I43 I25 I2 I281 I1 tp908 (dp909 tp910 Rp911 sbsa(dp912 g14 I00 sg15 (lp913 F1744.1307384400031 aF156.86856345732565 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p914 (dp915 g21 V\u201cUpon her return, flowers spilled from <>'s arms in a gasp. There, on the floor, sat <>, still as death and staring at what seemed to be a rat, twitching in torment\u2015 but it was not yet entirely a rat. In that single moment, as her flowers fell, <> saw that rodent wearing an elderly face, its <> nose turned upward with whiskers, mouth of gums contorted in fear, transforming under the demand of the damned cat's unblinking gaze. Amidst the tiny, shrill, terrified screams of the <>wo<>man-rodent, the cat made such unearthly noises... \u000a \u000a\u201cShe could not save the rat that had been her <>, and nobody would believe her tale, but <> could still get rid of the cat. She could not bear any more killing\u2015 rat, <>, or otherwise. Still against all reason, she felt pity for <>. That is why, <> says, the next morning a tear came to her eye when she took the poor thing to market and sold it... to the butcher!\u201d \u000a \u000a> <>[[Think about your cat.|The House Cat]]<><>You are reminded of your cat, <>.<> \u000a> [[Cringe.|Scary Stories]] \u000a> [[Say you still like cats.|Scary Stories]] \u000a> [[Say you really don't like cats.|Scary Stories]] \u000a> [[Keep pretending.|Scary Stories]] \u000a> [["..."|Scary Stories]] \u000a> "[[Why the butcher?|Why the butcher]]" <> p916 sg23 VThe Damned Cat, Part 5 of 5 p917 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I3 I23 I57 I3 I0 I307 I0 tp918 (dp919 tp920 Rp921 sg31 (lp922 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I8 I12 I55 I15 I2 I281 I1 tp923 (dp924 tp925 Rp926 sbsa(dp927 g14 I00 sg15 (lp928 F295.1605865052314 aF173.38104382125482 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p929 (dp930 g21 V<><><>Trick or treating is over and your life is a nightmare. Having to go out alone with your older <> "because you're a big <> now" was bad enough, but [[your parents|Your parents]] were so eager to get [[you|your costume]] out of the house on this fateful Halloween night. They always had plans for you, and they thought the idea sounded so great. \u000a \u000a"Have fun camping, you two..." \u000a \u000a> [["Aww, do I have to?"|Complaint ignored]] \u000a> [["No way!"|Complaint ignored]] \u000a> [[Protest.|Complaint ignored]] \u000a> [[Throw a fit.|Complaint ignored]] p931 sg23 VTrick or Treating Is Over p932 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I3 I22 I51 I34 I0 I307 I0 tp933 (dp934 tp935 Rp936 sg31 (lp937 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I10 I16 I31 I59 I4 I283 I1 tp938 (dp939 tp940 Rp941 sbsa(dp942 g14 I00 sg15 (lp943 F431.2398906243947 aF583.832547890495 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p944 (dp945 g21 V<><><>Now you've done it.<><>Now you've done it.<><>Now you've done it.<><>You weave your way through the black night back to the tent, but unfortunately your <> is still up waiting for you. Even as you approach the edge of the camp, <> <><> bursts out of the dim tent into your little corner of darkness,<> tackles you to the ground<>,<> and puts you in <>. <>. \u000a \u000a<>> <> \u000a> <> \u000a> <>Ow!<>Owww!<>OWWWWW...!<>Stop, please...<>(whimper)<>(sob)<>I give up!<>STOP!<>"[[UNCLE!|You submit]]"<><><>> <> \u000a> <>Ow!<>Owww!<>OWWWWW...!<>Stop, please...<>(whimper)<>(sob)<>I give up!<>STOP!<>"[[UNCLE!|You submit]]"<> \u000a> <> \u000a<><>> <>Ow!<>Owww!<>OWWWWW...!<>Stop, please...<>(whimper)<>(sob)<>I give up!<>STOP!<>"[[UNCLE!|You submit]]"<> \u000a> <> \u000a> <> \u000a<> p946 sg23 VIn a submission hold p947 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I1 I23 I15 I50 I5 I305 I1 tp948 (dp949 tp950 Rp951 sg31 (lp952 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I10 I17 I21 I7 I4 I283 I1 tp953 (dp954 tp955 Rp956 sbsa(dp957 g14 I00 sg15 (lp958 F415.76650957809875 aF749.2537965132798 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p959 (dp960 g21 V<> climbs off you and, giving you a look <>, your older <> <>sets up the rest of the tent and settles in.<><>lumbers back into the tent.<><>lumbers back into the tent.<><>goes back to hogging the flashlight while you just lie there aching.<> \u000a \u000a<>> <>Go home.<>In the dark, by yourself?