========================================= - The Three-Hour Game Competition - November - December 2004 ========================================= - JUDGING FORM - Please return completed forms to woodfish5@hotmail.com before Tuesday 7th December 2004. Score the games from 1 to 10 - ten being very good, and one being very bad, and write your comments below. Thanks for judging! GAME ONE | AUTHOR | VERSION | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are coming to get you! | Richard Otter | 4 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCORE : Comments : GAME TWO | AUTHOR | VERSION | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Veteran Experience | Robert Rafgon | 3.90 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCORE : Comments : GAME THREE | AUTHOR | VERSION | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Murder of Jack Morely | Mystery | 4 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCORE : Comments : GAME FOUR | AUTHOR | VERSION | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buried Alive | David Whyld | 4 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCORE : Comments : GAME FIVE | AUTHOR | VERSION | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snakes and Ladders | Ken Franklin | 4 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCORE : Comments : GAME SIX | AUTHOR | VERSION | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zombies are Cool, but Not so Cool when | Mel S | | they're Eating your Head | | 3.90 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCORE : Comments :