" *******************************************************************" " * KINGSLEY'S MANSION *" " * *" " * Thank you for playing Kingsley's Mansion. A considerable *" " * amount of time and effort went into creating this game. If you *" " * enjoy it, please send a small registration fee of $2.00 to *" " * $5.00. This will entitle you to a hint sheet that will help in *" " * solving the game; you will also be notified of any upcoming *" " * sequels to Kingsley's Mansion and all additional games that I *" " * create. If you really stop and think about it, the price of *" " * registration is less than it costs to go to the movies, and *" " * you should get many more hours of enjoyment out of this game *" " * than you would a movie. Plus you'll feel better about yourself,*" " * well, maybe not, but I'll sure feel a lot better about you. *" " * This is the first program that I have ever written, *" " * although I did complete a few much shorter programs while I was*" " * in the process of creating Kingsley's Mansion. As such, I am *" " * very interested in any comments or suggestions you might have, *" " * whether you are a registered user or not. ENJOY THE GAME !!! *" " * *" " * James S. Nixon - P.O. Box 1063 - Van, Texas 75790 *" " *******************************************************************" " press any key to continue"