<>Mom would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>Dad would be really mad at you if you came in this late.<>They would be especially mad if they knew you left your <> out in the woods alone. Who knows what <> could do out here?<>If you leave, you'll never hear the end of it.<>It's too far back to go alone.<>You'd never make it without the flashlight.<>You can't fight <> for the flashlight because you would lose.<>You can't just sleep outside. You'll get all dirty.<>No, you can't sleep outside. You'll get eaten alive by bugs.<>No. Moths will walk on your face.<>Spiders and centipedes will crawl all over you. They might even lay their eggs on you.<>You don't know what you would do if centipedes had only one way to come out of their eggs and it was out your ears. Blegh!<><>It's raining. Better get in the tent.<>No, you just can't.<>Never an escape.<>Nothing is safe.<> \u000a> [[Enter the tent|In the Tent]] \u000a<>> [[Make yourself scarce.|Sneaky.]]<><><>> [[Crawl into sleeping bag, defeated.|In the Tent]]<> p961 sg23 VYou submit p962 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I3 I22 I46 I15 I0 I307 I0 tp963 (dp964 tp965 Rp966 sg31 (lp967 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I10 I17 I27 I25 I4 I283 I1 tp968 (dp969 tp970 Rp971 sbsa(dp972 g14 I00 sg15 (lp973 F1956.5519870627902 aF660.6240181964512 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p974 (dp975 g21 V<>\u201cYes, it seemed strange to <>him<>her<>them<> that <>he<>she<>they<> never saw a single line of code from <>his<>her<>their<> employers, but they paid well enough and kept <>his<>her<>their<> hours short, cocooned in <>his<>her<>their<> cubicle with mind-numbing, repetitive computer games...\u201d \u000a \u000a> [[Say you like videogames.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 4 of 5]] \u000a> [[Say you don't like videogames.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 4 of 5]] \u000a> [[Squirm uncomfortably.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 4 of 5]] \u000a> [[Examine sleeping bag for bugs.|bugcheck]] p976 sg23 VBug Testers Needed, Part 3 of 5 p977 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I13 I19 I56 I19 I0 I286 I1 tp978 (dp979 tp980 Rp981 sg31 (lp982 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I10 I41 I50 I5 I284 I1 tp983 (dp984 tp985 Rp986 sbsa(dp987 g14 I00 sg15 (lp988 F1718.4662827411305 aF899.5979519846958 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p989 (dp990 g21 V<>\u201cThe cafeteria food tasted stranger still (almost always served with eggs of some kind), but how could <>he<>she<>they<> complain about eating for free? Strangest to <>him<>her<>them<>, though, had been how a year later all one hundred nineteen tiny tumors came up benign.\u201d \u000a \u000a> [["What's a tumor?"|tumor]] \u000a> [["What's B9?"|benign]] \u000a> [[Squirm uncomfortably.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 5 of 5]] \u000a> [[Examine sleeping bag for bugs.|bugcheck]] p991 sg23 VBug Testers Needed, Part 4 of 5 p992 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I13 I19 I56 I34 I0 I286 I1 tp993 (dp994 tp995 Rp996 sg31 (lp997 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I10 I43 I53 I5 I284 I1 tp998 (dp999 tp1000 Rp1001 sbsa(dp1002 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1003 F1901.860359668266 aF457.756560223023 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1004 (dp1005 g21 V<>\u201c'Bug testers needed. Absolutely no computer experience necessary. Free meal plan; all medical costs covered.' <>He<>She<>They<> jumped at the chance.\u201d \u000a \u000a> [[Say you would.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 3 of 5]] \u000a> [[Say you wouldn't.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 3 of 5]] \u000a> [[Shift uncomfortably in your sleeping bag.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 3 of 5]] \u000a> [[Examine sleeping bag for bugs.|bugcheck]] p1006 sg23 VBug Testers Needed, Part 2 of 5 p1007 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I13 I19 I54 I24 I0 I286 I1 tp1008 (dp1009 tp1010 Rp1011 sg31 (lp1012 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I10 I46 I2 I5 I284 I1 tp1013 (dp1014 tp1015 Rp1016 sbsa(dp1017 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1018 F1581.5206261324377 aF630.7424216332477 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1019 (dp1020 g21 V<>\u201cNow nothing remains of <>him<>her<>them<> at all, just swarms of ravenous vermin crawling on a stained bed in an abandoned hospital. Thanks to <>his<>her<>their<> painstaking efforts\u2015 and careful study by the company\u2015 the next generation of product would hatch even faster.