Random generator is now in predictable mode. Random generator is now in random mode. Function call malloc(\{0d}) returned NULL, probably out of memory. Could not open file named "\{0s}". Could not open trace file "\{0s}". Function call realloc(\{0d}) returned NULL, probably out of memory. Error reading first story byte from "\{0s}". Unknown story version \{0d}. Invalid parameter type "\{0s}". Invalid IFF access mode \{0d}. Opcode JE with only 1 oerand is illegal. Function call time() returned -1. Function call gettimeofday() returned a nonzero value. Cannot divide by zero. The original storyfile "\{0s}" could not be found. Not yet implemented. Object number \{0d} not allowed in story version \{1d}. Attribute number \{0d} not allowed in story version \{1d}. An error occured while reading from file "\{0s}". An error occured trying to close file "\{0s}". Story file size of \{0d} bytes is too large, only \{1d} bytes are allowed for this version. No property \{0d} for object \{1d}. Cannot read properties with a length greater than 2. More than 15 locals are not allowed. Fatal error reading story file. Can't find chunk "IFhd". Could not read release number. Could not read serial number. Could not read checksum. Could not read Restore-PC. Can't find "CMem" or "UMem" chunk. Can't read chunk length. Error reading save file. Can't find chunk "Stks". Cannot pull from empty stack. Cannot drop \{0d} words from stack: Not enough words stored. Unknown char code \{0d}. Invalid ZSCII output-code \{0d}. Unknown error case. Maximum number of stack entries per routine (\{0d}) exceeded. Trying to strore variable L\{0d}, but only \{1d} variables are active. Not enough stack words from local routine on stack. Instruction form not initialized. Unknown operand type \{0d}. Opcode \{0d} of instruction form \{1d} not implemented. Object number 0 is not valid. Maximum abbreviation depth is \{0d}. Please enter a filename for the transcript file. Invalid backslash-sequence in localization data. Invalid output stream number \{0d}. Warning for "\{0s}" at address \{1x}: Null pointer received. Invalid node type \{0d}. Property number 0 is not valid. Property number \{0d} is not allowed in story version \{1d}. Caught signal \{0d}, aborting interpreter. Timed input not implemented in interface "\{0s}". Function call \{0s} returned error \{1d}: "\{2s}". Error \{0d} occured before read: "\{1s}". Preloaded input not availiable in interface "\{0s}". Call of function "\{0s}" returned error code \{1d}. Call of function "\{0s}" aborted due to error. Please enter savegame filename. Fizmo version \{0s}. Story release number \{0d}. Story serial number \{0s}. Current Z-Stack size: \{0d} entries. Routine stack underflow check disabled. Version \{0d} game not supported by \{1s} interface. Z-Stack entries in use: \{0d}. Invalid throw destination stack index \{0d}. Maximum stream 3 depth \{0d} exceeded. Invalid ZSCII input-code \{0d}. Error writing save file. \{0d} bytes allocated by text history. \{0d} bytes allocated by block buffer. \{0d} bytes allocated by text history metadata. Valid commands are: \{0d} bytes allocated by paragraph cache. Release number, serial number or checksum doesn't match. Please enter name for command file. Filename must not be empty. This function has been disabled. \{0d} Bytes used for undo. Unknown configuration option \{0s}.