Version history for glulxa v0.1 - Apr 29 1999 ================== Original Release v0.2 - May 7 1999 ================= Major bugfix release. Also incorporates new functionality. This release totally supercedes v.01. Changes detailed below Added this file. Fixed bug in ds.l operand. Fixed label address calculation bug. Fixed bug in calculation of string lengths which could cause memory overflows if strings were longer than 256 characters. Added support for embedded newlines in strings ('C' style) Changed method of adding operands - table is now dynamic. changed method of adding labels - table is now dynamic and no restrictions on number of labels (previously no more than 1024) removed the op_ from the operands Renamed Hello.glx to Hello.ula Added glkops.ula and shell file 'gass' for those using unix with a valid cpp. this should make glk calls easier. Added functionality to report filename and linenumber for those using cpp. Changed README to reflect above changes. v0.3 - May 20 1999 ================== Minor feature / compatibility release Changes detailed below Hello.ula changed. Changed to handle / be compatible with the new glulx VM header format. glulxa now compiles code for glulxe v010 available from Changed to make the executable file size smaller. Previously, all memory blocks were 256 bytes long, resulting in a minimum size of 1280 bytes. Minimum filesize now 256 bytes, as per the spec. Note - the actual start of rom is 5 longwords away from the end of the header. This is so that zarf's glulxdump app will work with the output of this assembler. v0.31 - May 21 1999 =================== Patch release Added new opcodes I'd missed with to sync up with glulxe. Fixed bug in checksum code (thanks Iain) changed definition of errno to be ansi compliant, chopping out a warning. (also, thanks Iain) minor changes to README. v0.32 - June 1 1999 =================== Patch release Now nulls all memory blocks on allocation. Makes debugging DOS port easier Linefeeds are explicitly 0x0a now, as DOS (and probably win) compiles do that cr/lf thang Output file mode changed to 'wb' as non-sensible machines (read that as DOS) have a tendency to convert newlines to CR/LF pairs without being told to. Nasty. V0.4 - June 7 1999 ================== Major patch release Now calculates offsets for relative jump opcodes, if the offset operand is given as in absolute addressing mode. All other addressing modes are treated as precomputed offsets. You can now give a 'discard' addressing mode, by coding '~' as the operand. V0.45 - June 8 1999 =================== Minor Patch / enhancement release Patched RAM addressing to work correctly - i.e. give ram addresses relative to RAMSTART Integrated patches from David Given. label addresses can now have an offset - i.e. :label:6 gives the address 6 bytes on from :label If no type modifier added to absolute operands, the assembler will try to optimise for the best size. v 0.46 - November 5 2005 ======================== Glulxa re-released as GPL . Some minor changes made by Julio Sangrador to make ulx files run under Zag Java interpreter. Source and license repacked by Carlos Sanchez. v 0.5 - April 2009 ================== mcopy, mzero, malloc, mfree, accelfunc and accelparam opcodes added by Carlos Sanchez to match compatibility with Glulx 3.1.1 implementation v 0.51 - April 2009 =================== * Improved automatic addressing modes. Labels are now always assembled as long operands; before, they could be incorrectly assembled based on the last character of the label name. Automatic addressing modes are now supported for RAM, call frame local, and memory operands too, not only constant operands. * Added the opcodes jltu, jgeu, jgtu, jleu, streamunichar, jumpabs, mzero, mcopy, malloc, and mfree. Also corrected the opcodes catch, throw, and gestalt. * Changed the minimum Glulx version from 2.0 to 3.1.1. * Allowed the string decoding table to be set in the header, by defining the label ":string_decoding_table". * Warning messages are shown when labels are used but lacking a previous definition