\u201d<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> \u000a \u000a> [["Ugh!"|Swarm.]] \u000a> [[Examine sleeping bag for bugs.|Swarm.]] p1021 sg23 VBug Testers Needed, Part 5 of 5 p1022 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I22 I30 I31 I3 I303 I1 tp1023 (dp1024 tp1025 Rp1026 sg31 (lp1027 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I10 I49 I44 I5 I284 I1 tp1028 (dp1029 tp1030 Rp1031 sbsa(dp1032 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1033 F1886.3087799867037 aF900.4285216082857 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1034 (dp1035 g21 V<>"I dunno. It doesn't matter."<>"Prob'ly somethin' bad."<>"Prob'ly hospital code for somethin' really bad."<>"It means 'not threatening.'"<>"Actually, it's when a tumor is not cancerous. So there."<>"It means quit asking me questions."<> \u000a \u000a> [[OK, but go back to that part.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 4 of 5]] \u000a> [[OK, keep reading.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 5 of 5]] p1036 sg23 Vbenign p1037 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I13 I19 I45 I43 I0 I286 I1 tp1038 (dp1039 tp1040 Rp1041 sg31 (lp1042 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I10 I52 I31 I5 I284 I1 tp1043 (dp1044 tp1045 Rp1046 sbsa(dp1047 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1048 F1419.666666666667 aF628.3333333333338 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1049 (dp1050 g21 V<><>You feel something twitching near your foot in your <> sleeping bag and, the bag being open<> (otherwise it's intolerably constricting)<>, you peek. A small horde of shadowy shapes has clustered there-- and before you can react, a swarm of <> erupts from out the bottom your sleeping bag! And not just yours, but <>'s! They've invaded the whole tent!<><>You feel something twitching near your foot in your <> sleeping bag and, the bag being open<> (otherwise it's intolerably constricting)<>, you peek. A small horde of shadowy shapes has clustered there-- and before you can react, a swarm of <> erupts from out the bottom your sleeping bag! And not just yours, but <>'s! They've invaded the whole tent!<> \u000a \u000aYou and your <> flee, yelping and hollering, but don't go more than <> paces from the tent. When you recover from your mutual creepy crawlies, the two of you shake your sleeping bags out near a tree with branches like <>. It wasn't as bad as you thought (definitely not as bad as [[that one time]]). Eventually, you settle back in, <> <>. \u000a \u000a"<>..." says <>. "Where were we?" \u000a \u000a> [[Back to scary stories.|Scary Stories][$bug_found = 1]] p1051 sg23 VSwarm. p1052 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I4 I0 I2 I31 I1 I308 I0 tp1053 (dp1054 tp1055 Rp1056 sg31 (lp1057 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I11 I29 I43 I5 I284 I1 tp1058 (dp1059 tp1060 Rp1061 sbsa(dp1062 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1063 F659.9999999999998 aF1178.3333333333337 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1064 (dp1065 g21 V<>"No, child," the scarecrow says. "I have already eaten!" \u000a \u000aAnd it burps up <>! \u000a \u000a> <>Scream.<>[[RUN AWAY!|Denouement.]]<> \u000a> <>Tear down the scarecrow.<>You try to rip its stake out from the ground, but earn only a splinter in the palm for your efforts.<>The scarecrow laughs.<>At last, you topple the scarecrow. Its pumpkin head smashes on the ground and putrid straw flies all over, but it will not stop laughing at you in your mind.<> p1066 sg23 V"Are You Gonna Eat Me?" p1067 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I21 I21 I27 I3 I303 I1 tp1068 (dp1069 tp1070 Rp1071 sg31 (lp1072 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I14 I16 I28 I5 I284 I1 tp1073 (dp1074 tp1075 Rp1076 sbsa(dp1077 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1078 F505.3333333333337 aF1251.6666666666663 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1079 (dp1080 g21 V<><><>You bolt off and run and run, allowing yourself to slow only to a panicked jog, until you finally reach home with the flashlight all dim <> and wake your parents up. There's no way you can explain that it-- you already went in the woods, it's not possible, but-- no, but they won't believe you about the scarecrow either. They scold you for <> and lecture you on <> crime of <>, then send you to bed (actually, they do all this because they <>). \u000a \u000aWho knows what will happen when, <>, they discover <> lying out there in the woods by the old scarecrow? You prefer not to <> it, but you've already guessed. \u000a \u000aThey won't find it. The scarecrow will be gone the next morning, <> They will say you had a nightmare. <> will call it a bad dream, at best, and mock you for your experience and your feelings. They don't understand, they might never be able to understand, but you do. You alone seem to know <> \u000a \u000a[[THE END.]] p1081 sg23 VDenouement. p1082 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I1 I23 I26 I52 I5 I305 I1 tp1083 (dp1084 tp1085 Rp1086 sg31 (lp1087 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I14 I17 I21 I5 I284 I1 tp1088 (dp1089 tp1090 Rp1091 sbsa(dp1092 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1093 F1420.333333333333 aF768.3333333333336 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1094 (dp1095 g21 VYour house was built against a hill and there was this spot near the fireplace just behind it where there was this motherlode of <> in the earth or something and they all came burrowing through the wall and cracks in the floor and out the fireplace into your house and you had to bail them from the house out the nearest open door with a spatula for almost an hour. p1096 sg23 Vthat one time p1097 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I13 I20 I5 I54 I0 I286 I1 tp1098 (dp1099 tp1100 Rp1101 sg31 (lp1102 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I14 I34 I33 I5 I284 I1 tp1103 (dp1104 tp1105 Rp1106 sbsa(dp1107 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1108 F1183.6666666666665 aF256.6666666666666 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1109 (dp1110 g21 V"Okay, this one is called... The Damned Cat." \u000a \u000a> [[OK.|The Damned Cat, Part 1 of 5]] \u000a> [["I changed my mind!"|Scary Stories]] p1111 sg23 VThe Damned Cat p1112 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I20 I4 I12 I6 I299 I1 tp1113 (dp1114 tp1115 Rp1116 sg31 (lp1117 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I11 I15 I38 I47 I5 I284 I1 tp1118 (dp1119 tp1120 Rp1121 sbsa(dp1122 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1123 F613.3333333333336 aF1013.3333333333333 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1124 (dp1125 g21 V<>You break into a sprint and disappear into the woods. Your <> tries to give chase, but is no match for your <>. Only a minute into the chase, already the beam of the flashlight following you turns away. Though <>he's<><>she's<><>they're<> far behind you, you hear echoes of <> breathing heavily. \u000a \u000a"<>!" <>he shouts.<><>she shouts.<><>they shout.<> "<>" \u000a \u000a<>'s trudging footsteps fade off in the distance. Too late you realize that without the flashlight beam coming from camp, you no longer have any idea which direction anything came from. You wait alone in the dark and a chilly wind blows by between the trunks of trees; their walls of wood form your labyrinth. \u000a \u000a<>... \u000a \u000a> <>Just pick a direction and go.<>What if you fall into a pit?<>What if there are bear traps?<>What if there are bears?<>One time when you were back in the woods, it was hunting season and you didn't know and you were wearing a shirt that kind of camouflaged you and you almost got shot.<>You don't know where all the property lines end. You'll end up trespassing somewhere.<>Thing is, people don't like trespassers and if it's in the middle of the night they'll think you're a burglar and you could get shot and die.<>The Darkness is impenetrable in that direction.<>Oof! You run into a tree.<> \u000a> [[Keep hiding.|You are One Who Walks Unseen]] \u000a> [[Return, surrender, and apologize.|Apologies]] \u000a> [[Guess the direction of the tent and sneak back.|In a submission hold]] p1126 sg23 VLost in the Woods p1127 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I23 I30 I24 I3 I303 I1 tp1128 (dp1129 tp1130 Rp1131 sg31 (lp1132 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I13 I18 I33 I49 I0 I286 I1 tp1133 (dp1134 tp1135 Rp1136 sbsa(dp1137 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1138 F1381.9999999999995 aF1189.3333333333328 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1139 (dp1140 g21 V<>So disgusting. Yet, it almost doesn't look real. There's only one way to know. But it looks so menacing. \u000a \u000a> [[Touch it.|Not scared]] \u000a> [[No, really, touch it!|Not scared]] \u000a> [[OMG, touch it!|Not scared]] p1141 sg23 Vtouch it p1142 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I20 I54 I34 I6 I299 I1 tp1143 (dp1144 tp1145 Rp1146 sg31 (lp1147 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I17 I22 I48 I14 I4 I290 I1 tp1148 (dp1149 tp1150 Rp1151 sbsa(dp1152 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1153 F805.6666666666663 aF668.3333333333337 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1154 (dp1155 g21 VYou return, unzip the tent slowly, and <> <>. \u000a \u000a"I knew you'd be back, <>." \u000a \u000aYou apologize, <>. It feels <>. \u000a \u000a"<>," your <> says. "C'mon, get in here and set up your sleeping bag." \u000a \u000a> [[Enter the tent.|In the Tent]] p1156 sg23 VApologies p1157 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I21 I1 I53 I6 I299 I1 tp1158 (dp1159 tp1160 Rp1161 sg31 (lp1162 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I20 I9 I14 I23 I0 I293 I1 tp1163 (dp1164 tp1165 Rp1166 sbsa(dp1167 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1168 F654.9999999999999 aF805.0000000000001 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1169 (dp1170 g21 V<>You <> \u000a \u000a"<>" <> says, <>. "C'mon, get in here and set up your sleeping bag." \u000a \u000a> [[Say something snappy, then climb into your sleeping bag.|In the Tent]] \u000a> [[Say something apologetic, get into your sleeping bag.|In the Tent]] \u000a> [[Say nothing, just crawl into your sleeping bag.|In the Tent]] \u000a> [[Laugh back at <>, then climb into your sleeping bag.|In the Tent]] \u000a> <>Hit <>, get in sleeping bag.<>That's pushing it a little, don't you think?<>No you don't wanna do that. You'll just get beat up if you do.<>[[I don't care, bring on the consequences.|In a submission hold]]<> p1171 sg23 VHow scary p1172 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I30 I12 I11 I38 I3 I303 I1 tp1173 (dp1174 tp1175 Rp1176 sg31 (lp1177 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I20 I9 I14 I24 I0 I293 I1 tp1178 (dp1179 tp1180 Rp1181 sbsa(dp1182 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1183 F1526.9999999999998 aF1514.9999999999993 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1184 (dp1185 g21 VSuffering is the only way that <> knows to make <>his<><>her<><>their<> presence undoubtably real to you. In <>his<><>her<><>their<> head, it <> necessary. Otherwise, <> \u000a \u000aPain and fright are not one in the same. This fear that hovers around <> affects you even when <>he's<><>she's<><><> is<> doing no such thing to you as physical harm. And sometimes, when it's supposed to hurt, you <>... \u000a \u000aSo it is not really pain that activates this fear, nor truly your <>, but something else. \u000a \u000a> [[It's true.|Choice of Fears]] \u000a<>> <>Not true.<>You're not listening to me.<>That does not match my experience.<>But the scarecrow only knows its story.<>You are helpless to change its head.<>It's hopeless. Never an escape.<>Nothing is safe.<>...<><> \u000a> <>Explain further.<>The point is moot, the scarecrow is mute.<> p1186 sg23 VOn Pain p1187 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I3 I9 I24 I4 I0 I307 I0 tp1188 (dp1189 tp1190 Rp1191 sg31 (lp1192 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I20 I9 I18 I4 I0 I293 I1 tp1193 (dp1194 tp1195 Rp1196 sbsa(dp1197 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1198 F1110.666666666667 aF774.9999999999999 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1199 (dp1200 g21 V<> <> like you're <>. \u000a \u000aYou <> in your <> sleeping bag. You <> get out of the tent. You've gotta go... \u000a \u000aNo. I mean... you've gotta GO. \u000a \u000a> [[Get the heck out of the tent and answer Nature's call.|gotta go]] p1201 sg23 Vuh oh p1202 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I31 I0 I10 I41 I4 I304 I1 tp1203 (dp1204 tp1205 Rp1206 sg31 (lp1207 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I21 I10 I21 I34 I1 I294 I1 tp1208 (dp1209 tp1210 Rp1211 sbsa(dp1212 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1213 F1524.9999999999998 aF1203.3333333333333 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1214 (dp1215 g21 V<><><><><><><><><><><><>Your flashlight beam flickers and it's like you do call out something, but your voice just isn't there. Like the scarecrow's. It stares right at you, arms stretched out. Some rotten goop drips out its mouth like blood and it smells gross like moldy hay. A fly buzzes around, going in and out its head. Something else-- a <>-- crawls out its sleeve and falls off.<> \u000a \u000aWhy isn't the ember glowing? You infer that maybe probably it's because you aren't having a nightmare. A kid could only see the glow if they were having a nightmare, so it would only glow for you, to your eyes, if you were having a nightmare-- and it's good to know you aren't having a nightmare. Good to know... until the scarecrow tells you, too. \u000a \u000a\u201cYou are not... having a nightmare...\u201d<> \u000a \u000aYou freeze and hold your breath, and can't take the flashlight off the scarecrow. \u000a \u000a> [["H-h-hello...?"|Choice of Fears]] \u000a> [["That's not funny, <>..."|Choice of Fears]] \u000a> [["Go away!"|Choice of Fears]] \u000a> [["Leave me alone, please!"|Choice of Fears]] \u000a> [["Stop it!"|Choice of Fears]] \u000a> [["Don't hurt me!"|Choice of Fears]] p1216 sg23 VNot having a nightmare p1217 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I31 I0 I15 I5 I4 I304 I1 tp1218 (dp1219 tp1220 Rp1221 sg31 (lp1222 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I21 I10 I46 I56 I1 I294 I1 tp1223 (dp1224 tp1225 Rp1226 sbsa(dp1227 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1228 F653.6666666666664 aF1345.0000000000002 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1229 (dp1230 g21 VThanks for playing. I really appreciate it. No matter what your <> called you. \u000a \u000a~ ~ ~ \u000aCREDITS \u000a *Original story by me, Duncan Bowsman. \u000a *"The Damned Cat" and "Bug Testers Needed" from Eek! (2013), by Duncan Bowsman. \u000a \u000aThanks for code: Leon Arnott and Squinky. \u000a \u000aThanks for nightmares: \u000aSara Valdez, David Cornelson, Eric Gallegos, Jeremiah Daniels, Melissa Raven, Dennis Werthman, Christopher Bowsman, J.H. Sponberg, Geneva Hobson \u000a \u000aSounds taken from or based on... \u000a *Great horned owl & American crow sounds from Western Birding By Ear, by Richard K Walton and Robert W Lawson. \u000a *"Howling Wind" from Scary Sound Effects. \u000a *Rain & insect sounds from Living Sound Effects, Vol. 4. \u000a *"A Crows Sound ~ Call of an Angry Murder of Crows - Calls or Koww ~ Bird Sounds" from Randalls Relaxation channel @ Youtube. \u000a *"Crow cawing sound effect" via Jojikiba @ Youtube. \u000a *"Forest Night Time Sounds" by SweetCosmosMusic @ Youtube. p1231 sg23 VTHE END. p1232 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I11 I1 I22 I27 I3 I5 I305 I1 tp1233 (dp1234 tp1235 Rp1236 sg31 (lp1237 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I23 I11 I17 I11 I3 I296 I1 tp1238 (dp1239 tp1240 Rp1241 sbsa(dp1242 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1243 F1168.6666666666667 aF402.0 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1244 (dp1245 g21 V"Do you want to hear a story?" \u000a \u000a> [[Yes.|Scary Stories]] \u000a> <> \u000a> <>No.<>[[By which I mean yes.|Scary Stories]]<> p1246 sg23 VHear a story? p1247 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I19 I27 I51 I6 I299 I1 tp1248 (dp1249 tp1250 Rp1251 sg31 (lp1252 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I19 I22 I35 I6 I299 I1 tp1253 (dp1254 tp1255 Rp1256 sbsa(dp1257 g14 I00 sg15 (lp1258 F1555.0 aF491.6666666666666 asg17 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p1259 (dp1260 g21 VThis one is called, "Bug Testers Needed." \u000a \u000a> [[OK.|Bug Testers Needed, Part 1 of 5]] \u000a> [["I changed my mind!"|Scary Stories]] p1261 sg23 VBug Testers Needed p1262 sg25 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I20 I5 I59 I6 I299 I1 tp1263 (dp1264 tp1265 Rp1266 sg31 (lp1267 sg33 g26 ((I2014 I10 I26 I20 I3 I50 I6 I299 I1 tp1268 (dp1269 tp1270 Rp1271 sbsasS'scale' p1272 F0.6000000000000001 sS'snapping' p1273 I00 ss.